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Posts posted by ThaiPauly

  1. Reading through some posts on TV, I get the impression that a lot of the younger ones think us 'oldies' should hang up our boots, buy a pair of slippers and fall asleep in front of the telly.  They seem to resent us having fun in our ' twilight years'. Maybe they compare us with their parents. Of course, they know best, even though they are, maybe half our age. I agree, many of them are academically bright, but the real knowledge comes with time and experience, something they cannot possibly have.

      Through all stages of my life, I have thought I knew it all, but later, looking back, I can laugh at my inexperience, as I smirk at some of the posters on TV now.

    It is a case of, just when you think it's all over, a new life begins. 15 years ago, I thought that was it, but since then, I have done so many things, and life gets better all the time.

      Health is the common denominator. If one can keep that, why should one give up the things men and women love to do.( sorry, and katoeys too). I'm 61, and will become a dad again eary next year.

      What will you be doing, when you are ancient, like me?  :o

    Simbo, it might be that on the odd occassion you have been an objectional old fart :D

  2. Nothing to do with liberalism. Thais really are racists!

    Against whom? Black White Yellow?

    Why do you say that.? Please clarify exactly what you mean and how things difer here from your country of origin

    I have been here three years and never been racially abused, Unless you consider the term "Farang" to be racist.?

  3. It's because you come from a country that is so far up it's arse about protecting the "Ethnic Minority" that you find the Thais liberalism strange.

    30 years ago you would not have to worry about calling somebody "A Black" now you can go to prison for it.

    One of the reasons I live in Thailand.

    oh and of course no offence intended to Black people- see I'm conditioned

  4. There have been a lot of negative threads about Thailand especially today November 8th.

    Yes things are changing, some for the good and some for the worse.

    Perhaps its just a question of "Getting it off your chest" then perhaps you feel better. :o

    Is that the case as surely you know 100% YOU can't change a thing :D

    Does anybody feel better just to have posted a compalint about the system here ?

    Many would say if you don't like it then go, but for the sake of this thread it will NOT be ME that says it :D

  5. Scamp, we dont have such ludicrous laws up here. Once you get to know the local storekeeps they will sell you anything, even on all the public holidays. They wont sell to Thais only us.

    I bought some beer on election day with two coppers not standing 20 feet away, the owner obviously felt that there were two laws, one for us and one for the Thai voters. I dont know if they saw me put it in my car or not, but nothing happened to me or him

    Come up to CM Scamp, and CHILL!! :D

    I can understand the horror you experienced though, 1 pm and I cant get a beer.


  6. There was a survey conducted several years ago about who were the world's best and worst tourists.  It was conducted by expedia.co.uk and covered 17 different destinations around the world.  It compared 24 nationalities and the results were as follows:

    Top 3 best tourists were 1) Germans 2) Americans 3) Japanese

    Bottom 3 worst tourists were 1) British 2) Israelis 3) Irish

    Regarding different areas that were critiqued the Brits were the worst behaved, the rudest and  made the least effort to learn the local language.

    Points were awarded or deducted based on behaviour, politeness, willingness to learn the language and try the local food, and how much money they spent.

    The Germans were given a +41, Americans +32 and Japanese +32.  The bottom 3 scores were -6 for the Irish, -6 for the Israelis and at the bottom of the barrel -44 for the British.  They were clearly rated the worst bunch of the lot.

    While I'm sure there is room for error, based on the fact there were 17 locations involved in the study including Bangkok and this was done by a UK firm, I would have to think the survey holds some merit.

    Absolute <deleted>.

    You don't get that many Gerrys in LOS but ask any Brit what the Germans are like on any Spanish or Greek island . They are the pits! :D The locals hate them as well.

    The Irish are first class holiday makers. We had 40 of them in our Restaurant last week and they were brilliant, also ask any country who the most well behaved travelling sports supporters are THE IRISH (well its relevant as they are also on holiday.)

    I would agree about the Israelis but thats only a one out of many guess the rest of the survey (as with most so called surveys) is RUBBISH :o

  7. If you are travelling up as soon as you arrive in Don Muang its not worth pre-booking. Your flight maybee delayed and then you could well miss your connection and would spend half your very long journey worrying about it.

    when I fly back from the UK I go straight to terminal one, go to the nearest Nok Air, One 2 Go and Thai Airways booking offices and see who's got the next flight to CM, normally I can be up in the air and on my way home within one and a half to two hours :o There is a few hundred baht difference between Nok/1,2,Go and Thai Airways, but after a long haul I just dont care, I juat wanna get home.

  8. Hey you guys stop berating the CM Saloon in this way

    Big Mac, If he's American, so what ? He did not surround ANYONE in Kosovo last year. !! You are tarring everyone with the same brush, and thats plain dumb on your part, yet you say you have a few American Freinds. I take it from your post that the door is firmy closed to you making any more.?Oh and  what a great handle you have for someone that dislikes Americans!

    Actually I have quite a lot of American friends throughout the world, but none of them are the loud-mouth type that I experienced in the CMS or the let's kill someone type that I have experienced in Kosovo and a number of other countries that are supposed to be under the control of the UN or NATO.

