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Posts posted by lomatopo

  1. ^ Should be fine, probably just an APN configuration issue.

    You have TrueMove H?

    Name: TrueMove-H

    APN: internet

    Username: true

    Password: true

    APN type: default,supl (no spaces)

    this last item, APN type, default,supl is the usual stumbling block, although I've seen cases where you had to use a Username of "ture".

  2. Assuming all three service providers: AIS, DTAC and TrueMove H have decent coverage, and I think they do in Pattaya, then there may not be much difference.

    Each have a dizzying array of offers in the 3, 4 and 5 GB range, with little difference (in price and FuP speed), and all offer uSIMs, so not sure what to recommend. Normally, I'd recommend trying all three for a single day to see which is best for your location(s), SIMs are ~ 50 baht and daily plans are 49 baht, so it is relatively inexpensive to experiment. But this may not be worth it for a short visit. Flip a coin, throw a dart, go in alphabetical order.

  3. I think the Law of Diminishing returns applies here in that you could spend thousands of baht chasing that elusive performance nut you require, and never get there.

    You may have reached that point, so my answer would be "no".

    At 15 ~ 20 Mbps (Download) x 1.5 ~ 2.0 Mbps (Upload) and 1,000 baht/month, may be the best place to stop, but obviously a lot will vary by service provider, time of day, target server(s).

  4. ^ Yes.

    That looks like the D820 (U.S.) variant.

    If/when LTE/1800 is auctioned, built-out offered, and/or some service providers decide to offer LTE/1800 on existing spectrum, then it wouldn't work on LTE/1800. But that is is really not a factor, IMO.

    I'd likely buy the D820, in the U.S. given the lower price, as well.

  5. Was there a choice of versions? I see "North America" and "rest of the world".

    Which will work on True Move?



    Believe the D820 variant is sold on the Play Store in the U.S.A., and that LG have localized the D821 variant for sale here.

    For TrueMove do you mean TrueMove H? 3G? LTE? Believe either/both would work on TrueMove (GSM 1800), TrueMove H: 850 & 2100 3G and 2100 LTE.

  6. I bought a Nexus 10 for 9,900 baht in Central (at Winners 4th floor) which is a great tablet (and now has 4.4). I think that was a special offer though so maybe more now. Well worth paying a few extra baht though. I agree don't buy a copy, gives poor performance and a short life.

    You purchased a Nexus 10 here in Thailand? AFAIK, Samsung Thailand never localized this model here. What, or where, is "Winners 4th floor? In a particular Central mall? 9.900 is a lot cheaper than the Play Store in the U.S.

    I guess it could be some grey-market unit which somebody wanted to unload?

    There were some N7's in that price range.

    The N10/2 is due to pop any day now, maybe on Black Friday.

    The Samsung Tab 2/10.1/3G+WiFi is 10,500 - 12,900, the latter being the MSRP.

  7. In reading the brochures, it seems to say that for the iNet 599/3 GB plan that the FuP is 384 Kbps, on both the 2nd and 3rd images.

    That said, these appear to be post-paid or contract plans. But I'd have to see/read more of the brochure to be certain. Am under the impression you want a prepaid plan? So with pre-paid you could get 2 GB/599 baht/384 Kbps FuP or 3 GB/599 baht/128 Kbps ZFuP.

    So now: No, Yes, Yes.

    DTAC have a pre-paid 3 Gb/650 baht/384 Kbps FuP. DTAC offers power-up options, with an additional 1 GB for 150 baht if you are running low/over towards the end of your cycle.

    AIS have a 2 GB/599 baht/128 Kbps FuP.

    My by CAT (post-paid) same network as TrueMove H/850 MHz alos have plans: 3 GB/650 baht/384 Kbps FuP.

  8. Actually they gave you good advice.

    Meh. Not really, or actually.

    I am confident that if CAT/TrueMove H can deliver 3G, then they can deliver 384 Kbps or 128 Kbps.

    Suspect any confusion was due to mis-communications, as there are a bazillion plans: pre-paid/post-paid all with different volumes and FuPs.

    Some promotions/plans/packages might have a FuP of 384 Kbps, others might have a FuP of 128 Kbps. There should be a plan that suits the OPs requirements, but I'm not sure what those are?

  9. On the brochure I'm holding here

    Obviously you have the advantage of holding the brochure with some current promotions.

    If it says iNet 3 GB is 599, and that it has a 128 Kbps FuP, then my conclusion would be that this specific promotion gives a higher volume, but with a lower FuP.

    In that case, the answer to your questions would be Yes, No, Yes.

    Again, not at all complicated. But yes, TrueMove H are guilty, as are most service providers here, of offering too many packages, promotions and plans which, for the savvy consumer can be beneficial, but for those easily overwhelmed, can lead to confusion.

