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Posts posted by lomatopo

  1. In this thread: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/707119-nexus-5-in-jaymart-mega-bangna/

    Someone mentioned this retailer at MBK: https://www.mirakar.com/compare.php?IDPro=14671

    having units for as little as 12,700. Caveat Emptor.

    DTAC is offering a real localized unit for 14,900, 15,900 along with some decent post-paid promotions. Evidently the 14,900 promotion ended already.

    Another shop: http://aobmobile.net/wc/?cat=16

  2. Because it was bought and paid for like many other of the "degrees" touted by Thais.

    FYI, the author of the article in the OP claims to have graduated from Stanford (presumably University) in 1983, at age 33.

    An example of Ms. Kanchanalak's "objectivity", comparing Khun Abhisit to Obama and Hercules:


    One hundred and forty one days and counting
    By Pornpimol Kanchanalak
    Published on May 7, 2009
    "May the winds be at your back, and the road rise to meet you," are the oft-spoken words for a new incumbency or journey. But the first 100 days of Abhisit Vejjajiva's premiership have been anything but a tailwind and welcoming road for the 44 year-old Thai leader.
    Our prime minister - whose credentials, track record and integrity would make decent citizens of any country proud to have him as their leader - has been in constant battles politically and economically. He has taken an unrelenting beating from the get go, from all directions. But he has shown his mettle and grace under pressure. Friend or foe, one thing is clear to all - he is not one to be taken for a ride.
    • Like 2
  3. Well at least she was prosecuted.

    Given the charge, "provided false information during the registration of candidacy", and admitting that I am not familiar with the Thai legal/penal codes, the sentence seems not altogether unreasonable?

    Even a Thai PDRC backer like Pornpimol "Pauline" Kanchanalak who plead guilty to felony and misdemeanor illegal campaign contribution charges in the U.S., received a $3,000 (USD) fine, and a "sentence" of six months of house arrest and three years of probation, which she ultimately got overturned.

    If every Thai political candidate were subject to such scrutiny I suspect there might be quite a few more similar "convictions"?

  4. How can there be 93.7M cellphone users in a country with 66.7M people (including babies & children)?

    I have five (5) active SIMs; I am not a Thai citizen so am not included in your population figure.

    I often see many, many, many Thai people carrying two mobile phones; many have one for personal use and one for business use.

    Many, many people utilize SIMs for mobile data in addition for mobile telephony.

    Many people have both a phone and a (3G) tablet.

    A better description might be, "there are currently 93.7 million active mobile telephony and data accounts in the country"?

    ("Active" meaning the SIM is activated with an account in good standing, even though it could even be in another country.)

  5. I think this varies by device, service provider and specific promotion/plan.

    Phones cannot be locked here, by regulation. However, other devices like USB Aircards and MiFi devices can be sold locked.

    A colleague purchased a TrueMove H-branded MiFi device (ZTE MF65) which is locked to TrueMove H.

    It may be possible to unlocked these devices, but I always recommend purchasing the un-branded, un-locked OEM version, which should be easily sourced. Obviously branded devices, if heavily subsidized, will be less expensive.

    These devices are generally simple to use straight out of the box; most come with a fairly simply start up guide. Assuming you have a known good working SIM, and a device with WiFi and a browser you should be fine.

    You can winnow down your possible devices, then download the associated PDF to review the user's guide to get a feel for the complexity.



  6. This service is a point-to-point wireless service, based on 2.4 or 5 GHz. It is not WiFi. This service can deliver broadband over significant distances (~ 10 Km) with line of sight.

    It is similar to TOT Wi-NET and AIS AirNET.

    Your proximity to the 3BB office may not mean anything. You'll have to contact them to see if the service is available in your location. You'll have to enter into a 12 month contract.

    Are you able to get fixed-line broadband service, say from 3BB, via DSL? This may be a better solution.


  7. There are a lot of post-paid promotions now, some tied to a hardware purchase.

    Typically these are for new customers rather than existing customers, but it is nice when they extend them to existing customers.

    The 4 GB/799/post-paid plan does give 12 GB for months 1 - 3, then back to 4 GB for months 4 - 6. FuP is 256 Kbps.

    AIS also have some great deals on smartphone bundles with 2X 3G volume for the first 12 months.

    DTAC and TrueMove H also have a lot of similar promotions.

    • Like 1
  8. Any progress? I might turn the phone off, remove the battery and SIM, re-install both, and re-start the phone.

    You could also download the appropriate firmware and flash it with ODIN; personally this is the only method I would utilize as KiES and OTA updates are potentially unreliable.

    After backing up all my data, I would wipe data, clear cache and Dalvik in recovery first.


    Otherwise agree with the recommendation to visit a Samsung service outlet.

  9. which will manage wifi and 3G well enough so that everything IS auomatic

    I think this is the default for Android OS for as long as I can remember, so suspect you've got an issue with your phone/firmware or have somehow managed to totally mis-configure your phone.

