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Posts posted by gemguy

  1. 7 hours ago, wprime said:

    Yeah that's this thread. In that video the lorry had 9 seconds from when the camera vehicle came in front to bring his truck to a stop so he had more than sufficient time (a fully loaded semi could've stopped in time). He has an obligation to adjust his speed to a safe following distance from a brief reactionary/brake delay after the point that the camera vehicle came in front, he obviously wasn't driving with due care (or his brakes failed).


    The thing that can make the MB driver in that video have liability is malicious intent. Without malicious intent it's just another vehicle stopped in the left lane of an expressway so the vehicle in the back is at fault.


    Stopping for any damage caused to another vehicle is not only a reasonable reason, it's legally required (Sect 78 LTA iirc) so vehicles are required to drive with the reasonable expectation of encountering stopped vehicles. Not expecting a stopped vehicle on an highway is not a reasonable defense for rear-ending it.


    I understand this might not be the law in US/Canada - I know there was a case in Canada where a young lady was sentenced to jail after a motorbike drove into the back of her stopped car but this is Thailand - the laws are different here and you need to drive in accordance with the local laws.

    Ah wrong...as in wrong thinking. ...

    As you can see there was an accident caused by what you are implying is perfectly acceptable driving conduct while it would not have happened if the fool in the Mercedes Benz had not done what he did do ...and thinking the same or similar to what you are saying.

    ** It is like saying: You are sitting on a bench beside a foot path and you decide you want to stretch your legs and extend them out and right into the pathway of all the pedestrian foot traffic passing by you and then you wonder why some people trip over your feet and legs that you placed right in the middle of their travel.**

    I am talking defensive driving conduct and you are ignoring the practise in favor of reckless driving conduct.

    Just because it is Thailand we are not required to drive recklessly,  like so many Thai people do, and in effect that is what you are implying throughout your retort.

    OK...have it your way  and when someone plows into the back of you because you do suddenly stop where ever it suits you or another vehicle abruptly cuts you off and you have to come to a screeching halt.... or someone just suddenly stops in front of you for no apparent or valid reason and you crash into them..... or a motorcycle slams into your side when they speed and zip around a stopped vehicle while you are legally turning into a Soi.... or all the motorcycles bozos that drive at you in your lane  and forcing you off to the side and or the impatient car drivers that do the same and try to pass everyone and use your lane and suddenly coming head on at you in your lane and force you off to the side ....or the ones that abruptly do a U Turn right in front of you and cuts into your path and you crash into them so hard that your spine is broken and you are basically screwed for life..... then I can only surmise you will of course just accept this accident as part of driving in accordance with the local laws....you know the ones that are continually ignored in favor of driving as they please and doing as they please.

    Thanks, but no thanks ......I will not be listening to your driving advice...that is for sure....LOL

    And do not be all angry because I do not agree with you on reckless driving habits or reckless driving conduct.


  2. 9 hours ago, wprime said:



    In Thailand if you drive into the back of a stopped vehicle it's your fault unless the stopped vehicle had just entered the lane before stopping and it was not reasonable for you to have braked in time. It doesn't matter if they're in the right lane of an expressway - it's still 100% the fault of the vehicle who hit it. If you drive enough on the highways here you'll know they usually just stop wherever the crash was, on motorways this is very commonly in the right lane so people are usually prepared for this and slow down accordingly. In any case, they don't usually go more than 30km/h around this particular bend and as it's elevated the truck (which was directly behind me) could be seen from a mile away.

    That rule applies in near every country when vehicles come to a stop under normal conditions and traffic flow.

    There is another video within the last week showing a Mercedes Benz driver cutting off another vehicle ( with a Dash cam ) and forcing them to stop in the left hand lane so the Benz driver could teach them a lesson and let them know he was angry with them while deliberately and purposely stopped in front of them and blocking them while flashing his brake lights at them.

    Then ...Wham...the cam vehicle is hit from the rear, on the drivers rear right hand side and a large commercial truck /  lorry flies by after clipping the cam vehicle pretty hard, while that vehicle is full stopped, when it should not be stopped like that.

    That lorry driver is probably speeding somewhat but even if the vehicle was doing the speed limit on the highway (Probably 80 to 100 Km per hour) and suddenly there is a vehicle stopping... "just up ahead" and for no apparent reason.

    After watching the video you can understand the Lorry driver had to quickly veer around the back of the cam vehicle but still clipped the back of the cam vehicle pretty hard.

    In other words, the lorry driver had almost no room to maneuver but managed to make a sudden move because he was forced to when there was no apparent reason for the 2 vehicles ahead of him suddenly coming to a stop.

