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Posts posted by ThaiPauly

  1. So sorry to read this. I kept in touch with him down the years after he settled in Oakham

    But he was a very sick man and would have gone many years before if he had not moved back to the UK 

    He was so happy to be there and receiving what he described as "Quality Care".But in the end his luck finally ran out...as it must for us all

    RIP Martin

    • Like 2
  2. On 8/24/2013 at 4:31 PM, NanLaew said:

    I am sorry if I came across as mocking; nobody knows what life is like in Singapore better than a born-and-bred Singapore resident.

    International relocation and the question of best alternative countries to live, work or retire in is a reality that many non-Singaporeans have been wrestling with for decades. Coming late to that party isn't a crime since for the most part, Singapore's quality of life has trumped that of it's near neighbours for decades. So why look outside?

    I would have to suggest that Thailand and other southeast Asian neighbours would only disappoint the newbie expat Singaporean unless they were able to handle a significant depreciation in lifestyle. Japan and South Korea may be a better but less local fit? Witness the exodus from Hong Kong prior to the handover to China who (mostly) opted for North America and Vancouver in particular. If Thailand is the best of the local options, then there's no way that Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos would have a dog in the fight. Maybe Indonesia? Myanmar is way too far away in the future and Malaysia... well, that's just silly isn't it?

    I would reckon that Perth and the southwest corner of Western Australia would be a great pick but the Australian immigration requirements can be very discriminatory and the bar set very high regards what you are bringing TO the great downundah.

    Good question for debate though and it would be good to see other Singaporeans (other than tourists or casual short-term visitors) with a decent level of exposure to living, working or residing in Thailand post their views. I have a couple of married British friends, both long-time Singapore residents that are looking to move elsewhere after almost 50 years combined living there. Their families have grown, graduated and moved out and they realize that although the 'empty nest' syndrome is just as strong as it is in the US and UK., relocation, downsizing (or even upsizing) in Singapore is very difficult economically and practically. They have been on holiday in Chiang Mai but not really sure if the option of a nice, new house in a secure gated community makes up for the much poorer infrastructure and all the other, sometimes ugly baggage in LOS. I guess it's down to expectations really.

    I don't agree that Singaporians would be disappointed with Thailand.

    Many Brits, like myself, have come from affluent  areas of the UK and settled very nicely in Thailand.

    I have been here nearly 20 years and enjoy the kind of lifestyle Singaporeans  could only dream of in retirement.

    Money goes a long way here.

    I have visited your wonderful country several times and love it.....but I could not afford to stay there, even a basic hotel room is 100 dollars a night.

    Love to visit, but not to live.

    Stamford Raffles

  3. 2 hours ago, Lacessit said:

    Sorry, no. Have never been to Hua Hin.


    Did you try Dr. Wittawat Rawiyotai at Bangkok Hospital in Chiang Mai? He does my regular cystoscopies, I've found him to be very professional.


    Failing that, I understand Bumrungrad in Bangkok is world-class, albeit very expensive.

    Yes I have been everywhere you have mentioned.

    I cannot comment further

    • Like 1
  4. 3 hours ago, Lacessit said:

    Usually, the reaction to sandfly bites becomes less with more exposures, unless you are one of those unfortunates with a sensitized immune response.

    I seem to remember you were having considerable problems after urinary surgery, is that improved now?

    You have a great memory.

    No my issues were not resolved, I have continual problems  with urethral stricture disease and constantly get UTI's, and one of the reasons I want to relocate , or at least have a base in HH is because  I have zero confidence in CM urologists.


    We have found condos within a stones throw of Bangkok Hospital.

    Before I made the move I would check out the urologists in HH.

    Do you know what they are like?

  5. Does HH have a problem with sandflies?

    I have a severe allergic reaction to bites from these critters.

    I know that Chumpon and Surat has them from experience.

    Hoping that HH might be spared.

  6. I have had GERD for a long time and my regime is

    Moltium M



    All of the above before breakfast

    Dexilent 30mg


    I used to take  Gaviscon  before bed but don't need it now.


    However, the past 3 weeks I have been on a "Keto fasting diet "and over the last week I have not suffered with my GERD nearly as bad.

    Could this be down to the fact that I don't eat any carbs or sugar and am eating a high fat diet but much less food overall?


    Can't claim it to be anything more than it is, but strange how my health has improved in this area by going on this diet

  7. On 4/13/2022 at 4:58 PM, jimn said:

    Just an update to my topic. My wife applied for the 10 year Standard Visit Visa on March 24th, using the normal service. She received the successful visa today April 13th via Thai Post EMS. This was a total of 10 working days in all. I would like to thank @Tony Mfor taking the time to respond to my questions. It looks like if you have a good solid case for a visa the turn around times are nothing like the 6 weeks as published.

    Glad to hear that.

    I have to go through the same process in a few weeks, can you tell me how you paid the fee, it's around 800 gbp for a 10 year visa now is it not?


    We live in Chiang Mai and understand there is now a VHS office here so can deliver everything  there when she has her biometrics done.


    Like you she has had a combo of visas, last one being 5 years but that has expired.

    I can't remember  where I downloaded the application form from or is it all done online with attachments  now?


    Many thanks  have a great trip



  8. 16 hours ago, JimmyJ said:

    A few years ago was referred to and saw an older male doctor at Ram who also had his own clinic evenings  on Moon Mueang  near the Somphet Market.


    Planning to see him again soon.


    Is that Chalermpong?





    I think so.

    I have never been to see him at his clinic, but I know he has one

  9. On 3/25/2022 at 3:06 PM, anto said:

    RIP ,Used see him many times when i would go for a quiet afternoon drink at the SM Salon next to the UN irish .That was 2018 to early 2019 ,They had happy hour Big Chang B75 .He used zip about on an old Honda wave .He looked early 60s .Kind of young to die .Sounds like it was a quick death ,which is how i would like to go .

    I met Ron in 2002 at the CMS and he was in his 60's then I would have thought.

    He aged well.

    With all the ways to go in Thailand a freak accident takes a long term resident.

    RIP Ron

    • Like 1
  10. On 12/14/2021 at 7:31 PM, babyjesus said:

    I heard today from his daughter, that Frank Moore AKA PeaceBlondie died at home this past weekend.  Cremation is being planned but I have no other information.

    I heard this just a few weeks ago, unfortunately  he was never the same after his stroke  but was well cared for by his partner.

    I remember he tried living in Hui Hin and hated it, moved back to CM.


    Had a bad motorbike accident if I remember correctly 

    RIP Frank

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