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Everything posted by radiochaser

  1. I know what the purpose of a bar is. I am not stupid! I worked in a bar when I was 19. I was hired to be a bar back but sold drinks on occasion. The only reason the bar I referenced sold sandwiches was to keep the customer in the bar, so they could sell more drinks. Otherwise the customer would leave, get something to eat, not go back to the bar, and the bar lost money! When I worked in the bar, I saw a lot of people that drank beer or liquor over a period of several hours but not enough to where they would get belligerent, could not walk straight, fall down when they tried to stand up, slur their words, puke their guts out, pass out, try to start a fight, or just fight, etc.. But too many do those things! Not all drinkers of alcoholic beverages are drunks. Not all drunks fight, but enough of them do that I find it convenient to stay out of bars. Even when many drunks don't fight, they can become obnoxious in one way or another, my brother in law for example. Or one the supervisors I had when working for the government. As I once posted in another thread. I would rather hang around with 100 people who smoke marijuana, than hand around with 10 drunks!
  2. My BIL was a Royal Thai Police Sargent. He was a badminton player for the Police team. From what I understand, he made it to the top badminton team of Thailand ...
  3. I have tickets to Thailand, flying through Europe and tickets returning to the U.S. of A., flying back the first week of August. My round trip tickets to Thailand and returning were purchased about 2 months ago. Tickets I do not have yet, are to from Thailand to Vietnam and back to Thailand.
  4. It is the purple line of the MRT. Nonthaburi Civic Centre. That map you posted looks like BTS.
  5. Thanks for the response. I am aware of the extension service. I did that last year with my daughter and grandkids. I wasn't sure about getting a new 30 days on arrival on my return from Vietnam.
  6. It's 3:22 AM in the morning where I am right now. I am awake. Wife is asleep though.
  7. That might have been true a few years ago, but now my Thai wife has a bigger income than I do. Don't think I don't have much money either. I qualify for that 10 year visa with income alone!
  8. I was in Nonthaburi last year. Got off the MRT at the Civic Center station at night. It was pouring rain. I hailed cabs for about 45 minutes with no luck at all. I downloaded and used the Grab app and had a ride in 15 or 20 minutes. It took the cab that long to get to the MRT station.
  9. Thank you. I believe that the round trip ticket to Vietnam will be purchased in Thailand. We will apply for the Vietnam visa prior to leaving for Thailand. I will have a return ticket to the U.S. of A. when I arrive in Thailand.
  10. Or, I have read that people say shoot the person in the leg. I am assuming that those people are not aware of the anatomy of the leg, which has the femoral artery and don't know that a person can bleed out and die, before an ambulance can arrive. Even if the ambulance arrives in less than 10 minutes the person shot in the leg, severing the femoral artery can still bleed out and die before emergency medical techs can put a tourniquet on the upper thigh to stop the blood loss! Then, there is the popliteal artery, only a little slower in bleeding to death.
  11. I will be traveling to Thailand in June this year. I have a return ticket from Thailand to U.S. of A. in August, so longer than 30 days. But wife (who will go in July) and I will travel to Vietnam for a week then return to Thailand on one of the airlines. As I understand the VOA (or visa exempt), I will have 30 days when I first arrive. I will also have a new 30 day VOA when I return to Thailand by air from Vietnam and will not have to apply for an extension to my first arrival. Is my understanding of the 30 VOA issue correct?
  12. I have seen workers walk between poles on those cables.
  13. I think you are clogging up the comment section! ????
  14. Back before there was a BTS, I wanted to go from where I was staying to downtown Bangkok faster than the 2 hour bus ride would get me there. Taxi got up on the expressway and not far from the exit I wanted the taxi was stopped in a traffic jam. After sitting for about 20 minutes I told the taxi driver I was getting out. He told me if I got out and walked on the expressway, the police would handcuff me. I laughed, got out and the driver stopped his meter. I dug Thai baht out of my pocket and found out it was good that I did get out. I had the exact amount of Thai baht for the fare and not an extra satang left in my pocket or wallet. Thai cops not only did not arrest me, but stopped traffic that was moving so I could cross the the walkway on the side of the expressway.
  15. If I had run 5 red lights, I would not have passed any of my background investigations for a security clearance! Ditto for DUI's! The background investigations were not "similar for actual US security clearances". They were actual investigations for actual Federal Government security clearances. I am wondering if you sort of, misspoke, when you wrote that. Aspects of my work were and still are, for some parts of it, classified. Went to a place local to me for a TSA precheck. I was told the FBI does the check so that I can pass through security faster. Wife wanted to, otherwise I would not have done it.
  16. There is an old man I never trust. I see him every time I brush my teeth!
  17. I am a retired U.S. Federal agent. I have had three background investigations for security clearances in the United States. The first investigation only took 7 month, because it was a high priority and was done by the FBI. The The second back ground investigation took 18 months and was also done by the FBI. The last background investigation took 2 years and 9 months before it was completed, because I married a Thai woman. The last investigation was done by an American government agency investigating me and the Royal Thai Police who did a background investigation of my wife . All the background investigations go back years to when I was born. Do I need to have an extensive police records check before I can enter Thailand?
  18. I had a call similar to that. Got down to being threatened with arrest by the local Federal agent unless I paid a fine. I asked if the local Federal agent was the one who lived on my block. The guy said it was the guy. I asked if I was going to be put in handcuffs and the caller said yes. I told him I don't know if I could put handcuffs on myself, as I had never done that before. He wanted to know what I meant. That's when I told him I was the only Federal agent on the block. He hung up. The good old days. Been a retired Federal agent now for a little over 11 years.
  19. A correction is needed here. The word isn't "handsome", it is "hansum"!
  20. Thai or maybe Issan music.
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