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Everything posted by radiochaser

  1. You did not mention the multiple mass shootings committed by criminals, who are prohibited from possesing firearms by both local and / or federal laws. Those mass shootings are primarily done in cities and /or states that have the most restrictive firearms possession laws in the United States. I think it was Chicago, over the Memorial Day weekend, there were 51 peoples shot, which is apparently not front page, hourly, daily, weekly reporting, except when it suits the purpose of the mass media here in the U.S. of A. I am pretty sure that most of the firearms used in those mass shootings were not legally purchased or legally possessed. https://townhall.com/tipsheet/juliorosas/2022/05/31/over-40-people-shot-during-memorial-day-weekend-in-chicago-n2608003
  2. I started flying in 1961. I was 11 years old. Traveling from Texas to New Jersey, to continue to Germany. Was on a DC-3 that was like a greyhound bus, i.e., it stopped at every little airport to discharge and take on passenger. About halfway to New Jersey, plane took off from some tiny airport. Right after wheels up plane made a sharp, hard, left turn and flew back to the runway ... and crashed! Did a belly landing with gears up. Fortunately no fire and no injuries to any one on the aircraft. Naive little idiot I was at the time, I thought it was the most exciting and fun thing I had happen that year!
  3. As to the comments about women Thai drivers. I know two here in the United States. One is my niece. I have been in a car with her driving both in Thailand and here in the U.S.. She is a very competent and safe driver. My sister in law... been in a car with her driving in Thailand and the U.S.. Scared the <deleted> out of me! I now refuse to ride in a car with her driving. So, it goes both ways.
  4. Really? South Texas beaches? Glad I never had an encounter with one when I was swimming there.
  5. It is good to read that documents laminated today can be removed from the lamination, undamaged. Decades ago, I found that was not possible. Either the laminate adhered to the paper, or in other cases, the print of some photocopied documents lifted with the plastic laminate, or the printed picture lifted with the laminate. Perhaps the plastic laminate of today, is a different kind of plastic that does not require the high heat of the laminators of yesterday.
  6. My wife has a 5 baht gold chain hanging around my neck, here in the U.S.. I don't care for wearing jewelry but it has a special whatchamacallit buddha figurine hanging on the chain and she wants me to wear it. I keep it hidden under my T shirt and my other shirt so no one sees it. Neither of us wears any kind jewelry when in Thailand!
  7. Nah, I think it was the, I don't have any food for you, part. On the other hand, it just occurred to me. That could have been a thug goose and it didn't like me sitting on his bench!
  8. I sat on an open backed bench one day, admiring the view of a lake. A goose walked up and honked at me. I said, go away goose, I don't have any food for you. The goose walked away to my left and I ignored it. I ignored the goose to my chagrin. It had walked around the bench and a minute later the goose bit me in the ar$e so hard I bled!
  9. Yeah, I didn't detect the cynicism. Which purse? Not a clue. I only know she said, I bought ..... and it costs ..... and I say, that's nice. Only here in the U.S. not in Thailand. But, everything here is also in Thailand. I just know that spends her money on them. I buy tools, she buys designer goods. She likes Swarovski too. I admit I like those as well. But my tools don't cost as much as her designer items.
  10. The bag could be worth that much. My wife has a designer bag she bought, that in Thai Baht, cost more than 600,000! Me, I have one of two wallets I paid about 400 baht for, both.
  11. I used to stay in my brother in laws police apartment until he retired. His balcony is barred but it has a gate secured with a padlock. I asked where the key was. Disappeared years ago I was told. I bought two large screwdrivers and a good padlock, broke the old padlock off, installed the new padlock, put a sign under a nail in the wall telling one and all that the key was for the gate, all done the same day I was told the key was lost.
  12. A Thai friend went to see Manchester United (I think it was them) play against the Thai soccer team. It was interesting to watch. I wouldn't pay to watch them though.
  13. Do you know when khan cha (as it sounded like it was pronounced when I was first there) was made illegal in Thailand? I was in Thailand in late 1972 early 1973. Yes it was readily available, but even then it was illegal to posses. As to the pronunciation of herb's name, I believe the word had the same root as it was very similar in pronunciation in Vietnam, Thailand and India.
  14. If by "ideal location" you mean an ideal location in Thailand from which you can spy deep into China. There used to be one. I used to work there. And there is another kind of spy base that is in Thailand that still spies on China. Only now it belongs to the Thai government.
