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Posts posted by gemguy

  1. 51 minutes ago, smutcakes said:


    I dont think many people when talking about luxury condos are talking 5-10 million baht. Would be interested in which buildings you are referring to?

    That is the point in part...they are advertising them as great condos and luxury condos and quality apartments and great value and all.....but very few are for the full prices they charge.

    I can not remember the names of the all the apartments and condos I visited ( 5 years ago ) while looking for a decent place to rent ..but I remember well I visited around 40 apartment buildings and or condos up and down the Sukumvite line over a 3 month period starting at Bearing Station and working my way back to each sky train station and walked around for 2 to 3  hours ..even 4 hours on some days ......going into every obvious condo or apartment building and asking them if they had rooms to rent.

    Lets just say I was not impressed while I would not have bought any of them if I was looking to buy.

    I surmised a 20 to 40 to 50 million baht luxury condo would also be way over priced and over hyped also...this being Thailand and all while you would really have to scrutinize everything and every detail all the more so if you actually pay 1 million US dollars for a condo unit here in Bangkok.

    I prefer to rent anyhow...


  2. Well I am no expert on real-estate but over the years when I have looked at apartments to RENT and I am told that people bought the condo units and want to rent them out I am thinking they were more or less over charged or ripped off as far as I can make out.

    As soon as I walked in and looked around I decided immediately that I was not interested.

    The prices are way over priced while the construction is shoddy and the materials used are cheap and flimsy while the overall design and layout of the rooms and in particular the bathrooms are commonly dumb or just short of dumb and makes me wonder what exactly were the designers and engineers thinking.

    The hallways are uncomfortable looking and kind of  creepy feeling while the lighting is bad and the paint choice is bizarre and the elevators are questionable while the stairs and access to the stairs concerning fire and safety make you feel unsafe while the lobbies of the building and reception areas are mickey mouse attempts at looking luxurious ..but they look to difficult to explain.

    Then when talking to the service management you just know they are not going to be effective or efficient while I walked out thinking: Geez ..and people actually bought into theses affairs for 5 to 6 to 7 and 10 million baht for a name and supposed great location and the concept of a luxury condo.

    Sure if you really shop around you can find something that was actually built with some integrity and style and quality while the engineers and designers actually did their jobs well resulting in good value all around....but most of them are built just to quickly capitalize on the booming real estate market and done on the cheap ..while they milk the market for all they can get.

    Just my observations after 28 years here

  3. I think the OP is thinking too much while the Thais, who often tell you:  "Don't think too much"  may understand the actual meaning of thinking too much and how it effects your thinking...I think...lol


    When you go back to your old destination or a new destination try not to think too much because you will be thinking a whole lot about Thailand as you will be comparing all too many things and many issues while thinking too much about what you do not like to think about while living were ever you are living.

    Thailand is not for everyone while many people will leave after several years but living here is pretty interesting and  always stimulating and often entertaining ..but...in a bizarre sort of way......that you have to get used to and or tolerate...or you will be thinking too much.


  4. 7 hours ago, callaway said:

    Agreed. Quite cute. Why isn't she wearing a shirt and pants 6 sizes too small for her like her brothers in arms.

    Seriously...Way back when at the old Suan Plue immigration station I had one of the female immigration officers clearly interested in me and I could have asked her out on a date and started something with her ...

    However while I was envisioning her as a great asset I was also thinking she could become a big liability and I would not want to be on the bad side of an angry immigration officer / girlfriend and out to get back at me.

    Same thing if you did have a Thai police officer GF and things turned sour.


  5. Seems like she fought back and more or less escaped.

    This is good in some respects but sadly, when others have resisted, the abduction ends badly.

    Meantime...The authorities should seriously focus on this case as this is every parents nightmare.

    When they catch the scum bags what exactly would we like to have done to them...??

    Hmmm...Try to imagine what I am envisioning............



  6. Kin Kow Rue-Yahng ( Have You Eaten Yet )


    Yes, that is one way to greet Thai people but it is more commonly said as a friendly greeting amongst Thai people who already know one another or just after you have said Hello ( Sah-Wah-Dee Clrap )

    The Chinese Thais using the greeting more so than Thai, Thais,  as having lots of food to eat and in effect well fed is somewhat of a social status to achieve, in their minds.

    In other words ...we may not be so wealthy but we eat well and always well fed.

    That is what I was told by Thai people several times over the years.


    Meantime, when people ask me what is it that Thai people are thinking when other people ( foreigners ) are trying to figure out the often perplexing logic and mentality of Thai people when having to deal with Thai people in a variety of circumstances, both business and social circumstances, I answer by telling them:


    They have Som Tum on their minds...spicy Som Tom usually ...as they are not thinking or focusing or concentrating rather they are thinking about their next meal and spicy Som Tum....lol



  7. 16 hours ago, jay1980 said:

    It is a shame because of her gender 2 hours after the OP posted the story no one has wished she could Rest in Peace or remembered she has a family somewhere who maybe missing her and mostly  only smutty immature comments have been posted.


