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Everything posted by simple1

  1. I have a Thai female family member currently working at a casino in Macau earning 100k baht a month. She been working in Chinese owned casinos around SE Asia for a number of years.
  2. With regard to UNRWA staff providing support for Hamas, I would assume it would be extremely challenging for UNRWA management to identify and fire them given Hamas is the ruling party at the point of a gun. I would assume UNRWA management would be in fear of death to do so, plus making changes counter to Hamas interests. How many Gazans a year are murdered by Hamas - easy to critique in a safe zone...However, I repeat IMO it is out of order to withdraw funding for UNWRA at the moment when there is apparently no other functioning humanitarian organisation with sufficient staff in Gaza.
  3. Personally I disagree with defunding UNRWA based upon a very small number of staff (approx 15,000 staff in Gaza) allegedly involved with Oct 7. UNRWA has already fired those who Israel named. I would guess it is extremely difficult to identify staff actually involved with terrorism. As an outcome of this matter UNRWA will be under additional scrutiny by various security agencies. UNRWA carry our very important work supporting the local population in an extremely challenging environment - to date 100 UN staff killed in Gaza since 7 October. IMO it amounts to collective punishment to withhold funding, enable them to carry on with their essential services.
  4. OP post is total rubbish. nearly always the case when the word "woke" is used.
  5. Sounds as though you have sufficient funds to buy an apartment and car, with money to spare. Should you wish to return to Thailand or visit elsewhere overseas for a few weeks at a time during the two year period you can do so. Obviously the decision to return to Oz is yours alone, but if you have good friends / family who love you why not return. Plus of course as you get older you will not have to worry about medical costs. Note Australia is not cheap to live, prices nave gone up, but pensioner concession card reduces some costs e.g. energy bills, public transport and so on.
  6. I find it amazing Americans will vote for a convicted rapist, even though it was a Civil Court conviction; i.e. Trump. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/07/19/trump-carroll-judge-rape/ it is crystal clear from his previous Presidency and behaviour after he lost re-election, Trump is unfit to represent the Office of the President of the USA. The Constitution is way past due for some Amendments to keep people such as Trump from being nominated as President.
  7. OP: Why not ask the Canadian Embassy? One would think if your Will is legal in Thailand and Embassy was informed in a timely manner, Embassy would have to comply to your instructions.
  8. The Guardian is quoting from Court proceedings presumedly highlighting to attract interest in the proceedings. We know the Court has no power to enforce findings: in reality some postering by RSA. However, IMO, some people should be somewhat cautious on critic of RSA given Israel offered strategic weapons to SA during the apartheid regime; not a black and white situation regards morality. Generally the Guardian is highly regarded and has won a number of awards for it's reporting and investigations. I responded to the other member as personally I am bored with right wing misrepresentation of facts on this forum. Now how about returning to topic...
  9. That's new! Factual reporting equates to bias - LOL
  10. Incorrect. The comment is a direct quote from the RSA lawyer: From the OP.... Her colleague Tembeka Ngcukaitobi said there had been “reiteration and repetition of genocidal speech throughout every sphere of state in Israel” such that “the evidence of genocidal intent is not only chilling, it is also overwhelming and incontrovertible”.
  11. Nonsense. In the OP the Guardian is reporting the allegations made in Court - it is not an opinion piece.
  12. simple1

    Gold jeweller

    Hi, can anyone recommend a shop where I can get a stone set in a gold ring? Thanks...
  13. My enemies enemy is my friend. Iran has provided support for Hamas for many years. Following is an interesting article concerning Iran and Israel: https://foreignpolicy.com/2023/12/04/iran-hamas-gaza-israel-regional-war/
  14. FYI my oncologist, in Australia, uses PMSA-PET scan to identify location of prostate cancer in the body, not MRI
  15. @sheryl is PSMA-PET scan available in Thailand as It's the gold standard for identifying prostate cancer in the body.
  16. Mangosteens
  17. As with all major faiths, there is primary dedication to the spiritual, sometimes expressed as 'Surrender to God' which is emphasised in Islam. On the other side of the coin many utilise their self proclaimed religious faith, which in fact they do not practise, for political / power purposes. The killing of civilians during war has been carried out in the millions by armies during the history of our lifetimes, many of whom would call themselves, Christian, Buddhist etc No doubt you will only focus on the negatives of the historical story telling aspects of the Koran (i.e. exploited for power and suppression). However, it is not the core of Islam or indeed any other belief focusing on the Devine. BTW: Islam was first faith to recognise the rights of women: https://www.ohio.edu/orgs/muslimst/downloads/brochures/Status_of_Women_in_Islam.pdf
  18. Wise
  19. Content deleted for brevity. Actually I was hoping to get "Morch's" response concerning the author of Palestine Betrayed. The author provides numerous references to official statistics of land ownership prior to 1948 so I'm somewhat surprised at the pushback.
  20. The fact is Arab land owners sold land to Jewish migrants it wasn't given to them. Wealthy Arabs even bought land from poor Arabs and on-sold it to Jews for a significant profit. For a detailed review of land ownership issues leading up to 1948 I recommend you and others who may be interested in the subject read Palestine Betrayed by Efraim Karsh: the book sheds light on a number of contentious matters.
  21. The hospital is operated by the Gaza government i.e. Hamas, so not surprising some Hamas members were located at the hospital. At the same time the hospital would have provided medical services for locals. The hospital is actually named after a politician who was a senior member of Black September / PLO and was killed by Israeli forces. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kamal_Adwan
  22. As a clarification, the context of my use of 'opinion": a view or judgement formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge. Of course Hamas are responsible for this current war, but some of the statements coming out of the mouths of some Israeli politicians can only be described as equally evil. There is no point for any further response from me; I have no solution, just revulsion for the actions and words of both parties. One hopes for some great soul at some point in the future to bring Peace.
  23. For me it's a matter of opinion: I do not hold the viewpoint that the alleged killing of currently nearly 19,000 civilians in Gaza is 'justified'. Recently it's speculated the IDF assault on Gaza will take approx another two months to destroy Hamas killing machine so G_d knows how many more civilians will be killed and for what purpose as currently no-one has articulated the end game.
  24. We are not permitted to discuss costs for prostitution
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