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Posts posted by fasteddie

  1. 2 hours ago, JAZZDOG said:

    ''Just so happens Russians often are involved in such cases'' Give a link to even one ''such case''.

    You ask for a link and it just took a couple hours for yet another article to appear highlighting a fine Russian family behaving badly. So now you pivot to "but how about the Brits and Aussies". Fact is I wish there is a way to screen all these lowlife from entering the country instead of turning Thailand into the "Land of the Wanted and Unwanted".

    No, I asked for a link to ''such cases'' not someone nicking an I phone, hardly comparable.

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  2. 2 hours ago, JAZZDOG said:

    Only took a few hours and yet another fine Russian family. Same day homeboy. Entire criminal family involved. They just haven't advanced to the savagery yet.


    And an Englishman beats his Thai wife to death, and a few weeks ago an American stomps an Aussie to death, there's good and bad in every nation and tarring a whole nation with the same brush is sadly pathetic. p.s. what on earth is a ''homeboy''?

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  3. 15 minutes ago, JAZZDOG said:

    Are you auditioning to be his attorney? Next you will be questioning the validity of the video? The Russians are involved with scams from Putin on down. If they are not invading countries and annexing they are hacking the internet. I don't care for the way they behave nor would I ever consider living in their society. If you want to bend over for Vlad knock yourself out but trying to make excuses for this scum and his wife sickens me. Go back and watch the video a few times and imagine if that was your family member.

    Show me one post where I have made an excuse for this monster.

  4. 1 hour ago, smew said:

    Denial until the end, next he’ll be saying he found the bag and spreading other fake stories and spread fake news just like their government. Russian society is filled with criminal elements commencing with their their president putin and ending on the lowest of citizens. Their motto is simple: follow the leader, if he can rip off the state and so can we. Worked and lived there and there is not a single citizen that has not broken the law; and not  talking about trafic or tax evasions. Unbelievable society! 


    ''there is not a single citizen that has not broken the law''

    What a ludicrous statement, you need help.

  5. 1 hour ago, JAZZDOG said:

    Sticking up for this vermin is exactly what you are doing. If he could afford his life style why is he out robbing and attempting to murder a 90lb Thai girl while his skank wife is packing up preparing to make a run for the border. Just so happens Russians often are involved in such cases. Just so happens Russians often are involved in such cases


    ''Just so happens Russians often are involved in such cases''

    Give a link to even one ''such case''.


    '' It was reported this wife of his had been seen scoping out Xchange outlets around Jomtien''

    Nope, not reported, just rumoured by the Russophobes on this thread.




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  6. 1 hour ago, JAZZDOG said:

    Like she hadn't found that out yet. Lavish life style funded by robbery and she had no clue. She's guilt as hell .

    How do you know his lifestyle is ''funded by robbery''? And how do you know ''she's guilty as hell''? I'm not sticking up for this piece of vermin but there is , as of yet, no reason to believe his wife knew anything about it. Smacks of vile Russophobia to me.

  7. 37 minutes ago, Thian said:

    So how do YOU know what really happened, were you there? I see women who can't drive at all every day, loads and loads of them...i like it when somebody steps up and confront them for being others in danger...and what has the "i'm pregnant" to do with this story? Does she only care for her unborn child instead of other roadusers as well? If she's so pregnant she should stay at home.

    Lot's of people male and female Thai and farang drive badly, you going to slap them all?  I'm looking forward to the post when you get your comeuppance.

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