Hmmmmmm.......and the poor will just get poorer. Don't really see this working for your average Thai farming family in the Isaan which seem to make up 90% of the population
Hmmm….he might have been sniffing petrol , lit a cigarette causing an explosion which set fire to his clothes and knocked his forehead on a nearby school desk, killing him
Hmm… i used to think that when Thai female IOs looked tense and scowled at you, they might be having their period. I have since learned over the years that they are always like that and to be avoided if possible.
16 Jan 2020 — Under the NSW Crimes Act 1900, signature forgery is a fraud offence and the penalties can be severe, including the possibility of a ten year prison term
Hmmm… if the separation from the mother was “acrimonious” this situation will probably be problemic. If the mother is willing to cooperate it will be easier
Hmmm…. Probably because life is cheap in Thailand. They seem to have this idea that when they die they will return to a better life, so its not surprising. I suggest that Darwinian theory plays a part too?