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Posts posted by fasteddie

  1. 1 hour ago, Hummin said:

    Portugal is cold most of the year, cold atlantic water compare to Thailand, and if you go to Portugal, why not Brasil? I know the violence in Brasil, but,,,,,,,,,, the girls is lovely if that is important, 


    There is no place as Thailand, and Thailand will still be nr 1 for a long time still. 

    I recently spent a winter in Portugal and it never got below 20c which is well warm enough for us Brits.

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  2. 29 minutes ago, colinneil said:

    Could be mate, i do remember having a conversation with someone on that flight about how much i paid.

    Ha Ha, could be, it was the last Monarch charter flight and the plane was empty, everybody had a complete row to themselves, my ticket also came with 2 nights hotel in Phuket but I didn't use it just jetted straight round to Krabi and on to Koh Jum. I knicked one of their lovely red blankets with the gold embossed crown on it and wore it as a sarong until I set fire to it Lol

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  3. On 7/9/2018 at 4:06 AM, colinneil said:

    Cheapest i had was 99 pound return London Gatwick to Phuket with Monarch in 1997.

    Found it on teletext, prices started at 499 pounds but i booked paid and flew all within 24 hours, bit of a rush but for that price whats a bit of rushing about.

    I was on that flight, I was boasting to the guy in front of me I'd paid £199 rtn when the guy behind me butted in and showed me his ticket for £99, was that you Lol

  4. 2 hours ago, roobaa01 said:

    @simple 1the mayority of danes want the veil banned , www.thelocal.dk hence as usual the muslim community tries to fall in the victim role by noisily making trouble. thats what counts the danish people.




    OK I've been to that link, can you point out to me where it says the majority of Danes want the veil banned?

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  5. 57 minutes ago, My Thai Life said:

    So called "honour killings" (where daughters are murdered by parents or other family) are common in the UK; it's a Pakistani muslim speciality. Google it if you don't believe me, you will find numerous legal cases.


    Cutting the clitorises off very young girls and babies (also known as Female Genital Mutilation) is a north African muslim speciality. It's also common in the UK. Google it if you don't believe me, you will find numerous legal cases.


    FGM is by no means just by Muslims.


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  6. 1 hour ago, overherebc said:

    Most of the type who want to wear this kind of head covering are either from or born to parents who come from countries where if you are unlucky enough to have to go or are stupid enough to go to will jail people for having a christian bible in their luggage or on their person.

    It's all always 'one sided' and that is their side which is not negotiable.

    Apart from maybe Saudi Arabia, name one country that would jail you for having a bible in your luggage.

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