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Posts posted by ThaiPauly

  1. HiCheese and welcome.

    I am afraid I cannot answer any of your questions, but I assume that you will be living in a house as opposed to a Condo ? Only many (mosy) Condos that I know of (or have lived in )in BK do not allow pets.

    as an aside we have a Golden Retriever, but we live up-country.

    Good Luck, I am sure others will be able to help in your quest for information



  2. Thanks for the sympathy folks. Digger, I would not want to go down the road you mentioned although it would be very easy for me to do so as I owned a media company in the UK, its a bit personal and I would not want my family and freinds to see me whinging in the National Press.

    From whats been said so far, looks like I made the wrong decision to be operated on in Thailand. Maybee this should be a warning to others. I had the means to have the operation back in the UK but I made the easy, and what turned out to be the wrong choice.

  3. she has a relentless thirst for money and will not back off until she's licked every bit of flesh clean off the bone. now she's pregnant and I feel she has got me well and truly over the barrel. help! can someone throw me a lifebuoy?

    a life-boy?

    the solution is easy , just give her your every last penny and then jump off the balcony ,this usually works for most guys in your position. :o

    happy diving

    I thought you were here to help?

  4. I'm not asking for me its for you load of sad humourless farts with hairs on the palms of your hands. You have to think of your  future .

    How on earth would somebody with your level of intelligence be able to advise people like us.

    It beggars beleif.

    Are you a freind of Turock ? As you sure sound about as stupid as him, still am glad you are here as you never fail to make me laugh with your stupid posts :o

  5. Thanx Sohp.

    I accept the situation with my back and am not looking to Sue for damages for that as I am aware that Back's are complicated, I just wanted to give you the background on that.

    It's the problem that THEY CREATED that I am not at all happy about and if I get enough responses that I should see a Lawyer then that is what I will do, I am very sure that it will be hard taking on an institution as big as theirs but I dont understand how on earth I can go in for one op and come out needing 2 more in a different place, not to mention the trauma this is having on my Wife and I



    PS are there any speacilist medical Lawyers?

  6. I have had 5 "Life Partners" of course when you marry you expect it to be for life, but as we ALL know this is simply not the case.

    Each one has had different qualities to the other so there is absolutley NO CRITERIA.

    As already stated if you LOVE somebody enouh and they love you then away you go and see how it goes, if it lasts (My Mum and Dad have been married 55 years) thats great, if not you lick your woulds and move on.



  7. I think its pretty safe to say that Sunderland are already down.

    ou can't get any decent money on them to stay up, think it will exactly the same situation for them as it was when they were relegated last time.

    I am not saying McCarthy is a bad manager, I admire him, they did very well last season in the Championship, but the gulf seems to widen every yeear between the two leagues.

    If my team (Reading) were to get promoted this eason , and they have been knowcking on the door for 3 years now, I know they would come straight back down, but it would be WORTH IT, just to see them on TV!

  8. 3 months ago I underwent surgery on my back. The Surgeon's first effort he addmitted he made mistaked and did the second op for free. He said I would see a 70% improvement, I have only got 20% So I will be on painkillers for the rest of my life. I am in pain EVERY day, somedays are worse than others. I have to fly back to the UK soon and I am DREADING it.

    If thats not bad enough the operation caused a problem that was nothing to do with my back, but their use of a Kathata has robbed me of my Sex Life. I have had a further to operations (1 free) to try to recity this other problem, but they have not managed to do so to my satisfaction or anything like it. I have not been able to make love to my wife in over 3 months now, and the pain is such that I cannot see it improving without further surgery, which I would definatley not want in Thailand.

    What I want to know (if anyone can help me with this) is where I stand legally. I feel like sueing the hospital and surgeons for negligence.

    Where do I stand? can I do it here? has anyone done it sucessfully? Obviously I had to sign the pre-op disclaimer, is that their "Get Out Of Jail Free" card?

    What are my chances of succesfully sueing a large institution as a foreigner, or will I bring a world of shit down on my head?

    It's not about the money really although the money I got if I were to win would finace a trip to the states to have the problem rectified, as I feel they are incompetant here in Chaing mai.

    Many thanks if anyone can help me.

  9. QUOTE(Nam Kao @ 2005-09-13 23:19:45)

    Thats is, i am on the wagon ermm.gif


    4 me 9 years without a drop.

    Stopped smoking 4 months ago.

    Now I have to cut cholesterol sad.gif


    You are one of the lucky ones. many can't give it up even with something like liver damage.

    You are so right. I was diagnosed with Liver problems and Hepititas a year ago and was told to stop drinking or face the consequences.

    Well I did not, it's only now because I feel so rough ALL THE TIME, (although being in the operating treatre five times in 3 months has not helped much) I have quit and I hope I have done so before it's to late. It is so ###### hard, but has to be done. I am sick and tired of feeling sick and tired.

