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Posts posted by lomatopo

  1. Why doesn't somebody do something?

    Smugglers drive Thailand's grim trade in dog meat

    (CNN) -- Packed tight into wire baskets -- sometimes 20 or more to a cage -- animal rights activists say as many as 200,000 live dogs every year are smuggled from northeast Thailand across the Mekong River destined for restaurants in Vietnam.
    Dehydrated, stressed, some even dying of suffocation on the trip, the dogs are often stacked 1,000 to a truck on a journey that lasts for days.


    This topic has come up here quite often over the years. There are plenty of threads with details re: local efforts. I'm too lazy to search for them now.


  2. Could just be the format you used?

    You may wish to change the password from "3bb". ;) Otherwise all your efforts may go for naught.

    The standard (IEEE 802) format for printing MAC-48 addresses in human-friendly form is six groups of two hexadecimal digits, separated by hyphens (-) or colons (:), in transmission order (e.g. 01-23-45-67-89-ab or 01:23:45:67:89:ab ).

    What is the brand/model of your router? Can you find a user's guide on line? A user's guide should detail how to block/allow devices via MAC address.

    Every router is different re: MAC address "filtering". Some allow you to view a table of connected devices, and then allow or block those, others allow you to build a table. Maybe just take each employees device, log in, then block that device. Rinse/repeat.

  3. I wish LG itself is gonna consider for a reasonable pricing.

    I wish they'd give it away for free, and maybe throw in a unicorn. ;)

    Seriously, I am pretty sure the localized D821 variant, which is different from the U.S. Play Store/D820/$349 variant, will have an MSRP of 16.900.

    The LG/Thailand localized Nexus 4 (E960) had an MSRP of 17,900 at launch, but is now available for 12,900, so one option for the N5 is to wait.

  4. I am really glad he isn't from the US. I am pretty sure that posters would have been much, much more critical and the posts would have been rather vitrolic if he were.

    Been there, done that...

    Marion Barry circa 1990, during his first stint as mayor of Washington, DC.

    The Spirt Airlines ad was pretty funny..."We're not smoking crack" with our $30 fares to Niagara Falls.


  5. my best advice is to have 2 bank accounts one with your main funds and no ATM card and a secondary account with a ATM card where funds are transferred when needed or a low balance kept.

    So how do you transfer money from the account which has no ATM card associated with it?

    The only options would be to do that in your bank branch in person, at the counter, or via on-line banking. Are there any other methods?

    I do like this approach, by the way.

    Bangkok Bank do have the EMV-chip enabled Be 1st ATM card, which requires utilizing specific ATM machines so labeled. However, BBL describes this card...

    "...make your card nearly impossible to copy and keep your money safe."

    but makes no guarantees.

    With BBL, and their iBanking platform, I wish you could:

    - change your PIN via iBanking, with an OTP. Requiring one to use an ATM to change a PIN introduces an opportunity for both the old and new PINs to be compromised.

    - choose a daily limit below 25,000 baht.

    - enable SMS alerts - note that there is a monthly fee for this service.

    Also would like to see BoT honcho pushing for more consumer protection and fewer pamphlets.

    More skimming incidents this week in Pattaya, Songkhla and Bangkok (2nd incident).

    ATM Skimming Incident – Clarification from Bangkok Bank

    In a recent skimming incident, fraudsters copied data from banks’ ATM cards that had been used at several ATMs in the Wireless Road area.
    Bangkok Bank has checked and canceled the cards used at ATMs in the area during the time the skimming occurred to prevent potential losses, and has taken due care of customers affected by the incident. Our customers therefore can continue to use our ATMs as usual.


    Not sure what they mean by:

    has taken due care of customers affected by the incident

    but have heard via Thai social media that funds were replaced for some customers. The bottom line appears to be that if you are subject to skimming make sure it happens to a lot of other people, and that it gets publicized.

  6. Obama struggles to save his cherished health law from the clutches of his own administration

    WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama’s health care law risks coming unglued because of his administration’s bungles and his own inflated promises. To avoid that fate, Obama needs breakthroughs on three fronts: the cancellations mess, technology troubles and a crisis in confidence among his own supporters.
    Working in his favor are pent-up demands for the program’s benefits and an unlikely collaborator in the insurance industry.


  7. my question is if I am not using the internet but I leave the modem on and am still connected is it still using my money



    Assuming pre-paid, either/both Pocket WiFi devices comes with 1 GB (with a 64 Kbps fair-use speed), each month for 400 baht (all in, includes VAT). So once you've downloaded/uploaded 1 GB, your speed will be limited to 64 Kbps. The plan should automagically renew on the same day of the month, assuming you've added money to your account.

