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Posts posted by simple1

  1. Perhaps you could tell the good citizens of Spartanburg, SC, their fears are unfounded since everything is out in the open.


    Requests for information often ignored, stymied
    Published: 04/08/2015 at 7:36 PM
    With Muslim immigrants streaming into the United States at a rate of 100,000 per year, some of the communities targeted for new arrivals are seeking information on their new neighbors, only to be frustrated by federal bureaucrats and their hired contractors.
    How does a city get on the U.S. State Department’s list of 190 communities selected for refugee resettlement? How can cities find out who will be coming and when? What services will they use, and what will be the cost to taxpayers?
    And, the granddaddy of all questions: Can the communities be assured that foreign nationals with ties to ISIS, al-Shabab and other Islamic terrorist groups won’t slip through the government’s porous screening process posing as “refugees”?
    The answers to these questions are simple. Very little information is available. And there are no guarantees that some very bad apples won’t arrive in your town, says a leading expert on the refugee resettlement program.

    Have a read of the Presidential Memorandum that clearly directs relevant agencies to co-ordinate with communities who have been identified as refugee resettlement destinations. Again where's the support for the allegation of secrecy by Federal government.


    The private organisation referenced in the article, World Relief, is a Christian Evangelical group that to date has assisted with resettlement of 250k refugees.


  2. Geller and Spencer and Savage and others being labeled persona non grata by the UK government is like a pot calling a kettle black. The UK has been one of the great sanctuaries for Islamic terrorists in history; certainly western history. http://www.larouchepub.com/eiw/public/1998/eirv25n01-19980102/eirv25n01-19980102_060-british_under_attack_for_harbori.pdf http://www.larouchepub.com/eiw/public/2000/eirv27n02-20000114/eirv27n02-20000114_050-british_establishment_admits_yes.pdf http://www.emannabih.com/hey-united-kingdom-remember-that-harboring-terrorists-begets-terrorism/ http://www.sinhaya.com/uk.htm

    No reason to continue posts that may or may not lock in my point; a cursory search that UK, either for unknown reasons or secondary to Byzantium EU immigration proceedings provides a refuge for terrorists for a while. To have the UK then ban Spencer, Geller, and Savage for basically being on the front lines of an initially intellectual response to islamic aggression is in fact a badge of honor, not shame. In a world without borders the act of PNG is meaningless in any event. I honor people such as Geller though I have a bit more self reflection to note the TX event was not simply freedom of speech, though it was also. It was also a response to the line in the sand muslims have drawn for those people in the House of War, dar al harb, who are not yet even subject to sharia. It is basically warning shots that sharia is coming and to self censure or else.

    The most amazing thing to witness as a human passing by these years is the intellectual dishonesty that is now epidemic in society; it is a nearly managed programing. Such dishonesty truly gives voice to certain motivations suggested in the movies Kymatica and Esoteric Agenda (though I dont agree with all of their assertions). The near diabolical disconnect humans are being forced to experience is both dizzying and enormous in both its magnitude of deceit and diabolism. With the advent of social media no other people in the history of the world have participated in the first global conquest by the manipulation of language and meaning as a singular stalking horse. This is the Third Great Jihad, but the horse is unlike Troy's.

    From "Arbeit Macht Frei" to "Islam is a religion of peace" humans are currently paralyzed by the act of forcing two contradictory 'truths' into their discordant mind- “Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them.G. Orwell Thus we live daily with cognitive dissonance. War, blood, death, rape, slave, jews, death, bomb, war, behead, murder, enslave, capture, burn alive, conquer, car bomb, show bomb, camel bomb, world trade center, New York, Madrid, Mumbai, NWFP, Sanaa, Aden, Alepo, Beirut, Gaza... Islam has always been part of America” Fort Hood,Times Sqaure, World Trade Center 1, honor killings, daughters murdered in US, Canada... “These rituals remind us of the principles that we hold in common, and Islam’s role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings.” sharia, taqiyya, jizya, the tax, throwing gay people from buildings, if they live, burying them up to their neck beside a wall, then using a tank to knock the wall down upon them... These rituals remind us of the principles that we hold in common, and Islam’s role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings.” TSA, countless billions spent on security, NSA, loss of liberty, women driving, women walking behind husbands, women in the workplace, child rape victims having to marry their rapers, daughters being traded for cattle, or debt... “These rituals remind us of the principles that we hold in common, and Islam’s role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings.” sharia courts operating independently in the UK, sharia courts counting the testimony of a woman as 1/4, raped women requiring three male witnesses else-wise her assertion of rape becomes admission of sex and she goes to prison to have her baby and serve her time...

