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Posts posted by lomatopo

  1. Can you do this from the aircard software


    Most newer air-card UI's allow for the origination of USSD commands directly. Review the documentation for your model, or look through the UI. There may even be a software update for your air-card's UI which enables USSD. Most allow this now as this is one the only ways to check usage.

    If your air-card's UI does not allow for the origination of USSD messages then you'd need to pop the SIM in a phone.

  2. Probably not shocking...

    NSA tracking cellphone locations worldwide, Snowden documents show

    The National Security Agency is gathering nearly 5 billion records a day on the whereabouts of cellphones around the world, according to top-secret documents and interviews with U.S. intelligence officials, enabling the agency to track the movements of individuals — and map their relationships — in ways that would have been previously unimaginable.


    Good graphic: http://apps.washingtonpost.com/g/page/national/how-the-nsa-is-tracking-people-right-now/634/

    And case law for collection of meta-data collection is from 1979...

    The NSA says it ‘obviously’ can track locations without a warrant. That’s not so obvious.

    In conversations with The Washington Post over Barton Gellman and Ashkan Soltani's recent story on cellphone location tracking, an intelligence agency lawyer told Gellman, "obviously there is no Fourth Amendment expectation in communications metadata.” But some experts say it's far from obvious that the 1979 Supreme Court case on which the administration bases this view gives the government unfettered power to scoop up Americans' cellphone location data.


  3. If you use the 500 minutes then it's probably an OK deal, not great but OK. You could probably do better. Assume you ported to AWN (AIS/2100 MHz) already?

    You can get 400 min + 2 Gb for 799, or 500 min + 3 GB for 999, so you're getting hosed a bit.



  4. people feeling the need to become amateur accident reconstructionist


    I believe we will be hearing one of two things with regard to Roger and Paul' incident: (1) steering fluid leak and failure; or (2) possible tire issue

    coming from the same person, sounds strange? Unless one is a "professional accident reconstructionist (sic)"?

    Why not brake failure too? Seems like they had trouble stopping?

    Sounds like he was a bit of a daredevil? If we are to believe him in his own words (video-taped interviews), and the words of concern of his father?

    Paul Walker's Dad Reveals Eerie Last Conversation With His Son: I Told Him "Promise Me, No More Daredevil Stuff"

    "I said, 'Promise me, no more daredevil stuff.' I said, 'If in your heart, you say, I can do this, then by all means, do it. If your mind says, maybe not. Then don't.' I looked at him, I said, 'Will you promise me that?'"


    • Like 1
  5. My so called unlimited plan (AIS) is capped at 2gb per month at 3G speeds. After that I get only EDGE speed. pretty dissapointing considering I pay 999baht/month.

    Pre-paid? Post-paid?

    If post-paid then maybe you have some bundle which also includes voice minutes?

    If pre-paid, I'd be disappointed too - safe to say you're not getting the best deal; easy enough to change - 2 GB 128 Kbps FuP) is 599 baht/month.


  6. Seems weird that such an expensive car designed for racing is such a piece of crap/death trap? I guess if they had been in a Toyota they'd probably be fine, go figure.


    Paul Walker wasn't the first to allegedly experience mechanical issues inside a Porsche Carrera GT -- TMZ has learned, the car company was sued over a deadly 2005 crash involving the same vehicle ... and it paid dearly in a massive settlement.
    According to the lawsuit, two men (a driver and his passenger) were killed on a California race track while driving a 2005 Carrera GT ... hitting a wall at over 100 MPH while trying to avoid another car on the track.
    The family of the passenger sued practically everyone involved in the accident for gross negligence -- and won $4.5 million in a giant settlement ... $350,000 of which was paid by Porsche.
    My favorite quote: "...sworn testimony from several Porsche experts confirmed a major design flaw with the GT is it doesn't have a Porsche Stability Management system."
    In a documented interview, Mr. Walker once proudly claimed that he drove 185 MPH, on a freeway (public road in the U.S.).
    (I love how he's not looking at the road for long periods of time during this interview!)
    Anyway, he died doing something he loved, how many people get to have that said about them, post mortem?
  7. Do I need a special type of SIM card for use inside of an aircard


    But you do need to subscribe to a 3G-capable mobile data plan.

    You can test/experiment with the TrueMove H and DTAC SIMs:

    add value

    subscribe to a daily/weekly mobile data plan


    Net 49, for example, 1 day, subscription code is *900*3302# SEND


    49 baht Unlimited, subscription code is *104*29*9# SEND

    then when you find a service which works for you, subscribe to a monthly plan

    You can do the same with the AIS SIM:


    49 baht: *777*1# SEND

  8. The first link I provided clearly, and succinctly describes the options for accessing voicemail


    1. Press +66 81 900 9999

    2. Press your AIS GSM mobile number (10 digits)

    3. Key in your 4-digit password

    Service Rate 3 Baht per minute (excluding VAT) when applying for service / canceling service / changing password. Retrieving voice mail messages will be charged at international roaming rate of call from country you are in to Thailand


    Roaming Tip :You can listen to Voice Mail without entering password by using Call Home Service

    Press *131**99#

    This latter option passes your 10 digit AIS number for verification - no need for PW, but you will pay higher, roaming prices. The first option can, obviously, be dialed from any phone, via any means.


  9. but as far as I can understand you have to register a LINE account to an android account first, and only one account per phone.

