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Posts posted by gemguy

  1. We do not know what has happened or developed ..but meantime he has been exposed and he has been publicly shamed to an extent and removed from the school while life will not be the same for the man.

    That being the case one could surmise that the police and authorities figure enough justice is served and let the case fade away.

    Of course the parents and the children that were effected would like to see the man jailed but that is unlikely while the authorities are ignoring the protests and concerns of the victims...as is often the case here in Thailand when the police ignore the crime on their own or they are told by others??.... to ignore the crime and let the issue fade away.

    Possibly in the future we will hear news that the man is going to be prosecuted and possibly do some prison time as the Thai courts system and all that is entailed is painfully slow and aggravating.


  2. **sigh** unsure.png We are such a violent species.

    "Mr Qvarfordt was a well known and a well liked member of the expat community..." Evidently not so well liked in the local national community. Still, the fellow should not have been killed for his relations with neighbours.

    "On Saturday, police revealed that Mr Qvarfordt’s ex wife, whom he had divorced in 2009 had started a similar dog boarding business nearby and ever since there had been conflict between the two and other neighbours."


    Well now...there you go ..the most probable answer to the mystery.

    Just a matter of Eliminating the competition...Bang, Bang...Mafia Style... But not really a honored member of the local mafia so the Perp may go down hard for this one and be sacrificed ....but still the competition if effectively eliminated.

    Now the market share has been effectively adjusted.


  3. revenge killing or rage that spiralled out of control.

    whatever way it we have to try to get out of the syndrome of taking

    the law into own hands and acting as witness, jury and judge all

    rolled into one.

    no one likes to lose face. but does capital crime have to be the penalty

    for that.

    Well ..according to some literature...when a person kills, such as we understand this event..... they are not thinking straight ...obviously.

    At the time their emotions are overwhelmed with feelings and thoughts that are apparently uncontrollable at the time.

    Hard to explain really but many people have been so outraged that they suddenly do something they regret..in a moment of anger while we all have the potential to loose it.....

    If you have a gun on hand and readily available to you then a persons overwhelming anger and rage can easily go too far as a person simply goes through the motions that are driven by the anger while obviously you are not thinking clearly ...but you are thinking about killing someone....with that gun that easily accommodates your rage

    You are thinking ...Just do it.....and not much else, if anything.

    They say that the people that kill in cases such as this are temporarily in another dimension, so to speak, while they simply do not care ..at all about the obvious implications and or ramifications of what they are about to do because there is an interval where common sense and logic and even other people telling them and pleading with them to not do what they are about to do is blocked from their enraged minds...so they do it anyhow.

    These are the same people that would easily argue that they would never kill another person because they are intelligent enough to think first before they act ....but ...those same people are commonly the ones that loose it one day and kill.......and then, often enough it takes a notable amount of time for them to realize the implications of what they did......and then go about making up self serving excuses as to why the killing is justified...in their minds.

    Seldom do they have or feel remorse for what they have done while they feel that others will sympathize with their reasons as to why they killed another person....and if they do not garner anyone's sympathies then they commonly turn belligerent and develop an attitude and say: Fxck It ...I did it and I am glad I did it ..The man deserved to die.......its done ....end of story.

    Such is the minds of some people


  4. **sigh** unsure.png We are such a violent species.

    "Mr Qvarfordt was a well known and a well liked member of the expat community..." Evidently not so well liked in the local national community. Still, the fellow should not have been killed for his relations with neighbours.

    Over all not that violent of a species ....rather the means to be violent by way of deadly weapons seriously exaggerates the violence....

    But that can not be changed as we make or have available tools and objects in the form of weaponry that make it so easy to kill with...unfortunately.

    A verbal argument or a physical altercation is not that concerning........as compared...but when there is a gun......or another form of deadly weapon .....then that object changes everything.

    Yes he could have come over with a knife or an axe or some other dangerous object to be used as a weapon ...but that was not the case rather he chose to use his guns.. and in effect projecting his anger and turning his anger into violent anger while he has the distinct upper hand by way of the gun......and knows it .....and used it to his advantage.

    That being the case then brutal murder sounds about right.


  5. that is one big lot of drugs for one person to be handling.

    there are accomplices possibly but whichever you look at it

    this drug trade is detrimental to the development of the youth

    and the overall economy of the country.

    the vigilance of the officers and subsequent enforcement action

    is laudable.

