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GinBoy2 last won the day on September 9 2018

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About GinBoy2

  • Birthday 02/10/1959

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  1. Well probably a large percentage of AN have eye degeneration and go to an eye doc. Doctors normally quote astigmatism in diopters not percentage, so I'm not sure what 100% astigmatism even means. That would be a warning bell for me Astigmatism is always correctable, but just check you're not being 'over sold'
  2. I've used Skype almost since it started. But things moved on, a little like phone calls in general. Folks don't call they either Facetime or Facebook messenger for totally free video calls, and kids never talk only text on whatever platform Over the years the banks have got pretty good at detecting VOIP calls so that little niche has also dwindled. As lamentable as it is, it looks like Skype has gone the same way as the rotary dial landline. RIP
  3. The guy has been out of the UK for at least 25 years, so I guess he hasn't paid in to anything. Wonder what the future holds for him when he lands in LHR? Hopefully he still has some family, not estranged, that will take him in while he tries to pick up the train wreak of his life. I'll let the Brits beat out the asylum benefits thing between themselves. But for this guy, and who knows how old he is, tough times; immigration detention then off to a country he hasn't lived in for 25 years
  4. Well the thing is most folks do diddly squat most of the time. I lived in San Diego for years, unbelievable beaches, and after I'd lived there a few months, only time I ever went there was when folks came to visit and I'd show them around. Once you've done the touristy stuff, you're done and it's back to the humdrum routine of normal life Not going down the 'nightlife' saga of certain participants, thats an ecosphere all by itself But for most 'regular' folks, you wake up breakfast, maybe you work, maybe go for a walk, watch some TV, agonize what you want for dinner. The same routine could be in almost any country, you just need to figure out what country you want to be in
  5. Thailand is a mixed bag, like almost anywhere, but if it stops being fun you more on. I suspect for many as they age, the savings dwindling it gets a whole lot less 'fun' Health can decline, and good luck getting health insurance at almost any price 65+, which means you're staring down a Government hospital, which outside of BKK can be pretty dire. So what was fun, in your 40's and 50's can become pretty horrendous if you get down to counting pennies in your 60's, 70's and if it gets to it, tin roof shack in Isaan! Then for some, I'll include myself, you just kinda bore of it. Been There, Done That,Got Tee Shirt kinda moment. Thailand is a little like Disneyland, but with hookers and a whole lot dirtier!
  6. The whole thing was a disaster. Anybody with a brain knew Biden was an elderly man without the capacity to be a President. Not to say he was infirm, but we all know when to hang up the shingle and just play with the grandkids Harris; hmm always had my doubts about her, never could quite trust her after the dodgy deal she made with San Onofre settlement. I voted for Biden the first time on the assumption he was going to be a one time President and hand it over to a new generation. He blew that and denied any real transition. A proper primary would in my opinion have given the country a real choice for President But now time to lick our wounds and plan for the future I'm pretty sure Newsom is planning for the next round, which I would applaud
  7. So when is the next exciting vacation to Iran? I know it will be exciting and memorable, and we all wait with bated breath to see the photo's
  8. This may sound weird, but almost look back fondly to the coup days. A lot of very spirited discussion all dancing around certain words that couldn't be mentioned, but overall quite intelligent if polarized And there was a lot more practical stuff, visas, DIY and Nancy with health stuff Today if I had to guess a lot of the mass posters are some kind of AI or just the publishers creating clickbate to get eyeballs
  9. I rather liked that definition of 'remarkable and reckless' I wish I'd thought of that expression, but very accurate
  10. Seriously you somehow thinking doing something totally irresponsible is in somehow noble? All it does place your fellow nationals in jeopardy. There are many duel Iranian citizens in fear of visiting their family in Iran because the hubris of a few who think, 'I'm Immune' well 'no sh***t' they now find themselves as a bargaining chip, well advised by their government not to do it. Don't lecture me, I await anxiously to see your next posts and pictures from Iran and North Korea on your next visits But don't expect any tears when you end up in some hell hole lock up for trumped up charges
  11. Much as I feel for them, really what were they thinking. Western governments issue travel warnings for a reason, hardly the first UK citizens to be detained in Iran. The outcome I would also speculate because of their stupidity will be they get traded for some obnoxious terrorists held in Western prisons. I had similar thoughts about Otto Warmbier who died in North Korea after thinking it would be a jolly prank to steal a North Korea propaganda poster in a police state where you are under constant surveillance. I hope they get released but lets hope the price isn't too high. .....and next time take a cruise
  12. Kinda thought about that the other day Many of you know I work for an airline. I was on the flight deck talking with the crew. Capt. had his jacket off, short sleeve shirt and he was sporting a full sleeve tattoo. Never seen that before, but I'd like to believe his desire for tats doesn't affect his mental ability to pilot a couple of hundred souls through the air
  13. I have to agree sending food back just makes it worse. Do that in the West, and generally they try to make it right and are apologetic for the mistake. In Thailand, tends to be 'Fu====ck' him and the gloves come off. Not sure if it's gotten worse, I think it's always been like this
  14. Gotta admit back in my professional days, I followed the pack to be clean shaven, God knows how many $$ I shelled out to the Gillette company, all I know is that it was more than I should have. Now a battery trimmer to keep the scruff in check and I'm good. But back to tats, at least if I wanted to, that scruff on my face could be gone in 5 minutes!
  15. When I was a kid tats were the realm of drunken sailors and women of ill repute. I think it was the early 2000's when the whole tattoo thing exploded. Even the smallest town seems to be able to support a couple of tat shops And thinking of drunken sailors one of my best friends was one of them. Shore leave in the Philippines, girlfriend, now wife for 40 years, Patricia, Patty. Of course the tattoo artist inked it as 'I love Pat' He got a lot of grief for that lol
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