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Everything posted by radiochaser

  1. I believe that. My ex-brother in law, before he retired from the Thai police, took me out to shoot his .38 Smith & Wesson. He was unable to hit a 6 by 12 inch (15 x 30 cm) board from 15 feet (4.57 m). I first thought the sights on his revolver were off, but all 6 of the shots I fired went into a 1 inch circle.
  2. One only hope. Back in late 1971 or early 1972, a Laotian army unit reported to Hanoi, they were moving French POW's to a new compound. The French government, allegedly, had ransomed or somehow repatriated all the POW's left after the war they were in before being kicked out of SEA. Based on intell intercepts, they didn't!
  3. I am going to hazard a guess. Dropped by a U.S. Air Force aircraft, en route back to an Air Base in Korat (I think there was one there). Returning from bombing in North Vietnam, with unexpended ordinance. Unexpended ordinance due to damage by anti-aircraft fire or SAM. Dropped in an area, that appeared to be uninhabited during the bombing raids on North Vietnam. I forget the time of year, but when I was at Udon Thani, you could see contrails from B52's every day at 5:30 PM flying to some airbase south of Udon. Or it could have been they were flying to North Vietnam. One or the other.
  4. Ranting here. Perhaps a bit off topic. I didn't even read the other comments except in passing as I scrolled down to the field where you click to post comments. I think I have read some of this, rooster's writings before. Not very impressed. I was in Vietnam during the Vietnam war for 20 months. In Thailand outside of Udon Thani for 7 months of the Vietnam war (not U.S. Airforce). Some of the internet sleuths can figure out what that place, with the Elephant Cage, did. We had knowledge of some Thai forces in Vietnam. Some of their activities, based on the intell that the people I worked with generated about them (yeah we spied on our own allies), was impressive! I had to have a Top Secret clearance before I could start my primary school. The kind of clearance that is now is a TSC/SCI. Everyone I worked with or around had the same clearance I did, cooks, clerks, motor pool mechanics, etc. Everyone had the same clearance, just in case those people that had actual access to the classified intell, got drunk and talked about it. But the, I have to kill you if I tell you, saying is a joke! Not something of actual fact. Unless, you never, actually, were one of those special people, then I can see those, not ex-special people use that saying, thinking it is real ... I guess. I have been telling people for years what my job was, the government does not care. The government only cares if you give the actual data to someone that not only does not have the clearance to hear it, but even those who have the clearance but not the access to it. You can have the highest clearance in U.S. or foreign governments, but if you have not been granted, what we used to call "access" (and still may be) you can't be told what the intell is! I guess the short version of this paragraph would be, if someone tells you they would have to kill you if they told you what they did, and says it seriously, not as a joke, then they were never Special Forces, Force Recon, CIA, NSA, ASA, NSG, AFSS, etc. Not all the people who had highly classified positions in the military were "Green Berets", (most were not) although, some were. My Detachment Commander at Phu Cat, Vietnam was an Army Special Forces guy that was pulled from MACV-SOG when the Detachment needed a Commander after the previous commander was removed for incompetence! And this guy was one of the 400-600 that one internet website claims were "running recon and direct action operations". He was a school trained in the MOS 05D, as I was (tooting my own horn here folks). None of the work I did is classified any longer. Some of the intell generated by what we did is still classified but if you know what to search for, you can find and download pdf documents of declassified intell that has redacted words, names, places, sentences, paragraphs and sometimes whole pages and get an idea of what we did. As an aside, some government leader, recently gave intell to the Chinese government, about the Russian invasion, and it was promptly given to the ... Russian government that was doing the invading. Talk about telling the enemy how we collect intell ... but that is my opinion. Well, I got to get ready to pick up the grand daughter, so won't be able to edit and correct any mistakes I wroet (hee hee) if any!
  5. Do you understand how, giving U.S. intel to enemy states, assists those states in understanding how the U.S. developed that intel?
  6. "Confirm the following: 1. The Russian Federation, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America reaffirm their commitment to Ukraine, in accordance with the principles of the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, to respect the independence and sovereignty and the existing borders of Ukraine; 2. The Russian Federation, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America reaffirm their obligation to refrain from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of Ukraine, and that none of their weapons will ever be used against Ukraine except in sel" http://www.securitycouncilreport.org/atf/cf/{65BFCF9B-6D27-4E9C-8CD3-CF6E4FF96FF9}/s_1994_1399.pdf
  7. I can see I am late to this, cold, conversation ... Kind of warm where I am tonight, compared to the colder temperatures this past week. 38 degrees and the past temperatures have been in the mid 10's to the low 20's. That's Fahrenheit degrees!
  8. Not any where near as severe, when I was 4 years old I managed to get both of my hands in the wringer of a washing machine. My mom was next door and heard me screaming, came back and hit the release bar, letting the rollers open up and I fell on my butt. I remember hearing the lady next door saying, oh thank god, I thought someone was killing that child! Damn wringers pulled all the fingernails off my iddy biddy fingers! It looked like these, if you don't know what I am writing about.
  9. That bag looks like the bag that the burgers I ate last year in Thailand were in. I needed something besides Thai food to eat and because of health issues, I only went across the multi lane roadway to the mall across from the apartment building I was in (not the wuhan virus health issues). I was surprised at how good the burgers tasted. I kept thinking, did they change something and now they taste better? On returning to America, I went to the same company burger place and ordered the the same burger that I ate in Thailand. Tasted terrible like I remembered they did. Makes me wonder, why the burger tasted better in Thailand than it does in the country that the burger store came from.
  10. I wonder about that infection thing (disregarding the current omicron thing). My brother in law across the street had covid and was in the hospital for 3 days. 5 other people in the house did not catch it. I had covid and wife did not catch it. Neither did anyone else that and spent some time in the house. And then I read and hear about entire families that are infected.
  11. Victim of booze. Nope Victim of gambling. Nope Two out of three ain't bad!
  12. My Thai wife and I stayed in separate rooms when we had to go to Thailand last year. It was her idea. She told me she wanted separate rooms so she would not have to explain to the Thai Police, why there was a dead husband in the room. ????‍♀️
  13. I have a very dark skinned Thai nephew that my wife supported from elementary, to highschool and as he was attending a University in Bangkok. He completed his education and receivied a degree in mechanical engineering, with high grades. He had his choice of where and who to work for within 2 months of graduating. He chose the one that paid the most money, which I think was aout 25,000 baht a month, but I could be wrong about that, but it was a very high starting salary. So I do not understand fully the issue with dark skinned Thai's being discriminated against because of the dark color of their skin. As to Americans of African decent, I have known several who married Thai women, both in Thailad and here in the U.S. of A.. None of them seem to have a problem from other Thai's from an apparent racist attitude based on the color of their skin.
  14. What is this "SHA"? That is an acronym that I have not seen before. Or these "SHA+", "SHA Plus+".
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