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Posts posted by lomatopo

  1. Topic has come up here since 2004.


    I return often, and am in the target demographic, and have not been searched. I've been using Global Entry (kiosk) for a few years so no chance of a search now. Also get TSA Pre-Check so easy-peasey intra-U.S.

    • Like 2
  2. It looks like Miss Vanakorn finished dead last, 74th 67th out of 74 67 finishers, 50.10 seconds aggregate for two runs behind the Gold Medalist.

    But kudos for finishing, running in poor conditions, fifteen others DNFed. I'd say finishing, even last, is a lot better outcome than I would have predicted.

    • Like 1
  3. Talk with neighbors, see what's available. It is likely to vary greatly by property as many property managers have exclusive arrangements with a specific provider, and no amount of tea money can change that.

    Based on a gross generalization of all the posts/threads I can remember here over the years, True DOCSIS might offer the best available service, but who knows if it is available in your exact location. (I do not have True DOCSIS, nor do I have first-hand experience with it.)

  4. If international bandwidth it is what you are looking for its exactly the same as 3bb adsl unless you are talking about a business package which starts at 6000 per month

    Agreed. You'll have to get some sort of business grade service, which should come with an SLA. The 3BB FTTx Business lines start at 6,300 baht/month (30/3), with 50/5 being 10,490, and 100/20 at 48,300 baht/month. You should review the SLAs to insure the lines will meet your requirements. CAT On Net FTTx "business" lines (Platinum) are similarly priced; from 6,900 baht/month to 25,000 baht/month.

    The demand for streamed content is far outstripping the available bandwidth, to the point I doubt you'll ever catch up here. The last article I saw, from last year, said that ~ 9:00 PM ET in the U.S. NetFlix users consume 1/3 of all the bandwidth in the U.S., with YouTube added in, the figure exceeds 50%. With House of Cards S02 I'd guess that spiked way up over the past few days?

  5. This is of course illegal.

    I'm guessing you have a 10 Mbps/512 Kbps/590 baht DSL line? Do you have a copy of the contract you signed?

    Just re-read the OP and I missed the WiFi reference. I can almost guarantee the 3BB/WiFi ToS has terms restricting usage favorable to the company.

    You should probably review your contract with 3BB. There are probably terms favorable to 3BB stipulating their ability to monitor and control what they deem as over-usage. Over-usage can be categorized over any number of time periods: hour/day/month.

    Have you had this line for some period of time. Is this restriction a first-time occurrence?

    I have no experience with 3BB, but we are getting two customer installs this week with 3BB FTTx; I'll review those contracts for usage parameters but expect the language will be fairly generic, along the lines of, "The company reserves the right to limit individual customer bandwidth in order to insure quality of service for all customers". Or they may have a published fair-use policy. I've seen some True Online fair-use wording which limits usage over certain periods, but have never run into this as a issue previously.

  6. Form the original post:

    When I connect through the AIS software I appear to be connected to something called HSDPA

    which seems to indicate that the serving base-station has 3G. Further, AIS has just completed an accelerated turn-up of 20,000 3G/2100 base-stations, covering 97% of the Kingdom, so I'm guessing the serving base-station is 2100 MHz/3G, and the SIM is a AWN/2100 MHz-compatible SIM.

    My best guess now would be a provisioning issue on AIS's side which is only allowing 2G/EDGE or 384 Kbps max. on 3G, although there could be a back-haul constraint. Maybe the subscribed plan is un-capped, but with a 384 Kbps speed limit - there is a 7 day plan like this, but I can't find a 30 day/1 GB plan like this?

    At this point maybe best to revisit the point of purchase and ask for guidance.

    I'm not sure how applications like bit torrent would be expected to work on mobile connections?

  7. So now after 14 days my 5gb Is up. Can I then just go to a 7/11 and top up for 150 bagt 1gb ? Do I tell them anything about priceplan or do I have to send sms or call customerservice for that ?

    You may get a service message from TrueMove H. Otherwise, just make sure you have ~ 165 baht remaining balance and use the USS code: *900*8903# Send.


    Or cancel your existing plan (call, iService, IVR) and then re-subscribe to a new or different plan.

