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GinBoy2 last won the day on September 9 2018

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About GinBoy2

  • Birthday 02/10/1959

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  1. Curiously, the US taxes residents on worldwide income, yet still seems to have the richest in the world. I thoroughly look forward to seeing Elon relocating to the UK to take advantage of your non dom policy!
  2. Off on a tangent, are you a child of farm workers? Of course i understand what your name means, but my parents where pretty active in the UFW in the 70's so it resonates with me
  3. I would also agree with that. I read it and my immediate reaction, was ChatGPT. That being said wasn't a bad topic and I responded as if it had been written by a human. But given that we all know an increasing number of these essay style posts showing up on AN are AI, maybe a little honesty and disclosure wouldn't be a bad thing
  4. Well JT that was a bit dumb, but we've all had those dumb moments when we look back and think, 'what the f****ck was I thinking saying the that' On the plus side I doubt any Thai not brought up on 50/60's Westerns movies had any clue what the Hell you were talking about
  5. They are discussing obtaining a Thailand TIN, not a US TIN
  6. As appealing as that sounds, I'm just too damn lazy at this stage of my life I'll put up with the criticism of my pathetic house cleaning, take my lumps, and just look forward to some fantastic dinner MrsG will cook for me
  7. I kinda laughed a little bit about this assumption that all Western wives are whales and Thai women are stunning. Right before before Christmas we went to San Diego for my Grandsons 2nd birthday. Both my wife and my ex wife obviously were there. Both of them almost exactly the same age, mature women, but equally I find them both stunningly good looking mature ladies, but ln different ways. They get on very well together, probably in their collective glee in bitching together about me A difficult divorce doesn't mean you need to believe every Western woman is an evil witch, they can both be beautiful
  8. I'm a bit terrible in this respect We both work, but I'm in the bare minimal range of household chores category My wife love to cook and I look forward to her coming home and asking me what do you want to eat, We work opposing shifts, and on my days off, it's a rush to do the bare minimum, make the bed, tidy up and load the dishwasher before she gets home Can't say it makes me proud, but it keeps the peace
  9. That may well be true. My wife's an odd ball after growing up as a teenager in the US with her aunt and uncle after her parents died and the kids were farmed out to various relatives But when in Thailand and when we're in the US, so many ask her do we know any farangs who want a Thai GF They have this distorted view that magical mystical farang land is a place where the streets are paved with gold. In some ways my wife adds to the distorted view. As I said she grew up in the US, and her life, HS, University successful career was so different to her three sisters and brother. Bar girl, one death from AIDS, another 3 failed marriages factory worker, and a brother who is basically living on the streets So they see happy successful woman, family grandkids, compared to the rest of her siblings, and they extrapolate that all Thai/Farang relationships are paved with Gold
  10. Well maybe I'm lucky. I'm an oddity Hispanic and was an only child, so no sibling rivalries to deal with My second cousins, it's all good with them, but they are second cousins so it's always arms length so to speak. Parents, who I did have a great relationship, long dead, but I still miss them. But my kids are bringing me the next generation, and I so much enjoy being Grandad, all the fun without the changing diapers and sleepless nights lol That all being said, and I think it's a function of being an only child, I learned to be very self sufficient. Don't get be wrong I love my family, but I could function completely alone and never miss a soul
  11. The worst eye opener for a lot is when farang takes them back to their home country. The dirty rotten truth is they often find themself in a small apartment somewhere, in God knows where, and horror upon horror they find that they have to go out and find a job to make ends meet. That wouldn't be the first time a lot of us have seen things go South, and the woman starts to look for other 'options' That scenario is rather common when the Thai lady, used to the older farang in Thailand is suddenly presented with an array of younger guys more her age!
  12. Apart from stealing a truck, the fact thats he's 32 and his love interest was, what 16, be enough to through the book at him! Maybe I'm just showing my Western moral judgmental side, this is Thailand after all
  13. Made me laugh I love your country, I'm a fully paid up American Anglofile. Spent a lot of time in the UK in my early career working there. But OMG, can you guys whine and complain. It starts off with the weather, two snowflakes the country grinds to a halt, I'm just going "yeah it's snowing but..." Distance. It's a small country yet driving 50 miles is seen as a life altering trauma worth hours of moaning And whats with the obsession with Supermarkets? Who cares where you buy your teabags and how much they cost, but that also seems to obsess the national discussion Again, I love you guys and your country, but national mental therapy might be required
  14. Contrary to a previous thread, as a Hispanic I've never seduced a white woman, except maybe my first wife. Relationships are almost by definition transactional, we all get something out of it, and we all give something to it. My marriages to an Anglo and to a Thai don't feel any different, the pulls and pushes hard to tell the difference
  15. I'm not going to start it, but feel free to post something

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