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Posts posted by lomatopo

  1. The service is called "day give away".

    Maybe ring DTAC at 1678, or drop them an email: [email protected] to let them know what you want.


    1. Eligible users must have activated their SIM for at least 90 days continuously, or have a total usage balance of over 200 baht. In addition, the account must not be suspended, and must have at least 1 day before it expires when activating the service.
    2.Remaining credit may not be less than 10 baht after applying for this service.
    3.Account validity may not exceed 365 days after a successful transaction.
    4.If a user has already borrowed credit from the Emergency Refill Service, the user must settle the balance prior to apply for Day Giveaway Service.
    5.The company reserves the right to amend or alter these terms and conditions as well as service fees. In addition, the customer is not allowed to use the service for any illegal acts or to violate customer service contract. The company reserves the right to cancel or suspend this service and launch legal proceedings as is deemed appropriate.
    6.By subscribing for this package, it means you give your consent for operator to transfer data, including personal information and customer profile to new network "TriNet" under dtac TriNet Co., Ltd.
    7.Services provided by dtac TriNet Co., Ltd., Registration No: 0105549034548 Chamchuree Square No.319 Floors 22-41 Phayathai Road Pathumwan Bangkok 10330.
  2. With most phones these days it is quite simple to toggle mobile data on/off. With Android simply use a two-finger pull down, press on the mobile connection and slide data off - no need for a third-party app.

    With AIS one can also turn data on/off by sending USSD requests to the network:

    Turn data off *129*1# send

    Turn data on *129*2# send

    Check status: *129*# send

    I sort of assumed the OP was checking his usage immediately after enabling data, and then again immediately after turning it off to determine the scope of the "scam" being perpetrated?

    Most phones will be connected all the time - save when on WiFi, even if applications are not using the connection, so one really needs to be proactive in turning the connection on/off if on a time-based plan. In the OP's case, he would burn through his 20 hour allotment in, amazingly, roughly 20 hours, or 10 ~ 14 "scam" hours.

  3. to the favor of AIS to the tune of 60 to 100 percent

    That's a pretty wide swath; was it 60 % or 100%? What kind of time period are we talking about?

    My best guess(es): minutes get rounded up, the system may not instantaneously reflect your connection state, your calculations are off. Can you verify your usage with one of the eService options? (Not sure if those display such details?) I doubt it's a scam, but understand everyone likes to use that term for just about any perceived or misunderstood slight here.

    You may be better off with a plan which offers volume-based services? And, obviously, if you are unhappy with AIS maybe experiment with one of the other service providers to see if they are scam-free.

  4. Former NSA whistleblowers plead for chance to brief Obama on agency abuses

    The group of four intelligence specialists - William Binney, Thomas Drake, Edward Loomis and Kirk Wiebe - who worked at the NSA for “a total of 144 years, most of them at senior levels” stressed in the letter the need for Obama to address what they’ve seen as abuses that violated Americans’ Fourth Amendment rights and that have made proper, effective intelligence gathering more difficult.
    “What we tell you in this Memorandum is merely the tip of the iceberg,” the group, calling themselves the Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS), wrote. “We are ready – if you are – for an honest conversation. That NSA’s bulk collection is more hindrance than help in preventing terrorist attacks should be clear by now despite the false claims and dissembling.”
    Surely you intuit that something is askew when NSA Director Keith Alexander testifies to Congress that NSA’s bulk collection has ‘thwarted’ 54 terrorist plots and later, under questioning, is forced to reduce that number to one, which cannot itself withstand close scrutiny.
  5. However Samsung guarantee will still be valid in Thailand even without having to produce a guarantee card or a dated receipt.

    If the IMEI shows as registered to Samsung/THL. I assume any warranty details (agent/term) are covered in the warranty documentation within the box, assuming they have not been duplicated. Many discount shops offer grey-market units sourced from, or destined for, locales outside of Thailand. Some of these have "fallen off the truck", or are units from the factory (say in Viet Nam) which were out of spec and supposed to be re-worked or scrapped. A colleague purchased a Samsung Galaxy Note (original) here in a discount shop in MBK for a few thousand less than the MSRP, which had a Bulgarian provenance and Samsung/THL would not provide warranty repair/service/replacement, rather directing him to Samsung/Bulgaria or some service provider there.

    There have been a few similar threads here over the years so one must factor in the potential risk associated with warranty issues when purchasing "open-box" or grey-market units here.