    Yes, we understand all drivers approaching from behind would have to stop and by law have to stop when traffic flow in front of them comes to a stop.....but in that case the Mercedes Benz deliberately and in effect deliberately set in motion a dangerous situation by deliberately cutting off the cam vehicle and making the cam vehicle stop for his own selfish angry purpose while an accident did happen...not maybe or almost...... but an accident did happen......

    If you understand the important point?? 

    Meantime, those kinds of scenarios, as I described,  often happen when there is no apparent reason for a vehicle to stop in the middle of the road , so to speak, while creating a condition that results in an accident.

    It is for that reason they have a road and highway rule / law,  stating that you are forbidden to stop in the middle of the highway for no apparent or obvious reason and thus creating a dangerous condition.

    Yes of course if you have had an accident and can not move out of the way or your vehicle is broken down and you could not pull over safely to the side of the road then those reasons are valid...but to deliberately and suddenly stop in a lane that has traffic flow coming from behind for no valid reason is considered illegal in many countries because of the danger it creates and vastly increases the chance of an accident happening.

    Road rage and minor mishaps  and difference of opinion are not accepted as valid reasons to abruptly stop in the middle of the road while creating an increased chance of an accident.

    Just pointing out the laws that do exist and exist for good reasons....so do not turn all angry on me....lol


  3. 10 hours ago, wprime said:

    I didn't do it out of anger, I did it to exchange details. He clearly wasn't going to stop. Insurer estimated over 100,000 baht of damages.


    I was stopping the truck to exchange details. When he cut in a massive rock came off the back of his load and dented my A pillar along with heaps of other rocks that chipped my paint and windshield.

    Ok.. I can understand that ....but...lets say while you stopped, for that particular reason, and in effect blocking that lane and along comes another vehicle and slams into you from behind and does a whole lot of damage to both vehicles...... and has it all recorded on the dash cam...

    Would you take responsibility for stopping where you are not allowed to stop and or not supposed to be stopping and in effect created a dangerous condition resulting in an accident.

    Just curious to know because there are more than a few road and highway accidents that did occur because someone stopped on the highway rather than safely pull over somewhere so as to not imped the flow of traffic and not chance such an event from occurring.

    In the USA and Canada there are specific laws that state: Do not stop in the middle of the road or even on the side of a highway or freeway unless it is for a valid emergency reason.


  4. 8 hours ago, wprime said:

    Here, I did the same thing today after a truck cut me off. We both went to the police station, showed the video, no penalty for me at all. Fine for him.



    What are you doing stopping in the far left hand lane and for what reason.???

    Some people / drivers could slam into the back of you if you stop your car in the middle of the road for no reason.

    This is what also causes accidents sometimes.

    Meantime the large commercial truck did exactly what most Thai drivers commonly do.

    They put their blinker on ( but not always) and make their sudden move while relying on everyone else to witness their move and give way or accommodate their reckless move with a: " I am making my move regardless of how reckless or dangerous it is, so look out everyone and give way and accommodate my move".. all done with the attitude that they have done nothing wrong and based on: "Everyone else drives the same way also" ..so it is OK and all part of how we drive in Thailand.......CRASH...OUCH!....DEAD


  5. 3 minutes ago, Peterw42 said:

    I would have to agree, I have a somewhat robust nose and I remember years ago sitting alone in a coffee shop in BKK and at the next table there were 5-6 well to do Thai ladies , business suits etc.

    They kept looking over and laughing etc, which had me checking if I had odd socks on etc. As they left they stopped at my table to apologize and I insisted on knowing what the joke was. Turns out a couple of them (married) were talking about racing me off for sex, so they could get pregnant and have a baby with my nose. They even insisted on paying for my coffee to make up for the embarrassment.

    Yeah and you could "skillfully"  use your nose on their "sensitive parts" and drive them crazy....seriously...lol

    I had numerous Thai girls asking me and 1 pleading with me to impregnate her just to have a farang looking baby and that is another significant reason they have an interest in us foreigners.

    Many desire to have a fair skin baby with Caucasian features ( nice nose)  and seen as more attractive and have a better chance in life as many of them recognise that in this country if you are better looking and have white skin and nice nose and taller etc you will do better in life....and in some respects, it is like that, so...a percent of them have a plan...that being, marry a white guy and have a beautiful baby that they can be so proud of..lol...to their way of thinking


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  6. Some would say that as they really do not like Thai guys, for their own personal reasons while some will say that as the seductive means to charm you into thinking that you and only foreigners are attractive to her and of interest to her and all part of the game they play,  many being the sly and clever little vixens that they are sometimes...lol

    But one thing for certain, most ( As in not all, but most ) of the women here in Thailand like the features of Caucasian men.

