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Posts posted by fasteddie

  1. 6 hours ago, robblok said:

    I thought this was a Muslim thing.. or a Thai thing (when people start commenting on the frail Thai ego). But it seems foreigners can do it too. When rejected some people react totally crazy at times. 


    Hope he goes to jail for real long time.

    And here it is folks, the first one to say it's a Muslim thing, I knew it wouldn't be long.

  2. 3 hours ago, Dave67 said:

    So what should he have done then slowed down and stalled it on the hill making all other traffic go round onto the other lane? Those coaches' crawl uphill when fully loaded

    Why would he have stalled it? even if he'd have to go down in to first that's the way the cookie crumbles, don't you think they have  buses and trucks in Switzerland, Nepal and other mountainous countries?

  3. 6 minutes ago, candide said:

    I think he was talking about the elections that were planned for July 2014.  The ones that the coup prevented to happen. At the time of the coup, Suthep's mobs were spreading thin so there was not much trouble expected. It was quite lucky as the judiciary had forbidden the government to restrain protesters anyway. :smile:

    Actually the army had told the police not to intervene, that after Prayut had promised to protect the elections.

  4. 8 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

    Why not. If more parents were  held accountable for their misbehaving children, the issue would be addressed. I have seen these events play out repeatedly.

    1. The parents  let the child do whatever it wants.

    2. The parents do not respond appropriately, and instead  facilitate the . behaviour.

    3. The family were most likely asked several times to  quiet the child down and  didn't do anything. It is abnormal for a child to scream  in such a manner for that long.


    Not the best method, but if it prevented physical injury and upset to others, might have been the only option. I would have tossed the family off the bus too. The majority of people and children travel without bothering others. Why should everyone suffer because someone is a misfit?



    OMG are you for real? kids cry, that's the way of life, you are unbelievable or am I just rising to your trolling?

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