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Posts posted by lomatopo

  1. Purchased Google Apps can be installed for free

    The typical license terms on most Google Play paid applications allows for installation on multiple devices, and even simultaneous use. But I believe that this may be application/developer dependent so maybe best to review their terms? You may also have to copy any related licensing-related file(s) to the other devices.

    From the Play Store Terms:

    Limits on access on Devices. Google may at any time place limits on the number of Devices and/or software applications you may use to access Products, at Google’s discretion. Google may record and store the unique device identifier numbers of your Devices in order to enforce such limits.

    Eligibility for Carrier Billing. In order to determine your eligibility to have purchases of Products that you make through your mobile Devices billed to your mobile network provider’s account, when you create a Google Play account on a Device we will send identifiers of your Device, subscriber ID and SIM card serial number to your network provider. To permit this you will need to accept the network provider’s terms of service. The network provider may send us your billing address information to help us create your Google Play account. We will hold and use this information in accordance with Google’s privacy policies.

  2. The free-standing top-up machines outside most convenience stores here offer an English-language option, are quite simple to use and offer the ability to top-up AIS, DTAC and TrueMove H. There is a 2 baht fee, so a 10 baht top-up costs 12 baht. I keep a colleague's TrueMove H SIM at 365 days for him, and get rid of those 1 baht coins.

    I am not sure if this method will satisfy any/all new AWN (AIS 2100 MHz) pre-paid top-ups with cumulative validity as Noodle described. My most recent experiences, ~ 1 year ago, with an AWN SIM, only gave a maximum of 60 days, rolling, but non-cumulative validity. It sounds like AWN may have modified the options on some/many/all SIMs, as TrueMove H did(and as One-2-Call did in the past), making multiple, subsequent top-ups cumulative?

    • Like 1
  3. Maybe best to buy any unit here in Thailand, where you will get local warranty service/repair/replacement.

    Here in Thailand, after seven (7) days you will be directed to the manufacturer's local repair agent.

    Most networking kit here has a three (3) year warranty.

    Where are you currently located? Can you visit IT shops nearby or will you have to order on-line?

    I believe the RT N16 capacitor issue has been addressed in subsequent hardware revisions; hard to find a higher performing "home" unit than this one in that price range. But these are hard to find here as they sell out quite quickly; I brought one back with me from the U.S. on a recent trip. We have one currently running in a customer site and it seems to be doing well. It might actually be better than the more expensive LInksys unit you are considering, assuming you will run DDWRT.

    preferably dual band

    Note that this may be useless unless your custom firmware support 5 GHz.


    BECAREFUL: 5Ghz is not supported by DD-WRT, (May 16, 2013)

  4. Tethering (either via USB or by using the "portable hotspot" feature within Android) continues to work well for me on DTAC. I don't use it very often, but am somemtimes in locations without internet access, or am trouble-shooting faulty internet so it is handy to have. DTAC greatly outperforms home, fixed-line DSL in both raw and int's speeds.





  5. The Clippers won a great game 7; it came down to the last few minutes and Blake Griffin was outstanding. They're off immediately to Oklahoma City. After watching them I think they have a decent shot of upsetting the Thunder if they can steal a game at OKC, and maybe even the Spurs (I'm thinking the Spurs will beat Rip City), which will put them in the Finals, against the Heat (I think).

    Doc Rivers has done an amazing job given he's pretty much running the whole organization.

  6. You understand that casinos typically use a "shoe" that contains 3-5 decks of cards that is reshuffled no less than halfway through to maintain random odds against winning that always favors the House. The House has the right at anytime to replace the decks in the shoe. For someone to successfully use chips on the table to "count" cards you'd have to virtually cover the entire table with chips - that would be too obvious.

    Sheesh, you don't count every card; it's just a saying. whistling.gif

    There are many, many, many different methods; some are relatively simple like high/low +1, 0, -1, which require handling ~ 4 different stacks of chips. I merely mentioned the one which some have attributed to Ben Affleck. Some tables may be single or two-decks, some counters may observe before jumping in. If it were easy you could probably do it. OK, maybe not.

    Mr. Affleck made a film last year with Justin Timberlake, "Runner, Runner", so maybe he learned from "technical advisers" on that set? Or maybe his brother, Casey ( a much better actor IMO), picked up some tricks on the various Ocean's films and passed them along?

  7. TrueMove H now gives 30 days, accumulated, for any top-up value. You can accumulate up to 365 days. You can use a top-up machine, outside many 7/11's, and add twelve top-ups of 10 baht each. With the 2 baht fee, you would get 360 days for 144 baht.

