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Posts posted by lomatopo

  1. It seems like all of the Moto G models being sold here are being imported from the U.S. Play Store; 8 GB/$179, 16 GB/$199. With potential state sales tax, S & H, reshipping, you could conceivably land one here ~ $280. Maybe be simpler to buy a grey-market import here? Especially if they offer any sort of exchange/warranty?

    I have my doubts that Motorola/Thailand will localize this product.

    You could order from the U.S. Play Store, and use a re-shipper, or ask someone to buy it for you, and re-ship it, or bring it in for you.

    Thainexusman shows as sold out, I think: http://www.thainexusman.com/product/86/moto-g-16-gbfilm

  2. You can add value to your SIM/number and then subscribe to one-week plan, after your first week has finished, by using the subscription code *104*28*9#, for 199 baht.

    You even ad value right at the DTAC shop at the airport when you first buy the SIM, or you could add value at any 7/11 shop by giving your number and some cash.

  3. I think you'd be better off using a TA who could sort out options for you in minutes.

    Generally speaking, a round-trip routing via Europe with a single stop-over and/or open-jaw, would yield the best price.

    Most fares allow for a single stop-over, which you would utilize for something in/near BRU on either the outbound or return - but not both - segments. Some fares also allow for an additional open-jaw, but maybe not in the same region as the stop-over, so you could use that in Canada: arriving YUL, departing YYZ.

    Stringing together two separate tickets, especially to/from Europe in ultra-high season, will generally be more expensive.


  4. Christie top lieutenants said Sandy money ‘connected’ to city redevelopment plan: Hoboken Mayor Dawn Zimmer

    The mayor of Hoboken accused a pair of top Gov. Chris Christie lieutenants of a “Sopranos”-style shakedown, denying the city hurricane aid over a delayed redevelopment plan. Mayor Dawn Zimmer said New Jersey Lt. Gov. Kim Guadagno and a second official warned her that millions in Hurricane Sandy relief for her city were tied to the approval of the Rockefeller Group’s proposal.

    In classic Jersey style, the blunt conversation with former prosecutor Guadagno occurred on May 13 in the parking lot of a Hoboken ShopRite, Zimmer told MSNBC in a Saturday interview. Guadagno “pulled me aside ... and she said, ‘I know it’s not right, I know these things should not be connected, but they are. And if you tell anyone, I’ll deny it,’ ” Zimmer recalled.
    I guess the Bada-Bing was closed?
  5. Dennis Rodman checks into alcohol rehab after N. Korea trip

    (CNN) -- Former basketball star Dennis Rodman checked into an East Coast alcohol-rehabilitation center after facing backlash for his visit to North Korea, a source close to Rodman told CNN.
    He entered the center Wednesday, according to the source. It's not clear how long he will remain in rehab.
    • Like 1
  6. Yes, that variant will work with AIS/2100 and DTAC/2100 - it will not work with TrueMove H LTE/2100, and TrueMove H has very limited 3G/2100 deployment to date.

    DTAC and AIS have broad 2100/3G deployment so you'd be fine.

    It is evident that you really want this variant, and I strongly suspect you'll have to source it from Korea, which should be easy enough.

    There would be reason for LG/Thailand to localize this variant, and no reason for any grey-market imports, other than for you of course.

  7. I bought a real sgs 3 for 11,500 at mbk

    Yes, some of the box shops are as low as 11,000.

    I was simply quoting the current MSRP for reference.

    The Moto G is available now on the Play Store, pure Google... 8 GB/$179. 16 GB/$199.

    8g are available from Tesco direct in the UK for £89 with an e-coupon and new sign up...

    Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Shows as out of stock currently.


    Not sure if those less expensive versions are somehow tied to a Tesco/UK service provider?

    The "SIM-free" versions seem to be 129/149 GBP.

  8. google if nexus 5 by lg is nice looking phone if you dont mind taking one from the grey market

    LG/Thailand localized the N5 (D820 variant) so these are available here in the 'real' market. Current MSRP is 16,900 THB (official product as low as 16,250).

    The D821 variant is available from the U.S Play Store for $349 (16 GB) or $399 (32 GB), in case that is an option for the OP. The D821 variant would be fine for Thailand.

    There are also Nexus 4's still available here; I think the MSRP is 14,900 but some top-line shops may be discounting these into the 9,900 - 10,500 range.

    'Real' SGS3's are widely available; 13,500 MSRP.

  9. ^^

    available, but not in Thailand...

    Didn't mean to imply these were, from the Play Store that is - there are links in this thread to local, grey-market sources. That said, the OP might be able to get someone to bring/ship him one? Or one could just order (via a VPN) and use a re-shipper.

    Just presenting options here.

    I kind of like this Moto G, - and didn't know there was a Play Store version - and appreciate the pointer, I think I may get one as a back-up phone during my next trip back to the U.S., in a few weeks.

    • Like 1
  10. You have to specifically enable international roaming. There are many ways to enable this, USSD codes being just one. And yes, you'd need to do this from within Thailand, in case that wasn't inherently obvious.