    <or iPhone, or Winphone.>

    You appear to have identified your primary challenge.

    Yes, you need a smart-ish phone capable of receiving an SMS to download/install/register many of these chat programs. Once registered it looks like you can use the app/your account for the PC app.

    I think you could use your wife's account to install the program on a PC but that might present challenges if you plan to chat with people your wife might find objectionable.

  10. Most mobile operators throughout the world have Fair-Use Policies for obvious reasons, Thailand is not unique in this regard.

    "Unlimited" really means two things, and most seem able to comprehend these basic tenets: that you can continue to use mobile data albeit at a lower speed once you reach your cap, and that you do not pay anything extra for usage over your cap.

    There are some "limited" plans, for which you pay extra per minute, or MB, once you exceed your cap.

    That said, AIS does offer truly uncapped/unrestricted data usage, but this is costly: 2,000 baht/month for post-paid, or 200 baht/day for pre-paid, which are both fees in addition to fee associated with your "base" plan.


    9. When I have reached my “Data Cap Max”* and still want to use data at max speed, is it possible to continue using data at max speed ?
    You can continue using max speed of data under the conditions that you pay and subscribed to for your continued use of data at max speed. If you are an AIS 3G One-2-Call! customer, you have to pay 200 Baht per day for use. If you are an AIS 3G postpaid customer, you have to pay an additional 2,000 Baht per month for use. If you wish to continue using data at the max speed of 42 Mbps, please subscribe to the add-on data packages by calling *777.
    *”Data Cap Max” is the amount of data allowance at 3G max speed of 42 Mbps. As you have seen in some 3G packages that mention about max 3G speed allowance, followed by the amount of data such as 1 GB, 2GB or 4GB. This means you can use data at max speed of 42 Mbps but with a specified amount. When exceeding the usage allowance, you can still use unlimited data but not at the max speed of 42 Mbps (upon/depending on package terms & conditions).
    • Like 1
  11. You can cancel your existing package (*777), add value, then subscribe to a new package or,


    pay 200 baht/day to continue with unrestricted speed.


    You can continue using max speed of data under the conditions that you pay and subscribed to for your continued use of data at max speed. If you are an AIS 3G One-2-Call! customer, you have to pay 200 Baht per day for use. If you are an AIS 3G postpaid customer, you have to pay an additional 2,000 Baht per month for use. If you wish to continue using data at the max speed of 42 Mbps, please subscribe to the add-on data packages by calling *777.

  12. OK, it sounds like you have an old TrueMove SIM/plan/service, and these new-fangled plans you see are available from TrueMove H. This might explain why you were unable to purchase them?

    Might be a good idea to switch over to TrueMove H, you can keep your same number, maybe have to get a new physical SIM? Then you could get any number of decent mobile data plans, no need to spend 1,000 baht a month.

    This assume you have a smart-ish phone capable of 850 MHz 3G. And coverage of course.

  13. I just started using ToT's post-paid 3G service. "Perfect Storm" is the name of the package. It's 990 baht for unlimited usage capped at 2Mbps. Been using it quite heavily today without any issues. I went into ToT's office at Jamjuree square near MBK with my passport and was out 5 minutes later with my SIM. I'm using a Huawei portable hotspot from AIS. Ironically, my upload speed is faster than download. Also, around Jatujak market my download speed was around 14mbps while everywhere else is a near constant 2mbps.

    IMO, if you're looking for a SIM that maintains tolerable DL speeds there is no other choice out there... that is unless you don't mind topping up 150 baht for every 1gb over your DL cap.

    Can you share any details re: your contract terms, esp. payment? Do they just send you a bill then you use 7/11 or your bank to make the payment each month?



    There used to be a few other TOT/MVNOs which offered similar un-capped plans, but all of those have been discontinued.

    TOT/3G operates on 2100 MHz, and has decent coverage and very, very few customers so in many cases performance should be acceptable. In some rural areas back-haul may be the limiting factor.

  14. I had a similar problem with my PAYG, out of credit in 3 days without making a call or using the internet!

    Simply turn off data app.

    This is a completely different issue, and not a relevant solution for the OP. If you have not subscribed to a data plan then you will pay 1 baht/min when you are connected to 2G/3G. So one can quickly burn through a pre-paid balance unless you turn data off on the phone, or via a USSD command to the service provider.

    As I understand it, the OP has subscribed to a data plan, but appears to be consuming his allotted volume quite quickly for reasons which he has yet to identify.

  15. Try the True iService application.

    This application is really good, the new Android version is excellent, but I'm not sure it will help the OP identify much other than how much data he has consumed.

    I am fairly certain there are ways, either natively or by the use of an iApp, to identify which applications/services are using data.

    In the Android world, at least with 4.4, I can just go to Settings, and tick Data usage; I think there must be something similar in the iWorld?


  16. Driver was Roger Rodas. Know this guy from racing. He was a Merrill Lynch advisor and owned Always Evolving sports car company. He was a very capable driver.

    Some reports have Mr. Rodas at the wheel, just a short way from the speed shop where there was a charity event that Mr. Rodas and Mr. Walker had just attended, and that he was burning out, doing donuts and figure eights on a public road. Then he lost control. People from the speed shop ran to the accident scene with fire extinguishers but it was too late.

    Not much left of the vehicle; looks like a nasty way to go, especially when it is caused by one's own poor judgement.


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