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Posts posted by fasteddie

  1. On 3/27/2020 at 7:52 AM, Baerboxer said:


    Ships testing the readiness of foreign countries by deliberately sailing close to territorial waters. Just like flying their strategic bombers close to foreign air space which Russia did again last week. And does fairly regularly.


    Vlad probing to see if this virus is having any effect on readiness. Of course, he's lucky that there's not one single infection in the Russian Federation. ????

    ''Ships testing the readiness of foreign countries by deliberately sailing close to territorial waters. Just like flying their strategic bombers close to foreign air space which Russia did again last week. And does fairly regularly.''.....which the US and their attack dogs NATO do regularly to any country that doesn't bow to uncle Sam!


    As for your second statement, are you of this planet?

  2. On 3/27/2020 at 7:44 AM, Baerboxer said:


    At the moment Russia is busy looting Venezuela's gold mining. Whilst Maduro and his highly corrupt regime and family loot the oil revenues.


    And neither country tolerates democracy, free speech or human rights.


    Ain't socialism just grand!

    So after lying about all the countries they've attacked in the past, they're telling the truth now?


    And yes socialism is grand, it bailed out the bankers and is presently bailing out the world over the virus!


    Ain't capitalism a complete and utter failure!

  3. 20 hours ago, daveAustin said:

    Face up to them, that's what. Ruskies know exactly what they're doing. Do the same there or to the US or China and see what the reaction is. Suggest lobbing over a COVID-19 present onto their decks. Idiots. With everything that's going on.

    ''Face up to them''? they were in international waters, mess with Russian warships going their lawful way in international waters and risk activating their ''boomers'', of which they have many, yeah great idea if your definition of great idea is Armageddon.

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  4. On 3/26/2020 at 11:33 AM, melvinmelvin said:

    stay tuned, new empire doing its initial steps, already looking for ripples to rule


    not bad, her navy still being in posession of devices that are in operation and floats . . .


    Surface fleets are pretty superfluous these days unless your intention is to threaten invade and dominate sovereign states abroad who are no threat and can't fight back. Submarines on the other hand have the capability to destroy worlds and Russia has many.

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