    And out wallets of course...but they like well off and rich Thai guys also and near any guy with loads of money..lol ......but that is seen everywhere in the world.

    They certainly do like Blue eyes and they certainly do like White skin and Blond hair or fair hair and they like tall men and they are somewhat fascinated with our noses and commonly say your nose is beautiful and they say we look more like "a man"...to their way of thinking.

    Some of them like men that are hairy...but not overly hairy and lets be honest...many are curious about our friend between our legs....lol

    Hmmm...Hmmmm....whats with that...lol

    But the majority just ignore us because often they are just being prissy and all Miss Goody 2 Shoes and have small minded ideas or very conservative ideals in some respects while they are only interested in Thai men because well...they are Thai..... so that is the more "Natural"  order of things and within their comfort zone.


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  7. 13 hours ago, Ganoga said:

    I agree with this.....I saw the video and it's not someone "veering", but moving out of the way of another car when two lanes merge.  And the dash cam driver seems to be going too fast for safety, weaving back and forth through traffic giving other drivers little time to make decisions or react.

    Gentlemen...regardless of what is seen in on the cam recorder the Cam vehicle has Right of Way.

    Right of way is a internationally adopted rule

    The Knify / Wifey guy is required to give way to the vehicle already occupying the far right lane and required to do so cautiously and safely...not just move over when ever he feels he wants to and ignore that fact that there is a vehicle already occupying the far right lane and already in close proximity.

    The cam vehicle is / was not required to give way to Knivey guy, rather Knivey guy is required to wait until the other vehicle passes by and then move over when safe to do so and no other vehicles impeding his maneuver to move over to the right lane.

    The knifey guy drives like most Thais and simply make their move while counting on the other drivers to accommodate their often reckless move   

  8. On ‎2017‎-‎06‎-‎18 at 11:26 PM, wprime said:




    Unfortunately sensibilities won't prevail here. The truck will be 100% liable as he had ample time to stop (9 seconds from when the car entered his lane). A fully loaded semi could've stopped in that time.


    Road rage is criminal which is the job of the police to pursue, not the victims, not their insurers. The police aren't going to bother, not because he's driving a Mercedes but because this is Thailand, unless people died or were seriously injured it's just not serious enough to warrant their time. As the MB driver has no inherent contributory liability, without a successful criminal conviction any civil claims against him will probably fail.


    I was referring to the other persons example of how the laws were enforced in his country....you know...a civilised country...lol

    Thailand???......is another matter....

  9. Make sure to bring a suit case full of common sense with you before you venture outside as a newbie.

    If you are a drinker then simply pace yourself and do not get all juiced up and make yourself vulnerable.

    Good luck  

  10. On ‎2017‎-‎06‎-‎17 at 0:27 AM, Moonmoon said:

    i supposed the brown envelopes were "insincere" in their values hence the raid.

    Sort of like that.

    If the criminal investigation goes deeper the police officer in charge will be transferred....for doing his job too well and uncovering the truth....as truth does not go over well here in Thailand. 


  11. On ‎2017‎-‎06‎-‎16 at 8:20 PM, Catkiwi said:

    They were obviously not influential enough, whoever they are. Why don't the plods get out there and get the murderers, rapists, child traffickers, and drug cartels. Their time will be much better spent!!!

    Because...most of those other criminal events occur at random intervals where as a gambling den is operated and conducted in one known place of operation.

    So...let them build up the business for several months and ignore the goings on ...and then....hit them and arrest them and confiscate the money....while the confiscated money is another matter and not to be discussed.

    Drug dealing operations are also of interest as that can commonly net the police some tidy cash profits.


  12. 2 hours ago, Bastos60 said:


    They don't necessarely need to be driving less than the speed limit. You are just not allowed to speed in any lane.


    But you are right in what you say. The MB driver was completely in the wrong, there is absolutely no excuse for what he did.

    No matter how much money he has, this needs to go to court and be seriously covered in newspapers and on tv. If he only gets of with a fine, he will be pulling the same shit on other drivers.

    We actually had a similar issue with a BMW driver in Belgium which got covered extensively in the news landing this guy in jail. He pulled that shit over and over again until one cam recorded his antics and
    stayed in the news for several months. He initially got off with a fine, lost his drivers license for  a few weeks. But he didn't stop and being on the news so much everyone was actually looking out for him.

    Glad to know sensibilities prevail while the laws are enforced when and where and upon whom they need to be enforced.