    Syd, I wish you all the luck in the world. The good thing is you have age on your side, follow the advice of some of the posts here, these guys are so so helpful and supportive, ans we will be with you all the way through your recovery.

    Chok Dee my freind


  10. Just drove over a bridge over the Ping at 11.30am, it looks omionous. There were twenty to thirty people standing, watching along with the Police. Its about at the brim now. If we get more rain there could be trouble in Chaing Mai as the clouds look quite menacing.

    If you live in the city and it starts to rain heavily again -beware

    I don't mean to be a naysayer, just saying it as I saw it.

  11. Just been to hang Dong and back, took 2 hours and I am pretty g;ad I have a 4x4. there is very severe flooding.

    DON't go to Hang Dong/Bantawai today. Most places are closed because they are flloded out or closed because they are helping the flood victims.

    water in some areas is over a metre deep. The incoming highway to Chaing mai is closed with all traffic diverted into the outgoing lane. Happy to say there are loads of Thais with their trousers rolled up happily helping the stranded cars to get out or push them through, even the police are doing their job with theor shoes off and trousers rolled up!

  12. Just had one of our staff on the phone from our restaurant in Hang Dong, says the area is flooded, (not the Restaurant Thank God).

    Going now to have a look, wont be much business to be had today .

  13. Everton lost as I predicted, the report said they were "lethargic' well the Toon picked themselves up off the floor at the weekend , have everton got the balls to do it.

    Me thinks not, although Moyes has enough bottle, if things dont turn around fast I can see him getting the boot before Souness or Mccarthy

  14. "We Take Care You" Tesco Loutus advertisement on Tuk Tuks in Chaing Mai, (abd probably elsewhere too. I can't beleive that a Company especially a British Company would allow such a thing to happen, and I also can't beleive they have not withdrawn them. The Top Brass are I know for a fact Farang

  15. ThaiPauly,

    When talking taxes, offshore, etc. A lot depends on where your home country is. US is among the cruelist. Go live overseas for the rest of your life, and you are still expected to file every year.

    Reading on expat taxes I learned that it is illegal to renounce your citizenship (American) to avoid paying taxes.  :o


    I beleive that we Brits get better tax breaks if we live overseas than you do.Personally I still have to file a tax return every year, but we dont have to declare any overseas income, (if I had any) when I ran my business in the UK , although I was drawing a Salary because I lived here for 9 months of the year I paid NO TAX on my earnings and no tax or National Insurance Contributions when I sold it, that was worth an extra $300,000!!!

    God Save The Queen

  16. Most people live within their own means. if you are earing $1000,000 a year then thats probably what you'll spend, and if you earn a fifth of that you will live within those means. People who earn high incomes also have the highest borring levels too (flash cars, big houses) as HaHa said, "keeping up with the Jones's"

    The following analagy has always served me well:

    Income : 1 dollar a month

    Expenditure: 99 cents.

    Result: Happiness

    Income : I dollar a month

    Expenditure: 1 dollar ,one cent

    Result: Misery

    What I am trying to get at is it really does not matter how much income you have ,you will adjust your lifestyle to match it, so as long as you have the basic requirement the Government requires you to have here, you can live off it and be HAPPY :o

  17. 'Even if you retire, you still pay taxes...what did somebody once say...the only thing certain in life is death and taxes...'

    Well, true  Craigt, except for a certain sum profit on the house we (yours and mine) just sold. Now that was a deal, yes? I guess we did really pay taxes on it all ready, just the amount was tax excempt. :D

    That is true! Gotta love some of the tax breaks. Though all the realtor fees, etc. were enough!! :D

    Now...where to stash that money so I can live off the interest! And of course pay taxes on it... :o

    Why would you have to pay taxes Craigt if you kept your money in an offshore bank account? thats what I do, then draw what I need when I need it. Never paid a penny in 2 1/2 years and the taxman has not asked me for any!

  18. Close your eyes and click your heels together three times and repeat there is no place like home.  When you open your eyes you should be outa oz.  If not look for those three funny looking caracters from the movie and hang out with them.

    I dont live in the LOS yet, but have spent 6 months there and plan on goinig back within a year.  I will have a pension of about 82000bht per month ($2000 US) with about 280000 bht in the bank and i still feel like i dont have enough.

    Stay where you are and keep your dreams alive by taking care of your debts and problems there and save your money.  The last thing the LOS needs is another dead beat farang.

    Oh you have enough Phil, beleive me you have enough!!! :D I think you probably have too much so please let me be youur financial advisor :o

  19. The original buiding at the back dates back a few centuries. They use it to live in themselves, yes it looks a bit tardy, but their's is quite a new venture and they need income before they start "doing it up"

  20. I know the Owner's they are nice people, the rooms are very well decorated (traditional Thai style)and the ambience is good along with the location , as it is very easy to get into town from there.

    Although I have'nt stayed there, I would venture that it's OK

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