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Posts posted by gemguy

  1. 35 years ago when I first came to Thailand I remember reading lengthy articles in the Bangkok Post about just how much rape goes on in this country.

    I had always wrongly surmised that there would be less rape in Thailand because of all the prostitution ...but my assumptions have been proven wrong while rape goes on unabated and one more disturbing aspect of Thai society that will probably never change.


    Meantime nearly every other country has the same or similar problem while the governments of most countries seldom ever seriously address the problem while Thailand is amongst the countries that more or less also ignore the problem.



  2. Wear large ear protection head gear so the next door neighbor knows you can not hear her when she sees you wearing the ear protection gear.

    Turn up the music and drown the women out.

    Obtain some dogs and keep them on a strong chain but let the dogs go berserk when ever they see the neighbor.

    Call the pizza deliver companies to have pizza delivered to her at odd hours.

    Call the mental institute and have them come around and visit her.

    All kinds of pay back is possible...lol


  3. They will never close down places like Nana because nothing illegal takes place on the premises.

    Girls are hostesses. A bar fine is paid by a punter because he is taking the girl away from the bar.

    What they do together in the privacy of a hotel room is consensual and cannot be legislated against.

    They can arrest street walkers and their customers if they have laws in place to do so.

    Probably, millions of people all over Thailand would be unemployed or deprived of a means to make money if all red light areas were shut.

    Will the government compensate them? Offer free education and an income while they are re-skilled?

    No. It would not only take the will but also the generosity of spirit to completely deconstruct the class system, the ownership of wealth and the structure of Thai society.

    The minister is merely making "face".

    Interesting that in threads like this the married suckers who probably live in Ladprao with their millstones seize the opportunity to moralise and further demonise the sex pats or sex tourists without even considering "pensioners" or "old farang" as human beings worthy of being endowed with "rights" or even an exploration of the causals involved.

    Chill out fellas, take your balls back out of your Thai wife's handbag. I know that your wife is almost certainly from a wealthy, Thai-Chinese background is is well educated and speaks perfect english. She's a million miles away from being an Isan bargirl (the first girl you met on arrival) That's why she picked you, right. You may be young, handsome, educated and desirable but spare a thought for those of us that are not up to your standard eh . . .

    Yeah, and there's "no sex in the champagne room". But regardless of upstairs and backroom activity, this is all about appearances - not law. This is part of the maturation of many cities. There used to be dedicated red light districts with strip clubs etc. all over US 30 years ago. They have almost all been closed down to make the cities more family friendly.

    The argument that more thai men pay for play than foreigners is a silly argument. If you could find a legitimate statistic like the % of tourists using hookers and the % of locals I am sure the tourist would be very close or higher. How many thai men to tourists in the country, 1000:1? So 2% of the trade being from tourists would be much higher % pay for play from visitors.

    No one has the statistics that would persuade you otherwise ..but believe me the foreigner based prostitution is far, far less than what the Thai based prostitution is.

    You could say that the prostitution that caters to the foreigners ( any non Thai citizen ) is a lucrative addition to the many avenues of sex for sale here in Thailand that are frequented only by Thai men and gladly accommodated by Thai women...many of them who swear they would never go with a foreigner and or simply never see a foreigner come for their services.

    The volumes are far more so than you may think while you never see and never will see or comprehend the extent of prostitution here in Thailand found in its many forms and many avenues of access while 90 % of the foreigners will never know where and or how to get to those avenues because they end up in the foreigner based red light areas and venture no further...as there is no need to go off into the unknown areas where English is not spoken.


  4. I really don't get why Thais seem to think that farangs are the reason for the existence of prostitution in Thailand. The majority of people who make use of this service, and who keep it alive, are the Thais themselves. I don't have statistics to back up what I am saying, but from what I read prior-- farang would not keep this occupation running if it were dependent on our money. Just passing the buck to us ... agaiiiin...

    What makes you think Thais think this? In my experience most Thais have little idea about the farang scenes at Nana, Cowboy, etc.