  15. I was not praising the 5.7 liter engine in my RAM 1500 engine. I commented that my RAM 1500 had a 5.7 liter engine. Because the ones they sell now, don't. Heck, until you brought up the issue of horsepower, I never knew how many the 5.7 had. I had to search the internet for it. It was too cold to walk out to the truck and get the operators manual. New RAM 1500 trucks only have a V6. If you still want the 5.7 liter engine in a RAM you have to buy the RAM 2500. It does have what I like, the leg room, not having to squat down to get in, and needing a rope to haul myself up when I get out. I have test driven some BMW's. While they are nice cars sit lower than I like and I did not feel comfortable driving them. But my RAM 1500 is a more comfortable vehicle, for me, to drive. The most comfortable vehicle to drive that I have owned. That is the most important point about my truck, comfort. As for a car with lots of power I drove a Ferrari one time. Yes it had a lot of power, it was very comfortable to sit in, but I would not buy one. The getting in and out of it thing I keep writing about. And again. Smaller car, less weight, more horsepower to weight ratio. I used to build up equipment, that used 16 cylinder diesel engines that had 1000 horsepower. But, they would only push a boat, about 15 to 20 knots. Horsepower to weight ratio (and a denser medium to push through, no wheels etc.).
  16. I don't know about the 5.7 liter Hemi getting to 400 HP. Was it supposed to? I didn't know until now, how much horsepower my RAM was rated to have. According to the internet, my RAM has 390 horsepower. Your BMW M3, if the European model (E), has 282 horse power, . U.S. model (US) has less horse power at 240 HP My RAM weighs 5640 pounds (probably before having a full gas tank) BMW M3 3219 pounds According to an internet calculator, the BMW M3 E has 0,0876 horsepower to the pound ratio. According to an internet calculator, the RAM 1500 with 5.7 liter engine has a 0.0691 horsepower to the pound ratio. According to an internet calculator, the BMW M3 US has 0.0746 horsepower to the pound ratio. Whichever BMW M3 you have (or had) it can accelerate faster than my truck. It has more horsepower to weight ratio, it had better be faster. My RAM truck can carry over 1000 pounds and tow 9800 pounds (Less than my BIL's Truck). With a 31 gallon fuel tank, out on the freeway, and driving at 65 - 70 mph, I drive about 525 miles before I stop to refuel (and take a break). Betcha that BMW M3 can beat that too. But, it is the most comfortable vehicle I have owned and driven. That is why I like my RAM and not some little, have to squat down till my knees hit me in the chin to get into, car. And I have had some of those too.
  17. Your comment reminded me of when the car I was driving last year was hit at the rear, here in the United States. Over $10,000.00 in repairs (1/5 the cost of the vehicle). It did not occur to me until reading your statement, that the airbag did not deploy! Makes me wonder about what it takes to make the airbag deploy. Perhaps the airbag of the Porche did not deploy as the sensors were not tripped as other have written, or as someone else wrote, because the seat belt was not fastened, due to an interlock preventing the airbag deployment.
  18. If it were me, I would keep driving the vehicle I am most comfortable driving, one that has a very comfortable seat, for me, and with lots of room for my (sometimes too long it seems) long legs. Not one of the dinky cars that I have to squat down to get into and needing a rope to hang on to and pull myself up with when I get out. Oh, and for the 5.7 Liter Hemi engine in it.
  19. I did. That is why I am not a drunk. My chosen social circle included very good people, who worked very hard at their jobs, had compassion for the Thai people, contributed money to orphanages, and senior citizen support groups, some still do, both inside and from outside of Thailand. Some volunteered their own time to help the Thai people. Some still do. Whereas, the drunkards social groups, did what the drunkards social groups did, they got drunk and did what out of control drunks do. Irrelevant to 50 years to you, but not to thousands of us that made a difference in peoples lives. What have you done?
  20. In my past experience, in Thailand 1972-1973, for every 1 out 10 out of control pot smokers, there were 6 to 8 out of 10 out of control drunks! And every out of control drunk was obnoxious and many times dangerous. Back in 1972-1973 and still that way today.
  21. Thai stick made you vomit? Is that what you mean? We smoked that back in 1972-1973 when I was stationed outside of Udon Thani and no one that I know was sick from smoking it. People walked into a wall, fell down stairs, stared at the beautiful star, stood still for a couple of minutes before continuing to walk, and all manner of other silly stuff. But not got sick. if that is what you mean. Unless you drank too much alcoholic beverages along with smoking it. Then I understand.
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