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Posts posted by fasteddie

  1. 2 minutes ago, SGD said:

    Welcome to the "More Thai than the Thais" brigade of clowns who pontificate about cultural this and that nonsense when the Thais themselves couldn't give a sh1t.

    '' Many Lampang people became furious after seeing pictures of a foreign couple raising their feet over the head cushions of two seats aboard the Lampang-Chiang Mai train on Tuesday.''

  2. 14 minutes ago, mindfulness said:

    ... bad manners ? 

    What a load of conditioned crap ! 


    The human body body can be inflicted with DVT https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/dvt/index.html


    obviously the idiots within this land mass would place indoctrinated BS manners over a persons health. 

    Talk about the educationally retarded !



    Oh really, so you would do that on an plane? of course you wouldn't, stop being a k..b and get up and walk around if you're worried about dvt.

  3. 8 hours ago, FreddieRoyle said:

    I smell irony with this Renew party, that seeks to overthrow the democratic will of the British people. One wonders, if the Renew party has electoral success, should there be another vote and another, until the people that did not vote for Renew get their way? Would Renew party support the ignoring of democratic mandates if Renew were winning? What a mess this has all become. We had a referendum, we won, it's over. 

    '' We had a referendum, we won, it's over''.....correction, we had a '' We had a non binding referendum, you won, it's not over''


  4. 1 hour ago, Kieran00001 said:


    There has never been a President of American descent, which particular European country he has descended from is irrelevant, your post almost reads as if you though Turkish was a dirty word, our old allies, shameful.

    Oh please, where do you get off reading that in to it? ''almost reads as if''???  no it doesn't. what a churlish thing to say.

  5. 8 hours ago, JackScarlett said:

    Totally agree with contributors to forum who are supporting Boris.  He may well have said whatever, however I always double check what that epitome of left wing thought- The Independent - fills it's paper with.


    I am eagerly anticipating the departure of Mr May when Boris, Michael Gove and Jacob Reece  Mogg can takeover the running of the country 

    Your spelling is atrocious, it's ''takeover the ruining of the country''.

    • Haha 2
  6. 5 hours ago, Time Traveller said:

    You seem a little overly sensitive to a rather minor (and quite accurate) comment.

    Could you be one of those people BJ is talking about?

    I'm English, this dolt, Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson to give him his full name, is my foreign secretary, a member of the infamous Bullingdon club and an anachronism, it's embarrassing.

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