    Publically the Thai authorities have always had the Foreigner based red light areas available as the means to show the local and international media they are policing the problem as most of the Thais who do follow this particular aspect of Thai society like to believe that Thais "do it", so to speak in a politically correct manner...while flashy Go Go bars and public beer bars etc. and obvious red light areas, openly patronized by foreigners, are an embarrassment as compared to the more subtle Thai ways of participating in the many existing avenues of the sex for sale industry.


  5. It’s clear many officials and law enforcement have turned a blind eye for decades

    Well...not really because it is the many officials ( as in not all but all too many ) and law enforcement personal that profit from it so rather than turn a blind eye they regulate prostitution in a somewhat sensible manner while profiting from prostitution as they know it can not be easily eliminated while there is far more to it than simply outlawing prostitution and all that is entailed including the social aspects of prostitution and male to female social interaction that is going to occur anyhow with or without laws concerning prostitution

    The police do not want it to be fully legal nor do they want it to be cracked down on, as the way it is now is relatively suitable for the officials and the law enforcement concerns.

    Besides, if you outlaw prostitution and criminalize prostitution then the whole affair goes further underground, so to speak and becomes all the more illegal and all the more sleazy and all the more interconnected to criminal organizations, many being pretty ruthless and down right nasty while taxes are not paid all the more while all the more girls and women are left all the more vulnerable and or condemned by society and treated with all the more distain.

    Obviously a conflict of interest with the reality of human interaction and the subject of sex amongst humans and all that is entailed.

    Meantime...It is OK that she is letting everyone know what is on her mind as she can talk...but she can not change anything to the extent that she is stating and or implying.


  6. Then, you have to make up your own little language note book and write down the sound of the spoken words you hear spoken in Thai language and write down the "sound" of the word or words in a manner such that later on you can read the word and be saying it correctly with the rising or falling tone and other little Thai language nuances that will trip you up if you do not say it clearly or precisely as there are many Thai words that have to be said correctly or the Thai people will be confused by your incorrect spoken word and your foreigner accent that confuses them all the more.

    Not making like I am an expert by any means but 90 Percent of the Foreigners that I have met, over the 28 years here, that went to Thai language lessons basically wanted to give up on learning the language and or struggled a whole lot learning the language while the language lesson were too much, all at once and learned from the Thai language books in that manner.


    Excellent if not Best advice so far (this thread shoud be moved to the thai langguage forum for more appropriate context. Complaining about your language teacher is different from complaining about your neighbor, dentist, boss, etc.)

    Anyway back to the subject at hand. Yes, the Sound. A few examples:

    In English we have only b and p. Thai has many variations including b(h)- and p(h)-.

    ch, sh and to a certain extent j in thai are a jambalaya mixture of all c,s and h/j. That's why the Thais can not pronounce "check": let me check always comes out as let me shake.

    and the deadliest of all sounds are their combined vowels (2 or 3 or more god help us.) Just to be able to hear and distinguish "tired" from "butter" is already a monumental task to me, let alone pronounce them. Right next down the list are the final consonants the vowels often are wedded to. Try to hear the difference when it's a final n or a final ng.

    Then there are the 5 deadly sins, I mean tones (with or without the sound-shifting tone markers).

    This is where if you have an operatic singing background that would help tremendously,

    I'm at the stage of making my little encyclopedic notebook of sounds. Actually the local folks are warming up to me when I say something they understand, tada, conversation is possible! The trick is you got to speak first and make sure they listen (as opposed to ignoring your farang face.) Warning: they are real lousy at trying to guess what you mean if you mix up your sound (which you do 95 percent of the time.)

    The next big problem is that now they think I'm one of them immediately let forth a barrage of words mostly still foreign to me. All I can do is smile and do a mixture of nodding and shaking my head at the same time. God forbid if I utter a word of English, then BANG!!! that's the sound of the language barrier slamming down and I just got kicked out of the fortress...