    DTAC does have the Day Giveaway promotion: http://www.dtac.co.th/en/prepaid/services/freeday.html

    There are many ways to request/activate; IVR, USSD, web-site, mobile app; no need to call.

    No they dont !! They started doing it and I managed as you say from 18th March by topping up daily to get 4 months in advance and then it was withdrawn !!

    Reverted to just one day advance on any top up

    Still works for me, just added 10 baht (+ 2 baht fee at machine), got another ~ 26 days from April 8, 2015 out to May 4, 2015. Easy, peasy.



  8. I just dont' understand how the casino can proof somebody is counting

    Well, once you've determined that the deck is "rich", based on your counting, you need to drastically/immediately increase your bet, and casinos have extremely sophisticated and automated video surveillance capabilities, which highlight these changes in betting pattern/behavior, for additional scrutiny.

    Once identified, they'll try a lot of things to distract you, walk hot babes by, have a house babe sit next to you, have a cocktail waitress distract you, substitute in a fast dealer, re-shuffle, have a pit boss hover near the dealer to intimidate you.

    Not sure why Ben would do this, but assume he likes the thrill?

    It was probably something presented as a joke, "Like wow, Ben, you are on a hot streak, can we count on you to keep playing at our casino", rather than having a couple of leg-breakers dragging him out the door.

    I think if you're not hauling down thousands, and are counting "holistically" (Rainman-like; not using your chips, a pad and paper, your feet, radios, glasses with a computer, working in a team, etc.) you would be fine.

  9. Also from the DOT/FAA Federal Register Notice:

    Delta Air Lines publicly stated it will not permit voice calls regardless of what the government allows, citing ‘‘overwhelming sentiment’’ to keep the ban in place. JetBlue Airways and United Airlines have also indicated that they intend to keep the ban on calls in place.

    I think this is a bit of a tempest in a tea-pot. There were probably similar concerns raised when public telephones were first introduced, back nineteen and ought five?

    It will be interesting to see if airlines - and not flight attendants - maintain their reluctance once they realize they'll be able to make some extra cash providing the service, and appeal to high value flyers?

  10. Actually, in your case, I would be arresting you for violation of a Federal law

    Sorry, what Federal law has someone violated by talking on their cell phone either while the door is still open, or after the plane has touched down (in the U.S.)?

    Originally you were yapping on about "next time try this...", which seemed fairly juvenile. Now you've jumped to arresting people. Good thing you're retired.

    So why not just go with the flow?

    I do. I fly a fair amount, ~ 100,000 BiS miles per year, and ~ 3 million BiS lifetime miles. I pay extra attention to all flight crew instructions, and try to be a good seat-mate. I rarely make calls from the plane, mainly for privacy reasons. That said, I don't get upset if someone else is talking, loudly or otherwise, to their seat-mate, or on their phone.

    But popular opinion is to keep it in place because people want a quiet ride while in an enclosed space.

    Then maybe consider a ban on all conversations?

    On the ground, the concern is a cell phone could interfere with ground control operations.

    Well this is bunk. There are people in the airport, near the airport, workers at the airport, people in cars near the airport all using cell phones. In the U.S. we can use cell phones on the plane before the door is closed, and as soon as the plane touches down. Obviously if there were any concerns about "interfering with ground control operations" this would not be allowed.

    • Like 1
  11. Both casinos have back-pedaled quite a bit

    However, these reports may have been exaggerated as both casinos have denied any ban. The Hard Rock Casino in Las Vegas released a statement which reads: "Mr Affleck, a value guest of the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino, is not banned from our property and is welcome back any time." The other casino in question has also denied barring Affleck from their establishment.
    Read more: Ben Affleck Is "Welcome Back" At Las Vegas Casino Despite Card Counting Rumours http://www.contactmusic.com/article/ben-affleck-welcome-back-las-vegas-casino-card-counting-rumours_4178833?track=cp
    The issue, I believe, is one whereby the patron uses his chip stack, continuously re-arranging it in a way which he uses to track or "count" cards. Obviously if you have a prodigious memory then you may be able to get away with counting for a bit longer. But using "artificial means" like the chip-stack method is easily discerned by a pit-boss or on video, and is deemed to be illegal.
  12. Try this next time. When the person sitting next to you starts talking on their cell, start answering them as if they were talking to you. When they get annoyed just repeat, "Yep, it is very annoying isn't it?"