    “These rituals remind us of the principles that we hold in common, and Islam’s role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings.” islam lacks inherent exegesis through jurisprudence to ever change to accommodate vox populi; the muslim founders were well aware of the pressing needs of various other cultures to change upon sharia and the tenet faith and made integral to the migration laws and jihad the conditioning which solely prevents modernizing. Whatever Islam is, it is not what the west has imagined it to be. What the West has imagined islam to be is basically, "us," but "not us," "Different!" This is a fallacy of incalculable error. Islam is not simply another relative religion preoccupied with the duties of getting their believers from here to god. Islam is a very real, very here sociopolitical military-judicial system of theocratic government. In the early 100's of the Roman Empire some reputed descendents of the then known Jesus of Nazareth were brought before the court. "In who's world do you serve," paraphrase. They responded that they serve the Emperor, but that their empire was in another world. Pleased, perhaps irritated that he had to even be bothered with such a trifle issue, he dismissed them to live their lives. Islam is not that story. “That experience guides my conviction that partnership between America and Islam must be based on what Islam is, not what it isn’t. And I consider it part of my responsibility as president of the United States to fight against negative stereotypes of Islam wherever they appear.”

    In Islam when no religious claim is executed or even if so and otherwise conquered through any number of subtle or complex means that islam provides to describe conquest, the land becomes a waqf of islam. A dedicated, forever islam location; it could actually be called a trust. This can be as simple as muslims assembling and praying at a location- thus the historical compulsion to build mosques upon other religious icons. Indeed, it is this reason that mosques are going up throughout middle America, though Americans are only incidentally threatened as there are less muslims than space at nearly all these locations. Enter Obama, "if you build it they will come" (this is not his quote but his response). This is among the reasons the re population of displaced muslims from abroad is being managed with great secrecy in the US- to the tune of millions! Nevertheless, remarkably rural areas are getting large muslim populations- and coincidentally these same types of areas have been having large waqf/mosques built. It is the same as all the former lands once conquered or stolen by islamic jihad- they proclaim with great judicial authority that these lands actually belong to them, according to their law. “Whatever we once were, we are no longer a Christian nation” becomes less an invitation than an execution commentary.

    As noted, the above quotes are either Obama or cited as Orwell. It is important to look at Obama's quotes over time rather singular context. This pattern actually reveals more regarding Spencer, Geller, and Savage- they are heroes. When the president of the no longer christian United States of America states “The future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam” he is giving explicit commands. “Islam has always been part of America” suggests the common revisionist mechanics used throughout the jihad world, from Boko Haram to the Taliban to Hamas and others. Revise the history, such as democratic/progressive gaslighting- say something often enough and it will be considered true. The following quotes conclude my point but cant elaborate further on the obvious.

    Geller and company are heroes; they are our little furry yellow friends in our current coal mine.

    These are only quotes from Obama woven into a fabric I choose to wear. Consider what greater minds than us have noted: http://wikiislam.net/wiki/Quotations_on_Islam_from_Notable_Non-Muslims#Rabindranath_Tagore

    “We will convey our deep appreciation for the Islamic faith, which has done so much over the centuries to shape the world “” including in my own country.”

    “As a student of history, I also know civilization’s debt to Islam.” Yes, civilization is estimated to be in debt to Islam to roughly 110,000,000 in the Indian subcontinent and close to 300,000,000 lives totally since 632CE.

