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Posts posted by lomatopo

  1. If you could spare one of your att sims I can get it cut down to micro-size so it would fit in the iphone,

    My AT&T SIMs are NOT-ACTIVATED, and are NOT iPhone SIMs, so unless you have different information I do not believe any of my SIMs will solve your problem.

    Have you contacted AT&T?




    If you can provide a link which supports the claim that any AT&T SIM will restore your phone please provide it. If it looks reasonable, I'll ask you to PM your name and mailing address.

  2. AT&T should give you an unlock code, but you may have to currently be on their network?

    I have a lot of unactivated standard, not i-Phone, AT&T (mini, not micro) SIMs but suspect these will not work for your requirement.

    Agree that MBK, or any mall with a phone floor, would be the best option. Maybe have a read through the Apple sub-forum here - I've seen this request/topic before here, or ask a Thai friend to troll social forums for you.

  3. Maybe you've hit your fair-use quota and are speed restricted to 64 - 384 Kbps.

    Obviously more detail would yield additional ideas, recommendations and solutions.

    I have TrueMove H and DTAC, and 3G is working fine on both. I get 3 Mbps/1 Mbps with TrueMove H and 25 Mbps/3 Mbps with DTAC, although my DTAC DL speed is getting to 30 Mbps recently.

  4. I might delete all of the WiFi APs which are no longer used, keeping just your home and work APs.

    Does your 3G plan offer any affiliated WiFi? If so, do you like to use it?

    There are WiFi "manager" apps. in the Play Store, which can help you to manage, prioritize existing WiFi APs. https://play.google.com/store/search?q=wifi%20manager&c=apps

    Personally, I toggle WiFi off except when I am at a known, good, pre-configured WiFi location; this insures I default to 3G. You can do a two-finger pull down to gain quicker access, or just access "Settings", and slide WiFi on or off. Some firmware scans for WiFi frequently, and potentially unnecessarily, which only leads to additional battery drain. Assuming you have both mobile data and WiFi enabled then the default state is WiFi, and if you cannot access a known WiFi AP then you'll defualt to mobile data (3G).

    You should have some indication of the network type in use from the status bar at the top of the screen. Every device may have different icons so you'll have to sort those out for your devices.

  5. I think the minimum top-up amount is 10 baht, so for 120 you could accumulate 360 days. FWIW, they may still have some usage requirements?

    My current TrueMove H pre-paid SIM has a 60 day rolling expiry based on activity (outgoing call, sent SMS, top-up).

    I haven't seen any news (yet) from the NBTC or DTAC or AIS but maybe this is coming soon? The NBTC had wanted operators to totally eliminate expiration dates, but of course that is not feasible. Maybe this is some sort of compromise, reverting back to the way things were in the concession era?

  6. From an article in yesterday's newspapers...

    Suphachai Chearavanont, chief executive of True Corporation, the parent firm of True Move, said the company would not focus on 4G service for now as the market is not ready for Thailand.

    so maybe that is why they stopped at 1,200 LTE base-stations after having mentioned a goal/target of 2,000 by the end of this month?

    There is supposed to be a 1,800 MHz spectrum auction in August but not sure how that will pan out with ~ 10 million TrueMove customers still using that GSM spectrum?

    We should get more clarity after the True Corp briefing tomorrow.

    • Like 1
  7. How are they making profit at these prices?

    They are not. But better to get some revenue rather than none.

    I assume they imported quite a few when these were first available, and rather than getting stuck with old inventory, they are choosing to sell at/below cost. With newer models coming out every day these units are certainly not appreciating in value.

  8. I've had very good and consistent performance from HMA over the past couple months.

    Are you running HMA inside a router? If so, can you share make/model and are you using a custom FW?

    I assume if you are running a VPN in a router you can only select a single server, at any one time?

    I am looking at an Asus RT N-16, and HMA, for a customer. This Asus unit can, apparently, handle a VPN with its stock FW.

  9. One thing I have noticed is that the audio quality of GV on my laptop seems poorer than Skype on my Smart Phone. Any ideas why?

    This could be any number of issues pertaining to your laptop, smartphone, the application(s), the underlying service or the network. What, exactly, do you mean when you say "audio quality"? What attributes would you use to describe acceptable/unacceptable?

    If you mainly call from home, and quality is important I might suggest something like magicJack or netTALK, which include hardware and a reasonably low-priced subscription fee. There have been quite a few threads/posts on these services here over the years, with generally positive experiences.

  10. But so far, I've not yet successfully connected to an LTE tower...

    I assume you have an LTE Band1-compatible device?, a TrueMove H LTE-enabled SIM/account? and you've subscribed to a post-paid LTE-enabled account?

    If all are yes, then suspect it could be some sort of configuration/baseband/APN issue on the phone? Otherwise you should be able to get TrueMove H LTE in select areas in Phuket.

    Given the number of base-stations installed, and that may increasing daily, figure 10 - 20 each for the list of provincial capitals and tourist locales; obviously there are many, many more covering metro-Bangkok.


  11. But I have not yet tried to use my laptop in Thailand to call through my GV number, and I guess this does not work.

    Yes, it works. Yes, it's free.

    To GV and people in the U.S. it looks like you are in Naples, FL.

    Again, suggest you look at a few videos to get the hang of GV.

    GrooVeIP, an Android app., extends GV into the mobile space (free app for WiFi, paid supports 3G but 3G will be expensive re: data usage), so you can originate/receive GV calls to/from the U.S. for free. This will only work until May 15, 2014, after which time we hope Hangouts will provide this capability?

    You can receive calls on your Android phone, made to your GV number using Hangouts, today. But you cannot make outgoing calls, using Hangouts, today.