    If you are outside of Thailand simply drop an email to DTAC or AIS to request that IR be enabled on your SIM/number.

    [email protected]

    [email protected]

    or use the web-based eService platforms.

    pre-2100 SIMs would roam, if IR was enabled.

    old, pre-2100 networks/SIMs are not end-of-lifed, yet. 15 Sep 2014 for TrueMove (GSM1800), 2015 for AIS/900, 2018 for DTAC/1800+850.

  11. Mr Obama said such data had prevented terror attacks at home and abroad

    but we can't reveal any details so trust us.

    Obama’s restrictions on NSA surveillance rely on narrow definition of ‘spying’

    Obama placed restrictions on access to domestic phone records collected by the National Security Agency, but the changes he announced will allow it to continue — or expand — the collection of personal data from billions of people around the world, Americans and foreign citizens alike.


  12. While I am not familiar with the deceased's case it is not unusual for many in the U.S. to be wrongly convicted, especially if a minority or otherwise disenfranchised.

    18 of the 312 people exonerated through DNA served time on death row. Another 16 were charged with capital crimes but not sentenced to death.*

    Some are uncomfortable with the thought of executing an innocent person, and only a moron would suggest that innocent people have not been - Oops, sorry - 'accidently' executed, while others are OK with a few good apples getting executed as part of the price to be paid.

    Our (U.S.) challenges with various methods: firing squad, hanging (we once did 38 people - native Americans in a single day, and 13 African-Americans in a single day), burning (at the stake), crushing, gas, electric chair indicate a predileiction with capital punishment, balanced with a desire to make it "un-cruel", not unlike the dichotomy of punishment and deterrence.

    Over the past 20 years, the death penalty has slowly declined in popularity in the United States from an all-time high in 1994 of 80% in favor to around 63% in 2012. Since 2007, six states have abolished the death penalty.

    * http://www.innocenceproject.org/Content/DNA_Exonerations_Nationwide.php

  13. I doubt you'll find that variant here - maybe just best to buy it from that seller on eBay in Korea?

    I think that Korea is the only country with widely-available LTE-A - which would seem to be the only reason to purchase that variant.

    Can you share any background on why you've decided on this particular variant?

  14. Hello,

    I am writing on behalf of my Thai lady friend. She wants to buy a smart phone and has looked at Samsung phones. She would like to spend around 8,000 baht but would go to maybe 12,000 if there were a compelling reason.

    She uses Facebook and hotmail. She has the phone choice narrowed down to Ace, Core, Win, and Grand. I cannot help her make the choice as I am pretty clueless in the matter. I have never owned a smart phone.

    Thanks a lot for any help.


    Why is she asking you if you are clueless?

    Give her the money, if that is indeed the case, and let her try different models in shops before deciding.

  15. The Nexus 10 (GT-P8110) was only available as a WiFi-only variant (16 or 32 GB), and there was no 3G variant.

    For those instances where one does not have WiFi, most people utilize the "portable hotspot" feature of their phone to "share" the 3G connection to the WiFi-only tablet via WiFi.

    I did consider one of these 7,990 N10 units but a few Thai colleagues advised that there were a lot of issues with failed units not being refunded, repaired or replaced so I chose not to take the risk. It's a great unit, and I am still thinking about risking it. The display is incredible - friends in the U.S. have these, and I was hoping to get one of theirs when the new N10 came out, but that's looking less and less likely right now. No one even knows who - Samsung, Asus, LG - might even make the new N10.

    The N10 has been sold out on the U.S. Play Store for a long time, and there are no plans to re-stock.

  16. Is this the way ticket changes are now handled.

    Yes, and it has been that way since discounted first and business fares were introduced.

    There are many paid business class fare buckets on UA: C/J/D/P/Z. (There are also upgrade and award buckets.)

    Z and P are discounted with strict APEX (advanced purchase) requirements.

    If you re-issue a ticket, with or without a fee associated, one has to have inventory available in the original fare bucket. My best guess is that it was not available, or you could not meet the APEX requirement, so you had to buy-up to next available fare bucket. This is a risk associated with purchasing discounted fares, but understand you may not have thought to consider that possibility.

    That said, some options include: managing your travel plans proactively, never purchase a ticket unless your plans are firm, or you are willing to pay more, investigating medical/health/bereavement options, taking advantage of weather/schedule waivers, investigating other travel dates.

    Given a medical condition I suspect UA would have made some additional accommodations?

  17. http://www.shopat7.com/index.php?lay=show&ac=cat_show_pro_detail&pid=276960

    A lot of people, on Thai social media, are complaining about the quality on these units. It seems like they were dumped here, from who knows where, some speculate factory refurbs, or units out of spec that were supposed to be scrapped.

    I was looking at getting one during my visit to the U.S. a few weeks ago - there are a fair amount on eBay for $400 (16 GB) - but I decided to wait.

    That said, this unit has been sold out on the U.S. Play Store for months, and there is no real news on a replacement? Maybe something announced at MWC in Feb.?

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