    Regarding language schools, either you've got a terrific private tutor that is worth every thousand baht you spent or signup for the language boot camp which is the chulalongkorn uni thai language program that make sure you live and breathe thai to really expect any progress. For those who don't have the budget for the former or the stamina for the latter there's really only one choice: your neighborhood soi!

    (For some it means Soi Cowboy unfortunately whistling.gif)

    To satisfy the Moderators and stay on the subject matter... I must say that the OP should go to the school and politely ask for another teacher. Or do not and put up with the teacher that he has.....but meantime...I would say the OP is expecting way, way too much from the teacher as there is no way for any teacher to teach all that a person would want to know.... in 1 month.

    Maybe that is why she asked : "What is it you want to learn? ....meaning, for yourself, what is important or what is priority.

    If you want to learn certain aspects of the words needed to be used in your work environment then you would want to focus on certain words commonly used in a work environment ...such as how to ask for a pen or pencil or the calculator and how to ask who is the accountant and who is the manager and who is a secretary and what is their position in the company...and what is their real name verses their given name: "Cher Len rue Cher Jing" ....or important questions in Thai language such as show me the data and records: "Kaw Doo Lie-Lah Eeit" ....or "Shorp Tahm You Nie, Kaw Doo Noi....( where is the pertinent information, let me look at it ) like that.....but you could not expect to learn but maybe 5% of all the conversational words needed to be used in an office / company environment....as that will take much longer.

    You said : The next big problem is that now they think I'm one of them immediately let forth a barrage of words mostly still foreign to me. All I can do is smile and do a mixture of nodding and shaking my head at the same time. God forbid if I utter a word of English, then BANG!!! that's the sound of the language barrier slamming down and I just got kicked out of the fortress...

    Yes.....once you start speaking Thai language a little bit then near every Thai person thinks you speak Thai language well and they will start to speak Thai at you rapidly, as if you know what they are saying while you will HAVE to learn how to say:

    Excuse me, I can speak Thai language a little bit: "Kaw-Taught, Pom Pood Passa Thai Nit Noi, Cap....or .....Pood Cha Cha Di My, Paw-Wah Pom Kow Jai Pasa Thai Nit Noi Cap.....( speak slowly please because I understand Thai language a little bit ) and definitely one of the numerous important required sentences that you will need to learn....before many other words and structured sentences.

    They seldom teach you the those kinds of practicable sentences...so you have to learn on your own or you specifically have to ask them how to say certain words or certain sentences such as seen above.

    But you should also learn how to say in a polite and humorous way : I am not a dummy so do not assume I am one because I am new to this language and new to the Thai way of doing things...as i am a fast learner ....lol


  7. There may be some schools or language lesson teachers that are good at teaching foreigners how to speak Thai language that pick up on it quickly...but overall very few can supply you with focused lessons that leaves a person speaking the basics that would be needed to at least communicate with Thai people

    But where would one start if you have only 1 month before you have to start using Thai language in say your business applications...such as the OP is implying.

    What should you learn first or what would be considered important to learn???

    Nearly every Thai language book I have seen written by Thai people is all the more confusing than helpful...in the beginning of course...but even later it is still confusing.

    In every language there is at least 100 words or simple sentences that anyone would have to learn to make it easier to move about.

    Such as: Learn the numbers

    Such as: Asking How much money for this or that..... after you learn the numbers, obviously

    Such as: Where is the bathroom

    Such as: Where is a restaurant

    Such as: Can you help me

    Such as: What is the name of this or what is the name of that

    Such as: What name or word do Thai people use for this thing or this object or that thing or that object

    Such as: Can you speak English

    Such as: Can you help me

    Such as: Can you help me learn Thai language.

    I could go on but I have never seen a Thai language book that teaches you the practicable and logical basics needed to begin talking to Thai people so you can accomplish many common needs or daily needs or simple objectives.

    Most of the books immediately go into subject matters like: "How is you mother doing" and "what about the weather" and "how we went to the beach and had so much fun".... and a whole lot of unimportant lessons that leave the average person more confused.

