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Posts posted by lomatopo

  1. I think both the D820 (North American version) and the D821 (Rest of World) support LTE/Band 1, so either/both would work on RealFuture (TrueMove H) 2100 MHz/LTE, and DWN (DTAC) 2100 MHz/LTE.

    The NBTC may eventually auction 1800 MHz for LTE (Band 3), in which case you'd want the D820 variant, but I wouldn't base a purchase now on that possibility as that auciton will probably get delayed (again), and any deployments will be 2 ~ 4 years.

    I think the U.S, Play Store sells the D820 variant exclusively, and the Thai localized LG N5 is the D821 variant, although you can probably buy either here as grey-market.

    Personally I would buy the D821 variant - 3G is more than adequate here, but if you plan to use T-Mo/LTE or AT&T/LTE in the U.S. say during trips, the D820 variant would be preferred.

    Not sure if LG/Thailand will service/repair a D820, even if you are paying, as they will not have the requisite spares/expertise, so you'd have to send it back to the U.S. or Canada.

    The battery should be fine for 3 ~ 5 years, unless it is somehow damaged or defective.

    • Like 1
  2. what i understood (i could be wrong) is that the plan is also open to the usual "x baht for y MB" overlay plans that DTAC and AIS both have? (I'm really not familiar with True). so you'd use some USSD code to prepay for some data volume/time and pay a lower effective rate?

    I could not find any pre-paid mobile data ("overlay) plans from TrueMove H/RealFuture which include 4G/LTE - all are limited to 3G (CAT/850). There are a few post-paid plans in the iNet, iTalk, iSmart line which do include 4G/LTE.

    I'm guessing RealFuture wants to keep this premium service available to their select high-value/post-paid customers who have LTE/Band 1-compatible devices, but assume they'll eventually offer pre-paid options?

    I know TrueMove is grappling with issues related to capex funding needed to satisfy their build-out of 3G/2100 MHz requirement of 50% coverage by the end of this year, but expect the NBTC to "cut them some slack".

    Real Future of True Corp has promised the regulator it will install 6,000 more 2.1-gigahertz sites this year after completing only 1,000* out of the 4,400 sites targeted for last year.


    *They may have only turned up ~ 500 base-stations as of 12/13/13.

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  3. I wouldn't get too hung up on the actual physical medium which gets terminated in your condo. Someone might terminate fiber in the basement, or out on the street, and then pull copper up to your actual living space. Very few customers are getting fiber terminated inside their home.

    We tried CAT OnNet in a few SoHo applications and it was a nightmare, and as been uninstalled, and should be avoided unless you like a sharp stick in the eye, repeatedly, day after day, ad infinitum.

    TOT does have some FTTx solutions, and 3BB are installing FTTx in a lot of new housing developments in metro-Bangkok.

    The dual-WAN suggestion may help in some specific applications, and is great to back-up access in the event of an outage ( many outages here tend to affect both, independent access methods), but choose the router carefully - making sure it supports your application requirements.

    There are a bunch of FTTx-specific Thai-centric web-sites and blogs. Even legacy sites like adslthailand have a lot of user experiences with FTTx.

    SoFarAndNear's post #2 is succinct and accurate.

  4. We are supporting several customers who have AIS AirNet. They are in new housing developments in suburban Bangkok which have yet to be wired with fixed broadband so they needed solutions now. True, TOT, 3BB are pulling copper and fiber now but final installs are looking at slipping past Songkhran, although we might get a few installs done before.

    AIS AIrNet (10/10, Home Plus, 1,290 baht/month) does not run on 3G, but rather 2.4 or 5 GHz. Installation, equipment and customer service are/have been professional and exemplary. Performance is acceptable for these customers but they do experience lower performance in the evening, which appears to be an ongoing issue here regardless of access technology/providers. Actual ping times to European servers are ~ 480 msec and true DL is ~ 4 - 7 MBps and UL is 2 Mbps, based on scant testing. Local speedtests show nearly 10/10 so backhaul is not a constraining issue.

    Unless you can verify your neighbor's/friend's AIS AirNet connection is acceptable, and/or the potential 5,000 baht fee is unacceptable I might not switch/add AIS AirNet, especially to complement an existing True DOCSIS and/or TOT DSL installation. It really doesn't matter how many subscribers you might have in your area, as backhaul might be the short-straw.

    We are considering some dual-WAN router solutions going forward - when fixed line access is installed - but it's not clear how well that might address latency/speed issues as this will vary greatly by application, but it will help in the event of an outage (rainy season/lightening strike) of one form of access. AIS will allow customers to downgrade to their standard Home package (590 baht) in order to satisfy the initial contract term. A quick review of the contract did not reveal any service-related issues or disputes which would allow one to exit the contract without paying the 4,000 baht discount.