    Do you suggest doing this everywhere? On a train? Or just a plane? (starting to sound like Dr. Seuss)

    Do you do this often? How has it worked out for you? I can just hear the conversation now, "what, oh nothing, just some crazy person sitting next to me talking to his imaginary friend."

    I would just ignore the conversation, as I do for most uninteresting "noise", and go back to reading, listening to music, watching a video.

  13. The danger might be from the 'air rage' from my sitting next to you having to listen to a one sided conversation for several hours

    Are you prone to flying into fits of rage?

    Danger for you maybe. I suspect you'd get a phone stuffed down your gabbing pie-hole.

    But seriously, why jump right to air rage? Why not just have a civil conversation with your seat-mate?

    Business group opposes cellphone calls on planes

    The group, which represents about 6,000 travel managers, called on-board calls "detrimental to business travelers."

    This could be related to cost controls, and/or corporate security concerns? Travel managers, amazingly enough, rarely travel, but they love to tell everyone what to do. ;)

    Business travelers might not want to be reachable by their boss/irate customer?

    Seriously, asking someone if they want to be seated next to someone who talks on their phone for the entire flight is about the same as asking if they want to be seated next to a morbidly obese person overflowing into their seat. Or asking a four year old girl if she wants a unicorn. The answers will be skewed.

    • Like 1
  14. Without understanding the associated lesson, lecture, curriculum, text I'd say this is an introductory Algebraic reasoning word problem with a single unknown and a single equation, which might be targeted at western 6th/7th graders, or maybe M1 or M2 here.

    I can't see this being a 3rd grade like problem, unless there is a Tiger Mom involved somehow?

    Here in Thailand I'd be looking for students to understand the language, words (ran, miles, same, less, total, etc.) and be able to represent or derive the single unknown, represent it in an equation, solve for the unknown, then check their result by substitution back into the equation, and finally understanding that the result agrees with the original wording of the problem.

  15. These are not silly "deductions" but have been verified by numerous passenger surveys conducted by both airlines and the FCC

    Of course it's silly, you just didn't think through your (non) logic.

    Feel free to post or link to these "...numerous surveys".

    I think that while "Kettles" (in-frequent fliers) might be against using cell phones in flight, heck, they probably don't have one of them new fangled gadgets yet, most passenger want to be able to use their cell phones in flight, if only for data (email chat, text). (note that some airlines which currently offer WiFi on aircraft block VoIP apps.)

    Conversations among passengers seated next to each other, or between a passenger and someone one the ground say by using a current in-plane sat. phone, are the same volume owing to the ambient noise. Sometimes people complain about chatty seatmates, or loudly snoring passengers, what can you do? Still not understanding how my experience is different if my seatmate is talking to his seatmate, or to someone on a phone? OK, maybe I only hear 50% of the conversation.

    Net-net, I think that airlines/service providers will be charging a premium for in-flight use - given the need for additional equipment, so it may not ultimately be a huge "social engineering" issue?

    I understand it is natural to fear the unknown, but maybe you should be worrying about real problems?

    Why in-flight cell calls are nothing to dread

    You're wrong, business travelers. If you truly value the productivity of your in-flight time, you do want the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to lift its ban against in-flight calls using mobile devices.
    As you already know thanks to an orgy of (mostly) incomplete news-media coverage and (mostly) stale late-night talk-show jokes, the FCC is moving with bureaucratic alacrity to rescind its 1991 prohibition on in-flight calls. The matter could be clarified next week when a report that recommends lifting the ban is presented to FCC Commissioners.
    The sentiment against in-flight calling has already spawned a petition at WhiteHouse.gov. The nation's flight attendants are already lighting torches and sharpening pitch forks. And even FCC chairman Tom Wheeler has acknowledged the opposition. "We understand that many passengers would prefer that voice calls not be made on airplanes. I feel that way myself," he says.
    Again, addressing the OP's questions:
    - there is no danger.
    - if you feel your safety is being compromised inform a member of the flight crew regarding your issue(s).
  16. I hope that he was conscious for all 43 minutes and suffering.

    The challenge with this kind of opinion is that:

    - the courts may ultimately judge the method as being too cruel and unusual, and thus prohibit it.

    - public opinion may turn further away from capital punishment if it is perceived as too cruel.

    So if you are pro-capital punishment maybe best to express faux outrage when things go amiss, rather than appearing to be overly blood-thirsty?

    If I were on a jury I could never endorse the death penalty.

    And can you imagine how a jury member, or family member, will feel in twenty years when it is proven that the executed (not in this specific case) was innocent, perhaps because he was framed by the police, and another person got away with the crime?

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