  8. Did you buy an AIS/2100 SIM? Did the packaging refer to "2100" anywhere on it? When did you buy this SIM? When did you add value? When did you subscribe to a mobile data plan? Which plan, exactly, did you subscribe to? Using what specific code?

    Are you getting 200 Kilo-Bytes per second, or 200 Kilo-bits per second? How are you determining this speed?

    If you are getting 200 Kilo-Bytes per second then that is 1.6 Mega-bits per second which isn't horrible. If 200 Kilo-bits per second then maybe you exceed your cap, or are really on 2G.

    My best guess now would be that you do not have a 2100 MHz SIM, but that's just a guess based on the few details you've provided.

    You bought this dongle from AIS? Recently?

    The 1 GB/399 baht plan has a fair-use speed limit of 64 Kilo-bits per second, so ma guessing you haven't hit your cap yet?

  9. Just to add: I assume you've confirmed there is 4G in your current location?

    You might be able to determine this by going into Settings, About phone, Status and looking at Network and Mobile network type, although if 4G/LTE is available there may be an indication in the status bar (4G with up/down arrows).

    Lastly, confirm there are no baseband issues with your current baseband and TrueMove H/LTE. For this you'll have find someone using this model to compare basebands (Settings, About phone, Baseband version), or contact True. True do sell a N3/LTE variant here, and it may be a N9005, but it might have a special modem/baseband?

  10. The CAT On Net Platinum/Platinum Plus plans are really targeted at businesses, provide static IP addresses and range in price from 6,900 baht/month (15/3) up to 25,000 baht/month (100/10). I haven't reviewed the SLAs on these plans, but suspect the bandwidth is guaranteed within Thailand.

    The Silver, Gold and Gold Plus are targeted at home users. My experience is with these and it was ultimately unacceptable in two installations. Platinum plans were proposed and considered but ultimately discarded based on the reference customer experiences.

  11. Wondering if you tried their new 4G service yet and if your Nexus 4 worked on 4G?

    While the Nexus 4 has some inherent LTE support - which Google quickly suppressed - it can only be enabled with a hack/mod, and then only supports Band 4/AWS (1700x2100) which would only allow it to work on some T-Mobile/U.S.A., and a small number of AT&T AWS, 4G/LTE deployments. It ( the Nexus 4 ) would not work on LTE here.

    Either variant of the Nexus 5 would work on LTE/2100 MHz (Band 1) here.

    • Like 1
  12. IME, most Android phones will utilize a WiFi connection if one is available, if one is not available, or WiFi is turned off, the device will (try to) connect to a mobile data network assuming one is available and one is a customer. So turn off WiFi if you want to test mobile data connectivity.

    Are you a pre-paid or post-paid customer?

    If post-paid, have you specifically contracted for an iSmart package which includes 4G/LTE?

    The iSmart 199 plans appear to be available to post-paid only? Further that plan is hard-capped so you'll be paying by the minute or MB once you go over 300 MB.

    Back on topic, it is still not clear to me, and I have a customer asking about this, if one can get a 4G/LTE pre-paid package with TrueMove H? It seems like all of the packages which included 4G/LTE are post-paid.




    FYI, just noticed this 10 GB/1,699 baht plan: Pro Package 1,699.

    AFAIK, there are no "rules" or regulations from the NBTC re: minimum speeds, but wouldn't be surprised if with some customer agitation they had created some new regulations.

  13. My best guess(es):

    AIS has installed 3G/2100 MHz in your location.

    You'll need a dongle which supports 2100 MHz 3G. Your current dongle may not support 2100MHz/3G.

    If you do buy a new dongle I'd recommend buying a generic, non-branded device.

    You may need a new SIM from AIS, and may need to transfer your "old" account to the new SIM.

    You'd need to subscribe to a new AIS/2100 MHz 3G mobile data plan.

    Obviously it would help if you could share any details: especially re: your dongle: exact manufacturer and model no. and SIM: new AIS/2100 SIM.

    Do you have a mobile phone? If so, please provide the exact make and model.