    AIS is making a push into fixed-line/broadband access, cherry-picking higher-revenue applications and customers, and AirNet is just aspect of that expansion.

    • Like 1
  5. Which pre-paid mobile data plans include 4G? Do you have to pay the 99 baht/month incremental fee (waived for post-paid subscribers)?

    I can't find any pre-paid mobile data plans which include 4G, but maybe the 3G plans can be used and will include 4G?

    The Man U SIM seems to allow pre-paid users to access the 4G network, but unless Man U score a lot of goals/win a lot of games it looks like you'll be paying 1 baht/MB, after you use your 90 MB initial allotment.

    RealFuture (TrueMove) are supposed to have 4G coverage on 700 towers in metro-Bangkok (and in/around SBIA/BKK) and another 1,200 towers around the country by the end of March, 2014.



  6. AFAIK, the TG website accurately reflects the various Royal First, Royal Silk and Royal Orchid lounge hours at SBIA/BKK.




    Generally 05:00 to 02:00 with some variations. The Royal Silk Lounge - Concourse E/West opens closer to 04:15 when there is a 06:00 *A flight (Daylight Saving/UA) but that is terminating at the end of next month so a non-issue going forward. AFAIK, no TG lounge is open 24 hours, but I haven't stayed up to date on this topic.

  7. FYI, maybe best to check on your flight if departing today. There are several cancellations showing currently for today, Monday, 10 Feb.:

    TG 403 SIN

    TG 461 MEL

    TG 2576

    TG 321

    TG 48 KKC

    TG 407 SIN

    TG 2112 CNX

    TG 2140 CEI

    TG 237 HDY

    TG 2935

    TG 2124 CNX

    TG 325

    TG 329

    TG 313

    TG 483

    TG 473

  8. Rogers added that he believes there's a reason he ended up in the hands, the loving arms, of an FSB (Russian security service) agent in Moscow. I don't think that's a coincidence.I don't think it was a gee-whiz luck event that he ended up in Moscow under the handling of the FSB.

    It seems strange that with all the power of the government and its various security services, that they are unable to offer single, solitary piece of evidence to support these odd ramblings of Mr. Rogers, and Ms. Feinstein? I assume if they did have even a remote connection they could produce it, rather than going on the Sunday talkies in an attempt to discredit Mr. Snowden with unsubstantiated accusations? Why am I reminded of Sen. McCarthy's claim of, "I hold in my hand"? Mr. Rogers should don his sweater and head back to his strange neighborhood.

  9. NSA phone record collection does little to prevent terrorist attacks, group says

    An analysis of 225 terrorism cases inside the United States since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks has concluded that the bulk collection of phone records by the National Security Agency “has had no discernible impact on preventing acts of terrorism.”

    The study, to be released Monday, corroborates the findings of a White House-appointed review group, which said last month that the NSA counterterrorism program “was not essential to preventing attacks” and that much of the evidence it did turn up “could readily have been obtained in a timely manner using conventional [court] orders.”


  10. NSA leaker Edward Snowden denies accusation he spied for Russia

    Fugitive whistleblower Edward Snowden has denied intimations from U.S. politicians that he colluded with Russian intelligence operatives to steal classified information from the National Security Agency.
    In a rare interview said to have been conducted via encrypted email from his refuge in Moscow, Snowden told the New Yorker magazine that "this ‘Russian spy’ push is absurd." When he arrived in Moscow in June, his U.S. passport had been canceled and he was stuck in a transit no-man's land at Sheremetyevo International Airport for 40 days while Russian authorities mulled his request for asylum, Snowden told the magazine.
    "Spies get treated better than that," he said of his less-than-enthusiastic welcome last summer.
  11. Watchdog Report Says N.S.A. Program Is Illegal and Should End

    WASHINGTON — An independent federal privacy watchdog has concluded that the National Security Agency’s program to collect bulk phone call records has provided only “minimal” benefits in counterterrorism efforts, is illegal and should be shut down.
    The findings are laid out in a 238-page report, scheduled for release by Thursday and obtained by The New York Times, that represent the first major public statement by the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board, which Congress made an independent agency in 2007 and only recently became fully operational
  12. A protest leader has suggested the government to try to restrain hard-core red-shirt followers instead of pondering the invocation of Emergency Decree to deal with escalating violence in Bangkok.

    Can a "care-taker" government accept, and act on "suggestions", to restrain citizens?