    “Islam has a proud tradition of tolerance.” False

    “Islam has always been part of America” False

    “These rituals remind us of the principles that we hold in common, and Islam’s role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings.” False

    “I made clear that America is not — and never will be — at war with Islam.” Perhaps, but irrelevant. Islam is at war with the world; its required.

    Processing of displaced Muslims is not being managed in great secrecy. The programs are being managed by the State Dept, in conjunction with Dept of Homeland Security and openly discussed. Info can easily be obtained e.g.


    Personally I find the level of spin & negativity in your post disappointing.

  3. I have to laugh at the some comments. One person said that he just knew that Rohingja were killed when they refused to be slaves, or some crap like that. I don't suppose many people in this very humorous format will consider that 50+ police and other local officials close to the border might be considered heroes to the Rohingja who are desperate for help to escape oppression. I see no evidence that qualifies this situation as trafficking no matter how many times that word is used in print. I, unlike some others here, am well aware of the difference between trafficking and smuggling. In the article a smuggler - not a trafficker - got 2300 baht each to drive 10 people to the border. That is only about $715 total which seems very reasonable considering the risk he took. This whole problem is solved by settling aside traditional nationalism and letting Rohingja migrate to a place - presumably Muslim majority countries - who will take them. The social panic regarding trafficking originating in America prevents normal agreements to settle refugees, and these are refugees. It appears that Rohingja can pay for their relocation with classic indentured servitude which is not the same as slavery. NGOs are making their reputation misrepresenting these things and it is useful for us, the public, to get it right.

    Perhaps you would accept the term trafficking when Rohingya are held in camps and subject to extortion for the final leg of their journey in order to be smuggled into Malaysia. As Malaysia will not provide smuggled Rohingya work permits they are again exploited by paying very low wages and poor working conditions. Think your cutting a very fine line with indentured labour versus slavery argument; often indentured labour are never able to pay off debt or at least takes many years paying off small debts.

    Perhaps you care to explain how Rohingya can legally migrate when they are stateless. Besides, Muslim dictatorships do not generally care about anyone other than themselves and immediate supporters. The exception was back in the late 1970s Saudi Arabia did accept approx 300k plus Rohingya who were issued Bangladeshi passports. The current Bangladesh government has refused to issue up-to-date documentation for Rohingya in KSA. Rohingya are now being arrested in KSA and held until at some time in the future they can be deported; trouble is no one wants them.

  4. Malaysian politicians from the Barisan National coalition and their civil servant stooges, are habitual liars and corrupt to the bone. They would easily deny that any American tanks were in Bagdad. Malaysia should take more of the blame. A bit strange that they mistreat their Muslim "brothers" like this. Malaysia should also be placed firmly in tier three with a penalty levied on many of their export products.

    The idea that Muslim majority country countries treat Muslim non citizens as 'brothers' is largely a myth. Malaysia is listed by the US State Dept as Tier 3.


    Penalties for being listed as Tier 3 do not include trade sanctions.

    Pursuant to the TVPA, governments of countries on Tier 3 may be subject to certain sanctions, whereby the U.S. government may withhold or withdraw nonhumanitarian, non-trade-related foreign assistance. In addition, countries on Tier 3 may not receive funding for government employees’ participation in educational and cultural exchange programs. Consistent with the TVPA, governments subject to sanctions would also face U.S. opposition to assistance (except for humanitarian, trade-related, and certain development-related assistance) from international financial institutions such as the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank.


  5. Chan's funeral is being held tomorrow and is expected 1000s will attend. Funeral to be held at Hillsong Church, a group who are a classic example of a nutcase Christian sect.

    I daresay they don't behead people though or throw gyas off buildings!

    True, though the leadership has been involved in covering up pedophilia activities. However to use a word favoured by people such as you, 'deflection'

  6. Yes they will step up, they are already doing so. The huge majority of muslims are just as sick of extremists as everyone else.

    Right. Exactly. They are leading the charge against it for sure. (That claim and excuse is getting completely threadbare considering the inactivity which accompanies it.)

