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Posts posted by ThaiPauly

  1. The lawyers will be the winners.

    Try to reach some agreement with the other party and move on.

    Never a truer word spoken.

    I have just settled a lawsuit back in the UK out of court.

    My Lawyers told me that if I went to court and lost I could be facing costs of up to one hundred thousand pounds. My Lawyers were charging me 195 pounds an hour.Ridiculous rates, alsways best to find ways round these problems

  2. Shivek accuses me of not being an Arsenal fan. I TOLD HIM that they were my favourite PRM LGE TEAM, but not my number one team.

    He calls himself a Gooners fan and does not know who the yids are


    He must be very very young.

    Shivek, offered you an Olive branch and you decided to snap it, what teh F3ck do I care, who the f#ck are you anyway and what qualifactions have you got to talk about football.

    In future I will ignore any threads you have started, and you can do likewise , as if I care

  3. Wow, this post is getting to damed heavy.

    I was ripped off loades of times in the UK, especially for artworkk I designed and published in my magazines only to see the same advert in a rival publication.

    Court action was too time consuming so a letter got fired off, then another company would do the same thing, it was a never ending circle, so what do you do, if you cant beat em, join em, so thats what I did, ripped some of theirs off.

    thats the way it goes

  4. This has to be the funniest thread on the CM forum for sometime. It's a pity that the majority of TV Members don't visit the forum as it does not relate to them.

    How can we let them know what they are missing??

    It keeps popping up on the "Forum Portal" page in the window "Latest Topic Replies". That's how I got here - and I'm in Phuket!


    Whence I finish my projectile vomiting, you are in big trouble mate...


    After me, mate! sick22uz.gif

    We live at Flora House very nice and quiet, but now two americans have moved next door to us and it is pure ######.

    They are from Washington, and Bi-sexual, my wife and I are not, and we do not condon their life style , but my God every night the wife comes over only in her underwear, trys to put the move on me , then my wife, then he comes over with

    a woody, they drink all of our liquor, smoke are cigs, eat anthing they can find in our house, what the F..k can we do?

    You're fortunate to have only experienced projectile vomiting. Some have been known to purge from both ends of the digestive system at the same time.

    The OP was clearly pleading to TV members for help about this very heavy problem. I realize gazing at such shocking evidence is an assault that gives viewers the urge to gouge out their own eyeballs. The assualt to the OP's nostrils from the pungent, earthy scent emitted by such neighbors would be greatly overwhelming. You can see the scope of the burden. Perhaps it would helpful to put it into a more clear perspective for better understanding.

    Imagine what it must be like to have such neighbors show up nightly at the door in their underwear, tempting the OP by seductively quivering their massive gelatinous flesh, while at the same time consuming everything in sight. I suspect the OP and his wife are mere shells, starving from the lack of food and other perishables. It must be costing them a fortune.

    The OP should immediately contact the Chiang Mai Zoo. These gigantic beasts can be extremely hazardous, even life-threatening.



    Shit, I have to take that image to bed now, oh what a rotten life :o

  5. Shivek, I am like you passionate about football, but I want to discuss topical issues the same as on other forums. We can all SEE how our team is palying. Whoever you support you can find out from your chosen website.

    I dont go out Saturday nights as I am glued to the TV and the Internet.

    Let's keep topic discussion to things like.


    It must rank up there poor sod.

    Shivek, nothing personal, you can post what you like, all I am trying to do as an "old hand" is give you a bit of guidance. If you love footy you are OK by me mate. Just THINK a bit more about what others may find interesting

    Chok dee

  6. Arsenal will be playing every week, sometimes twice a week for 9 months.

    So NO I don't want to see this forum clogged up with arsenal posts. What if we ALL DID what you are doing , there must be 50 or so teams with supporters who read this forum.

    Its BORING mate, stick to worthwhile posts that are of interest to all.

    This is only my opinion, do what you like, I cant stop you

    I noticed the forum had a slight Arsenal bias :o

    In all fairness to Shivek though, I notice he started a thread on Tottenham the other day. That's gotta be worth something right? :D

    Everton actually, but I dont bang on about them constantly (I certainly dont support them), my point is that we all Love football, thats something we all have in common, its just that I dont want to see constant posts about Arsenal. Shivek mate, dont stop posting, I know yyou are passionate about the game, if you check my details you will see that I too support Arsenal, they are my favourite Premiership team!

  7. Not one particular thing:

    Would my life be the same without the forum NO

    Have I met some truly amazing people YES

    Have I had help and support when needed YES

    I could not imagine my Life without TV, it is part of my life, its where I go for information, a laugh, a moan and to interact with people I can relate to.

    I LOVE Thai Visa, but what makes it special is the PEOPLE-YOU!!

  8. Like some other members post about everytime Ashes play i cant i post about everytime Arsenal plays? Hammers are gonna lose us for sure!

    the Ashes is OVER and wont be played for again for God knows how many years, plus it is an International affair and there are as many Ozzies as Brits here, I dont like cricket, but thats no problem.

    Arsenal will be playing every week, sometimes twice a week for 9 months.

