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Everything posted by bbbbooboo

  1. Hmmm….. oh dear……. sooooo sad……. nebber mind….. NEXT(mug)
  2. Hmmm…. Its so good to have the Russian tourists back ?
  3. Hmmm…. While i’m at it, is that KFC i can see on one of the plates?
  4. Hmmmm….. consequences for Thais and their behaviour ?You would have to be joking…..TIT !!
  5. hmmmmm....can we look forward to a lot less drivers on the road? I doubt it
  6. Hmmm….only the small matter of enforcement left. But TIT
  7. Me too, and the witty dialogue
  8. Hmmmm...does crime only occur against Chinese tourists. If it does there may be a reason for this?
  9. Hmmm… for new enforcement to have an effect, wouldnt that mean police would have to actually get out and do something? I suggest this is doomed to fail !
  10. Hmmm… i suggest driving any form of motorcycle in Thailand is too dangerous and it is just a matter of time before you are killed or injured like this chap. Remember roads in Thailand are lethal.
  11. Hmmmm…. Cant wait for more chinese tourists?
  12. Hmmm… maybe its because a significant number of crims wear tattoos to prove how tough(stupid?) they are?
  13. Hmmm…. We read this every year. Maybe if the thais say this often enough, maybe one year it will actually be true?
  14. Hmmm… yes get it corrected. I was given an incorrect visa finish date by immigration in Thailand and had to pay a 1 month overstay fine when i departed. I get the impression its almost like they dont want us falangs a.k.a “aliens” here at all( except for our money of course). But TIT unfortunately
  15. Hmmm….clever move by thai immigration, as Thailand needs less english(assuming this was what she was teaching) teachers. Well done immigration …. damn pesky falang overstayers?( this of course wouldnt have happened if they werent here? )
  16. Hmmm…… the conundrum of Thailand. The obsessive wearing of masks when not required, while routinely slaughtering each other on the roads every day(TIT)
  17. Hmmm…. And the tourists “falling” from buildings in Thailand , nonsense starts again? I become coinherent en whangry
  18. Hmmm…. Shock and horror….. tell me it isnt true?(TIT)
  19. Hmmm… suggest this animal is put down before he harms someone else….but TIT
  20. hmmmm….. damn foreigners….. this wouldnt happen if they weren’t here?
  21. Hmmm…. In this case the evidence clearly suggests he shouldnt have been driving. Sad way to go for a couple of their ages, but life is cheap in Thailand.
  22. hmmm.. i suggest this post in itself may indicate a loss of control due to judgmental hypercriticality. Never mind an older person savoring a cool beer on a typically balmy morning in Pattaya, he has earned it, something the criticizer seems to know little about, common in hypocrisy
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