    I went to 2 different language schools for a short 1 month course and later a 2 month course while I ended up teaching the girls more about English than they taught me Thai ...going by the book that is, while that being the case I decided I had to take the initiative and more or less learn to learn on my own, in many respects.

    So.....simple enough, while combined with the language lessons I realized I had to learn to how to ask Thai people about this or that or anything that I wanted to know about or needed to learn and write it down...so you can reference the word later on.

    After learning the basics of the numbers and the polite mannerisms etc..... then, If I wanted to know the name of something such as a chair and needed to ask Thai people what is the Thai language name of a chair or the name of a glass or a fork or a car or anything at all, then you have to know how to ask a Thai person to inform you what you want to know about.

    What is this?..Can you explain?....Nee Arai? .....Kaw Koon Atti-Bi, Di My

    Such as you have to learn how to say: What is this?...or what is that? ( while pointing at a glass on the table or held in your hand) Nee Arai? or Nahn Arai?...What is this? or what is that?...what name?..Nee, Cher Aria?

    Such as: What is the name used in Thai language: Kohn Thai, Lree-ick Wah Aria

    Such as : How do you say in Thai language: Pasa Thai, Pood Wah Aria

    Please say again: Pood Ick Krung Nung

    Speak slowly: Pood Cha Cha Noi

    I do not understand: Pom My Kow Jai

    Please say one more time: Kaw Pood Ick Krung Nung

    Please help me to learn Thai language: Kaw Koon Chu-woy Pom Ree-en Passa Thai Di My

    I want to practice Thai language, can you help me: Pom Hut Pood Pasa Thai...... Kaw Khoon Chew-woy Pom Ree-en Pasa Thai, Di My?

    Learning words and simple sentences such as those will allow you to start a conversation with Thai people while asking them to help you learn while trying to remember the words that you specifically want to learn and remember.

    You can sit there and point at a hundred different objects or items all around you and ask them what is the name of this or that item or object...but you first have to learn how to ask

    Such as: What are the names of a fork and spoon...so you have to learn how to ask what is the name of a fork and spoon....Nee Arai?

    Pom Kaw Lroo, Nee Arai?....Nee, Cher Aria?..... I want to know what is this? ..What name?

    Basic stuff that allows you to learn on your own if you have the desire to do so...besides the valuable languages lessons or the Thai language book you carry about with you.

    Then, you have to make up your own little language note book and write down the sound of the spoken words you hear spoken in Thai language and write down the "sound" of the word or words in a manner such that later on you can read the word and be saying it correctly with the rising or falling tone and other little Thai language nuances that will trip you up if you do not say it clearly or precisely as there are many Thai words that have to be said correctly or the Thai people will be confused by your incorrect spoken word and your foreigner accent that confuses them all the more.

    Not making like I am an expert by any means but 90 Percent of the Foreigners that I have met, over the 28 years here, that went to Thai language lessons basically wanted to give up on learning the language and or struggled a whole lot learning the language while the language lesson were too much, all at once and learned from the Thai language books in that manner.


    Good post.

    You're saying in a very detailed way what was said concisely in post #5.

    Immerse yourself in the culture and you are almost sure to gain proficiency in the language.

    That and I highly recommend the OP gets himself a walking, talking human dictionary Thai GF ...as you would be pleasantly surprised at all the many extra, extra and very important Thai words you can learn and easily remember when you point at certain "things" and ask: "What is this and what is that and teach me the names in Thai language...lolwub.png

    I clearly remember those certain words were the ones that immediately stuck in my mind and easily remembered...if you know what I mean...lol


  8. There may be some schools or language lesson teachers that are good at teaching foreigners how to speak Thai language that pick up on it quickly...but overall very few can supply you with focused lessons that leaves a person speaking the basics that would be needed to at least communicate with Thai people

    But where would one start if you have only 1 month before you have to start using Thai language in say your business applications...such as the OP is implying.

    What should you learn first or what would be considered important to learn???