    I certainly do not intend to cut Americans off my list of friends for the future but I don't like the noisy ones, in fact I don't like noisy Australians, English, Germans and any other nationality for that matter but it seems that Americans are generally more noisy than others per capita. BigMac refers to a large Scotsman. What are you suggesting ThaiPauly?

    Too many choices throughout CM to have to put up with something that I don't like.

    Big Mac, to quote your line "I have an aversion to Americans" You could not have quoted it better, now you are contradicting yourself.

    Big Mac may well refer to a large Scotsman, but ask anybody south of Berwick-on-Tweed what a Big Mac is and they will tell you its a Burger!!

    Food for thought

  9. Hey you guys stop berating the CM Saloon in this way

    Big Mac, If he's American, so what ? He did not surround ANYONE in Kosovo last year. !! You are tarring everyone with the same brush, and thats plain dumb on your part, yet you say you have a few American Freinds. I take it from your post that the door is firmy closed to you making any more.?Oh and what a great handle you have for someone that dislikes Americans!

    Siam One, I am surprised at you.You said EXACTLY the same thing about "Frequent Rows with his Wife" six months ago. I suppose you have been checking to make sure they are still going on?, no I didn't think so!

    Groo, you say you go into the Saloon to drink alone eh! If you were going to go anywhere to drink alone why did you seek out the Saloon?

    Do you think that it would be OK for 4 single people to be occupying 4 seperate tables at peak dining times ANYWHERE! Any business that allowed it would be bust in a month, can't you see that?

    Whats wrong with propping up the bar, surely if you go ALONE thats what you SHOULD be doing anyway!! I am sure that if you were asked to move then it would have been done politely, and I won't beleive you if you say it wan't cause I have been there enough times and seen and heard it happen and its NEVER done rudely, except you would have to be blind not to see the signs on the table!

    So the lot of you get off the CMS's back, or post about somewhere that really deserves flack -Like O'Mallys !!

  10. I have to agree with Jackr.

    Never had a problem with the CM Saloon, very freindly bunch of people, but O'Mallys has to be the WORST place in town to either eat or drink. The staff are very impersonal and very very slow, as well as serving up the WORST food in town.

    The Sallon is paradise by comparison

  11. Thought the interview with Fergie after the game was great , especially when he said "Thats <deleted>" when asked if he was under pressure!! and the guy interviewing him warned him about his language as there were children watching.

    Priceless !!

    great game though, puts a bit of pressure on Chelsea which is a good thing for everyone (unless you are a Chelsea fan of course).

  12. ~

    An update..

    I second the recommendation for Prathom above.  We had him come out and install some lights both inside and outside and a hot water heater.  Pulling old wires out of the walls was required along with installing special lines and the guy did work that was better than I even asked for (and I am darned picky)!  Very reasonably priced as well and he can struggle through a little English.  No construction type work however, just electrical.

    04-043-4560 or 01-706-6939

    well I followed Ajarn's advice and used him. I must say that I was thouroughly impressed. He came the day I called him and had finished everything very satisfactorily the next day and only charged me about 600 Baht labour for him and his apprentice for one and a half days work.

    Who says Thai workmanship is poor ? Err well know from my own experience a great deal of it is, but not Prathom, he's the exception

  13. Oh dear Lucy.

    Looks like things are getting even worse for you .

    i do admire Mick McCartht though. Some of his comments are priceless.

    I think that after the Portsmouth game he said that he would have left early with the fans if he could.

    the poor guy is on a hiding to nothing, but I suppose if Wigan and West Ham were doing badly then the Sunderland fans might expect no more, but the fact that other 2 promoted sides are doing SO WELL probably means that Mick's reign will shortly end. I find it incredible that Wigan and West Ham finished lower than you but are flying high. Some shrewd buys by their boss methinks. Stead, never rated him.

    I fear that it is now a foregone conclusion that you are going down, at this point I would fancy Birmingham and Everton to join you, but I think there will be a 10-12 point gap with you firmly rooted at the bottom and relegated by March.

    I don't thik that poor Mick will last much longer but knowing how passionate he is he should get out now before his health suffers, you can see the stress on his face every game, and I have never seen another Manager ever endure the pressure that he does. But he always faces the music, never gives excuses and wears his heart on his sleeve.

    His players are consistantly letting him down, but there again you only have one good player Arca!

    Sometimes being a "yo-yo" team has its benefits. Bolton were classic examples of this, but look at them now ! It will give you a chance to rebuild and overhall your squad.

    I am not crowing. I support Reading and the way things are going it looks like we could go up with Sheff Utd, but I wont give us that much chance of staying up there, I look to Wigan as an inspiration, but they have a lot of very hard games coming up in the 11 days after the International break against, Man U, Arsenal and Liverpool so it will be tough for them to keep their amazing run going, but who knows!

    As Jimmy G so famously said "Its a funny old game", you may put a run of 15 wins together and be in europe next year, but alas I doubt it.

    Keep your pecker up and enjoy the season, you certainly enjoyed last year, so which is better?? Its an interesting conundrum.

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