    • Like 1
  12. I think this topic has come up often here over the years so a search might yield decent recommendations? While many/most Thai films have English-subs in their theatrical release, these same subs are often not included on the DVD release. So it can be challenging to find what you seek. I don't think any Thai films are dubbed. That said, there are many Thai-centric BT sites, maybe have a Thai friend help you, with Thai films (ISO's with full structure); many have been mentioned here on TV previously without a seeming ToS violation.

  13. GrooVeIP continues to work for me, pretty sure it will work until May 15. Not sure how Google is doing re: integration of GV into Hangouts? Believe they did something this week for iOS. I expect to be able to make/receive calls on my Android phone using GV/Hangouts, hopefully sooner rather than later. I wouldn't expect the quality to meet the OP's requirements, nor would I expect that utilizing 3G will necessarily be less expensive than other by-pass options available now, once you factor in the per MB cost of the call. On WiFi this argument is less important.

    I assume you can originate/terminate calls on your PC now?




    One very cool feature of GV is the ability to receive SMSes via email, so handy for things like OTP verifications. Another is the speech to text voicemail - email.

    You can now record calls, conference and switch calls between forwarded phones. (May be account-based/optional?)


    Tons of videos here:

  14. Are the aircards and mifi devices sold by DTAC, AIS and True locked to their own networks?

    IME, some are, others are not. Again, phones cannot be sold locked here, but aircards/dongles/MiFi/routers can. Often it depends on the exact promotion/subsidy. It is very, very, very easy to find the exact same ZTE/Huawei device unlocked, albeit for a few more baht. But then you have more flexibility. It seems like some/most of these devices are relatively easy to unlock.

    FWIW, it's still not clear to me that TrueMove H offers pre-paid LTE in any kind of reasonably-sized package or plan, i.e GB. Of course this makes sense as they are targeting the high end of the market. Yes, that MU pre-paid SIM has 90 MB of LTE, but to me it looks like you pay by the MB after that. You should triple-check wth TrueMove H re: pre-paid LTE plans, assuming you do not want a post-paid plan.

    Eventually there will be pre-paid LTE, maybe after the 1800 MHz auction? LTE helps the operators as much as the customer offering them additional capacity, while 3G should be more than satisfactory for most mobile data applications and requirements.


  15. Hard to say without understanding your budget, requirements, expectations.

    Currently only TrueMove H offers LTE, DTAC is planning on offering it starting next month.

    You'll have to get a post-paid account, and while they (TrueMove H) are waiving the 99 baht/month premium, that may not continue.

    You'll burn through your FUP in a few days, and then your speed will be limited to 128 - 384 Kbps.

    If you do want to buy an LTE-capable device make sure it supports band 1 and band 3. I would not recommend buying a branded air-card/dongle/MiFi device as these can be locked here - phones cannot be locked - but maybe they can be easily unlocked? Un-branded devices are easy enough to source.

    3G will probably satisfy most mobile data application requirements.

  16. Established and reliable limo companies charge less than that for the same car.

    Can you share any details/rates/contact info for established and reliable limo companies, going from the city to Suvarnabhumi, which you've used?


    Looking forward to some first-hand experiences re: GrabTaxi. Some Thai social media have mixed/slightly less than positive experiences.

  17. The True/BFKT/RealMove/CAT relationship is very nuanced; I’m not sure there is any publicly available information which accurately reflects all of the details of the relationship?

    The following is from the 2013 True Corp Financials released on Friday, in the “Notes” document:

    On 27 January 2011, a subsidiary, BFKT (Thailand) Limited (“BFKT”) entered into an agreement with CAT to lease telecommunication equipment under CDMA and HSPA technologies for the term of 2 years and 14.5 years, respectively. Under the terms and conditions of CDMA agreement, BFKT has to provide telecommunication equipment for mobile services using CDMA technology for 2 years. Under the terms and conditions of HSPA agreement, BFKT has certain commitments including acquiring, installing, managing, and maintaining all equipment necessary to provide mobile phone service using HSPA technology according to the capacity stipulated in the agreement and amended agreement executed on 3 December 2013 for the period of 14.5 years. As consideration of providing such services, BFKT entitles to receive a revenue as stipulated in the agreement.

    On 16 December 2010 and 24 June 2011, a subsidiary, Real Move Co., Ltd. (“RMV”) was granted Type I licences by the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (“NBTC”) for resale mobile and internet, respectively. RMV is entitled to maintain rights and obligations according to The Telecommunication Act B.E. 2544 under the terms and conditions as stipulated in the licences. The licences will be expired on 15 December 2015. Subsequently, on 27 January 2011, RMV entered into a re-sales and wholesales agreement with CAT (“the Agreement”). Under the terms and conditions of the Agreement, RMV provides mobile phone services using HSPA technology wholesale from CAT for the period of 14.5 years.

    So it (CAT/850 MHz) is both a lease of equipment, and agreement/license to resell services. You could probably drill into the balance sheet, also in the release, to try to get a feel for the lease payments, and revenue “sharing”?

    True continues to use this chart to describe the relationship(s):

    They have an Analyst's briefing this Friday, 7 March, so we'll get more information re: GSM1800, 2100 LTE/3G, subs/ARPU, etc. It looks like they lost 9.5 billion baht of revenue of 96 billion (all of True Corp/2103), not sure about True Mobile but assume they lost money, again.


  18. I think the Bangkok Metro Public Company Limited, they operate the MRT, may end up operating the Bearing/E14 - Samut Prakan/E23 BTS (Skytrain) extension, so assuming they do not expect riders to get off, pass though exit/entrance gates, and then get back on a train, they’ll need some sort of joint-ticketing/revenue sharing scheme by the time that extension opens.


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