    "this drug trade is detrimental to the development of the youth and the overall economy of the country." - you do realize the majority of these ya bah pills were destined to be sold to bar girls and freelances so they can remain slim and "work" for hours and days on end.

    From this, the tourism industry prospers, and from that, so does the Phuket / Thai economy.

    That is a funny analysis of economics...lol

  6. Hmmmm

    All the good that they do is to be expected and or demanded of the government while any government anywhere does not have to be praised for the good they do as that is what they are obligated to do...it is their job, so to speak ....while it is the least amount of bad that they do and in that respect they will be less criticized and possibly praised.

    Meantime they have yet to earn the praise of the citizens because overall not much has changed while most people are more than certain his administration or under his administration are growing worse in some aspects while some aspects are getting better in some ways ..but over all the serious issues are not being correctly rectified.....while many of them will never be rectified...never....so stop wishing so.

    Meantime the people know that the man and his administration are not there on behalf of the Thai people rather there on behalf of his interests and his agenda and in effect there on behalf of a select percent of the Thai citizens....and not the masses of Thai people...as is the standard operating procedures of nearly all government administrations that have come and gone...

    Any good that can be exemplified in effect covers up all the bad that is going on while the bad that is going on is hard to track and hard to expose and much harder to rectify.

    Any good deeds done can, often enough, be publically shown and displayed and praised and used as a form of propaganda to appease the public and divert the publics attention away from all the bad problems going on under his administration while he has basically not addressed the serious issues in any serious or meaningful way.

    I did not expect anything much to change under his administration same as all the other administrations that have come and gone while what you see on the surface, over all, looks the same while what goes on below the surface, more or less, remains the same...and life goes on as usual with very little serious disruption for probably 95% of the Thai people living here...including foreigners coming and going and expats living here.

    If anything, just more inconveniences that require more tolerance to live with or having to work around various issues.....and all the more complaints and criticisms that go completely unheeded.


  7. Erm...why is the FBI involved in this?

    Probably because their were US citizens that were cheated as well as others.

    FBI have no borders where financial fraud against either US citizens or Corporations are concerned and seems that when they come knocking most countries do not stand in their way....reading between the headlines, if the FBI had not requested the help of BIB then these pair would still be living the life of Riley or in this case Rileyski ..... lol

    Comes under the RICO act...

    Interesting........look it up


  8. If you are foaming at the mouth and digging around in garbage cans it may be a good Idea to see your doctor...especially if you are howling at the moon...

    Just joking of course...but actually I have been bitten by a dog here in Thailand that I thought could have had rabies, maybe?? and I was bitten by a monkey here in Bangkok that could have had rabies.

    Both times I took antibiotic shots and 10 days worth of antibiotics but no specific drugs while I was confident that neither the dog nor the monkey had rabies but still I went to the hospital for the dog bite and a clinic for the monkey bite and did what I could and let the doctors give me what they said was helpful...and kept my fingers crossed...and nothing at all happened...fortunately.


  9. Good Grief Batman.

    You just have to wonder what further shenanigans and malfeasance will occur when actions like this are taken

    # 1 : The higher ranking police officers, originally interconnected, will use this as a means to "Take Action'' as a way to cover their asses and their original involvement to make it go away ...as now....the heat is on

    # 2 : More money will be paid to someone ( Police, Judges, Politicians, The Connected and or "Who Ever" ) can help alter the course of justice

    # 3 : Someone is going to be a scape goat and this will be used as a means to appease the public and divert the attentions away from the original case and create a new case of who did what wrong and looking like the police are doing something.

    # 4 : Red Bull boys remain untouched

    Ha, Ha ..I am getting good at predicting theses sort of things...lol tongue.png

    The heat is on



  10. I remember Singapore in the 60's, the infamous Bugis Street, and the government decreed that it would be cleaned up. Some tourists started going elsewhere, and Hong Kong was top of the list.

    Hong Kong was apparently a wild place, over on the island in the Suzy Wong area. Then the government said it would be cleaned up, so some tourists started going elsewhere.

    Now it's Thailand's turn to clean up, and no doubt there is an element of the tourism industry that will go elsewhere, probably Vietnam and the Philippines.

    Whilst I don't condone the sex tourism industry, not for me, there are a lot of jobs involved, not just the hookers, but clubs, bars, restaurants, taxi's, hotels, etc. Think long and hard about it minister.