    Isis: Ten Arab Nations Join US-Led Coalition against Islamic State


    This is Muslim sect against Muslim sect. They have warred against each other forever. They just don't want ISIS to get the upper hand over them as ISIS has done or verged on doing in some countries already.


    Except for Iraq, it's an Arab coalition of Sunni majority countries, Deash are also Sunni. IMO it was a diplomatic success for the Obama Administration in it's efforts for an enduring regional balance of power favourable to the West.

    What has largely been forgotten is Deash leadership are using a religious war in an attempt to achieve an initial political goal i.e. removing the Sykes-Picot lines in the ground.

  7. Yes they will step up, they are already doing so. The huge majority of muslims are just as sick of extremists as everyone else.

    Right. Exactly. They are leading the charge against it for sure. (That claim and excuse is getting completely threadbare considering the inactivity which accompanies it.)

    Who are the people right now on the ground fighting the worst manifestation of Islamic extremism, if not other Muslims. Hundred's from Deash's own mainstream group, Sunni, have gone so far as to refuse to swear allegiance to Deash in the certain knowledge of their death. I'd like to see the oh so tough Western critics of Muslim moderates who die in their thousands for once to shut up & at the very least recognise their bravery & suffering.

  8. Like I have said, they are economic refugees, not abducted and forced into slavery.

    The only way to solve this problem is to get their home countries to act, like Vietnam did on their boat people.

    Rohingya are denied citizenship, stateless, which dictates using illegal methods for crossing borders to escape the policies of repression by the Myanmar government.

    Rohingya do voluntarily try to get out of Myanmar. If you were restricted by the State for movement, speech, marriage, children, access to healthcare, business & education with no means to resist the State - what would you do?

  9. Its a disgrace that they and the others were shot. I hope their deaths pave the way for serious changes to sentencing for drug mules.

    Cartel capos rightly deserve harsh sentences but those taking enormous risks for a paltry slice of the pie simply don't merit a bullet imo

    FYI The two executed were the organisers of heroin importation into Oz, not mules and were connected to a Burma based heroin trafficking syndicate.

    At the moment there is around 1000 deaths p.a. in Oz for those using illegal narcotics

    How many deaths p.a. stem from drinking fermented sugar ...a.k.a. alcohol?

    How many deaths p.a. from pharma drugs.

    Discover magazine did a study and found (in the US) there are more deaths p.a. from pharma drugs than from all illegal drugs combined. It's very like there are also more deaths from alcohol than all illegal drugs combined. Do the math. If drug mules deserve to be shot, what do pharma drug dealers or alcohol peddlers deserve? ....their entire families get shot also?

    Personally I agree narcotics / ICE mules should not be executed, rather lengthy prison terms. The two Aussies executed were traffickers, different set of circumstances. IMO they should not have been put to death due to rehabilitation, confirmed by the prison governor who also pleaded their case. They had claimed they would accept very lengthy prison terms.

    Sure phama drugs, alcohol and tobacco do kill, but the negative consequences of products are very well documented.

    The AFP representative had originally claimed they passed on info to Indo police as they were seeking to identify the original source of supply for heroin importation into Australia. Perhaps the best way forward is to decriminalise, not legalise, the use of currently illegal drugs, though I have to say such a policy with ICE I personally would not find acceptable. However, you can guarantee that new designer drugs from organised crime will enter the supply chain and cause yet more misery and death for users.

  10. Some supporters of Geller's actions accuse members of this forum who disagree with her actions of being 'apologists' for Islamic terrorism, even so far to claim those who disagree within this forum would applaud her murder; IMO these posts are themselves attempts to stifle free speech.

    Geller has often articulated far right ideology & when highlighted she has removed some of her extremist & sometimes classical racist commentary, then denying ever posting such content. Her methodology has been exposed by the use of web based technology, yet she is only gently chided by some. Personally I fail to comprehend what constructive value the far right - fascist dictators if they ever gained power - bring to the debate on Islamic extremism.

