Hmmm….. dont ever use a zebra crossing in Thailand and expect drivers to stop(as in other countries). To the contrary Thai drivers seem to speed up and take aim for you, and this incident may be evidence of this? TIT ?
Hmmm…. Every thing happens so slowly in Thailand he more likely died from lead poisoning from the 3 bullets in his body which were shot by 30 armed police?TIT
Well that 400 baht fine will certainly discourage reckless driving . TIT. I suppose if you kill someone while reckless driving the fine will increase to 450 baht?
Hmmm…. This means the police are actually doing something. Lock up those pesky gamblers. Wonders will never cease. I will nip out and get a Thai lottery ticket to celebrate.
Hmmm….natural selection can be seen everday in Thailand , particularly on the roads, and other motorised activities. The thai authorities choose to do nothing about this too
Its a pity more yaba, alcohol abusing waste of oxygen types like this aren't disposed of more often. What do they contribute to their family and the community except unhappiness and despair?