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Posts posted by lomatopo

  1. The headline seems unusual. Does Khun Suthep not share a house with his wife, so wouldn't it be his house too? Or do they live separately?

    From the article in The Nation:

    Srisakul Promphan, Suthep's wife, posted a message on her Facebook wall that a M79 grenade was fired at her house and it landed in the lawn near the dining room.

    So the full facts of this "story" come from the "victim's" FB page? I assume she is some sort of munitions expert as she was so able to accurately describe the device?


    It is understood that a number of officials and reporters who accompanied Ms. Yingluck on that day similarly won some fortune by wagering with the number 404.
    It is understood by whom exactly?
    Another underground lottery dealer in Sakon Nakhon province told our correspondent that many residents in northeastern Thailand - the political stronghold of Ms. Yingluck - may have won a total of "hundreds of millions of baht" since they decided to bet on 404 as a show of support for Ms. Yingluck.
    May have won. Ah yes, information from an underground lottery dealer. Always reliable.
    Just waiting for the Army General Prayuth to weigh in on this matter. rolleyes.gif
    I would think tripping would be viewed as a sign of bad luck?
    • Like 1
  3. I've flown PG many times BKK-CNX or BKK-LPG, always check in on line, never been asked any kind of ID any time. You'd think they'd ask at the security line, but they don't, they just stare at the BP.

    I've purchased tickets on-line, and at the ATO, again with PG; I've had to show an ID at the ATO upon purchase; I used a U.S. D/L as I did not have my passport or Thai D/Ls in hand. I've purchased tickets for third-parties, obviously did not have their IDs, and others have purchased tickets for me without showing my ID.

    With a document from the foreign embassy in Bangkok processing the visa and holding the passport, and any quasi-government issued ID, you should be fine for domestic flights. Whether the MH370 incident blows down to increased security procedures for domestic flights remains seen.

  4. Smoke from garbage dump fire blankets part of Eastern Bangkok

    Thick smoke has blanketted Bang Na and surrounding areas after a huge fire broke out at a garbage dump in Soi Praeksa 8, Bang Pu district, Samut Prakarn province on Sunday afternoon.
    Officials from Pollution Control Department rushed to the area to check the pollution level of the site.
    Hundreds of families living near the dump last night including those in Saensuk Cooperatives housing estate and Thanyaporn housing estate were evacuated to a centre and nearby communities as the polluted smokes engulfed the area. The evacuation continued on Monday to escape the haze.
    Since it's a garbage dump on fire there is probably some nasty stuff in all that smoke.
    Wonder if the airport is impacted at all? Visibility seems pretty limited.
  5. http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/677902-high-court-upholds-ruling-for-five-who-rigged-thai-lottery/

    There have been a number of riggings over the years. But no real proof since 2001. For some reason: not winning, fascination with numerology, hatred of Yingluck, there have been fixing claims since she became PM. Pretty much anything from the air temperature during her visit to someplace, to her shoe size have been tied to the 2 digit number.

  6. OK. On post-paid use *121*1*9# This should return your current usage of any packages including internet. *121*9# should return your outstanding balance and service fee. If you have an Android phone you can use the app.: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=th.co.crie.tron2.android

    Otherwise maybe contact DTAC (1678, [email protected]) to see if there is some problem, which might go unnoticed until you get your next bill.

  7. Colonel Winthai Suvaree, deputy Army spokesman, said yesterday that the military's legal department would check the video for any offence.

    Maybe do this first, before engaging the mouth?

    I assume there is some allowance for "free-speech" here? Maybe not, if you are in the wrong "camp"?

    PDRC protest speakers have said some pretty ghastly things, interesting that the Army's legal scholars haven't "checked" them?

  8. I have a rooted GNEX 4 and tried both

    Greenify https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.oasisfeng.greenify


    SnapDragon Battery Guru https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.xiam.snapdragon.app

    Both get high marks, but I found them to be a bit 'intrusive', and neither seemed to be a 'magic bullet' for me anyway.

    I think you need a rooted device in order for any real battery saving apps to offer any sort of significant results.

  9. https://support.google.com/nexus/answer/3467463?hl=en

    Nexus 5 battery specs as published by Google:

    2,300 mAh
    Standby time: up to 300 hours
    Talk time: up to 17 hours
    Internet use time: up to 8.5 hours on Wi-Fi; up to 7 hours on LTE
    Wireless Charging built-in
    Unless you're using LTE you should be OK for average use. Most average users (30 minutes of voice, 3 hours of internet) seem to get by with a single, daily over-night charging, but there is so much variation in use it can be challenging to pin down an exact figure.
    Personally (GNEX 4; 2,100 mAh) I always turn WiFi off unless at home, or work - and use 3G - otherwise it will scan for WiFI networks every few seconds and drain the battery a bit more quickly.
    While the battery is not "user-replaceable", one can buy a replacement battery. Changing it requires some care/caution, but there are many videos on this subject. I might bring it to a shop, and recommend they watch the video, as there is much prying with a guitar pick, and removing/reinserting the ribbon cable can require a delicate touch.
    BTW, Thanks to the OP for a great review.
  10. I think TOT has pretty decent coverage, and very few customers. Have you been using TOT/3G?