  13. 48 minutes ago, bangkokairportlink said:



    Do you really think that you know anything ?


    OF COURSE the fast lane is for us driving German cars who want to go fast !


    OF COURSE anybody staying more than few minutes in the right lane when there is space on the left lane is wrong !


    OF COURSE the fast lane is made to drive faster than people in other lanes !


    So incredible is you can believe that the BS you wrote is right !



    Another person who insinuates he drives like the Thais and wonders why accidents happen with that kind of mentality and attitude.

    The right lane is not meant for excessive speeding as YOU are adamantly implying .

    It is meant to be used if the left lanes are occupied by motor vehicles traveling at less than the speed limit.

    The cam vehicle used the right lane to pass the slower vehicles seen in the left lane and middle lane

     Eventually, as seen in the video, the cam vehicle does began to move over to the middle lane to give way to the Mercedes driver who was traveling much faster ( no doubt about it )  ... and wants to pass by at a even higher speed and considered dangerous and reckless and illegal.


    *The lane on the right is a passing lane not a speeding lane or go as fast as (you) want lane...as you are explicitly implying.

    The lane on the right is not the drag racing lane or Grand prix lane to be used for speeding excessively and aggressively  and endangering the other people by you and others that feel it is OK to speed when ever you get the opportunity to do so and ignore the speed limit laws and practice reckless driving conduct to suit yourself.


    @ Folks...listen up here as we now know "Bangkokairportlink" defends aggressive and reckless driving conduct perpetrated by himself and all the other reckless drivers and in effect is arguing on behalf of the Mercedes Benz driver and his small minded angry conduct that caused an accident.


    The Mercedes Benz driver could have simply carried on and passed by after the cam vehicle ( did ) move over allowing the Mercedes driver to pass, as clearly seen in the video...but no.... he is angered so he thinks it is OK to deliberately cut him off and deliberately force the cam vehicle driver to stop while the Mercedes driver flashes his brake lights to let the cam vehicle driver know he is angry.


    And you, in effect, argue this while you are defending this reckless mentality and attitude and implying that is the same way you drive.


    @ Website Administers: Please take note of this and know where to correctly apply your discretion if "Bangkokairportlink" wants to foolishly and belligerently argue this matter relevant to important road safety issues that are a matter of life or death.


  14. It seems the Mercedes Benz driver was up set with the Cam vehicle driver.

    You see cam vehicle driver moved over to the fast lane and proceeded to drive considerably faster than the slower traffic in the left lanes....but, it turns out to be considerably slower than the Mercedes driver who was most likely driving much faster still and came up from behind the slower moving cam vehicle driver.

    You can assume the cam vehicle driver began to move over to the middle lane because the Mercedes driver was on his tail so he moved over to allow the Mercedes driver to pass...and give way.

    You can assume the Mercedes driver is pissed off  because the Cam Vehicle driver was, in effect, blocking his way from going as FAST as he was trying to go in the fast lane....but,  in effect, considered speeding excessively.    

    So rather than simply get past the cam vehicle driver the Mercedes driver cuts in front of him and stops momentarily and flashes his brake lights as the means to let the cam vehicle driver know that he interfered with his much FASTER driving ( speeding) being done in the "fast lane"

    Here in Thailand the drivers commonly use the fast lane to speed excessively..... when they can..... and expect everyone else using the faster lane to give way to their much higher speed and get out of their way....... believing any vehicle already using the fast lane and already traveling faster is interfering with their much higher speed still and in the wrong and to be admonished for not driving as fast as them.

    In other words they think if you do use that higher speed "fast lane" then you should also be driving as fast as they are and in effect excessively speeding...or why use that lane at all..... is their mentality.

    In their mind "that lane" is the race car, motor sports lane and you should not be in that lane unless you use it the same way they do and travel really fast ..like 150 to 200 Kilometers per hour.

    This is the common Thai driver mentality that causes accidents by the percentage of Thai drivers that basically do what they want and expect the other drivers to see what they are doing and forced to give way or have to accommodate their often risky and often reckless and dangerous driving conduct.  


  15. If you showed up with a Tourist Visa issued by a Thai Embassy or Consulate the Thai embassies or consulates really does not care what the Immigration authorities have to say when you show up with a valid Visa.

    The Embassies and Consulates want the revenues from issuing visas to near anyone.

    Whether the immigration authorities accept the visa issued by any Thai Embassy or Consulate is another matter while the Thai Embassy or Consulate will say your problems with immigration are not their concern, while they did their part to accommodate you and granted you a visa.


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