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Posts posted by lomatopo

  1. Unfortunately the N7 (2013) 3G/LTE variant does not have a native dialer, or support for standard GSM telephone voice calls. So you cannot make or receive standard GSM voice calls.

    I'm surprised as several 3G tablets in this category do offer this capability, and I really thought that this variant did support GSM calls.

    Google Voice won't do you much good, for now anyway. Are you from the U.S.? do you make a lot of calls to/from the U.S.? If so, getting a GV number might be useful, you'll need to use a VPN to enroll. But it won't necessarily help with calls to/from/within other countries.

    Your only remaining option would be to use VoIP, on WiFi or possibly 3G. You'll have to look around for the best VoIP to address your individual calling requirements.

    Otherwise, maybe keep a real phone handy for calls.

  2. Copy paste the cont. of sms into google translate

    No need to go through this gyration. Google Translate has a one-button "SMS Translation" option in its menu. So in Google Translate simply press the menu option - 3 dots, tp right corner on my phone/system, then choose SMS Translation. Done.

    I sort of assumed the OP was asking about service request replies (USSD)? With DTAC adding a "9" to any USSD command returns English messages. For example: *101*1*9# send, to check internet usage.

    If these are marketing messages drop an email to [email protected] include a sample SMS, ask them to stop, or send English messages. Easy.

  3. For DTAC, the "unlimited" packages will auto-renew, these are the plans in the upper-most table in your link.

    I believe the next two tables, volume-based are one-offs which would NOT auto-renew, but they are hard-capped.

    You can register for eServices (DTAC, AIS, TrueMove H), DTAC does have a selection within their eServices platform (Web/PC, and Mobile/Android) to cancel an existing plan. You could also send them en email at [email protected] to cancel, or even just spring the 3 baht to call 1678 (the 3 baht is a flat fee) as it might save you a lot more money?

    I couldn't find a USSD code to cancel an internet plan here:


    With DTAC, adding a 9 to any USSD code returns English responses, so that's the difference. Feel free to use either code to subscribe.

    • Like 1
  4. It is intended to make more check-in spaces in the areas having become empty.

    Seemingly, but no luggage belts down to the tarmac, as far as I am aware, so they'll have to schlep checked bags over to one of the A/B, C/D, E/F... counters? I doubt they'll install belts, but who knows? Also not a lot of room for queues, without stopping cross-termianl traffic in the front of the main check-in lobby? So I guess we'll have to wait to see what the plan is?

  5. A lot will depend on your equipment, location(s), budget, requirements.

    I wouldn't get too hung up the original SIM, just get one which fits your phone.

    These different AIS SIMs just have slightly different embedded plans. They have English web pages but they are hard to find. Just use Google Translate to get a feel for the differences.

    Just get this one: http://www.ais.co.th/3g-one-2-call/th/sim-detail.aspx?type=call&id=20

    50 baht, add money, layer on a data plan, done.

    • Like 1
  6. I am in and out of Thailand fairly regularly - are the "unlimited" DTAC plans "auto-renewing"?

    Some plans auto-renew, assuming you have enough money and you haven't cancelled, these plans often offer unlimited internet access, albeit with speed limits once you reach/exceed your cap. Service providers also offer one-time plans which do not auto-renew; typically these are hard-capped and you have to be careful as you will pay by the min/MB if/when you exceed your cap.

    There is probably a plan for you but you'll need to identify your specific requirements, and manage your account: cancelling any subscriptions when you leave the country, or insuring that your balance is below the fees associated with another renewal.

    Just ring the service provider to cancel before you depart, or drop them an email.

    • Like 1
  7. Officials’ defenses of NSA phone program may be unraveling

    From the moment the government’s massive database of citizens’ call records was exposed this year, U.S. officials have clung to two main lines of defense: The secret surveillance program was constitutional and critical to keeping the nation safe. But six months into the controversy triggered by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden, the viability of those claims is no longer clear.

    In a three-day span, those rationales were upended by a federal judge who declared that the program was probably unconstitutional and the release of a report by a White House panel utterly unconvinced that stockpiling such data had played any meaningful role in preventing terrorist attacks.


    N.S.A. Dragnet Included Allies, Aid Groups and Business Elite

    Secret documents reveal more than 1,000 targets of American and British surveillance in recent years, including the office of an Israeli prime minister, heads of international aid organizations, foreign energy companies and a European Union official involved in antitrust battles with American technology businesses.
    While the names of some political and diplomatic leaders have previously emerged as targets, the newly disclosed intelligence documents provide a much fuller portrait of the spies’ sweeping interests in more than 60 countries.


    Exclusive: Secret contract tied NSA and security industry pioneer

    (Reuters) - As a key part of a campaign to embed encryption software that it could crack into widely used computer products, the U.S. National Security Agency arranged a secret $10 million contract with RSA, one of the most influential firms in the computer security industry, Reuters has learned.
    Documents leaked by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden show that the NSA created and promulgated a flawed formula for generating random numbers to create a "back door" in encryption products, the New York Times reported in September. Reuters later reported that RSA became the most important distributor of that formula by rolling it into a software tool called Bsafe that is used to enhance security in personal computers and many other products.
    • Like 1
  8. I did buy the 16 GB wifi ver for my wife in this store but they don't have a price on the 32 GB LTE ver as yet but you can keep checking http://www.mirakar.com/detail_product.php?IDPro=14442



    That's a good price but I suspect these may be grey-market - Asus/TH has not, as far as I am aware, localized WiFi-only variants of the N7.2 - so be sure to review the product carefully and verify who the warranty/repair/service agent is? You might find that in the warranty manual inside the box, or try to discern the country from the bar-code details on the outside of the box. A lot of these grey-market units seep into Thailand, from places where they might have fallen off the truck, or been meant for factory rework/scrap.