    As long as you have deleted all Wi-Fi APs, except work and home, (maybe turn off the phone, take out the battery, put the battery back in and re-start the phone), you should be fine. But then maybe one of the many apps. you downloaded and installed somehow messed up your phone? Obviously I would un-install all of those apps, and re-start the phone.

    Based on your description(s) your phone is not functioning as expected, and no terrifically designed app will correct that.

    If you select Portable Wi-Fi hotspot (Settings, Wireless & Networks, More, Tethering & portable hotspot) with WiFi enabled/connected, that WiFi connection will be terminated and a mobile data connection will be opened.

    If you can share any other details: make/model phone, android ver., mobile data provider, are you subscribed to any public WiFi services, etc. some might have other recommendations.

    • Like 1
  10. I use Nokia Lumia 920 for 4G

    And it works? Doesn't work?

    Found on the TrueMove H web-site:

    Do Nokia 820, 920 phones bought from True shop need to be upgraded?

    Nokia Lumia 829, 920 phones bought from True Shop on or after May 8th, 2013 do not need to be upgraded to use 4G. However, if they are bought from True Shop before May 8th, 2013, they do need to be upgraded to use 4G.

    Can I check the firmware version of Nokia Lumia 820, 920 by myself, if so How?
    Yes, you can check the firmware version by following these steps.
    Go to Setting> About> More Info. Look at the 4 sets of 4-digit "Firmware Revision Numbers", if the 3rd set is "1314", your phone is compatble with 4G, but if the number is lower than "1314", you need to upgrade your Firmware to use 4G.
    How can I upgrade Nokia 820,920?
    There are 3 ways to upgrade your phone to use 4G:
    1. It can be done by yourselves but you will need to know how, which will be announced shortly.
    2. You can bring it to NOKIA CARE centers. There will be 100 Baht charge and your data and contents will be lost. It is recommended that you back up your data and contents first.
    3. You can bring it to any of the 11 IT FRIENDS branches ( the information will be lost; therefore, back up your information first/ **this option is only for NOKIA LUMIA 820. 920 bought from True Shop)​.

    Also found this, translated, on a Thai tech forum:

    Lumia 920 and Thailand have not unlocked 4G ROM now I have to wait for the next update. 1232.5962.1314.0002 This should release the update via OTA soon,

  11. Tell me, whose role is it to arrest people and uphold the law. To help you, I will reveal two possibilities:

    A). The army

    xcool.png.pagespeed.ic.jz1nB6CMOI.png. The police

    OK, press that button now - if you get it right, review your post, then it may reveal who the tool is!!!clap2.gif.pagespeed.ce.z5euFoXm0J.gif

    Well. I assume the General is a citizen, and citizens can file complaints with the police?

    "The Army is demanding legal action be taken"

    But I know it is much easier for him to spout off, and accuse other Thai citizens of treason without any supporting legal argument. Again, a total tool.

    • Like 1
  12. If the Army doesnt react quickly to this talk of secession it will get out of hand.

    What a joke. The Army reacted by "talking", accusing people of expressing ideas of treason, which is about all they're capable of doing it seems.

    This Army pooh-bah should either put-up: cite relevant legal codes, issue arrest warrants, serve said warrants, and prosecute, or shut the <deleted> up.

    What a tool.

    • Like 1
  13. I am using my new IPAD AIR with a 4G sim from TrueMove-H, I got the new 72GB promotion

    So you have the Jumbo 999 plan? That comes with 550 voice minutes each month; can you even use those with an iPad? And the 6 GB of data (months 1 - 12; 3 GB for months 13 - onward) does have a FuP of 128 Kbps, so at that speed (60 Mbps) it might not take too long until you hit your FuP?

    You can get a straight up 5 GB of 4G data only for 899.

  14. When, and how, did you perform this update? You received some sort of notification? Did the update appear to proceed "normally"?

    I guess there could be some significant fault with the update? Or maybe an issue of not clearing various cache(es) before updating?

    I might see if there another update: Settings, About phone, System updates.

    Or, I might try a full factory reset: Settings, Personal/Backup & reset, Factory data reset.

    On the lock screen touch the camera icon, and that allows the camera app/screen to "peek out: from one side, slide your finger up, then drag that camera screen across. This simply gives you quick access to the camera app. so you can capture those random, spontaneous moments.

  15. I don't know how you guys get those figures for 4g.... Sent from my GT-N5100

    I'm not certain your Note 8 is LTE Band 1 compatible, so expecting 4G, assuming you've subscribed to a post-paid 4G/LTE plan, is reasonable?

    eThere is a Note 3 LTE variant, and a NExus 7 LTE variant which would work on TrueMove H LTE, among other models.

    5 ~ 10 Mbps on 3G is impressive, and probably satisfies most mobile data requirements and applications?

  16. When the phone shifts over to 3G, after leaving the Work AP, or the Home AP, then if you are traveling around and come into range of some other WiFi, the phone will shut off 3G and try to establish connection with random WiFi APs that you have never used before.

    This seems unusual, and not the way the phone should work. I guess it could be an issue with the baseband firmware.

    Can you share any details re: the names of these random networks?

