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Everything posted by radiochaser

  1. As spider implied, it is the democrats who run the economy better than the republicans.
  2. I have a hard time wrapping my mind around the fact that, too many things that I buy now, cost as much as 1/2 more now, than they did before biden became president! Because I tend to just put stuff like receipts for things that I buy, down just anywhere in the house, and I find them months, even years later, I can see that prices are 25% to 50% cheaper back then, before biden was president, than now. That is an absolute fact! I buy 3/4 inch plywood that before biden was president cost $35.00 per sheet, now $73.00, as an example. Before biden, my wife had an estimate for build costs of her dream house that was $300,000.00. That dream house cost has now increased to $750,000.00!!! So glad the democrats are doing what they are doing to run the economy better! If you want to call running the economy better when the democrats/biden causes so much inflation, then by all means, continue to do so. What youtube podcasts? The ones I link to? Or podcasts I make? If you are implying that I make podcasts, I am too lazy to do that. I have 2 or three videos on youtube, and the only person that seems to view them is me, except the video I posted about the CNC machine making a crown for one of my teeth. That CNC video has over 40 views after about 1 or 2 years!
  3. I read about a man that hit a deer. It flipped and went through his windshield feet first. The deer then kicked the man to death!
  4. I have some panoramic pictures I made from the Newark Airport. From the top of the control tower, which is 400 or 450 foot tall. How big are those deer. The only deer I have seen in south east asia was a Mouse Deer in Vietnam between Phu Cat and Quy Nhon. A Vietnamese man had his own menagerie of animals in Vietnam. He told me that many Vietnamese had never seen a Mouse Deer as it was nocturnal. His English was really good. Almost fluent.
  5. I don't think I will. After surgery to remove a malfunctioning parathyroid gland back in August 2019, first three weeks I lost 20 pounds, from 205 pounds, and now I am 175 pounds at 6' 2". Still slowly losing weight. My diet has not changed much, if at all either. Sort of a see food diet. I like the fettuccini type of microwave dish that the 7/11 sells. When in Thailand, I sometimes eat two of them at night, when I am there without the wife. Then she brings food home.
  6. Wait! What? No!! Damned Canuks, how did they get in here! :-O
  7. I had frequent after hours calls for urgent assistance from police departments, usually in New Jersey. This usually resulted in me driving the New Jersey Turnpike or Garden State Parkway at high speeds in the night upwards of 85 mph. There were herds of deer right off the shoulders of the highways, mostly the Garden State Parkway, that were from about 5 to (a guess>>->) 50! I was always concerned that one or more deer would bolt across the highway in front of me. The evidence that deer had done just that, littered the sides of the highways!
  8. This seems to be a very informative video about an EV.
  9. The biggest problem I have with EV's here in the U.S. of A. is the not very subtle pressure from the government's use of taxpayer money fund them and the anti-fossil fuel progressives continuous pressure to buy one. If you want one, then buy one, but don't make false claims that they are environmentally better than fossil fuel vehicles when there is evidence that they are not, starting from the moment of collection of the material to make them!
  10. If I had one, just as the woman suggested, it would be locked up. Same reason I lock the doors of my vehicles, in my driveway, too many people are thieves!!
  11. The arrogance of some people, sounds like England.
  12. Based on the video, I assume he didn't list his station for public use, tesla did it!
  13. You mean, the part about 5 billion dollars or taxpayer money being used to help pay for charging stations? https://www.cnbc.com/2022/02/10/biden-rolls-out-5-billion-to-states-for-electric-vehicle-chargers.html That isn't an investment. That is the government using the people's money for something that users and sellers should be paying for!
  14. There is a youtube video of a woman who parked in the driveway of a man's house, to plug into his home charging station. If I recall correctly, his charging station is showing up on a charging station map. It is his, personal charging station, not a public charging stations. He has to pay for the electricity she wanted for her EV!
  15. There is this. https://www.npr.org/2023/09/10/1187224861/electric-vehicles-evs-cars-chargers-charging-energy-secretary-jennifer-granholm Electric cars have a road trip problem, even for the secretary of energy https://www.businessinsider.com/couple-electric-car-kia-road-trip-charging-range-anxiety-2023-2 A couple took an electric car on a 1,500 mile road trip. They had to stop 12 times and forgo heat due to their range anxiety. My last trip to Louisiana was about 1400 miles. If I had only stopped to refuel, I would have only had to make 3 stops on the way down. As posted before, I can drive more than 500 miles on one tank of fuel. https://www.thetruthaboutcars.com/cars/news-blog/is-rivian-still-spending-billions-now-to-make-billions-later-44503156 Rivian lost an estimated $33,000 on every pickup it sold in the second quarter of this year, which is kind of impressive considering the cheapest model it sells still goes for a sizable $73,000. Considering its lofty initial public offering (IPO) and enviable product specifications, some are wondering why the company isn’t in better shape. Also, a local Nissan dealer had 4 or 5 charging stations in front of the dealer show room when my wife bought her Nissan NV200 van (work vehicle for her restaurant) in 2019. Late Last year or early this year I drove with her so she could leave her van for servicing and all the chargers were gone. I neglected to ask why they were removed.