    Nope, but ive seen their coverage map it it looks terrible outside of main cities

    Suspect you are mis-reading the TOT 3G coverage maps; they have decent national coverage with 5,230 base-stations, with many in the Chiang Mai area, and just announced a plan to add 13,000/15,000 more this year. Obviously I might not rely on a map, but might use a device to determine coverage?


  11. Most operators (Including DTAC) currently have some promotions in place offering 2x volume, for 3 - 12 months. While these are generally targeted at new users, they are often extended to existing users to retain them, and keep them from getting peeved.

    Are you pre-paid or post-paid? Which plan, exactly, do you have? 2 GB/549 baht pre-paid?

    What is the reply to *101*1*9# call or send?

    Without a lot more detail my best guess is some provisioning issue on DTAC's end, or some confusion on yours.

  12. Unless the GF has a smartphone, and reliable WiFi service, the suggested apps. will be of little use. (While some can perform on 3G, you'll spend far more on data than just making a simple call.) This would also require that that the OP have broadband service.

    CAT (CAT2CALL), TOT (TOT NetCall) and True (NetTalk) all offer pre- and post-paid VoIP services, offering free/lower-cost calling to/from Thailand. There have been some decent threads on these services here in the past so a search might yield some additional detail?

    Without a lot more detail from the OP re: the exact application, # of minutes per month, equipment in hand, location(s), networks, budget, etc., it is challenging to offer a single solution. That said, based on what little he did provide, a simple pre-paid calling card may be the easiest, simplest most straight-forward solution? Free local access for the GF, low calling rates to many locales, controllable expense, easy to add value, etc.

  13. TOT do 1/2Mb unlimited/unrestricted plan but their coverage seems to be far worse than the old CAT EVDO coverage.

    I think TOT has pretty decent coverage, and very few customers. Have you been using TOT/3G?

    MybyCAT (My data Unlimited - 3G/850 MHz) might be another option? They have great coverage, and a double up promotion currently, at the top-end offering 10 GB (2x 5 GB; 384 Kbps FuP) for 750 baht/month.

    Do you spend a lot of time moving about from rural village to rural village? Or are you relatively stationary? If the latter, a broadband wireless solution might address your requirements better? What are your primary applications? How much data do you use per month? What is your budget.

    That said, comparing the old CAT/CDMA service from 10 years ago when there was little internet uptake seems, well, nostalgic but hardly relevant in today's mobile data landscape.

    • Like 1
  14. I have a 4s and dont use it that much but as soon as i use internet app browser, instragram, twitter, facebook etc it just shoots down,

    Did your phone's battery ever give you an acceptable level of performance based on your usage?

    My best guess would some issue with your phone or battery. Depending on the exact make/model/baseband, WiFi generally is "gobbler" rather than 3G.

    Maybe look/ask in some iPhone forums to see if your experience is unique, or representative of an issue faced by others? You could also get an integrated external battery case; I think Morphie has a pretty good option?


  15. Iv currently got a iphone

    It seems like iPhones generally get high marks for battery performance. What model do you have? Did it ever work acceptably? Maybe you have an issue with the phone, or battery - and a new battery would address the situation.

    Battery performance is highly variable, even with the exact same model, so I'm not sure how much weight I'd give to either individual reports or even these "tests", given that the first response here says "can run fro a full day" and the test says it runs for 6 hours and 48 minutes.

    Some people are on their phone all day; talking using mobile/WiFi, and may have to charge it all the time, while the "average" person might get 24 hours, and another who barely uses their phone might get a few days.

  16. CX has some seasonality built into their pricing but their Business Save (least expensive/most restrictive) but I saw ~ 92,675 THB all in to SFO not so long ago, for travel in March and April. I see 103,175 THB all in today on some days. Use the Thai CX website, but choose English.

    You probably should have started looking a while ago? Also, maybe use a TA here in Bangkok as they may still have access to some decent buckets?



    • Like 1
  17. You cannot tell me the crew carried on serving drinks and meals knowing they were going the wrong way.

    They may have been dead from gradual hypoxia. Doesn't explain the transponder(s) being turned off or failing, or the lack of a squawk (7500/7600/7700). It seems like if there was a loss of cabin pressure, and the pilot made the decision to turn the plane, that he would have also initiated some sort of communication?



    But there were likely some mobile devices still on, and I'm sure they may try to see if any cell towers picked up their pings assuming they flew over land, below say 5,000 feet. I think they'll need the IMEI's from all the phones on the plane, and that might take a long time, and never be completed?

  18. I'd have to see the actual top-up instrument to be sure but my best guess is that these top-up instruments (stored value with a scratch off PIN) and SIMs were promotional items, or inventory in the retail/wholesale channel - say of a shop/distributor which closed or needs cash, and thus liquidated perhaps even to cove a debt.

    Whenever I've looked at the SIMs for sale on the street, the "activate by" date is close in or may have expired.

    Service providers here more or less give SIMs away for free, so unless there is some bundled service/promotion of significant value embedded - like a 7 day/1 GB data plan, or some number of voice minutes - then a SIM should rarely cost more than 50 baht.

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