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Everything posted by simple1

  1. There is ongoing discussion as to Hamas reasoning for their Oct 7 acts of terrorism. One would assume there are multiple aspects to their decision to carry out the mass murders and so on of civilians. Other groups of terrorists were involved such as Islamic Jihad who have a terrible reputation. I guess one day the "experts' will reach a conclusion as to "justification". Below is an example of initial commentary from Hamas which one would take a very large spoonful of salt. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/1/21/hamas-says-october-7-attack-was-a-necessary-step-admits-to-some-faults
  2. Unfortunately it is you who is quoting conspiracists. In his book John Lyons has provided extensive quotes from interviews with very senior members of the Israeli government and IDF. Additionally in his book Lyons has provided extensive external reference links to back up his reporting. FYI Lyons has won three Walkley Awards for his reporting - the highest award for journalism in Australia. For the future I suggest you do unbiased research before commenting.
  3. Don't know why you posted the above. Nobody, so far as I know, on this forum has claimed justification for Hamas and others actions on Oct 7.
  4. IMO rather sad commentary. Personally I totally disagree with enabling Putin's aggression. Other NATO members are carrying on with their support of Ukraine as should USA. Withdrawing support of Ukraine by the USA equates to a return of US isolationism, a very negative and destructive worldview.
  5. So far as I have observed member Neeranam has not expressed support for terrorism. IMO what the member is stating the event of Oct 7 did not occur in a vacuum. Many observers of the Israeli Palestinian conflict, including some of those living in Israel, have warned for a long time Israeli funded Settler land grab, occupation and harassment of Palestinians in the West Bank, East Jerusalem and Israeli actions in Gaza will lead to further bloodshed. In fact many are of the view currently there is no prospect of peace due to current Israeli leadership and poor leadership within the Palestinian community. I have just finished reading a book concerning daily harassment and other issues by Israelis of the Palestinian community, to be blunt it's no surprise what is currently occurring. Though some have denigrated the author, hasbara, IMO it's worth reading "Balcony Over Jerusalem by John Lyons.
  6. In other words "blaming the victim"
  7. The congressional delay in approving a $60 billion military aid package has been costly for Ukraine, Zelensky said. The military has been unable to plan future operations while legislators squabbled for nearly six months. He warned that hard-pressed Ukrainian forces might have to retreat to secure their front lines and conserve ammunition. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2024/03/29/ignatius-zelensky-interview-ukraine-aid-russia/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=newsletter&wpisrc=nl_opinions&utm_campaign=wp_opinions
  8. Unless the victor is willing not to comply with international law, e.g. Israel & Russia, your post is factually incorrect in reflecting current international law
  9. Yesterday announced US is shipping more 2000 and 500 pound bombs for us by IDF. Likely will be a significant increase in civilian deaths and injuries. The new arms packages include more than 1,800 MK84 2,000-pound bombs and 500 MK82 500-pound bombs, according to Pentagon and State Department officials familiar with the matter. The 2,000-pound bombs have been linked to previous mass-casualty events throughout Israel’s military campaign in Gaza. https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2024/03/29/us-weapons-israel-gaza-war/
  10. Usual nonsense from trump world. Facts matter, not unsupported conspiracy motivated actions contrary to the Constitution...from the OP.... Central to the case against Eastman is his involvement in advocating for the disruption of the transfer of power following the 2020 election, despite lacking a valid legal basis for such actions. His proposal for then-Vice President Mike Pence to overturn Biden's victory during the Electoral College certification was deemed lacking in legitimacy by the judge. Moreover, Eastman's lack of remorse and his role in perpetuating false claims about the election further contributed to the recommendation for disbarment. Judge Roland's comprehensive 128-page opinion meticulously dismantles problematic claims made by Eastman and underscores the severity of his ethical breaches.
  11. Also illegal under international law.
  12. With over 700,000 "settlers", funded by the Israeli government with low cost housing in the West Bank and protected by the IDF, highly unlikely Israel will withdraw from the West Bank. However steps in the right direction would be to cease holding Palestinian children in jail without representation; ceasing the practice of indefinite detention, solitary confinement. and so on. Put a hold on or minimise travel by foreign Christian Zionists who add to the toxic political environment.
  13. Long overdue, should apply the same discipline to some others in MAGA world. As an example today there was an article showing currently over one billion dollars payable and increasing, for defamation in trump world. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/03/27/trump-lake-defamation/
  14. It's about 90 minute drive to Ban Phe, then get the ferry. Use to cost 200 baht entrance fee. Clean sea, relatively laid back. Spent Songkran there a few years back, going again this year. Might be a challenge to book room at this stage, but try Samet Villa Resort - best to phone them - my favourite place on the island.
  15. Long processing times for Age Pension has been in the news in Oz, govt allegedly recruiting more resources. However, standard processing time has been 13 weeks before eligibility for a long time. Agree with you will be obliged to stay two years to obtain portability.
  16. Actually the British handed over the provinces as an incentive to keep the French out of Thailand.
  17. Might assist you to understand the conflict which actually commenced as a result of British / French colonial policies. Putting aside the corruption feeding the conflict, have a read of the following... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anglo-Siamese_Treaty_of_1909#:~:text=The treaty affirmed British assent,1851–1868) to power. the-conflict-in-southern-thailand.pdf
  18. Thai Muslims are a significant minority in Thailand with a presence over hundreds of years. Thai Muslims are supported by the Thai Constitution, the highest Office in Thailand and government institutions.
  19. British Intelligence: Russian losses reach war lime peak in February... https://newsukraine.rbc.ua/news/british-intelligence-russian-daily-losses-1709470888.html
  20. Pope Francis has said that Ukraine should negotiate an end to the war with Russia, using for the first time the term "white flag", which is a universal symbol for surrender. A Vatican spokesperson clarified that the pope had picked up on the words used in the interviewer's question and meant to call for "a truce". https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-03-10/pope-francis-urges-ukraine-have-courage-of-the-white-flag/103570402
  21. More misinformation (lies) from trump world. When will you cease this behaviour....
  22. As you well know Biden Administration proposed strong new immigration regulations. Legislation was rejected upon Trump's instruction as getting the inflow under control would be a disadvantage for Trump's re-election campaign. Well past due for Trump world to cease the misinformation and outright lies, though that would mean trump definitely will lose yet again, so truth in Trump world stays hidden.
  23. Don't drink beer, nor cry over political issues. As you appear to be firmly aligned in your admiration of trump, the psychopathic liar and con man a few issues to consider: The Loser: First President since the Depression to lose the House of Representatives, the Senate and the Presidency in a single term Multi billionaire who begs the less fortunate to pay his legal fees. Settles Out of Court to avoid formal legal convictions Never paid back his working class creditors when out of bankruptcy - even though a multi billionaire Insults veterans\ I assume you have copy and paste lies of denial from Trump in which you believe, so who's being conned, if not you and his other ill-informed followers.
  24. Well written article in the Austrakian media.... Influential scholar Hannah Arendt described the conditions in which dictators thrive: “In an ever-changing, incomprehensible world the masses had reached the point where they would, at the same time, believe everything and nothing, think that everything was possible and that nothing was true.” Her words, written decades ago, could have been describing the United States today. The words that should haunt America and serve as a warning to Australians (msn.com)
  25. “Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.”
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