    So NO I don't want to see this forum clogged up with arsenal posts. What if we ALL DID what you are doing , there must be 50 or so teams with supporters who read this forum.

    You want me to give you a preview and review of every game Reading play, answer NO.

    Its BORING mate, stick to worthwhile posts that are of interest to all.

    This is only my opinion, do what you like, I cant stop you

  9. If Campbell stays healthy Arsenal will be in the hunt. Him and Toure were very solid at the back a couple of seasons ago and they just couldn't get it right in his absence last year.

    I'm not an Arsenal fan but I'd rather see them up there than Chelsea  :o  (or Man U  :D )

    With Viera gone and Henry out for another month- I just cannot see Arsenal as a force to challenge Chelski right now.

    I would love to be more positive than that -but I can't

    Shivek are you going to post EVERY time Arsenal play, as the forum is going to get very BORING if you do!

  10. Hey Spuds, why do you spell "centre" the American way "center" in your posts?

    You are BRITISH- don't let the side down old boy!!

    Maybee their way makes a more sensible spelling -but that's not the point.

    Wishing you GOOD LUCK once again, and yes- we all want to see the Pics!!


  11. This has to be the funniest thread on the CM forum for sometime. It's a pity that the majority of TV Members don't visit the forum as it does not relate to them.

    How can we let them know what they are missing??

  12. My Wife and I are very sorry to have caused you this embarrasment, we won't come round again (anyway we don't like the brand of ciggies you smoke, and your'e booze is well below the strenghth we are used to, plus the fact my ife doesnt really fancy yours but there are not many farang women about to hit on this time of year so needs must when the devil drives.) Lucky you did not spot our fake accents I am a Brit and my Wife is Thai , but that whitening cream seems to working wonders.

    Oh and one last thing, get a maid, and open some windows, your house reeks of stale smoke.


  13. Thanx for the advice, I am glad its just not OUR Dog then! Although we put our foot down from day one and she will NOT come upstairs, it shows that they are trainable, just have to be consistent I think, no good letting her jump up and patting her on the head one minute and smacking her the next I suppose.

    I agree with you Tywais about rish setters. t was my first dog 25 years ago, and I am sure it was BARKING MAD. He once chewed up a freind's sofa when they Dogsat him, I could not afford to keep him unfortunatley as he was a total headcase.!

  14. Good Luck BS, I wish you a long and happy marriage.

    was I nervous, NO, reason: Didn't know I was getting Married thought I was just going to the Amphur Office to get the Documents sorted out as the wedding was a week later (so I thought) I did not put 2 and 2 together even though we picked up two of her freinds on the way, even though when we walked into the office everybody was smiling and there was a bloody great flowered heart where people stood to have their pictures taken. Dont call me a plonker, as I know I am one!

    However I was slightly nervous the three previous times I got married!!

    Chok dee mate


  15. Tywais,

    was your retreiver absolutley barking mad at four months?

    Although mine is loving (and we love her very much)she will not stop jumping up or biting. She does not hurt when she bites its more of a "lovebite" She can have my hand in her mouth for a few minutes and never hurts meI suppose, but the jumping is becoming a problem especially when guests come. :o

    Any ideas?



  16. Mine is too high, I am trying to reduce it. I have cut out all alcohol intake and am trying to get excersise, but it is very difficult as even swimming has a bad effect on my back pain. All I can do is walk, but the Doctors say that is is no great cause for concern, they are worried about other organs rather than my heart !!

  17. A couple of weeks ago my wife convinced me to buy a water purifier from Amway Thailand, brand name "espring". I was skeptical after using bottled water for many years, and didn't trust it at first.

    After 2 weeks I think it's one of the best things we have ever bought here. I'm English, and for the first time hot tea tastes the same as it does in England.

    It has a carbon filter and also UV. I looked at the manufacturers website (espring.com) and it seems to be high spec. I know Amway products are generally high quality, and their after sales service seems quite good, and so that was another reason I decided to buy it. I suppose the product must live up to it's claims or they'd be in trouble in the US.

    My wife's friend is a sales rep for Amway in Bangkok, if you would like more info PM me with your mobile phone number and I can ask her to call you to arrange a demo at your home. She speaks reasonable English, and doesn't do a hard sell. Or you could try Amway Thailand direct (I'm not on a commission).

    They are not cheap, around 30,000 Baht. Apparently Amway are running Ads for now in places like the UBC magazine.

    I have one of the above and I concur with the whole content of the post

  18. Hi Guys,

    I can't find a decent Electrician for love nor money.

    Do any of you know of a decent one.

    If so can you let me have a number and name.

    Thanx in advance

    TP :o



    Good work, good prices :D

    Thanks Ajarn, If I am not mistaken I think this is your first post since the end of July, and i am well chuffed that it is to my post you have responded.

    Chock dee Larry

  19. HiCheese and welcome.

    I am afraid I cannot answer any of your questions, but I assume that you will be living in a house as opposed to a Condo ? Only many (mosy) Condos that I know of (or have lived in )in BK do not allow pets.

    as an aside we have a Golden Retriever, but we live up-country.

    Good Luck, I am sure others will be able to help in your quest for information



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