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Posts posted by lomatopo

  1. You mean less politicians and family members are travelling free?

    Could be? Likely replaced by Military types/family members, who've always played a huge part in the board and management of the airline? But I'm guessing you wouldn't want to hear something like this?

  2. Will this violate the "gathering of more than 5" to promote a political agenda? Or is it OK to gather if in support of the coup?

    Oh, I see it is meant to "return happiness to all the people", so that should be fine as long it results in an uptick of the Gross National Happiness index.

    Thai Airways are involved ??? promoting lower fares ???? i'm waiting for this.

    TG are cutting way back on capacity by cancelling flights due to savagely low loads. Destinations with more than one flight per day are primarily affected, so check any existing reservations you might have. And, of course, when capacity decreases fares rarely go down. ;)

  3. Google Begins Android 4.4.3 Rollout

    After initially posting factory images yesterday, Google has begun it's OTA rollout of its latest iteration of Android 4.4 KitKat. Android 4.4 launched in October last year alongside Google's newest smartphone, the Nexus 5. On the design front, Android 4.4 brought many refinements to the user interface by introducing the ability to enable translucency in areas such as the status bar and navigation buttons. In addition, the legacy blue parts of the interface like the status bar icons were replaced with more unified white elements. It also featured the new Google Experience Launcher which features much deeper Google Now integration with the ability to trigger voice search by saying “OK Google” on your homescreen.


    Google releases Android 4.4.3 factory images for Nexus devices

    New Android version brings redesigned Phone app along with anticipated bug fixes

    In an effort to create a balance in the force, Google has dropped the Android 4.4.3 image for the Nexus 5, Nexus 7 2013 (excluding the LTE version at present), Nexus 7 2012, Nexus 4 and Nexus 10 on their downloads page. It's a 440-465MB download, and you'll need fastboot set up to install it. We've not yet seen any OTA updates, but we imagine they are coming if you'd rather wait. More details and download links after the break.


    Factory Images: https://developers.google.com/android/nexus/images

  4. This is an idea that's been around for a while. It comes from Bhutan. Read all about it:


    Very interesting, you learn something new everyday

    thanks for that smile.png

    Same idea has also been floated before in Thailand, incidentally... http://content.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1544014,00.html


    Good find. Another "Groundhog Day" example.

    There's a term for doing the same thing over and over, and in the case of Thailand over and over and over and over...., and expecting a different result. Now what was that? It's on the tip of my tongue....

  5. TrueMove H have great coverage via their 3G/850 MHz deal with CAT, the fewest customers and the most affiliated WiFi APs (True WiFi, 100,000 APs).

    Assuming you want to share the mobile data connection (2G/3G) with both your lap-top and your tablet, via WiFi, you'll need a device which supports that functionality. Hence the MiFi recommendation, although there are some newer USB air-cards which offer this enhanced functionality, i.e ZTE MF 70.


    • Like 1
  6. Their website has a list of local dealers.

    Ah, OK.


    I honestly looked and looked and looked, finally found it buried - what a crappy web-site.

    TOT and AIS do have a roaming agreement, so I guess you may be able to roam onto one of the AIS (900 MHz, 2100 MHz) networks, but you will pay a premium...

    Roaming on AIS network:

    Local Voice calls: 2 Baht/minute
    Local SMS: 2 Baht/SMS
    Data: 2 Baht/MB
  7. is there a way to use street view and automatically have it "drive" a route you take ?

    example : Start at terminal 21 Asok and "drive" to Chinatown

    maybe setting the speed at 40km or so

    so put it up on the big screen for a scenic cruise smile.png

    Suspect there may be others?



  8. So what! Many countries around the world follow ideas from other countries if it works for them.

    Well, we all know that Thailand is unique so only native ideas are really acceptable.

    No problem, but maybe best to omit #7 as a metric in the Thai GNH index:

    Political Wellness: Indicated via direct survey and statistical measurement of political metrics such as the quality of local democracy, individual freedom, and foreign conflicts.