    There are lot of Nexus 10's seeping into the local market now for 7,990 and lots of complaints on Thai social media re: quality/workmanship/no warranty so as always, buyer beware.

  9. The version I'm using (7.2) certainly does cache as you use it.if I disable my data connection then load google maps it will show previously downloaded tiles

    Meh, not really. You're simply storing a bitmap of that image in GMaps cache, if you zoom in you'll see there are no details. Pretty much useless..

    What we are discussing here is full off-line caching, which is available in GMaps for most countries, except Thailand. And you have a limited storage ability - in the old days it was ~ 5 'squares' of 20 miles x 20 miles. And you have to proactively choose to "cache" off-line maps. Previously, one would long-press on a map, a square would be highlighted and you could save it. Now that process is accomplished by typing "OK Maps" - if on Android 4.4 simply speak "OK Maps" - in the GMaps search bar. Once you have cached a map section you have all the details you would have if on-line.


  10. You should may be able to assign unique "Notification" tones from within the specific application(s). So for SMS, open your SMS application ("Messaging"), click on Settings, tick/un-tick Notifications, long press on Sound, then choose a tone (Media Storage, File Manager, Zedge Ringtones, et al.). For GMail, in GMail press on Settings (3 vertical dots far, top, right corner, but each phone/Android/app version may be different), long press on your [email protected] address, tick/un-tick Notifications, press on Inbox sound & vibrate, press on Sound, choose a tone. You can use the same procedure for the 'stock' email app.

    I have a Google Nexus 4/Android 4.4.2 so your experience and menu structure may be different.

  11. Not odd at all, been that way forever. And no, "it" doesn't cache all by itself. And yes, it is reliable, in those countries where enabled.

    Simply type "OK Maps" in the search bar to cache map squares for off-line use in one of the hundred or so countries where this is enabled.

    The old "ownhere" hack enabled map caching for Thailand, along with TbT navigation. TbT navigaiton is currently enabled for Thailand, unfortunately the road/street names are only displayed in Thai - for TbT nav. - directions ("keep left at the fork") are in English, so it's a real cock-up - previously, road/street names were displayed in TbT in both English and Thai.

    • Like 1
  12. I want to order the Nexus 7 now, but I won't pay the higher price.

    No amount of questions, and answers, will overcome your primary issue I'm afraid.

    There have been many, many, many, many threads on reshipping stuff from the Homeland.

    Part of the increased price is due to units having 3G, but not all.

    Up to you.



    Why do you need an N7? Or better, what do you need/want?

  13. Do you already have a phone? If so, make and model? Reason for question: some phones offer the ability to tether/hot-spot, so you wouldn't need another device.

    If you need an air-card or mifi device, recommend the latter if you have more than one WiFi device to connect/share, then get one which is un-locked, un-branded, which support 850/2100 MHz 3G.



    Assume you understand you'll need a SIM, although you may be able to use any existing one you might have now, from a service provider that offers coverage, and that you'll need to add money, and that you'll need to subscribe to a mobile data plan?

  14. Available widely here but out of your price range, 3G/32 GB variant has an MSRP of 13,500.



    Believe the MSRP (32 GB/WiFI only) at the Play Store is $269, WalMart blue-lights it to $268, before any state sales tax, S & H, re-sipping fees and possible fees ad valorem. You might be able to land one here ~ $325 all in.

  15. ^ I have the current version, 7.5.0, and the "OK Maps" easter egg returns the message "Map pre-loading is not available in this area."

    Further, Thailand is still not on the list of the hundred or so countries, per Google. Strange, as they've been running StreetView here for a while.

    In the past one could hack this feature pretty easily, and one could cache everything for a number of 20 mile x 20 mile squares.

    But the simplest thing is to just get a mobile data plan, or use one of the gazillion free and paid off-line mapping solutions.

  16. Yes, I mentioned in post #23 that one can "cast" a tab from a PC, but not an Android device, using Chrome + extension. It does work, I've tried it, but it is very kludgy, and the quality blows, but it is possible to cast any tab, including one playing a video from any source, including your network. Just don't expect too much.

  17. continue to receive one year validity on every top-up regardless of the top-up amount.

    That's good to hear. AIS has always been pretty good at "grandfathering" existing customers and plans

    But, I've heard from a few people that this was not the case with DTAC/Happy to Tri-NET, TrueMove to TrueMove H and AIS-One-2-Call to AWN, and that they moved to the new scheme of 60 day max. expiry when they ported out/in to the new subsidiary.

    FWIW, you're not really getting one-year validity for each top-up, and this is a challenging thing to explain, but you are adding value, and expiry up to the maximum before such time as the expiry has dipped below 335, or 305 days. That is to say, if you were to wait nearly 12 months, then top-up you'd only receive 30 or 60 days, rather than another 365 days. The question remains if you can then build up (accumulate) validity?

  18. this I can connect with my S4

    Not sure if you understand what a Chromecast is exactly, or what your S4 will enable with it.

    Your S4 will allow you to control "casting" from the internet to your TV via the supported services: http://www.google.com/intl/en/chrome/devices/chromecast/apps.html

    Note that other than YouTube, a lot of these services are fee-based, originate in the U.S. and may require a VPN.

    You will not be able to cast your S4 onto your Chromecast; in essence you use the S4 - or any Android device - to send commands to the internet to cast video back down to your TV.

    I fear there are a lot mis-perceptions about what Chromecast can actually do?

    Right now, it is pretty cool, and it will get better - but not sure how cool it is if you live here? I mainly use mine to cast YouTube, and the quality is impressive.

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