    There should be something in the UI which allows you to monitor usage. Some UIs also allow for the origination of USSD codes. Or maybe that UI has a check balance/usage "button". Look through the "phone book" on the SIM, again from the UI, there should be a listing on the 30 or so numbers/codes. *139# and/or *139*3# used to work for data. *121# for account balance and expiry.

    Also note that you plan/promotion includes unlimited WiFi (from partner 3BB). 3BB have a pretty broad deployment of WiFi APs here; 60,000 APs.


  8. I think WhatsApp! is safe-ish to install. Can you just disable Mobile Care, or even de-install it if it is preventing you from installing WhatsApp!, while you install WhatsApp! then re-enable, or re-install, it?

    Has Mobile Care highlighted intrusions/protected you? If so, can you share any specific details about "threats" it has identified, and insulated you from. (I know it does a ton of other things, besides "protection".)

    Maybe have a read through some user forums...and ask about potential solutions to your individual challenge.




  9. The comparison is being made between the price you can get it for in the states, and the price you can get it here. And technically you can get it for 349 in the states if you price match at best buy (free shipping) and live in a tax free state.

    As far as I am aware, the GNex 5 (n-locked/un-subsidized) is not available from Best Buy, nor any other retail brick/mortar outlet, unless you want the locked/subsidized Sprint variant for $149.99 giggle.gif

    But yes, if you live in a sales tax-free state then you could "technically" get one for $364.

  10. $349 = 11014 baht. 16900/11014 = 1.53 so 53% mark up is my math.

    Regardless, fairly crap battery life is a deal breaker for me. Needs a 3K bat at least like the g2

    I guess my point was that it is not possible to purchase the GNex 5 for $349, one must add shipping and handling, and any applicable sales tax - and if re-shipping to Thailand, add the re-shipping fees and any potential VAT/Duty/Excise. So your maths are not particularly valid.

    Agree that if you use LTE the bigger battery may be necessary. And if you want to run year-old software (4.2), need a uSD card and need all the LG crap-ware, you should buy the G2, especially given the minimal 3,000 baht price difference.

  11. the tablet does not come with a default SMS application (kind of annoying).

    That's odd, no Messaging app in GApps for the N7.2? Maybe someone left out the MMS.APK? Doubt it's deliberate, certainly wouldn't make phone companies happy to deny them revenue?

    Anyway, some work arounds...assume you are still on 4.3...



  12. Sorry I know this is not related but I don't know how to start a new post, anyhow can I buy wifi from any company for my ipad with no sim, I know I can connect to someone else but I want my own for when I am away.

    3BB and True WiFi are the two biggest WiFi service providers here. You can purchase services. That said, many services are supported by SMS, so it helps to have a phone - not necessarily your iPad, which can receive SMSes.

    3BB is affiliated with AIS so you may be able to get complementary or discounted services if you are an existing AIS customer. And the same goes for True WiFi is you are a TrueMove (H) customer.





  13. You'll need to access the UI of the modem/router/WiFi AP device. This may require a username and/or password.

    First thing I'd do is change the default password, from "admin". wink.png

    Then disable any sort of remote (WAN or WiFi) management access. Then maybe stop broadcasting your SSID, then insure you are using some sort of WiFi security protocol, then set-up fixed IP address for your devices by MAC address, then block any unknown MAC addresses - not that they should be able to get in.

    Change the SSID every month, change the device password every month, change the WiFi security pass-code every month.

  14. It looks like you enrolled, or were enrolled, in some sort of promotion on Sep. 24, 2013.

    Can you recall if you did anything related to AIS on that date? Maybe you switched to AWN on that date? Or did you get a new SIM?

    I missed the first image, it looks like the default or selected plan includes a free 20 MB of mobile data for 12 months, and another 50 MB, maybe each month, maybe for 12 months, maybe based on usage and or adding value.

    Maybe just pop off an email to [email protected] as they are generally very responsive.

  15. So a weekly plan is automatically run and charged for over 52 weeks?

    No clue. I'd contact DTAC if you are otherwise unable to review the terms and conditions of your plan.

    A translation, from Thai to English, seems to indicate that this plan is "eligible" for 52 weeks, perhaps in part to protect against plan modification or price changes? Further, it seems to indicate automatic renewal, although I was under the vague impression that these plans (daily/weekly) did not automatically renew. I suspect you'd get service messages on day 5 or 6 which might indicate if renewal is automatic, or if you need to manually renew.