    • Like 1
  6. Not sure if NCA serve the OP's stated destination of Mukdahan?

    VIP/999 buses are operated by various public and government entities. While many buses depart in the PM - after people get off work for the day, and when traffic is at a minimum - there are some AM and afternoon departures both from and to Bangkok.

    The OP can view the seat plan for a specific bus/route/date, but you do need to register - I didn't bother.

    My best guess is that the OP is interested in one of those first two listings: operated by "The Transport Co." (ostensibly the government I think?) with 08:00 or 20:30 departures from Mor Chit (Chatuchuk) in 32-seat configs.

    I haven't seen any accident statistics re: 999/VIP buses but am under the impression they are reasonably safe, with two drivers and mandatory safety check/stops at some prescribed intervals during a journey. Most complaints seem to be about the near meat-locker temperatures on board, so dress in/carry layers. For many destinations buses are the only viable option.


    • Like 1
  7. How far down Soi 20 is the hotel?




    It might be a bit simpler, although it might seem out of the way, to take the SARL (City Line or Express Line) all the way to Phaya Thai, and connect with the BTS (Sukhumvit Line, direction Bearing, to Asoke, station E4, then use exit #6 - note that you will have to carry your bag(s) down the stairs here. But a lot will depend on the time of day as boarding an in-bound BTS train at Phaya Thai during the AM commute is challenging. While there is a foot-bridge connecting the SARL/Makkasan to the Petchaburi MRT station, it is a long-ish walk, and the transition from the MRT (Sukhumvit station) up into the Asoke BTS station - to get over top exit #6 - can be challenging for first-timers. Also note that both the escalators between the street level and the mezzanine level of the BTS here become uni-directional at certain times of the day, so you may end up having to carry your bag(s) up and down at Asoke BTS.

    By the time you factor in the dwell/wait/ticket purchase times, transitions between stations and the walk down Soi 20, a taxi direct from SBIA/BKK might end up being a bit quicker. Obviously during rainy season a taxi would be the driest option.

    Only you know what your bag(s) are like to handle, what your physical condition is and where your hotel is, so it can be difficult for others to accurately gauge your challenges.

  8. DTAC apparently has a scheme whereby existing SIM holders can extend the validity of their SIMs upon request to DTAC and by having a small fee deducted from their balance -- 2 baht for an extra month, 6 baht for an extra 3 months, or 12 baht for an extra 6 months.

    Highlighted in post #2 above, it's called "Day-Give-Away": http://www.dtac.co.th/en/prepaid/services/freeday.html

    Day Giveaway Service
    Account expiring soon? Request an extension.
    Running out of validity? Request an extension! Pay 2 baht for 30 days, 6 baht for 90 days, and 12 baht for 180 days more service.
    Activate this service
    Dial (follow the instructions)
    Other ways to activate
    Automated Service
    Dial (follow the instructions)
    Express Service
    Dial → Number of days to extend 30/90/180 →
    Website: Click Here
    Service rates
    Rates for the Day Giveaway Service will be charged as follows: 2 baht/30 day request, 6 baht/90 day request, 12 baht/180 day request. All rates are VAT Inclusive. When service has been successfully activated, the user will receive a confirmation SMS from Happy.
    It’s goood to know
    1.Eligible users must have activated their SIM for at least 90 days continuously, or have a total usage balance of over 200 baht. In addition, the account must not be suspended, and must have at least 1 day before it expires when activating the service.
    2.Remaining credit may not be less than 10 baht after applying for this service.
    3.Account validity may not exceed 365 days after a successful transaction.
    4.If a user has already borrowed credit from the Emergency Refill Service, the user must settle the balance prior to apply for Day Giveaway Service.
    5.The company reserves the right to amend or alter these terms and conditions as well as service fees. In addition, the customer is not allowed to use the service for any illegal acts or to violate customer service contract. The company reserves the right to cancel or suspend this service and launch legal proceedings as is deemed appropriate.
    6.By subscribing for this package, it means you give your consent for operator to transfer data, including personal information and customer profile to new network "TriNet" under dtac TriNet Co., Ltd.
    7.Services provided by dtac TriNet Co., Ltd., Registration No: 0105549034548 Chamchuree Square No.319 Floors 22-41 Phayathai Road Pathumwan Bangkok 10330.
  9. Not sure about how to get a specific seat on a specific bus/route/date? At some of the departing bus depots (Ekkamai, Mor Chit) one can see an available seat-map at the ticket counter when purchasing, and request it. Maybe ask a Thai person to trawl some Thai social media sites to get a feel for if this is possible on the routes you travel?

