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Posts posted by fasteddie

  1. 8 hours ago, sanemax said:

    I thought that sports companies (Addidas/Nike etc) paid football clubs money to make their shirts and the sports companies make a profit of shirts sold , meaning that football Clubs do not lose any revenue because of fake shirts .

      Also, many people who wear football club shirts are not that teams supporters , they  just wear it as a fashion item , I quite often see Thais wearing Liverpool Football Club team shirts and when I ask them who the best team in the Premiership is , they reply "Liverpool" , which proves that they know nothing about football

    Because we all know it's Burnley.

  2. 6 hours ago, Kasset Tak said:

    Before I bought some other clothes copies from Thailand and brought them back to Sweden. One of my friends was working for Nike back then so I gave him a fake Nike sports shirt. 3 weeks later he came to me and asked where I got the shirt because his boss and coworkers had asked him where he had gotten that shirt... it was made from better quality materials and the prints were better than on the original shirts!!! The difference between a 100 Baht copy and a 1000 Baht original!?

    I've bought fake t shirts and jeans in Thailand which outlasted my genuine stuff by years. I've still got a fake Seiko bought in '94 still working no probs, mind you I bought a bag one time all folded up in packaging so I unwrapped it and gave it a shake to open it up and a handle came off Lol

    • Haha 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Airbagwill said:

    just read the signs....


    Swaine's Lane Highgate: Not marked as uphill only. A long drag but my estimate is something like 12% tops.
    Brittacy Hill, Mill Hill. Similar to the above.
    Star & Garter Hill Richmond. Marked as 10%.
    Nightingale Lane, Richmond. Not marked as uphill only. Claimed as 1/5. Not sure but looks 1/6 to me.
    Gravel Hill, Finchley. Not marked but would be 10% by my estimate.
    Highgate Hill. Marked as 10%
    Shooters Hill. Not marked but estimated by me at 10% or less.
    Roads to Crystal Palace. Anerley Hill is 10%. Gipsy Hill perhaps the same.
    Chingford Mount/Muswell Hill. Can't find anything really steep here.
    Succombs Hill. Marked as 25%
    Ena Road. As discussed marked as 17%
    Canonbie Road, Honor Oak. Marked as 18%
    Spout Hill, Addington. Marked as 17%
    Downe Road. Marked as 25%

    And how many of these "mountains" are on bus routes and traversed by double deckers and trucks? quite a few I would guess.

  4. On 19/01/2018 at 3:12 AM, DrPhibes said:

    My every 3mo, 1 day up and back, visa run driving to Mae Sai from Chiang Mai is never a dull one.  I usually put on some calming ambient music, practice deep breathing exercises for 20 min, make sure the Will is left out on the kitchen table for the wife, make peace with the almighty (hang a bunch of amulets from the rear view mirror just in case), and then back out of the driveway to go.  Wife always has 4 large ice cold (only way you can drink it) Chang's in the fridge and nothing else planned for the evening upon my return.  I then wait 2 days before any doctor visit to allow my blood pressure to return to normal.


    I used to use a minibus service until I realized that I was actually contributing to upping the odds of a negative highway statistic by doing so.

    " I used to use a minibus service until I realized that I was actually contributing to upping the odds of a negative highway statistic by doing so.".....as is backing out of your driveway.

  5. 3 minutes ago, seminomadic said:

    No doubt male egos are as fragile, probably doubly so on account of the culture of extraction - but who knows? Maybe Nguyen taunted him. Challenged his masculinity in an assortment of ways. Teased him that there's nothing he could do about it and made him feel small in comparison to the new guy because she could.


    All of you so quick to judge, note that you're right to damn him for his actions, but there's an asterisk with that: we all have our limits and are capable of doing horrible things like this. You're not superior by your condemnation of him, just blinded. Private Dancer is not a fantasy novel.


    That said, he deserves what's coming to him. If he has any sense, he'll head them off at the pass and kill himself considering the price he'll pay for justice of killing a local in a place like Vietnam.

    " we all have our limits and are capable of doing horrible things like this".....speak for yourself, no way am I capable of doing such a thing.

  6. 2 minutes ago, cookieqw said:

    Never be ashamed of being a Brit, acid is being chucked about all over the UK at the moment, not by you, me or 55 million other brits, but what you could be ashamed of is all the do-gooders who come up with excuses for these sick b—-stards

    So you're saying 10 million Brits are chucking acid about? and I've never heard one "do gooder" making excuses for it.

  7. 6 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

    Yes, it is stupid. No one says otherwise. However, this does not  justify, nor excuse a physical assault. 


    No one asks to be raped. I question the motives of any man who  would say "she asked for it". Sadly, the language used is the  classic language of people who engage in such activity.  It is not acceptable, nor is it legal.


    If the  fellow forced himself on her after she  said no, it meets the test. She may have gone there because her judgement was clouded by alcohol and he gave the impression he was a moral trustworthy person. Whatever the reason, the victim is not the one who has done wrong.


    And here's a sad reality of why some women will say no and try and get away; They get to the bedroom and sober up. Or, they are in the bedroom and pick up a bad vibe. You know things like bondage gear or underwear on the floor with a big streak of feces on the backside.

    Or, the woman sees the man's naked body and is disgusted because the man has  genital warts or an outbreak of herpes or chancres or has the skin discolouration indicative of pubic lice.  I defy any man here to explain why she would be compelled to have  sexual relations with such a man. If you saw a woman had  oozing sores around her vagina, sores that gave off a pungent choking stench, would you still have intercourse with such a woman? Why then would a woman be expected to do so with a man  with that condition?


    " Yes, it is stupid. No one says otherwise. However, this does not  justify, nor excuse a physical assault.".....and did I say it did?

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