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Everything posted by radiochaser

  1. Well then, I expect that will be the fashion here in the U.S. of A. this summer. One thing I noticed years ago, as I usually went Thailand from February to April. Whatever fashion fad was current in Thailand that year, was also what was the fashion fad in the U.S. of A. in the summer.
  2. I met a young lady at Chula University that was working to learn her 5th language, not counting Thai! She spoke very good English. She had less of a Thai accent when speaking English than my wife does, who has lived in the U.S. of A. since 1991! Then there was the other young woman who spoke English with an accent from Arkansas. No Thai accent at all! She had never been outside of Thailand. Her English instructor, working at Chula University was from Arkansas!
  3. Not that good old country music I used to listen to in 1972 & 1973, but I like it.
  4. Now that you mention it, I wish I had asked. ????
  5. I don't. Looked to see what she was looking at on her phone today, as I was hearing loud blaring music. She was looking at male, Thai, dancers. I shrugged my shoulders and went back to helping my granddaughter with her homework.
  6. Just the way it was. I went to pick up some rifle barrels. The markup on the price, here in the U.S. of A., for the barrels I wanted was more than the cost of a round trip ticket and a 2 day hotel stay in Scotland.
  7. Might be the result of that "body language" a poster wrote about to me.
  8. Mid 70's here. My first time in Thailand was 1972.
  9. I fly more than many people do. Usually to other countries. Japan, Korea, Thailand, Sweden, Germany, went to Scotland once. Usually just Thailand. I have been traveling since I was a child. Back then it was by train or car in the U.S. Went to Japan and back on a ship. It wasn't a tour. It was the way you traveled there at the time. I haven't flown anywhere yet, this year. But flew to Louisiana and Texas twice last year. Flew to Thailand too. My wife and I like to fly first class in the U.S., but it's business class internationally. Biggest hardship is having to walk from one side of the airport to the other, just to get to an open airlines lounge. Most of the lounges I go to closed up during and after covid! Wife and I with the grandkids and their mother will be flying back to Thailand later this year. I leave in June, the rest of the family will leave in July. Wife has plans on flying over to Vietnam while we are there. I think I will be in SEA for 6 or 7 weeks. The biggest restriction on flying nowadays is, taking care of the grandkids while the mom works. We all choose the seats we sit in. Unless someone else has chosen them first. Daughter chooses hers and the kids seats in Economy Plus.. Neither the airlines nor the attendants chooses our seats. I choose the kids seats if they are are flying with me, to keep them near me. I have flown on Southwest Airlines here in the U.S., twice. There no seat assignment on that one. It's first come first sit on that one.
  10. No, my wife understands. She remembers how it was when she first arrived in the United States and her English language skills were poor. She didn't understand what people, who were speaking English, were saying. Like I am currently with my Thai language skills, she knew enough English to live and survive in America, but had difficulty with having an adult level conversation in English. My wife would attend as many English for foreign people classes (free in California) as she could and her English language skills improved. Just because I don't have adult conversational skills does not mean that I don't pay attention to body language and facial expressions. But body language does little to nothing to help you understand when people are talking about financial issues, business, current events, etc. When we are out with a group, either someone else pays the bill or my wife does, so she gets the change, why not, it's her money. She has more money than I do anyway. When we go out together one or the other of us pays the bill. I don't recall, right now, if the clerks have ever given my change to my wife. I have had them speak to my wife in Thai though. Which is ok. My wife translates for me.
  11. My wife isn't embarrassed by my looking and she does not care. What I find bizarre are those people who are so insanely jealous that they get raging mad about their partner looking at another woman! What are you supposed to do, wear blinders and walk around, looking at the floor, with your wife leading you around by a string tied to a ring in the nose?
  12. Ahhhh. Picking up something dropped. That will do it. A man crashed into my old car, because he was picking up a CD disk that he dropped on the floor. My old car was parked in front of my house!
  13. Yep, that would be me, a tea totaler. Alcohol gives you courage, but does not help with your aim. When I was a teenager that lived in a rooming house by a bar and upstairs from it, I was allowed to go into the bar and order sandwiches that they sold. They let me play pool there too. I saw several fights in there between people that got drunk. I never saw anyone that was not drunk get into a fight. I was also in a branch of the U.S. Military. I don't recall seeing any fights between people who were not under the influence of alcohol. I saw people who were angry with someone, begin drinking and later was told they got into a fight with the other person. Found this on the www. Risk Factors According to one study, the following risk factors may increase the risk of alcohol-related aggression:1 Being male Binge drinking Having high levels of trait anger Having a sensation-seeking personality Having underlying irritability Having friends or relatives who exhibit aggression under the influence of alcohol Lacking empathy https://www.verywellmind.com/alcohol-facilitates-aggression-62647
  14. If there had been no alcohol involved, "drinking since the previous evening" would this mayhem have occurred?
  15. I know a grump old man, married to a Thai woman. He doesn't live in Thailand. My brother in law! Now, in my house, the grumpy old person is my Thai wife!
  16. Is the Udon Thani Thai prison still at the same place it was 30 years ago?
  17. No, yet my Thai brother in law, who was registered as a democrat voter, under the U.S. Motor Voter law when he was issued his drivers license, is still registered as a legal voter, even after the voter registrar's office was informed, he was not a U.S. citizen! He was registered as a democrat voter after presenting paperwork from the U.S. Immigration office at a Pennsylvania department of motor vehicles (DMV), allowing him to be a legal resident in the United States. A document required by the state of Pennsylvania. Under Pennsylvania law, he is not legally allowed to vote, yet for some reason the voter registrars office chose to keep him registered. I took my BIL to the DMV the day after his paperwork from the U.S. Immigration department was received. As I sat close enough nearby to hear her asking questions, the woman who finalized his drivers license, by taking his picture, and before she printed the license out, asked, do you want to register to vote? My BIL replied, no. Yet she clicked the option on her computer to register him as a democrat voter! I also had an issue with being registered under the Motor Voter registration at the Pennsylvania DMV when I moved to Pennsylvania. On being asked the question, do you want to register to vote, I responded, yes, as a republican, I later found that the lady who asked the question registered me as a democrat. This was discovered when I received my voter registration card.
  18. Oddly enough, there are hundreds of Geckos at my aunt's house in Louisiana. I don't know how they survive the winter, but they are out and about all around the house eves and porch ceiling in the warmer days, at night. Especially when the porch light is on which attracts the nocturnal flying insects.
  19. I think that is a canning device. Put the open can on the platform, put the lid on it, activate, and it rolls the can lid over the lip of the can, sealing it.
  20. No, it is true. That's why all those guys I knew in the Army in Vietnam and Thailand back in the early 1970's who were beer drinkers are still preserved hansum man. I'm not because I don't drink! Just look at my picture!
  21. Is a pencil gun in Thailand anything like the one in this picture? I don't recall ever hearing the term.
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