    TrueMove H have gazillions of promotions at any given point in time. Additionally, it has been my experience that True shops generally do not stock/sell pre-paid SIMs, they seem to have chosen alternative retail channels (the one billion phone shops, counters, convenience stores) to handle these products.

    Maybe it would be simpler if you just described what it is you want? What type of equipment do you have? Do you have service in your location, what is your budget? Usage? etc.

  10. You are traveling from SBIA/BKK to where, exactly?

    Topic comes up frequently, with many recommendations in addition to AoT.

    Google: car service suvarnabhumi site:thaivisa.com


    Might get more options searching the entire interwebs?

    In thousands, maybe ten thousand, of taxi journeys here I have never been involved in an accident, nor have I ever seen one, or heard about one 3rd hand, or even read about one. Although there was the one where the driver had a heart attack and the foreign passenger managed to bring the taxi to a stop.

    I understand not everyone is comfortable in a taxi, here, or in other countries. No shame in that.
  11. Yes, Yes, Yes.

    Just purchase any TrueMove H SIM.

    Add value.

    Subscribe to a mobile data plan.

    Not sure why people make this simple process so complicated?

    TrueMove H has decent web-pages, in English

    They have gazillions of packages, if you see a subscription code then it is available as pre-paid.

    iNet 2 GB/599 baht is 384 Kbps FuP; same same for iNet 5 GB/899 baht



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  12. I've been running 4.4 (KRT16O first, then KRT16S) on my Nexus 4 for a few weeks; since Google first posted the Factory Images.

    There is a lot more integration, and some changes which some people might not like. Maybe best to read about it first, or wait for people to experiment? Also, plenty of YouTube videos with reviews, features, etc.

    Note that some features are available on the Nexus 5 only, although you can flash some hacks to get close.


    KRT16O had a few bugs, and some battery drain issues, but KRT16S seems great, quicker, better base-band (for DTAC anyway - getting 29 Mbps/3 Mbps.

    Easter Egg is in Settings, About phone, rapidly and repeatedly press on Android version until the K appears, spin it a few times.


  13. While I knew it hadn't shut down

    I think I assumed that there used to be more airlines which allowed for check-in at the CAT, pretty sure PG did, and then some/all of those other airlines terminated this service. Think PG terminated this service ~ 2 years ago? I honestly did not even realize that TG had continued to offer this service, but then I never really look around the CAT as I am usually focused on a transition to/from the MRT.

    I had to look on the TG/OZ web-site to find out anything about this service.

    I guess for the late evening (and even a little bit after midnight) TG flight bank to Europe, one could check out of the hotel, check in at the CAT around Noon-ish, then spend the day in the City before heading to the airport. Not much of an advantage though, assuming you could just leave your luggage at the hotel, then head to the airport.

  14. I really want to know what they are going to do

    Understand, many of us are in the same boat.

    The FT thread may have more up to date details, but see you are following that thread. wxguy is well-informed, he is saying 30/31 March 2014, so for now would base decisions on that date. Apologies if my 8/9 June dates caused any issues for anyone - a local employee gave me those but now am not sure if these were accurate as he was getting updates remotely.


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  15. Schedule changes (will) get loaded on the weekend, maybe 12 midnight Zulu/Houston/Chicago? These have not yet been loaded, so don't bother quoting the web-site booking engine, or any other GDSes.

    Some say the first NH departure will be pulled in to accommodate connections at NRT; not sure if we can book the NH code-share, which is operated by TG? Or we can 016 plate a TG flight? That would partially ameliorate this cessation of UA service to BKK.

    Some are saying BR (Eva) via TPE might be a possible consideration.

  16. I was just checking prices for flights earlier today, and UA 838 is still in the system for August.

    Announcement came yesterday via (initially) a financial conference call, believe implementation is following, including adjusting the CRES and GDS. Unfortunate they are still selling tickets, but you'll be able to refund/re-ticket.

    Again, local staff have been informed that the last flight in will be 8 May and the last flight out will be on 9 May. But then, initially I heard 30/31 March, so expect some fluidity here.

  17. Is this really an issue...like they do now, won't they just codeshare with ANA on the bkk-NRT sector and then onto UA planes to the states? I've taken UA bkk-SFO 3-4times over the past couple years and on UA metal all the way...will be interesting to see the fare using ANA metal.

    For me, EVA will always be an alternative on this route.

    I think the issue is that with demand fixed (one could argue it will increase), supply (of seats) will decrease leading to an increase in fares. Also mis-alignment with connections at NRT, poor seating pitch on NH (767), no upgrades, no FF bonuses. If UA code-shared with TG this might be more palatable, but the UA/NH JV means just code-shares with NH for NRT-BKK.

    Am now hearing the last flight in is 8 May, last flight out is 9 May.

    Staff (CTO, airport ops.) in BKK have been told, and will be terminated.

    UA launched service to BKK back in February, 1986 when PanAm transferred their TPAC ops. So the end of a decent 28-year run.

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