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Posts posted by lomatopo

  1. Everything you are hearing about the internet is false.

    When one considers that it is "Col Sirichan Ngathong, deputy spokeswoman of the NCPO" and "the ICT Permanent Secretary" who are saying (some of) the things being heard, your observation may or may not be correct.

  2. It's hard to get an accurate read as the various Junta and ICT spokespeople have been saying different things publicly ("misunderstanding", "glitch", "given an order to block", "not given an order to block" but there have been translated spoken references to the on-going installation of a centralized gateway ("streamlining the blocking of on-line content") for some services like FB/Instagram, Line, YouTube, et al.

    No doubt some western company is supplying the required software and hardware, probably through a third-party to avoid sanctions in their home country.

    Some posit that yesterday's brief blockage of FB/Instagram was either/both a 'warning shot'/experiment prior to meetings scheduled between the Junta/ICT and these providers, meant to encourage them to self-censor, or timed to discourage the organization of protests timed for after work participation.

  3. good as telephon: signal is very weak in the office, often speak with people I don't understand well so the sound should be clear and loud

    This would seem to be your primary requirement as you listed it first. Maybe chat with others in your office to match up service provider(s) and acceptable models? That is to say, which models perform acceptably for other people in your office, and then maybe choose one of those?

    It seems like the SGS5 is OK for you except for the size, price and bloatware?

    There are many, many, many comparison sites available but I think you need to prioritize your requirements:

    good audio quality

    works well with your current provider

    has a screen size closer to 4.5"

    costs less than 20,000 baht

    so it should be relaitviely easy to identify a goup of five or so models, then sort out what's actually available here. In the end it may be that you really only have one or two options?

  4. Thai army chief Prayuth Chan-ocha to hand pick new senate after coup

    COUP leader Prayuth Chan-ocha is swiftly tightening his grip on Thailand, as Washington retaliates by cancelling military cooperation with its longstanding Southeast Asian ally.
    General Prayuth, the army chief, is preparing to appoint a hand-picked legislative assembly after disbanding the Senate on Saturday.
  5. "The Yingluck government designed this policy in a bid to woo voters, corrupted and garnered support from vested-interest groups through the whole process of the pledging scheme,'' he said.

    And it's so good we are adopting it.

  6. He will also name himself First Lord of the Treasury, Lord Chief Justice, Commander-in-Chief, Lord High Admiral... Archbishop of Titipu, and Lord Mayor" and Lord High Everything Else as he is the Grand Poobah.

    Seriously, as of today he is in charge of:

    Government of Thailand (as prime minister)
    Internal Security Command
    Ministry of Justice
    National Anti-Money Laundering Office
    National Budget Bureau
    National Intelligence Agency
    National Police Agency
    National Security Council
    Office of the Attorney General
    • Like 1
  7. Tin Pot Dictator.

    When the people find out what he's done they will be very, very upset.

    This is the first coup ever in Thailand where the coup maker hasnt met with HM on live TV to ask for approval.

    As has been highlighted, this Junta did not display the Thai flag, or Royal images, just a slogan about the challenges a soldier, during their initial declaration.


    • Like 2
  8. Who is stopping you?

    Of course, if one does not know something, it is easier to simply say "it can't be discussed" :-D

    Well it's against the forum rules for one thing.

    By the way, in the post that you quoted, you omitted a lot, notably:

    My list was not made up "my" reforms, but rather those that I can remember being espoused by various learned Thais over the past few months.

    I didn't omit any on purpose.

  9. Why doesn't anyone have even a general idea of what they will be?

    Well the primary reform can't be discussed, just like the real reason for this coup can't be discussed.

    Other one's which have been floated:

    "decentralization", which means elected provincial governors (other than Bangkok which already does that).

    re-write the constitution, again, and insure that any amendments require a referendum

    improve education, require a certain educational competence in order to vote

    insure fair elections, no vote buying.

    a parliamentary make-up of at least 75% appointed representatives

    making sure no PTP/UDD people can participate, hence the use of the word 'sweeping'

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