    There are a lot more options now re: making a reservation, and paying. Not sure if you can request a specific seat via the call center?


    A bus ticket can be bought at the counters of ThaiTicketMajor Major Cinema, EGV, Thailand Post, AIS, Telewiz, Tesco Lotus, Lotus Express, GUE, and More


    The Thai Ticket Major booking engine does show seat-maps so presumably one could reserve a specific, desireable seat, assuming it shows as available and that it is not blocked out for any number of reasons.




  10. TG is in a challenging position having to be all things to all people. Increased employee activism, decreasing yields (pricing pressure/lower volume), cargo is down, FX losses - a lot of revenue is derived in foreign currencies, increased employee expenses. Obviously the domestic political situation is impacting bookings/arrivals. At least fuel prices are reasonable, and the weakening baht should help a bit.

    Note that their president resigned last month, the rumors being that the board did not welcome his ideas about turning the company around.

    Q3/2013 Analyst Briefing: http://thai.listedcompany.com/misc/PRESN/20131127-THAI-AnalystBriefing3Q2013-02.pdf

    Resignation of Thai Airways' president no shock as dark skies loom

    With high operating costs, Sorajak said in a recent interview with The Nation, THAI cannot survive the fierce competition. He believed the profit margin of 1.5 per cent was too thin to weather the storms, and this highlighted the need for corporate transformation. He envis?aged spinning off business units, keeping only the aviation business.
    According to a close aide, this idea did not receive much of a welcome from the THAI board when Sorajak sought their approval last Friday.
    "The president has pondered resignation for some time, seeing that his hands are tied. He could not have a say in the route planning or a cost-cutting programme for business units. His time has been devoted to meetings, mostly concerning non-aviation businesses," the source said.
  11. ^ TrueMove H have a new assortment of InterSIMs, similar to those offered on the old TrueMove network.


    Not sure what validities are though. On the old TrueMove InterSIM, any top-up, even as little as 10 baht, extended the validity out to 365 days. Suspect these new tourist SIMs have 30 days validity, maximum; a colleague visiting this week got the 299 baht one, and his validity seems to be 30 days maximum, based on usage - a completed call, or a top-up.

    Not sure about the AIS/AWN and DTAC/Tri-NET Tourist SIMs?

    http://www.dtac.co.th/en/prepaid/products/touristsim.html Subscribers can accumulate a maximum of 90 days after topping up.

    http://www.ais.co.th/12call/en/sim-Tourist.html validity until 180 days after service registration

    Many of the new 2100 MHz SIMs (AWN/Tri-NET, Real Future) seem to have 30 - 60 day maximum non-cumulative validities, which extend based on usage - completed outgoing call - or a top-up.

    Many of the older: One-2-Call/Happy/TrueMove SIMs had cumulative validities, whereby one could build-up to a 365 day validity. Some report keeping this feature when they port out/in to the new sub., while others have reported 30 ~ 90 max, non-cumulative validity. DTAC/Happy's "old" concession runs to 2018, while AIS/One-2-Call's runs to 2015.

    There is a pending number shortage so I'd expect service providers to get a bit more rigorous re: validities.

    The NBTC has been trying to enforce no expirations, which service providers have sort of implemented, albeit with a usage requirement during the 30 - 90 day term.

    Maybe best to check with your service provider to see what might be available which meets your requirement(s)?

  12. Maybe a Presidential Pardon on/about Dec. 31, 2016?

    But a difficult balance given the NSA's power, and plummeting internal morale. NSA staff definitely feel 'betrayed', but that's because they've had carte-blanche since 1951.

    I doubt the Government would want to appear in a courtroom given the defendant's potential requests for "discovery". The Government would want to keep everything secret which means Mr. Snowden would not be allowed a fair trial, so an acquittal.

    Save the money, and embarrassment, grant him clemency and appoint him to a security services overseer board or congressional staff position.

    Given the NSA's <deleted>-ups since day 1 maybe best to sh8t-can the whole organization and start over?

  13. Given the recent changes in expirations, and shortage if numbers, most service providers have a 30/60 day maximum, non-cumulative validity based on usage.

    So I'm not sure there is a solution to your situation save buying a new SIM each time on arrival.

    You could leave the SIM with someone in Thailand to "manage" for you during your times outside the country. This might be as simple as making a call every 60 days. Or you could do this while roaming. Or you could top-up while roaming.