  11. Not being American I looked up Skokie and I came across the following admirable quote.

    As Justice Louis Brandeis once explained, the Framers of our First Amendment knew "that fear breeds repression; that repression breeds hate; that hate menaces stable government; that the path of safety lies in the opportunity to discuss freely supposed grievances and proposed remedies; and that the fitting remedy for evil counsels is good ones."


  12. Not really true is it, what other religion would have followers routinely rioting, flag burning and killing over a CARTOON? Too many Muslims almost want to be offended and are forever portraying themselves as victims when they are not. They must be the most insecure followers of any religion to so often resort to violence over the slightest 'offence' Don't recall Baptists, Sikhs jains or Buddhist flying planes into buildings, burning down temples of another religion and certainly not out on the slaughter over cartoons.

    As a point of detail Sikh extremism is well documented, including destroying an Air India flight which resulted in the deaths of all 331 passengers and crew

    There is also the burning and vandalism of mosques in Australia. The the blind cant see this because of their bigotry.

    Not much free speech in Australia - the subject cannot really be talked about - the governments have been a push over for Muslim immigration and anyone else who has landed on the shore... When there cannot be a full and open debate - even name calling - secret burnings is a way to vent the anger... I am not justifying it ... it is illegal ... but people with no outlet and a government that is working to help the other side -- this is what happens...

    Post removed to enable reply.

    Sorry, free speech is accepted as a social and political norm in Oz, bigoted and insulting language is not uncommon. What is not legally permissible in Oz is defamation (doesn't include religion), language that is racist, supports terrorism or other acts of violence.

    As a bit more detail denying the Holocaust is not technically illegal in Australia, but it can fall foul of Section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act.

  13. "Breaking the Silence also made it clear that the personal details of the soldiers quoted in the collection, and the exact location of the incidents described in the testimonies, would readily be made available to any official and independent investigation of the events, as long as the identity of the testifiers did not become public"

    Was this request authorised by the IDF and if so what was the outcome? In any case there are video & print testimonials identifying some contributors by name e.g.



  14. Offend any religion in any part of the world, and violence will happens....even between the same religion.

    Not really true is it, what other religion would have followers routinely rioting, flag burning and killing over a CARTOON? Too many Muslims almost want to be offended and are forever portraying themselves as victims when they are not. They must be the most insecure followers of any religion to so often resort to violence over the slightest 'offence' Don't recall Baptists, Sikhs jains or Buddhist flying planes into buildings, burning down temples of another religion and certainly not out on the slaughter over cartoons.

    As a point of detail Sikh extremism is well documented, including destroying an Air India flight which resulted in the deaths of all 331 passengers and crew

  15. These apologists may not have been to America.

    I could take pictures of the Pope and Obama into a bar, pin them up and get the guys to throw darts at them and no one but the bar owner could stop us. The bar owner could because it's his private business and his rights at his business or property aren't trumped by our rights. He could simply declare that we were trespassing and ask us (require us) to leave if we didn't stop. I can't imagine him asking us to stop, but he'd have the right to.

    We'd have to take the darts and pictures out onto the public street or to one of our properties or to a property we'd rented to have a right to express ourselves.

    No one would get violent and no one would be in trouble unless some neanderthal wanted to participate in further experiments with Darwin's Law as the stupid Islamists did in Texas.

    Do you think nobody would get violent towards me if I walked into a bar in rural Texas, wearing an Islamic flag, and proceeded to desecrate a Bible?

    Very likely someone would... however I do not envision the bar patrons going out and getting two AK-47s and finding a Muslim meeting and go in shooting... There have been instances in America where Muslim's rights were abridged by individual actions against them ... and it certainly was not right. Furthermore - I do not know of anyone who would support these type of actions... even rare as they are.

    On the other hand only about two - three years ago ... members of a Christian group went into Dearborne Michigan and attempted to preach a Christian message with the intent of persuading people to listen... Toughs came out of the Muslim neighborhood and physically ejected them from public streets. Basically declaring that they were in control of pubic space and Christians were forbidden . This is the modus operandi of Muslims in America - one way street - we can forbid you -- but you cannot forbid us. Dearbornistan reigns

    behavioural swings and ‘roundabouts




  16. Yes but the killers were in the wrong and the protesters had something they really believed in. They all made a lot of positive progress too.