    Nearly every Thai language book I have seen written by Thai people is all the more confusing than helpful...in the beginning of course...but even later it is still confusing.

    In every language there is at least 100 words or simple sentences that anyone would have to learn to make it easier to move about.

    Such as: Learn the numbers

    Such as: Asking How much money for this or that..... after you learn the numbers, obviously

    Such as: Where is the bathroom

    Such as: Where is a restaurant

    Such as: Can you help me

    Such as: What is the name of this or what is the name of that

    Such as: What name or word do Thai people use for this thing or this object or that thing or that object

    Such as: Can you speak English

    Such as: Can you help me

    Such as: Can you help me learn Thai language.

    I could go on but I have never seen a Thai language book that teaches you the practicable and logical basics needed to begin talking to Thai people so you can accomplish many common needs or daily needs or simple objectives.

    Most of the books immediately go into subject matters like: "How is you mother doing" and "what about the weather" and "how we went to the beach and had so much fun".... and a whole lot of unimportant lessons that leave the average person more confused.

    I went to 2 different language schools for a short 1 month course and later a 2 month course while I ended up teaching the girls more about English than they taught me Thai ...going by the book that is, while that being the case I decided I had to take the initiative and more or less learn to learn on my own, in many respects.

    So.....simple enough, while combined with the language lessons I realized I had to learn to how to ask Thai people about this or that or anything that I wanted to know about or needed to learn and write it down...so you can reference the word later on.

    After learning the basics of the numbers and the polite mannerisms etc..... then, If I wanted to know the name of something such as a chair and needed to ask Thai people what is the Thai language name of a chair or the name of a glass or a fork or a car or anything at all, then you have to know how to ask a Thai person to inform you what you want to know about.

    What is this?..Can you explain?....Nee Arai? .....Kaw Koon Atti-Bi, Di My

    Such as you have to learn how to say: What is this?...or what is that? ( while pointing at a glass on the table or held in your hand) Nee Arai? or Nahn Arai?...What is this? or what is that?...what name?..Nee, Cher Aria?

    Such as: What is the name used in Thai language: Kohn Thai, Lree-ick Wah Aria

    Such as : How do you say in Thai language: Pasa Thai, Pood Wah Aria

    Please say again: Pood Ick Krung Nung

    Speak slowly: Pood Cha Cha Noi

    I do not understand: Pom My Kow Jai

    Please say one more time: Kaw Pood Ick Krung Nung

    Please help me to learn Thai language: Kaw Koon Chu-woy Pom Ree-en Passa Thai Di My

    I want to practice Thai language, can you help me: Pom Hut Pood Pasa Thai...... Kaw Khoon Chew-woy Pom Ree-en Pasa Thai, Di My?

    Learning words and simple sentences such as those will allow you to start a conversation with Thai people while asking them to help you learn while trying to remember the words that you specifically want to learn and remember.

    You can sit there and point at a hundred different objects or items all around you and ask them what is the name of this or that item or object...but you first have to learn how to ask

    Such as: What are the names of a fork and spoon...so you have to learn how to ask what is the name of a fork and spoon....Nee Arai?

    Pom Kaw Lroo, Nee Arai?....Nee, Cher Aria?..... I want to know what is this? ..What name?

    Basic stuff that allows you to learn on your own if you have the desire to do so...besides the valuable languages lessons or the Thai language book you carry about with you.

    Then, you have to make up your own little language note book and write down the sound of the spoken words you hear spoken in Thai language and write down the "sound" of the word or words in a manner such that later on you can read the word and be saying it correctly with the rising or falling tone and other little Thai language nuances that will trip you up if you do not say it clearly or precisely as there are many Thai words that have to be said correctly or the Thai people will be confused by your incorrect spoken word and your foreigner accent that confuses them all the more.

    Not making like I am an expert by any means but 90 Percent of the Foreigners that I have met, over the 28 years here, that went to Thai language lessons basically wanted to give up on learning the language and or struggled a whole lot learning the language while the language lesson were too much, all at once and learned from the Thai language books in that manner.