    The Hub of Happiness.

    Cue the Pharrell Williams hit...Actually "Shiny Happy People" by R.E.M. might be more appropriate. ;)

  9. Since everyone here smiles I just assumed that they were happy?

    Will they set goals for the “Happiness Index”? “You vill be happy, (or else you will be sent to the ISOC ‘reconciliation center’).”

    I think this calls for a new Ministry level appointment, “Minister of Happiness”.

    Will TV dramas have more “happiness” rather than the current abundance of anger, hatred, Sakdina, dark-skinned actors in menial roles, back-stabbing, money-grubbing, lying, slapping of females, rich people, Ferarris, mansions, first family fighting second family? Nah.

  10. There is of course the option for those who came to Thailand for what they saw and then they wanted to change it to what they wanted but the military and the population in general changed to what the Thai people want.

    There are it seems regular airline routes, land transport routes and maritime route departures to more politically hospitable climes for you to avail yourselves of.

    Are you referring to the ethnic Chinese who migrated here centuries ago? Why would they want to leave now?

  11. Out of one side of their mouth the Junta says that they had to seize power to prevent Thailand becoming another Syria, Libya, Egypt. And, out of the other side of their mouth, they (and their apologists) explain that Thailand is so unique that foreigners are not smart enough to understand the nuances of the political situation. And then they wonder why most of the educated world thinks they come across as silly children stuck in some sort "Groundhog Day" repetitive/denial pattern of behavior? Go figure.

  12. There is some very disturbing video on the Bangkok Post's webpage today showing a woman being forced into a taxi and taken away by unknown men, reportedly after giving a three-finger sign. There is a lot of comment on social media.

    I shall look forward to the apologists supporting that action.

    Unfortunately with a Military Junta you have to be all in, 100% supportive regardless of any resulting actions. If they say one thing today, you have to agree with it. If they contradict that tomorrow, you have re-agree with it. There is no room for dissent.

    What was surprising about that video is that no one appeared to aid what looked like two men abducting a woman, and a taxi driver facilitating the abduction. I can only assume that the gentlemen identified themselves as ISOC/Army/paramilitary and all those by-standers just assumed the best/worst?

  13. Is there a listing of all the "orders" the NCPO has issued? Maybe they have a web-site or Facebook page?

    I recently saw a reference to order #49, so assume there are at least that many. I assume someone is keeping track of all these order and directives?

    Pol Gen Somyot also warned the owners of locations where anti-coup activities are planned that they could face legal action for aiding civil unrest under the National Council for Peace and Order's 49th directive.

    Who owns Democracy Monument (closed until further notice for repairs) now?

    And will Constitution Day still be a holiday this year (December 10)? Maybe just make a new holiday, "Coup Day"? Ok, maybe a two-week holiday then.

  14. Thailand's Oil Fund administrator says LPG, diesel subsidies should be scrapped

    Bangkok (Platts)--30Dec2013/442 am EST/942 GMT

    Thailand's retail subsidies for diesel and LPG are coming under increased pressure and should be scrapped, the director of the country's Energy Fund Administration Institute said last week.

    The subsidies as they currently stand are a "time bomb if you keep them going," said Chainoi Puenkosum, who heads EFAI, an "independent public organization" under the Energy Ministry that manages the receipts and payments of the country's Oil Fund, from which the subsidies are paid.

    Subsidies are costing the country Baht 165 million/day ($5 million/day) at current levels, according to the EFAI. The subsidies keep diesel pump prices under Baht 30/liter, well below international prices, and LPG at staggered rates that are as low as one-third of international prices.

    Hopefully Junta economic supremo Air Chief Marshall Prajin Juntong has enough bandwidth to continue his other roles including chairman of the Thai Airways board, and the PTT board. How long did it them to find that MH 370 radar information? whistling.gif

    Personally I might trust Air Marshall FooFoo with the economy before an Air Force General, but you takes what you gets I guess?

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