    Service providers may have schemes which allow you to purchase validity: e.g. DTAC has the day-give-away plan, which charges 2 baht/30 days validity, but there are some prerequisites, like being a customer for 90 days.


    You also have to balance validities vs. other requirements: coverage, quality, cost, customer service, et al.

    Gone are the days of rolling, cumulative 365 day expiry, I'm afraid.

  14. Not sure what this means exactly? 101 mph? 120 mph? Clearly though, speed seems to have been the primary factor rather than some mechanical failure. A tragic loss that could have been avoided with some common sense.

    Coroner: Car carrying Paul Walker going 100-plus mph

    Los Angeles (CNN) -- The Porsche carrying "Fast & Furious" star Paul Walker was speeding at more than 100 miles per hour when it crashed in November, killing the actor and a friend, according to the final coroner's report on the deaths. The 15-page report released Friday by the Los Angeles County coroner's office answered several questions that had been the subject of speculation about how Walker and racing team partner Roger Rodas died. The two men apparently did not live long after the high-performance 2005 Porsche Carrera GT, which was traveling at "approximately 100+ mph," slammed into a light post and tree and burst into flames, the report said.
  15. Well there was supposed to be an 1800 MHz auction in October of last year (2013), but that was delayed primarily due to TrueMove's continued "ownership" of their GSM1800 network, even thought heir concession ended on 15 Sep 2013.

    According to the article they still have 13 million customers, down from 18 million, and have been given a reprieve of 12 months, so while an auction could occur anytime, there would have to be assurances to interested parties that the spectrum will ultimately become available.

    Given the rapid uptake of 3G services here mobile providers really do need the LTE spectrum, so hopefully an auction will occur sometime in 2013, with deployments following thereafter. Obviously still not a lot of LTE band 3 compatible handsets in the market now, but suspect more and more will be introduced as most popular models have LTE-1800 variants.

    • Like 1
  16. What make and model phone do you have?

    It does sound like an APN issue? Do you have any listings in Settings, Wireless & networks, More, Mobile networks, Access Point Names? If not, create a new one and remember to save it select it and reboot.


    That plan provides 1 GB hard-capped - you'll pay by the min or MB when you go over 1 GB (upload and download) - over 7 days. It should provide decent 3G speed assuming you have coverage.

    • Like 1
  17. AWN is a subsidiary of AIS; this is required to track auction revenue from concession revenue.

    The GSM 900 concession will end in 2015 so eventually you'll have to change,

    If you want/need 2100 MHz 3G then you should change. If you are fully satisfied now, then maybe no hurry to change.

    I can't think of any disadvantages except maybe different expiration/validity dates.

    Maybe switch you or your wife first, see how things are then decide on the second number?

  18. Personally I would just get a real, unlocked, un-branded, un-subsidized USB aircard - you can get a decent 7.2 Mbps/5.6 Mbps model for 990 baht which supports 850/2100 MHz, then you can use it with any SIM. But that's me, I like simple, easy, quick, universal solutions.

    FYI, I didn't know this but, it is not legal to sell carrier-locked subsidized phones here (in Thailand), but apparently there is no restriction on data-only devices.

  19. It would help if you could share as much detail as possible:

    phone make and model

    USB aircard make/model or a link

    SIM promotional name


    requirements: how much data, one SIM to share between a phone and aircard, budget

    Generally speaking your SIM would be activated automagically - you do not need to do anything. That said, it is easier to manage your SIM/account/mobile data plan with a phone - especially a smart-phone, at least until you've registered for, and mastered use of the iServices app.

    My best guess is that your phone does NOT support 850/2100 MHz 3G so you are unable to get a signal from TrueMove H? I am not certain but I do not think newly purchased TrueMove H SIMs can register on the old, legacy TrueMove GSM 1800 MHz network.

    You'll have to add value to your account (telephone number associated with the SIM: 0xx-nnn-NNNN) - this can be done anywhere including a 7/11, and subscribe to a data plan. Unfortunately you may not be able to do this from your current phone. You may have to borrow a phone, or trudge back to the shop and ask for assistance.

  20. May another way to set APN with True is to call 1175 call center

    Believe 1175 is the AIS call center number.

    TrueMove is 1331

    DTAC is 1678

    APN configurations can be sent via USSD, or initiated via SMS, but this procedure is less than reliable - it may not work with any/every phone make/model.

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