    So currently you only have two WiFi APs set up: home and work?

    What make/model phone do you have? Is this a new problem? Did the phone ever work acceptably for you?

    Which 3G provider are you using? Does it have complimentary WiFi (AIS/3BB, TrueMove H/True WiFi)?

    Toggling WiFi off/on is, quite frankly, the simplest solution to your challenges for the time being. And it will greatly extend the life of your battery as your phone will not be scanning for WiFI networks every 10 seconds.

  17. With AIS you can register for voicemail by *141 call, press 1 and you should get a confirming SMS.

    To access voicemail dial *99

    In your phone you can forward/divert calls to any number; if you want to forward calls to your voicemail choose the required option (all calls, on busy, unanswered, unreachable), and forward to +668190099. I think this is the same number you'd dial if roaming to access your voicemails, assuming you were using your AIS SIM. Otherwise you may need to set up a password? You can also rely on the network to divert calls to voicemail with *149*9# send, and to cancel, *149*0# send.

  18. Firm hopes for operating profit in 2014, but gets downgrade from Moody's
    True Corp expects to greet a strategic partner in the second half of this year, but that company might not necessarily be in the telecommunications industry. Many foreign companies in the telecom and non-telecom industries have approached True. The strategic partner could be any company that could create synergy with True's businesses, chief executive officer Suphachai Chearavanont said yesterday during a press briefing on the group's business direction this year.
    Moody's Investors Service has downgraded to "Caa1" from "B3" the corporate family rating of True and the corporate family and senior unsecured bond ratings of its consolidated subsidiary TrueMove. The outlook for all ratings is "negative". "The rating actions reflect True Corp's vulnerable business and financial profile, despite the company having lowered its debt levels by selling assets to the infrastructure fund that it established in the fourth quarter of 2013," said Yoshio Takahashi, an analyst with the ratings company.
    Moody's expects that True Corp's negative FCF will total about Bt20 billion this year, because of its weak earnings from its mobile business, its ongoing large investments in third- and fourth-generation cellular services and the potential for additional spectrum fee payments, after the upcoming 1.8-gigahertz auction. Its short-term debt - including rated notes amounting to US$10.7 million due on August 1 - totalled Bt14 billion, while its cash holdings as of end-December totalled Bt15 billion. True will likely continue to depend on borrowings from domestic banks, including drawdowns from unused committed bank lines, and funding from the local currency bond market to address its financing gap.
    Maybe a strategic partner can help right this sinking ship?
  19. so the other calling Thai number would still be displayed like it would in Thailand

    Yes, save perhaps it might be displayed as 668nnnnNNNN, rather than 08n nnn-NNNN, but suspect you can figure that out easily enough. The number may match with those in your phone book. You can let the network reject the call or you can reject it on the phone. I often send an SMS back on missed calls, ~ 10 baht per, letting the caller know that I saw that they called and when (exactly: immediately, in 5 minutes, etc.) I plan to return their call. Obviously they may not recognize the number you use to call back, so that can result in additional phone tag. In Thailand they would not pay anything to receive your call, but some countries to charge for both incoming and outgoing calls. In most cases, it would count as a domestic call for them if billed for incoming calls.

  20. DTAC still offers both rolling and cumulative expiries, on both DTAC and DTN, in addition to the Day Giveaway service. It really depends on the type of SIM, and/or current promotion/plan attached to the SIM/account/number. They also offer a SIM which never expiries, as long as you use it at least once every ~ 42 days.

    AIS appears to have 'grandfathered' cumulative expiries even on transitioned AWN SIMs. Currently a new AWN SIM appears to still have a rolling expiry, which may be capped at 60 days.

    Most TrueMove H SIMs I am familiar with have a 30 or 60 day rolling expiry, including the new TM-H Tourist Inter SIMs, but it sounds like that may transition to cumulative on 18 March. The 'old' TrueMove (GSM1800) may cease to exist on 15 Sep 2014?

    I have not received any notification from TrueMove H.

    You may end up paying more per minute of voice time, with more generous expiries so best to review the promotion to make sure it meets your needs.

  21. I recently bought Samsung Galaxy Note 3 phone in Europe.

    If your phone is region-locked then it should have a sticker stating this on the end of the faux wooden box.

    As I understand it, based on first-hand experience, if your phone is region-locked the one needs to utilize a SIM from the same region - doesn't have to be the same country; region countries should be detailed on the sticker, and complete (incoming or outgoing) at least five minutes of voice calls. After that the phone is "un-locked" and can used anywhere.

  22. With VAT it is ~ 42 baht/min - charged to you/deducted from your prepaid balance - for any call, from anywhere to your Thai number. The calling party, if in Thailand, would pay their normal tariff (~ 1 baht/min). Further believe any fraction of a minute is billed the same so a 61 second call would cost you ~ 84 baht.

    You have to enable international roaming with AIS, and your phone needs to support the local partner's (Vodafone or Singtel Optus) frequency.

    Some recommend utilizing two phones, one to monitor incoming calls (but not answer them), and then return the call using a more reasonable local option.

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