    Seems we're told every day that a "care-taker" government is prohibited, by various and sundry interpreters of the nuanced Thai constitutional/legal system, from pretty much doing anything. I assume that would extend to the "suggestion" as well?

  13. Is the author the same person, Pauline Kanchanalak, who was indicted in the U.S. in 1998 for,

    conspiring to impair and impede the Federal Election Commission (FEC) and to cause the submission of false statements to the FEC.




    And who, in 2000, plead guilty to trying to steer foreign campaign contributions to President Clinton in exchange for access?

    Hmmm, if so, I guess she would be an expert on corruption?



    • Like 2
  14. I've been using this Anker 10,000 mAh external battery pack/charger for ~ 1 year now; I paid $40 for it in the U.S.

    Anker® Astro 3E 10000mAh Dual USB Backup External Battery Pack Portable Power Pack Charger: http://www.amazon.com/10000mAh-Smartphones-USB-charged-Adapters--Lightning/dp/B009USAJCC/ref=sr_1_1?s=wireless&ie=UTF8&qid=1390450442&sr=1-1&keywords=anker+astro+3e

    It supports 3 amps (total), and I've used it on multiple Android devices (SGS1/2/3/4, Nexus 4, Tab 10.1, Tab3 10.1), iPhone 5, iPad Air, iPod, even a 3G/MiFi router. It charges devices very quickly, faster than the native chargers.

    Easily one of the best purchases I've ever made.

    YooBao makes a lot of different battery packs/chargers; some support 2/3 amps.

    Based on the OP's initial description:

    this was a great buy walking through Asoke and a girl had two for sale didn't really know the price but knew they were expensive and saying as they were for sale at 590 baht each and still had the Yooboa security wrapped around them I bought one. Found out they sell at 1,790 baht at 7/11

    it might not be a stretch to think that either this product was a fake, or an original unit in some state of failure. Typically there is a reason for unreasonably low prices.

  15. Not sure what the OP's point is exactly? Very confusing points, berating TG for efficiently managing their fleets/routes at the same time denigrating them for high fares, potentially cancelling one out of four dailies. confusing DMK and BKK, etc. etc. Passive-aggressive much?

    Yes, TG is in a challenging position having to be all things to all people, and they face huge hurdles managing all those expectations (long haul, premium cabin, tourist destination, bulk of revenue in foreign currencies, revolving management/board, a board packed with political cronies, et al.).

    All that said, I am still seeing four dailies BKK-KKC on TG - on the days I looked at, although the first flights do have unusual numbers, i.e. 2040/2041. And I see a mix of equipment: A320, AB6, 734. Some people might take TG to connect to/from int'l flights at BKK, others may be more interested in price, are terminating at DMK, so FD is an option for them.

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  16. From: http://reviews.cnet.com/cell-phones/motorola-moto-g/4505-6454_7-35831726.html

    The good: The Motorola Moto G is extremely affordable, unlocked, and runs Android 4.3 Jelly Bean. The phone is compact and has premium build quality that belies its low price. The Moto G’s speakers pack lots of volume.
    The bad: The processor is slow, and the phone comes with a maximum of 16GB of storage and no LTE. The phone’s screen is dim and lacks contrast and vivid colors. The Moto G’s camera takes blurry photos without much detail.
    The bottom line: You can't beat the price of the Moto G, but the more expensive and more powerful Nexus 5 remains your shrewdest unlocked Android option.
    Seems like an OK budget phone, was considering it as a back-up, but now maybe think it is best avoided. Glad I read some reviews.
  17. All three major service providers here: AIS, DTAC and TrueMove H offer similar monthly data plans.

    Maybe best to start with TrueMove H: they have a lot of coverage on 3G/850 MHz through their reseller agreement with CAT, and very few customers so in theory they might have the best solution for you?

    Buy a TrueMove H SIM, add value, subscribe to a daily plan for 49 baht...if it proves acceptable for your application subscribe to an unlimited plan. If not, try AIS and/or DTAC.

    For example, you can get a 5 GB/30 day recurring plan which offers unlimited internet usage, full speed up to 5 GB, 128 Kbps after you reach 5 GB, for 899 baht.







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  18. In her bid to qualify Miss Mae...

    (The 5ft 3in 35-year-old) even raced in a national junior championships, in which she was more than 14 years older than any other entrant, as time ran out.

    Quite sporting.rolleyes.gif

    Seriously, at age 35 I hope she realizes the dangers she faces in an Olympic GS race. She will, one assumes, be running last in the first run, when the course is the most dangerous.

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