  16. Yes it damn well does! Look at the Ford EV 150 Lariat which is comparable to the RAM Laramie I think. https://www.ford.ca/trucks/f150/f150-lightning/ Edited because the first linked page did not have the price displayed!! Note that the price is the "starting price"!!
  17. At a shopping center near our condo, where the wife and daughter in law go to have nails done and an ice cream shop, there are 3 charging stations on a median separating a bi directional driving lane. WTF was my first thought when I looked at that!
  18. https://www.truecar.com/new-cars-for-sale/listing/3C6UR5FL1PG635506/2023-ram-2500/ I was looking at the 2500 Laramie. Those midsized vehicles are too uncomfortable for me. Not enough legroom. After 30 minutes of driving, my knees start hurting due to my arthritis. After about 1 -2 hours I have to stop and walk around for a few minutes to ease the pain. My truck has more legroom than I need, my knees don't hurt, and is the most comfortable vehicle to drive that I have owned. On long trips, I can (if I don't need a piss stop) drive more than 500 miles before stopping to refuel. Refueling, buying snacks or a meal, pissing, walking around for exercise etc, only takes 20 to 30 minutes. I have asked EV drivers how long they have been at a charging station during long drives. Responses I get are anywhere from 30 minutes up to 4 hours! Next question I ask is how long before you can leave, that response is anywhere from 1 hour to I don't know. That I don't know puzzles me, I thought the EV's told how long it takes. In New Jersey, last year, I saw 4 or 5 EV's waiting in line for their turn at the charging stations.
  19. So are the new vehicles. I looked at a 2023 RAM pickup truck (U.S. of A.) last year and it cost over $75,000.00! I decided that keeping my paid off 13 year old pickup was a cheaper choice. I bought it used in 2014 for $34,000.00 with only 14,200 miles on it. It looked like a brand new truck. I looked at that truck in December 2022. I asked about getting it in green vs the blue that the show room truck had. I was told I could get it in green but the delivery date would June or July 2023!!! This is at a dealer that used to be one of the largest, if not the largest dealer in the U.S. of A.. Besides walk in customers they sold vehicles by the tens and hundreds to other new vehicle dealers. There were times this dealer had more than 1000 vehicles parked on their property! Sales started dropping towards the end of the first obama term, they closed their back lot during the second obama term and by the time that term ended, they had less than 100 new vehicles on their property. About the third year of the Trump term, they had new vehicles parked in the back lot again. That ended in the covid shut down year. A year into the biden term, they put up barriers blocking off the back lot. No vehicles or employees work back there any more. Now the multi brand show rooms that may have had as many as 50 different vehicles on display before the obama presidential terms, barely have 10 in total some days. I walk through the showrooms on my way to buy food across the street, after dropping off my truck for service in the service department (used to be open to 8 pm m-f and till 4 pm sat & sun) which closes at 4 pm m-f now. Some showrooms only have 1 vehicle in them now. And the EV trucks they have. Last time I asked about them, they had no sales of those for two months. I think that was back in August, after I returned from Thailand. Most vehicle sales at this dealer are now used gas vehicles. How do I know? I talk to the people in sales as I go through the sales floors. I have plenty of time do to this. I drop the truck off for service at the appointment time and they still tell me that it will be an hour or two before I get it back because they have other vehicles ahead of me!!! aaaaaaarrrrrgggggghhhhhh!
  20. Since Vietnam, the only time I shoot an animal is if I have no money for food and it hasn't been like that since 1987 when I was hired by the 'gubmint. I always have money and there is always something to eat.
  21. He could have some of the deer from here, Lower Bucks County, south eastern Pennsylvania, U.S. of A.. I have nearly hit two of them in this suburban housing area in about the last two weeks. I went to the shooting range last week at 9 PM and there was a small herd of deer frolicking in the parking lot. They must have known I don't hunt animals. I have counted close to 10 dead deer on the roadside, hit by vehicles.
  22. I bought microwave food because I was hungry, at 2 am. People stay up that late. It is 11 minutes to 2 am right now where I am, here in the U.S. of A., and I could use some of those white noodles sold by 7/11. Good enough for a snack before going to sleep.
  23. You can't die MrPancake!!! I just bought a jug of maple syrup!!
  24. Are you saying (writing) that muslims don't throw gays off of buildings? There are videos on the internet of exactly that happening! Hands tied behinds men's back, legs bound at the ankles, then two or three men pick them up and throw them off the top of a 3 or 4 story building. Comments on the video claimed that some of the gay men lived and were taken back up to be thrown off the roof again!
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