    Some aspects of what you say about Singapore and Hong Kong are true concerning cleaning it up....but other than that, the trade, the industry, the whole affair of sex for money business is still there and flourishing all the more so.

    Thailand just has far more of it and far more widespread ..seeing as Thailand it a much larger country than the both Hong Kong and Singapore combined.

    And then there is the Philippines and then there is Indonesia and then there is China and Japan and well, everywhere you go you will find a varying degree of prostitution and ...it is 90 percent women prostituting themselves ranging from the poor boy price to the most expensive hookers and call girls in the world....while many of the traffickers and people involved running and organizing and managing and profiting from the sex for sale affairs and numerous interrelated business enterprises are WOMEN...just to be clear on that ..other WOMEN.

    A very convoluted and contentious social dilemma if ever there was and no easy answers and no simple solutions while what we witness, in many aspects, is humanity at play ...the good ..the bad......and the ugly aspects of human sexuality


  11. It depends on the circumstances and the situation at the time.

    Everyone has to think first about the consequences of flipping out or publically displaying your anger while every persons situation and circumstances are going to be different in some aspects while often similar in some aspects as to what angers other people also.

    Meantime, if you think that the Thais do not get angry and shout and rage on when something really pisses them off then you are mistaken while that is another fallacy about Thai people...and believe me, they get angry also and lose their temper also...while you are not there to witness it...but I have seen it enough times.

    I have had words with a few Thai people when they basically fxcked up but I did not flip out on them rather just told them this is the last time I will be doing business with you .....while you...... just lost money.

    If your running a company then your employees should be forewarned that you will be angry if they do not do their work correctly while flipping out on them in front of the other Thai people is not the way to handle it ..rather talk to them in private and tell them they are going to be looking for another job very soon if they do not do their work correctly and or sharpen up...as you would be amazed at the incompetence of all too many Thai employees.... as in, not all.....but all too many

    Or put up with the problems that come with all too many Thai employees and lose money and or be frustrated all the time with their performance...while often their performance is somewhat dismal...relative to the simple tasks they are given to do.

    A month or so a go I am in a taxi and I am playing with the cell phone and I can hear the taxi driver going beep, beep at something but I am not really paying attention other than glancing up and things look OK to me and then I hear a motorcycle horn going beep, beep and off to the left side of me.

    I look over to my left and there is one of the motorcycle taxis drivers and sort of weaving back and forth beside the taxi I am in.

    I do not know what the guy is up to other than trying to drive and fight traffic like everyone else is and then shortly after that we stop for a red light ahead and the motorcycle taxi driver is now beside the taxi and now kicking at the left side, back door where I am and shaking his fist and shouting at me...the passenger...while the driver is just staring straight ahead as if nothing is happening and then the motorcycle guy kicks the door again but harder and shouting at me all the more .

    So of course I just ignore the motorcycle driver the same as the driver but the motorcycle guy is making gestures with his elbow like he is going to Muay Thai box me with his elbow...and for what?

    Finally the motorcycle guy moves on ahead because cars behind him were beeping to move ahead as he was blocking that lane and off he goes.

    I asked the driver what he thought that was all about and he answered the motorcycle had tried to cut in front of the taxi and to the right front with very little room but the taxi driver got the jump on the motorcycle driver and the motorcycle driver had to swerve back into the left lane beside the taxi on the left side where I was positioned ...so he was angry ,,,,but takes it out on the foreigner in the taxi while kicking the door nearest to me and shouting at me and giving me the aggressive: I will beat you up gestures....rather than the taxi driver.....like DUH.

    Just joking around, I asked the cab driver if he knows the motorcycle driver while knowing the cab driver would say: Of course not

    So I said: "Maybe he thinks we are the guys having a secret affair with his wife and he is angry all the time at everyone"

    The driver did not get the joke right away ..but finally it sunk in ...lol

    Then I started a conversation and we talked about that aspect of Thai people and I said everyone thinks Thai people do not get mad and angry and for the next 5 minutes on the way to the BTS station we talked about how Thai people are supposed to keep calm and never turn angry ( Jai yen, Jai Yen ...and My Ba Ly.... and My Pen Rai ) but that is not true while many Thai people lose it also when they are really angered by somethings...but, those things are often different than what angers us.

    I believe we are a little more on edge and more frustrated than they are while we want things to be in order while we are less tolerant about a number of issues


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