    Do you think the world will ever make progress against Islamic terrorists who, via protests learn to accept that the protesters have a right to their own beliefs/religions/speech and yes even art?

    Do you think that the world can make the same progress with Muslims that it has been making for women, gays and slaves?

    Do you see a day when protests wake up Muslims and make them tolerant of others?

    I don't. I think we (society) are going to keep killing them in the streets.

    I think the day will come when we will see a much more tolerance among Muslims that what we see now. The current situation is unsustainable and given enough time and exposure to other values and ways of life, it will change.

    I just don't know that it's going to happen in the short term and I just don't know how we go about getting it to move in that direction.

    I am not anti-Islam. I have lived and worked with Muslims and I have relatives that are Muslim, although they are very far removed from anything fundamentalist; they don't usually eat pork, but they do enjoy a drink. I also have a relative married to a Jew and they all seem to get along at family gatherings. It's possible.

    The post contributes the need for a focus on the consistently overlooked reality there are Muslims and there are Muslims and that there are Muslims, not to mention there are yet other and still more Muslims.

    Early on during the several years I'd spent in a Muslim majority province (90%) in the Thai deep South, my Muslim business associate and close friend had quipped to me that the Muslims there don't like camel droppings that pass as pieces of fruit, which I said to him are called dates in English. The message and point were as clear to me as my friend had intended to be, i.e., that Thai Muslims are not Middle East Muslims; moreover, they rather look down on the intolerant Muslims of the still ancient ME.

    Thai Muslims down south are closely connected to Malay Muslims but Thai Muslims are indeed Thais. Malay Muslims I met and got to know in Malaysia don't care at all for camel fruit either. I also met Muslims from Indonesia who during dinners and evenings under the stars of Johnnie Black make clear they too are apart and distinct from ME Muslims. A good number of the Thai Muslims take a annual pass on Ramadan to include hard liquor. I was initially surprised by the number of young and single Muslim women who, while dressed similarly to old fashioned Catholic nuns, receive a man friend later on in the evenings.

    While all Thai Muslims down there expressed to me their profound concern for the Palestinians and their cause, they simultaneously distanced themselves from ME Muslims. Even though many Thai Muslims support the people of Iran, they also don't like things nuclear, nor do they like the ayatollahs controlling democracy there.

    Significantly, Thai Muslims I know haven't ever said a word about Israel, either way.

    My Muslim friends invited me to mosque so I on several occasions endured observed first hand their religious services and their prayers and enjoyed their Muslim food after the services (males and females separated by a wall). My friend's only comment after my first Friday service was that those who open their arms widely during prayer are the poor ones because all the money from heaven falls through the larger space that worshipers with their hands close together preclude smile.png .

    Thailand is indeed its own place with its own culture, customs, traditions, but it does have Muslims, most of which I'd say are of a very different mindset and pattern of behaviors than are the headline Muslims of the ME in particular. It's reasonable to say that other Muslims in other parts of the world can also be categorized as being more concerned about managing and succeeding in their everyday life at work, family and home life, and in recreational pursuits, than in any ideological crusade or any similar bents.

    Posts removed to enable reply.

    Some excellent observations & mirrors by experience of living amongst the Thai Muslim community in Pattaya.

  17. She has spoken favorably of South African racists, defended Serbian war criminal Radovan Karadzic, and denied the existence of Serbian concentration camps.

    I would like some actual proof of this and I don't mean an article that is full of lies and unsubstantiated exaggerations that are simply cover for the sins of radical Islam.

    Surely you are just being inflamatory by stating "simply cover for the sins of radical Islam". However, article below going into a fair amount of detail, Put aside the source and have a read, makes a very good case against Geller's denials.


    The appalling atrocities of the Serbs have been reported in detail by senior commanders of UK forces who served in the theater of operations.