  9. Best way, is to Complain to members on Thai Visa.

    Problem solved, as you will receive the most astute advice every given in the whole universe as Thai Visa membership consists of all knowing experts about any and all subject matters imaginable....a veritable treasure trove of advice and information ....lol


  10. The really disturbing thing is....there is hardly a chance that any other Thai people would step up and at least tell the perpetrators to stop ganging up and beating on another person.......regardless if it is another Thai person or a foreigner.

    Yes sometimes...depending on the circumstances but there must have been witnesses in the immediate vicinity and I am quite certain none of them did anything at all to intervene including shouting at the gang of thugs to stop what they were doing.

    I think all of them they like to witness some violence.

    Meantime: I think I will apply for a job at Pattaya One News...as the criminal action is non stop and never ending so the job as a news paper reporter has got to be interesting and never boring.....lol


  11. The really disturbing thing is....there is hardly a chance that any other Thai people would step up and at least tell the perpetrators to stop ganging up and beating on another person.......regardless if it is another Thai person or a foreigner.

    Yes sometimes...depending on the circumstances but there must have been witnesses in the immediate vicinity and I am quite certain none of them did anything at all to intervene including shouting at the gang of thugs to stop what they were doing.

    I think all of them they like to witness some violence.


  12. OK...I agree...Time for zoning.

    On one side of the street all the working girls can have their Perky Butts on display.

    On the other side of the street the girls can have their Perky Breasts on display.

    I will walk down the middle of the road so I am in neutral territory and therefore not at all offended by what is going on all around me.

    Works out well as long as the workers on either side of the street do not cross over to the other side of the street because then they would be in the Butt Zone when they should be in the Breast Zone and others would be in the Breast Zone when they should be in the Butt Zone.

    There has to be some rules and regulations and the enforcement of those rules and regulations or all Chaos will break loose.

    If any one would like to volunteer to police the area you are invited to do so.


    • Like 1
  13. Once upon a time I had a physical altercation with a Motorcycle guy and I left him with a big fat, bruised and bleeding lip.

    Fortunately it was a one on one situation while the guy deserved what he got .......after....( repeat after ).... laying his hands on me and threatening to "box me up" ..Muay Thai style.......after "forcefully demanding" I pay him more money than the previously negotiated and agreed upon motorcycle taxi fare.

    Long story short .....Surprise, surprise for him, while I laid a beating on him.

    I know, I know...I should have avoided any confrontation and let him blatantly rip me off while threatening to beat me up...right?? .....Or I should have gone to the local police and complained about the man ripping me off.... and then.... let the Thai police get in on the rip off also......right ???

    So now .....all you Thai Visa arm chair critics can whine and whinge all you want and berate me and tell me I was a bad farang......because I made a Thai guy lose face.........Farang My Dee Loy....lol..........but still...he started it and I finished it....


    I'm not going to berate you for being bad, but I will for being stupid. You were very lucky. Unless you had credible witnesses to prove you were acting in self defence you were very lucky not to be charged. They would take the Thai person's word over yours. The Thai guy you beat up was a gentleman for not taking it further. What was it over? 20 baht?

    Nope....it was all about the Thai Guy grabbing me and physically threatening to beat me up because I would not let him extort money out of me....and that is what it was all about......not the money.

    Are we now clear on that point???

    I would not have done what I did do if there had been many other motorcycle guys around while there was only one person who witnessed the altercation ( a nearby security guard ) while he actually Waied me when I walked past him after leaving the Thai guy on the ground recovering from the well deserved beating I gave him.

    He witnessed the whole thing including what he could hear was being said, all in Thai language, before the fight occurred.

    Anyhow........you were not there....but thanks for your concern...lol


    You could have been done for assault no matter who started it, and I'm sure the security guard would not have helped you. They just don't want to get involved, particularly if it's involving a Farang beating up a Thai, one of their own. As I said, you're very lucky the Thai guy you beat up was a gentleman about the loss and didn't have you charged for assault. Considering he came off far worse than you, it would not have looked good for you at the police station or in court.