    3.18 แพ็กเกจ Happy internet unlimited ไม่จำกัดการใช้งาน สัปดาห์ละ 199 บาท รับสิทธิ์นานต่อเนื่อง 52 สัปดาห์ หลังจากการสมัครครั้งแรก โดยมีจำนวนเงินและวันคงเหลือเพียงพอ พร้อมรับสิทธิ์ใช้งานบนเทคโนโลยี 3G ได้ที่ความเร็วสูงสุดถึง 42 Mbps หลังจากครบ 1GB จะปรับลดความเร็วไม่เกิน 384 Kbps

    3.18 package Happy internet unlimited unlimited usage per week, 199 eligible for the 52 weeks after the first application. With adequate remaining amount and date. And permission for use on 3G technology at speeds up to 42 Mbps speed after 1GB will cut up to 384 Kbps.

  16. Price is a bit hard to swallow - DTAC are marking it up 60% over the US, and they only have the 16GB version.

    Not sure I follow your maths, I figure ~ 42%, but....LG/Thailand prices the GNEX 5 based on their localized costs, the competitive market and with respect to their other products. Hardly a novel concept?

    The N4 was 17,900 here when first launched.

    The prices in the U.S. Play Store ($349/16 GB and $399/32 GB) must be uplifted to account for S & H ($13.99) and any local city/state sales tax, and of course any re-shipping fees, and of course any potential VAT/duty coming into Thailand. The best I can do on an N5/16 GB is ~ $385.

    T-Mo/U.S.A. is selling their unlocked/un-subsidized N5/32 GB for $449.

  17. I am curious what is 37 remaining usage periods?

    As this refers to a weekly plan, my best guess would be that 37 weeks remain on an initial term of 52 weeks (or one year).

    When I use *101*1# or *101*1*9# I receive a single, simple, clear, easy to understand, concise short message detailing my plan, the term and usage. Any difference in our experiences may be attributable to a difference in plans?

  18. Bangkok Bank do have the Be1st ATM card with the EMV chip technology; believe the annual fee is reasonable? Maybe 100 baht to join, and 300 baht/year? Its use requires a specific ATM, and not all ATMs are capable of utilizing this technology.

    Some change their PIN often, enroll in SMS alerts (again, this may incur a fee), and have two accounts, one associated with an ATM card into which very limited funds are transferred - via on-line banking, from a second account, which does not have ATM card access.

    • Like 2
  19. So there's peak-time congestion? What's new here?

    Well nothing, really, but apparently, for you it seemed novel as you inquired about the taxi queue.

    Trying to make the entire journey as short as possible is not a challenging concept to understand. As one cannot affect the traffic situation at any given moment, one is left with limited methods to shorten an overall journey. Reducing the time one waits for a taxi can, at certain times of the day, significantly impact the overall travel time from the airport to your destination in metro-Bangkok. The fact that a lot of air-crew, domiciled here, use level 4 often seems to be an indication that this practice can reduce travel time.

    This thread is more about the new taxi situation on level 4 at SBIA/BKK rather than SIN, but feel free to prattle on about any other airports/taxis. whistling.gif

  20. Question for the mental giants among us. Where is this "unnecessary queue" one seems hell-bent on avoiding?

    Not sure what you're on about, but during peak arrivals, early morning with a big bank of heavies, and late evening with another shot, it is not unusual to wait in one of the two official taxi queues - and sometimes only one is operating - on level 1 for 15 - 25 minutes. Sometimes the wait is just painful as there are not enough taxis, and the process seems a bit arcane, so I've waited up to 30 minutes.

    After a potential wait at Immigration and/or baggage claim, then having to wend your way down a level on the travelator, many of us may not want to wait even longer in a taxi queue.

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  21. Yes, believe the variant being sold here (D802) is LTE/2100 MHz compatible so will work on the TrueMove H 2100 MHz LTE network.



    Weird that TrueMove H are not selling this model? But then they appear to not sell any LG models - even though I think they might sell the GNEX 5?

    Always recommend you read reviews, watch YouTube videos and physically use the device in a shop before purchasing. People seem generally positive on the G2.

  22. Just to clear up any lingering confusion, any/all AIS customers can roam internationally for voice and data; this includes pre-paid, post-paid, AIS, One-2-Call, AIS 3G.

    There is no need to be a post-paid contract customer, or have a WP. For pre-paid customers you may have have to have a certain minimum balance, and you would obviously have to sign up for, and pre-pay for any regional data roaming package.

    This assumes that AIS have roaming partners in the target countries, and that your phone supports those partner's operating frequencies.

    So to answer the OP's original questions: Yes, and Yes.

    In the past AIS have been the most strict re: requirements for foreigners signing up as a post-paid customer, requiring a WP, while DTAC and TrueMove (H) have been less strict, only requiring a credit card for guaranteeing payment. I haven't stayed up to date on this issue so maybe ebst to check with the service provider to see what their current requirements are re: post-paid.

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