  18. The fact of the matter is that a lot of things are done that could be considered as deliberately inflaming tensions in the community. In the past, things, like:

    ---demonstrations and marches for the right for women to vote.

    ---demonstrations against slavery.

    ---demonstrations for gay rights.

    etc., etc., etc.,

    Some of whom faced violence and death.

    Yes but the killers were in the wrong and the protesters had something they really believed in. They all made a lot of positive progress too.

    Do you think the world will ever make progress against Islamic terrorists who, via protests learn to accept that the protesters have a right to their own beliefs/religions/speech and yes even art?

    Do you think that the world can make the same progress with Muslims that it has been making for women, gays and slaves?

    Do you see a day when protests wake up Muslims and make them tolerant of others?

    I don't. I think we (society) are going to keep killing them in the streets.

    I think the day will come when we will see a much more tolerance among Muslims that what we see now. The current situation is unsustainable and given enough time and exposure to other values and ways of life, it will change.

    I just don't know that it's going to happen in the short term and I just don't know how we go about getting it to move in that direction.

    I am not anti-Islam. I have lived and worked with Muslims and I have relatives that are Muslim, although they are very far removed from anything fundamentalist; they don't usually eat pork, but they do enjoy a drink. I also have a relative married to a Jew and they all seem to get along at family gatherings. It's possible.


    There are Islamic sects today that adhere to the message of tolerance, yet are not recognised by nearly all on this forum and other social media platforms. People continue with insisting that all Muslims will follow the same path to fundamentalism, no such entity as a moderate Muslim etc etc. Well what an excellent propaganda message for Islamic extremism.

    I just wish people such as Geller would spend their energy to encourage the Muslim community to embrace positive values rather than a continuum of total negativity contributing to schism within society. Oh & BTW why would anyone support her with such an appalling track record...

    She has “spoken favorably of South African racists, defended Serbian war criminal Radovan Karadzic, and denied the existence of Serbian concentration camps.”


  19. <snip>

    BTW recently found out in Oz limit is .05 and you will be charged AT level .05 rather than at more than.

    Incorrect. Fines increase according to blood alcohol level reading and can include immediate ban from driving at time of arrest, prior to Court hearing, for high level reading. Other circumstances can increase the level of fine, length of ban from driving also increases according to blood alcohol reading, prior convictions for driving offenses and so on. Depending on the magistrate, low level reading often results in a 3 - 6 month ban from driving.

  20. The fact of the matter is that a lot of things are done that could be considered as deliberately inflaming tensions in the community. In the past, things, like:

    ---demonstrations and marches for the right for women to vote.

    ---demonstrations against slavery.

    ---demonstrations for gay rights.

    etc., etc., etc.,

    Some of whom faced violence and death.

  21. Its a disgrace that they and the others were shot. I hope their deaths pave the way for serious changes to sentencing for drug mules.

    Cartel capos rightly deserve harsh sentences but those taking enormous risks for a paltry slice of the pie simply don't merit a bullet imo

    FYI The two executed were the organisers of heroin importation into Oz, not mules and were connected to a Burma based heroin trafficking syndicate.

    At the moment there is around 1000 deaths p.a. in Oz for those using illegal narcotics

  22. There are many images of Jesus, but nobody gives a shit, i can understand the Muslims don,t like or allow a picture of their prophet, is that because he is a pedo, and people dont draw pictures of pedo,s.

    I understand your motivation is to be inflammatory. However, the underling reason for not having images of Mohamed was to counter idolatry practiced by pagans. It seems to me that some Muslims, especially extremists, are now acting in contradiction to the original intent i.e. idolising Mohamed.

  23. Perhaps the guy is referring to the article below, a tax previously to be introduced by Labor and possibly a similar proposal i.e.

    "A 0.05 per cent levy on bank deposits up to $250,000 will be collected from January 1, 2016 and is forecast to raise $733 million in its first 18 months. It would be levied on the banks, not account holders, but the banking industry has indicated the costs will be passed on to customers. The money raised will go into a new Financial Stability Fund to be used in the event of a bank collapse, but will be counted as revenue in the budget"


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