  14. I also using AIS 3G 2100 and it's good too. (Early this month they said they already completed 20,000 3G 2100Mhz base station)

    AIS did brief the press ~ 4 Feb, claiming 97% coverage with 20,000 3G/2100 MHz base-stations, and 37 million total customers, of which 17 million are on the 2100 MHz 3G network (AWN). They plan to migrate another 15 million customers to 2100 MHz this year. In that same briefing, AIS CEO Wichian Mektrakarn said that AIS faces severe congestion next year - they only have 15 MHz of 2100 MHz 3G, and their GSM900 concession ends in 2015 - unless the planned (September) 1800 MHz/LTE auction moves forward. But there may not be enough 1800 MHz spectrum available for a viable auction?

    In a briefing on Friday, DTAC claimed 28 million customers, with 14 million on 3G (850/2100); 5,500 3G/2100 MHz base-stations, and 11,000 3G/2100 MHz base-stations by June. They also have 5,200 3G/850 MHz base-stations; their 1800 MHz concession runs until 2018. Further, they claimed 1 million existing LTE-capable customers, and plan to deploy 300 base-stations with 2100/LTE by June.

    The last figures I saw for CAT/850 was 13,000 base stations. TrueMove H resells CAT/850. TrueMove H have installed some 2100MHz/LTE, but very little 2100 MHz/3G, their True Growth Infrastructure Fund may have raised ~ 58 billion baht so I assume they can now build out their 2100 MHz/3G network. I haven't seen any subscriber figures from True since Q3; they are due to release Q4_2013 financials on 28 Feb, with an Analyst briefing on 7 March,

  15. I assume you are familiar with adding an APN, then saving it, then restarting the phone, then selecting that APN?

    I can think of no reasons why your N3 variant would not work with CAT/850 (TrueMove H)?

    I've had to trouble-shoot a fair amount of TrueMove H issues, and in each and every case it was a simple matter of properly configuring the APN. Most people forget to save the APN after they have configured it.

    Can you post screenshots of your attempted TrueMove H APN settings? Did you use default.supl for the APN Type?

    Otherwise stop by a True shop where they should be able to sort out the issue for you.

  16. IME, I needed to cancel (can call, email, use eServices:web or Android, send USSD) any existing package before I could subscribe to a new package.


    You can add value at many shops now by just giving the number and cash, or via an ATM.

    A seven day, unlimited (FuP is published at 64 Kbps) 1 GB cap, is 249 baht (before 7 % VAT), Subscription code is: *777*74# send.

    Note there is another seven day package which is 69 baht, unlimited with no cap, but speed is restricted to 384 Kbps. Subscription code is *777*713# send.

    Obviously you'll need a 2100 MHz 3G compatible device, and coverage.

    TOT do have some post-paid 3G plans which are un-capped: Heavy Storm and Perfect Storm, but overall speed is limited to 1 Mbps and 2 Mbps resepctively: http://www.tot3g.net/PromotionInfo.aspx?pid=23

  17. So, to be clear, If I can get AIS 3G here, I can also get Airnet?

    No, not necessarily. AirNet and 3G and entirely different access methods, but AirNet equipment does get installed on AIS mobile telephony masts. You'll need to contact the AIS AirNet folks directly to see if the service is available in your location(s).


    You might also be able to get a similar service from TOT, called Wi-NET. Many here have commented positively on Wi-NET, while others have experienced issues with it. YMMV.

  18. I come back to house, tested same servers with my True, no problem. In fact, True IIG / Cat does even better than before nowadays (knock on wood).

    I would never recommend AIS AirNet over True (fiber, DSL, DOCSIS), and would even go with 3BB or TOT (fixed-line) before AirNet, I think I tried to say as much in my previous post. If it is the only solution available, or perhaps as a back-up, then I obviously I would try it - which we have done for two customers. We ended up getting 3BB FTTx pulled in to these two customers, with installs set for next Monday, and Thursday, but originally any sort of fixed-line access was looking to be unavailable much before May.

    I have my doubts that someone can watch NetFlix in Super HD here on AIS AisNet; I'd even be surprised if someone could consistently watch NetFlix in even the poorest resolution here on AIS AirNet, but miracles do happen I've heard.

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  19. Tried insert the same simcard into my wife's galaxy duos n instantly get the 3G connection.

    I would closely compare the APN settings which apparently work on the duos, and then manually replicate those on the other phone.

    I've seen many, many, many APN issues with TrueMove H, ranging from a bad username baked in to a SIM (Ture instead of True) to some phone models requiring default,supl for the APN type.


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