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Everything posted by radiochaser

  1. Yes. It much more of a pain when I used a pocket watch. Move my jacket aside, fumble to pull the watch out of my watch pocket, look then fumble to put it back inside the watch pocket. I was told I should use a watch fob with the pocket watch. Sort of like trying to get the time from a cell phone.
  2. How did I mischaracterize a copy and paste job?
  3. An indian guy tried to sell me a Rolax one time.
  4. I like wearing a watch. Partly from habit due to wearing one for the last 60 years. Partly so I don't have to dig out a cell phone, from a zipper closed pocket or bag, pushing a button to light up the screen and display the time, then putting the cell phone back into said pocket or bag and zipping it back closed (zippers used due to past experience with pickpockets in Thailand). With a watch, I just raise my arm a bit, turn the wrist, and wala, there is the time. Takes all of 1-2 seconds, vs. the fumbling around that is sometimes required to look at a cell phone.
  5. My opinion of 3 letter agencies? I worked for one. Can you trust me? ???? Seriously, I don't trust the leaders that achieved their position more from political connections than from good work, especially when it comes to the GM (General Manager) jobs. I think it is at the GS-11 or 12 level and above, the employer must post an announcement for a vacant position, as required by law. I know of one case where a guy was told he would be moved into a regional director position, which is a GM position (as is the supervisor of an office within a region). He became upset and made verbal complaints to higher ups when he saw that the job was advertised, but he was reassured, it doesn't matter, you will get the regional director job. This guy was known as a brown noser and a back stabber and was not one of the better agents, in regards to his work. Several agents either transferred to different regions or put in for retirement after he became regional director. Some of the people that stayed suddenly had bad work reviews when previously they were getting bonuses for good work. I haven't thought much about whistleblowers, so don't have any opinion that I am willing to post right at the moment. I, myself, am always concerned about the leader of some agencies and was for the last 15 years of my active employment. I am not unlike many other American citizen's.
  6. Wait, are you saying that the republican is telling the truth?
  7. False assertion? Because they are retired? Just because they are former, or retired, does not mean they don't have some clout with what they say. In some cases, even if they are retired, that does not mean they cannot work occasionally and still have inside knowledge about an issue. I myself am a retired GS 13 Step 6, Federal Agent , but I still have the same expertise that I gained from the more than two decades of work with the government as a civilian and several years from working with the military. And due to closure of multiple offices of the agency I once worked with, I still work occasionally in my field of expertise, on a contract basis, per case. Due to that I still have my security clearance needed to access classified computer systems and data. Of those 50 guys, they are probably GS 12 grade or above. So even if retired, the government may still call on them occasionally for their knowledge, support, and expertise.
  8. Just like democrat lawyers too! It must be true!
  9. See what happens when you are a vegan? Your whole species dies out!
  10. That happened to me. I did not know about an exit fee. Just before checking in or sometime during my check in I gave my remaining baht to a Thai relative. Fortunately, I was able to locate him outside trying to get a taxi! Fricking embarrassing it was! And I don't embarrass easily!
  11. But that was my comment. The spokesman is paid to say what he said. Whether or not it is true, whether or not anyone believes it, whether or not the spokesman believes or does not believe what he reported. He does not do it for free, right?
  12. You want me to repeat what I wrote? Why?
  13. Now wait a minute bub... my sister is not a crook! She is a pain in the butt sometimes though!
  14. I don't know if you are looking to buy or rent. Manor is about 1 kilometer from BTS. Has balconies overlooking the river, big enough to have a small table and several chairs (at least ours is). You can see it on google earth. Manor Sanambinnam (แมเนอร์ สนามบินน้ำ) -Condominium complex Bang Krasaw, Mueang Nonthaburi District Nonthaburi 11000 Thailand +66 2 526 8833 Open 24 hours bit.ly
  15. Your post reminds me of a man I knew in Houston Texas. He seemed like a nice guy. He told me he was diagnosed with schizophrenia. He showed me pictures of a very nicely built cabin he build and lived in in a forest someplace. I asked why he moved out of it. He told me that storm troopers would parachute onto the roof and march around it all night keeping him awake. He said they followed him from the forest and he would see and hear them in the boarding house some nights. I stayed away from him and his room in the boarding house after discovering he had a 12 gauge shotgun to protect himself from storm troopers.
  16. I don't know about today, but back during the Vietnam war era, both in Vietnam and Thailand, you could buy marijuana with either heroin or opium added to it. Some people knew it was added and some did not. Some people would add the heroin to the marijuana after buying it. But from my observation, none of the people that smoked marijuana with either heroin or opium added to it would become violent.
  17. I was going to ask my rocks if stuff like you wrote were true, but my dog ate my rocks. ????
  18. Of course he said that. It's what he gets paid to do!
  19. That happened back in late 1972 I think. A guy's teelock hit him in the head with his bong. Lots of blood that night, a trip to the medical clinic, some stitches by the medics, a big bump on his head the next day. I either don't know or don't remember why she hit him. I do remember the blood trail from the front gate all the way to the medical clinic though. He must have been leaning forward as he walked to leave a trail like that!
  20. My Thai wife says the mother is a greedy woman who dumped her daughter when the daughter was young and only went back into her daughters life when her daughter started making money!
  21. I also loaned my wife $120,000.00 to start a restaurant. She insisted that I draw up a loan contract. Contract stated that two years after she received the loan, she was to start payments of $1000.00 a month until the loan was paid off. Instead of waiting two years to start the $1000.00 a month payments, she started making payments one year later. At the end of two years I gave her a "Paid In Full" receipt for the $120,000.00 loan. She paid every penny of the loan back! That isn't what Thai people do, according to once Thai Visa and currently Asian Now, comments about Thai people. Now, would I loan my sister, an American woman, money? No! Not her or the American guy that used to be my best friend. They took the loaned money and never made a penny of payment! There is a friend of my Thai wife's family, that is trusted to handle family money. Wife gave her $20,000.00 to deposit into a family bank account, for some reason there was extra money deposited with the 20k. Seems that I left over $500.00 at the apartment, laying on the dining table. She deposited that with the with the money my wife gave her! It must not be Thai's that are untrustworthy. It must be the people that you know who are or are not trustworthy!
  22. I gave my wife the combination to the safe. For some reason, she still asks me to open it!
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