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Everything posted by bbbbooboo

  1. yes, soon it will be colour of undies being worn
  2. and look what happened to Muldoon in the end....he got the push, from members of his own party!
  3. Hmmm….he might have been sniffing petrol , lit a cigarette causing an explosion which set fire to his clothes and knocked his forehead on a nearby school desk, killing him
  4. Hmmm…. As if we need more idiots running around with guns in schools like USA?
  5. Hmmm…. Another spoiled brat young male Thai child, with no boundaries or discipline has probably led to this.
  6. Hmm… i used to think that when Thai female IOs looked tense and scowled at you, they might be having their period. I have since learned over the years that they are always like that and to be avoided if possible.
  7. Hmm…. If he carries on drinking Lao Kao at such a rate he wont be around for much longer i supect.
  8. Hmmm….wack heads everywhere it seems. Fortunately they usually kill themselves which saves us the time.
  9. 16 Jan 2020 — Under the NSW Crimes Act 1900, signature forgery is a fraud offence and the penalties can be severe, including the possibility of a ten year prison term
  10. Hmmm… if the separation from the mother was “acrimonious” this situation will probably be problemic. If the mother is willing to cooperate it will be easier
  11. Hmmm…. What a surprise. Hard to believe?
  12. hmmmm.... Is the pope a catholic? . Does the bear sh*t in the woods?
  13. Hmmm…. Probably because life is cheap in Thailand. They seem to have this idea that when they die they will return to a better life, so its not surprising. I suggest that Darwinian theory plays a part too?
  14. Hmmm… which only goes to show that an idiot can rise to the top table of the RTP and we knew that already. TIT?
  15. Hmmm…the Laos roads you drive on the right hand side of the road, whereas Thailand it is on the left . It might sound obvious but I’ve seen the lethal consequences of forgetting this
  16. Hmmm…. Tattoos seem to be a form of self-mutilation to me probably coupled with feelings of low self-esteem. For these reasons I don’t like them but at the end of the day it appears people are able to do what they like to themselves.
  17. Hmmm…. Logically if the “police” actually enforce this , then a lot of Thai drivers will be in trouble. Can’t see it happening myself.
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