    Whatever the circumstances I wish her to RIP and I hope she and whoever killed her can be identified soon so her family can have closure.

    Rest In Peace

    Yes it is sad when anyone dies and especially under mysterious or possibly nefarious circumstances.

    Meant time ...it is He ..not She ..it is Him not Her...the person is a Man and not a Woman while everyone has to recognize that and deal with the fact the dead person is a male Thai person and male Thai citizen ...for the legal record.

    That being the case it make things somewhat more complicated relative to the police investigation trying to learn and understand what exactly transpired leading up to "his" death.

    Maybe we will see a follow up report and learn more about what exactly happened to "him"


  8. Well...You could have / should have cracked off the top of that  bottle of alcohol and Chugga-Lugged the whole bottle right in front of them......Ahhhhhhhhh....Want some????..yuk...yuk



    There was a guy I knew during years gone by who would have done just that rather than surrender the bottle while more than likely the security people would have been impressed enough to laugh it off and tell the man: You can now board......"Sir".


    At parties, over the years, several times I witnessed that guy crack off the top of a 26 oz bottle of hard liquor and drink the whole bottle in record time...just for laughs while people cheered him on as he could drink a copious amount of alcohol and move about as if he was completely sober.


    Yes sir....  I am certain that is what he would have done in the same situation...lol



  9. 16 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:


    The interesting part about this raid is that saphan kwai is largely the haunt of thai men….only a handful of veteran farangs venture there.


    If you don't speak thai its hard to get your game on there.

    I went there many, many years ago to have a look myself.

    Myself and my farang friend were the only 2 white faces to be seen while the both of us spoke Thai well enough.

    Most of the girls shied away from us while some of the girls sat with us and chatted with us.

    We asked them if they had ever seen a farang come to their bar and most of them told us never.

    We jokingly asked them if they had ever been with a farang and none of them had ever been with a farang and when we jokingly asked them if they wanted to go with a farang they all said ....Can Not...( My Die )

    Some of the bar boys, say bouncers, and male staff were accommodating but after going to 5 or 6 places around the street we soon realized that most of the Thai male staff in the bars and the door boys were eyeing us up as if to say: "Hey Whitey ..what are you doing around here?

    We figured that maybe some of the girls would go with us if the price seemed right but we surmised that if they did and everyone else in their bar would know then there might be a degree of stigma attached while the other workers may ridicule them and possibly the Thai patrons would know this girl or that girl went with a Farang and the girl would be somewhat ostracized.

    That is what we were thinking ....so we moved on and went back to the Farang Go Go bar areas...

    But it was interesting and that was about 22 years ago.


  10. Unfortunately we do not know exactly what led up to that particular altercation between the women and the police officer.

    Possibly she was asked to stay on in the police station and she was also being reprimanded for her part in the motorcycle violation of the law while possibly she was being fined for not wearing a helmet and started to get all mouthy and belligerent about being detained and fined...I surmise.

    Possibly the officer was trying to put her under arrest and she resisted and then things became physical.

    I bet you the woman will lie about what happened exactly but it is pretty obvious she is striking an officer and that is a violation of the law while she will most likely claim it was done in self defense.... but her friends cell phone camera video recorded the altercation and now the women looks like she started it.

    Maybe we will get lucky and hear about all the juicy follow up details...maybe....lol


  11. 13 hours ago, merlin2002 said:

    Is Bunyin out on bail? I remember reading a few months back that he was being held, but given his wealth he's probably walking around free as a bird....

    Most likely....and back to business as usual while law suits and fighting off the legal hound dogs is all part of a days work for the seasoned crooks that abound here in Thailand.


  12. 13 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    One would surely like to see them go after a few of their own. How about a few high ranking generals? How about a few top ranked policemen, on active duty. How about a few MP's in their own government. Nothing wrong with going after crooks, as long as it is at least a tiny bit non-partisan, which this is definitely not.

    True.....everything you say is true.

    Meantime lets hope the scum bags are prosecuted and spend time in Prison.

    Most likely the Police officer will not spend time in prison ...while his 2 accomplices will ...while the police officer will no doubt rat out on his accomplices and weasel his way out of any accountability or responsibility ....as per usual.


  13. Well now....Assuming what is written as the facts are true, then it was all just a misunderstanding that resulted in a 20 second scuffle and the British guys took more of a beating than they could manage to give back...which is often the case when very drunk people get into a fight and find out what the word impaired means during a fight.

    Alcohol...there was copious amounts of Alcohol involved .........

    What more needs to be said.



  14. Unfortunately it takes far more diligence than people looking for suspicious characters and suspicious looking packages....but any effort at all is better than ignoring the problems.

    At least they are trying.

    Naturally I really hope a bombing or murderous rampage never occurs in any of those jam packed Go Go Bar areas while I am really surprised nothing of the sort has ever happened over all these years.



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