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Everything posted by simple1

  1. 'He belongs nowhere near power': Brutal editorial scorches 'civilly liable rapist' Trump 'He belongs nowhere near power': Brutal editorial scorches 'civilly liable rapist' Trump (msn.com)
  2. In my late teens /early twenties I took many, many trips which were all great...then I had a so called "bad trip"...it was not an innocent drug experience whatever that may mean. I never took acid again.
  3. In a topic referencing vilification of a minority, member does the exact same against an individual.
  4. It sounds as though police did not press charges.
  5. By way of clarification UN Peacekeepers can utilise their weapons to protect their mandate. Personally I cannot think of a country which would agree to send the military to Gaza acceptable to all parties. https://peacekeeping.un.org/en/principles-of-peacekeeping#:~:text=3.-,Non-use of force except in self-defence and defence,and defence of the mandate.
  6. Why Arab countries are currently unwilling to take refugees from Gaza. https://apnews.com/article/palestinian-jordan-egypt-israel-refugee-502c06d004767d4b64848d878b66bd3d
  7. Do you believe the Israelis would permit armed members of Arab forces into Gaza? Posting "solutions" would be a complete waste of time. Critiquing Israeli actions is perhaps the only means available for members to express concern for the innocent Palestinians being killed and injured in their thousands.
  8. Can't be bothered. Know Hamas, as will Israel, ignore if not to their advantage.
  9. Disagree, as do many senior Western military commanders.
  10. You're talking to a different matter to the issue raised in the article I posted.
  11. As Hamas is not a State what ICJ ruling applied to Hamas? In any case it is expected democratic elected governments comply with and recognise international law. I seriously doubt anyone expects a terrorist group to do so. It is true to say some democratic countries are hypocrites by viewing themselves as exceptions from the norms of international laws, whilst demanding others comply.
  12. A month after Israeli allegations that a dozen United Nations staff were involved in the 7 October Hamas attack, UN investigators have yet to receive any evidence from Israel to support the claims though they expect some material to be forthcoming “shortly”. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/mar/01/unrwa-funding-pause-employees-october-7-hamas-attack-claims-no-evidence-un?utm_term=65e160d4bb415b2863189e1ea45554ef&utm_campaign=GuardianTodayUK&utm_source=esp&utm_medium=Email&CMP=GTUK_email
  13. One month after the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ordered “immediate and effective measures” to protect Palestinians in the occupied Gaza Strip from the risk of genocide by ensuring sufficient humanitarian assistance and enabling basic services, Israel has failed to take even the bare minimum steps to comply, https://www.amnesty.org.au/israel-defying-icj-ruling-to-prevent-genocide-by-failing-to-allow-adequate-humanitarian-aid-to-gaza/#:~:text=One month after the International,bare minimum steps to comply%2C
  14. Unfortunately it's all rather "so what". Israel has violated 28 resolutions of the United Nations Security Council (which are legally binding on member-nations U.N. Accordingly I assume Israel will ignore any advisory / ruling of the ICJ the Israelis consider not to their advantage.
  15. USA is not a State member of ICJ so cannot veto any decision by the Court.
  16. Interesting...last year there were more than 4 millions Malaysian visitors to Thailand. https://www.malaymail.com/news/life/2024/01/02/at-456-million-malaysian-tourists-top-list-of-visitors-to-thailand-in-2023-says-thai-minister/110295#:~:text=BANGKOK%2C Jan 2 — Malaysians led,international visitors during the year.
  17. No import duty on used personal items. When I used a service from QLD to Pattaya the local agent was Asian Tigers, can't remember the Oz company so suggest you contact Asian Tigers in BKK, they have staff who understand English. No problems whatsoever with the service.
  18. The OP is primarily focusing on exports for food, fashion, pharmaceuticals and herbal products, cocoa. Tourism and services for Muslims which is already well underway from Malaysia, KSR etc
  19. The document issued by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu overnight into Friday about postwar Gaza is unworthy of being called a diplomatic plan, let alone a vision for the future. https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-02-24/ty-article/.premium/netanyahus-ideas-for-postwar-gaza-are-aimed-at-strengthening-the-occupation/0000018d-dc0f-dc4b-a1cd-dd2f35200000?utm_source=mailchimp&utm_medium=Content&utm_campaign=daily-brief&utm_content=1b129b1ffb
  20. Ozimoron's post is certainly on topic as addressing some fundamental issues (children staving) for the Gazan population which logically will have increasing as the Israeli position does not appear to have altered. URL posted again for your comprehension... https://www.newsweek.com/famine-imminent-dem-senator-demands-biden-intervene-gaza-1869330
  21. No I won't re-word, as I understand deliberately limiting supplies for civilians is, as I understand, a crime against humanity. True some UN staff were acting contrary to their mission and far outweighed by UN staff deaths as a result of Israeli actions. . But staff involved with Hamas were very few compared to more than 13,000 UN staff in Gaza. I will not respond to you further in this topic, waste of time due to fundamental disagreement concerning Israeli actions limiting supply to civilians. One of many articles covering this issue... https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/11/16/israeli-authorities-cutting-water-leading-public-health-crisis-gaza
  22. Somewhat nonsensical commentary. The primary reason why UN / NGOs are currently experiencing logistical issues is due to Israeli military and political interference. Also let's not overlook UN staff deaths, plus NGO staff, killed in Gaza - way back in December it was 136, by now it must be a great deal more. https://www.dw.com/en/israel-hamas-war-136-un-staff-killed-in-gaza-says-guterres/live-67809478#:~:text=The secretary-general of the,a toll on UN workers.
  23. As the ongoing conflict in the Gaza Strip enters its 20th week, food and safe water have become incredibly scarce and diseases are rife, compromising women and children’s nutrition and immunity and resulting in a surge of acute malnutrition. https://www.who.int/news/item/19-02-2024-children-s-lives-threatened-by-rising-malnutrition-in-the-gaza-strip To suggest the above regards civilians / children is not a direct outcome of Israeli revenge policy to restrict supplies into Gaza is nonsense. It is sad to observe the prior reputation, excepting Settlement policy, of Israel is being severely eroded by their current Government / War Cabinet.
  24. I disagree, limiting food, water and medicine and so on for the civilian population is 'revenge' and contrary to the Rules of War. A number of Israeli politicians have referred to "revenge". e.g. Israel vows mighty vengeance". https://www.cnbc.com/2023/10/07/israel-declares-state-of-war-alert-after-surprise-hamas-attack.html In any case IMO the destruction of civilian infrastructure, deaths and injuries to the civilian population is way over the top. I am not alone with this POV it has been articulated by a number of senior Western politicians.
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