    Could have, would have...it does not matter because nothing came of it while I went on my way.

    But I hear what you say.

    It was one of those situations where adrenalin and anger took over and fortunately there was no one around to intervene while I walked away and nothing came of it.

    Under other circumstances???? ....

    Meantime, after 28 years.... I know well how it works here ...believe me...I do.

    Believe me I have had many Thai people over charge me and rip me off ( so to speak ) numerous times and waste my time and fxck things up and then still want to be paid...or insisting to be paid for lousy work and I paid them "to just go away" and relieve me of their Thai stupidity and Axxhole attitude while I let it go...and just paid the money.....and not let it really bother me...but on that day, when that man laid his hands on me and threatened to beat me up....Nope...I stood my ground and he ended up hurt...not me.

    And.... there was nothing gentleman about the Thai guy...rather he was a thug trying to extort money out of me while I stood my ground.


  14. Once upon a time I had a physical altercation with a Motorcycle guy and I left him with a big fat, bruised and bleeding lip.

    Fortunately it was a one on one situation while the guy deserved what he got .......after....( repeat after ).... laying his hands on me and threatening to "box me up" ..Muay Thai style.......after "forcefully demanding" I pay him more money than the previously negotiated and agreed upon motorcycle taxi fare.

    Long story short .....Surprise, surprise for him, while I laid a beating on him.

    I know, I know...I should have avoided any confrontation and let him blatantly rip me off while threatening to beat me up...right?? .....Or I should have gone to the local police and complained about the man ripping me off.... and then.... let the Thai police get in on the rip off also......right ???

    So now .....all you Thai Visa arm chair critics can whine and whinge all you want and berate me and tell me I was a bad farang......because I made a Thai guy lose face.........Farang My Dee Loy....lol..........but still...he started it and I finished it....


    I'm not going to berate you for being bad, but I will for being stupid. You were very lucky. Unless you had credible witnesses to prove you were acting in self defence you were very lucky not to be charged. They would take the Thai person's word over yours. The Thai guy you beat up was a gentleman for not taking it further. What was it over? 20 baht?

    Nope....it was all about the Thai Guy grabbing me and physically threatening to beat me up because I would not let him extort money out of me....and that is what it was all about......not the money.

    Are we now clear on that point???

    I would not have done what I did do if there had been many other motorcycle guys around while there was only one person who witnessed the altercation ( a nearby security guard ) while he actually Waied me when I walked past him after leaving the Thai guy on the ground recovering from the well deserved beating I gave him.

    He witnessed the whole thing including what he could hear was being said, all in Thai language, before the fight occurred.

    Anyhow........you were not there....but thanks for your concern...lol


  15. Once upon a time I had a physical altercation with a Motorcycle guy and I left him with a big fat, bruised and bleeding lip.

    Fortunately it was a one on one situation while the guy deserved what he got .......after....( repeat after ).... laying his hands on me and threatening to "box me up" ..Muay Thai style.......after "forcefully demanding" I pay him more money than the previously negotiated and agreed upon motorcycle taxi fare.

    Long story short .....Surprise, surprise for him, while I laid a beating on him.

    I know, I know...I should have avoided any confrontation and let him blatantly rip me off while threatening to beat me up...right?? .....Or I should have gone to the local police and complained about the man ripping me off.... and then.... let the Thai police get in on the rip off also......right ???

    So now .....all you Thai Visa arm chair critics can whine and whinge all you want and berate me and tell me I was a bad farang......because I made a Thai guy lose face.........Farang My Dee Loy....lol..........but still...he started it and I finished it....


  16. Tell me if I am wrong....but I believe if you are Tasered it leaves some tell tale marks...yes??? ...at least that is what it says on the numerous websites found about a Taser leaving small burn like marks.

    If that is the case then that can be proven while the ladyboy or ladyboys are lying.....as is usually the case..... in cases such as this.


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