Hmmm…the Laos roads you drive on the right hand side of the road, whereas Thailand it is on the left . It might sound obvious but I’ve seen the lethal consequences of forgetting this
Hmmm…. Tattoos seem to be a form of self-mutilation to me probably coupled with feelings of low self-esteem. For these reasons I don’t like them but at the end of the day it appears people are able to do what they like to themselves.
Hmmm… we wouldn’t want any more chaos at the Survanabhumi airport terminal … there is enough already. Cant comment on the runway but planes parking kilometres from the terminal and passengers being ferried there by bus was not pleasant nor good value for money I suggest
Hmmm…. Beware of the word “select” .It actually will exclude most of us ordinary foreigners in the same way the word “exclusive” does. It excludes those without millions in money and includes those that do
Hmmm…. Knowing Thailand and it’s demonstrated lack of concern with anything for safety of anything, I would doubt that little or nothing has changed. The problem is who do you complain to who gives a sh*t?
Hmmm,….. what a diabolically clever idea, increase hotel prices for foreign tourists to increase foreign tourism. It could only happen in Thailand I suspect?
Hmmm…. my Thai wife is convinced that the winning lotto numbers are contained in any new vehicle number plates we get. Had 1 car and 2 motorcyes , over the past years….. still awaiting the inevitable win with bated breath…