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Everything posted by simple1

  1. Thanks - actually I should have been clearer, looking for good French/Italian restaurants
  2. Can anyone recommend good Western restaurants, from recent experience, on the Darkside? Thanks...
  3. Just tested: 15.7 mbps download 8.11 mbps upload
  4. Device has two antenna and LAN port if needed. Don't recall exact price but about 1500 baht.
  5. Works well, no problems
  6. You can buy a pocket wifi from AIS for about 1500 baht, as I did a few days ago, supports multiple devices
  7. Both have Thai / Oz passports. Child Refused permission to depart with expired Oz passport
  8. I don't know the role of the official who refused boarding. Both adult and child are dual Thai / Oz citizens. Person went to Embassy and was refused entry, could talf to someone via phone from the secuity entrance. Insisted he could only enter with an appointment, scheduled for this coming Thursday. I also called the Embassy and one is routed to someone in Oz, again insisted Embassy only avaiable via appointment. Even though the parent is at fault for not checking passport validity, I have to say extremely poor response for someone seeking assistance for their child. Infact, IMO, disgraceful behaviour. I'll be writing to Home Affairs, will be interesting to see what they have to say for themselves.
  9. Yes. One would think a current passpart, yellow household card, Pink Thai ID would have been sufficient. However went to Jomtien branch today and finalised the matter.
  10. A family friend's child's passport has expired and was refused boarding to return to Oz. Embassy in BKK doesn't accept calls which are diverted to Australia. He has been to the Embassy who will not interview until this Thursday and so far unable to expedite as need to return to Oz for work. Does anyone have constructive advise to expedite the matter?
  11. Which bank? I assume Thai banks all have similar irritating policies.
  12. Just a heads up. Just returned from overseas and wanted to renew my ATM card. Rang Call Centre who said no problems at any branch. Went to branch in Bangkok who refused to issue new card, withdraw funds or close account as I didn't have a copy of my expired passport with which I originally opened the account. Refused to call branch where I had my account to obtain original passport details. Now have to travel to Jomtien where my account is now located. Hopefully will not have a repeat experience
  13. I don't put people on "ignore". You post comments, so can expect agreement or rejection. If you can't handle rejection of your illinformed commentary put me on ignore.
  14. I've had surgery for cancer which has required followup treatment by hormone therapy. I am a male, but oncologist and GP strongly recommend regular exercise which I have to say feels beneficial. One of the reasons is hormone treatment for cancer weakens muscle strenght and weight gain. However, check with the oncologist for feedback for relevance for your friend's condition.
  15. Guess you've never heard of Duty of Care. As an UK citizen I care if HMG make decisions such as Off Shore Processing contrary to international signed and ratified Conventions; for me it's a failure of will and a cowardly act pandering to the ugly propaganda from the right of Centre. Given the OP is in regard to UK culture / society, France is Off Topic.
  16. Being a subject matter expert on asylum seeking you should know that those sent offshore by Oz government were put at risk as they were not welcomed by the locals. You can bet same will appl to Rwanda, especially given the current situation and recent history. How kindly stop wasting my time, as usual, with your iinformed comments. - no further reply.
  17. The Guardian continues to be the UK’s most widely used newspaper website and app for news, according to the communications watchdog. https://www.theguardian.com/media/2021/jul/28/the-guardian-most-widely-used-newspaper-website-and-app-for-news-according-to-ofcom
  18. BS, the point of the policy should not be to put ayslum seekers at risk. HMG is acting contrary to the UN Convention for Refugees for which they are a signatory. Since the policy was announced the numbers crossing iin small boats has actually increased. It is estimated 48% of those assessed are in fact refugees (roughly 18% are from Albanian who will be declined as economic refugees). At the mement the program is on hold whilst beiing reviewed by the Courts. More detail at... https://www.bbc.com/news/explainers-53734793
  19. Firstly a heads up on the reality of life in Rwanda.... "While the regime has maintained stability and economic growth, it has also suppressed political dissent though pervasive surveillance, intimidation, torture, and renditions or suspected assassinations of exiled dissidents". https://freedomhouse.org/country/rwanda The cost to the Australian taxpayer for Offshore Processing, contrary to UN Refugee Conventions, has been enormous. Estimated at approx $400k per person p.a. https://www.kaldorcentre.unsw.edu.au/publication/cost-australias-asylum-policy#:~:text=In the 2021-2022 financial,cost of A%24812 million). The tens of millions held in refugees camps around the world are mostly without hope for resettlement.
  20. Below are the unemployment stats from HMG for England and Wales comparing Whites to Ethnics. . It's interesting to note: in Wales, unemployment rates were the same for White people and people in all other ethnic groups combined (4%)" https://www.ethnicity-facts-figures.service.gov.uk/work-pay-and-benefits/unemployment-and-economic-inactivity/unemployment/latest#things-you-need-to-know
  21. You can use both passports. Remember you must use the same passport used to enter a country to depart.
  22. I concur with above. I had no symtoms whatsoever, but had a PSA test as was over 60. Came back with a PSA score of nine. According had the prostate cancer check which diagnosed as advanced / aggressive. Had the operation, but too late as had spread outside of the prostate requiring ongoing esculating treatment; thankfully to date pain management not needed. Strongly recommend you undertake prostate cancer investigation.
  23. Although is a long time before travel, it's worth knowing there is a strong demand for medical doctors in Oz. For the meantime it would be worth your daughter's time to astertain whether she would need to re-qualify for practice in Oz, requirements etc.
  24. Maybe you overlooked the mass murderer was a user of YaBa. So far as I know illegal drug users are not permitted to own firearms. Unsure if a weapon would be removed when charged prior to conviction, but would assume so, but obviously not in this case.
  25. Returning to Pattaya in a few weeks. Looking to hang new curtains, maybe wallpaper on one wall. Can anyone recommend a supplier who will also instal at a reasonable price? Thanks...
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