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Everything posted by GinBoy2

  1. Well, I'm not saying she's determining my fitness, but working on the idea she is determining my 'hotness' at least for her. I'm working on dialing back on the gym, as I've said before, been there done that got the tee shirt. I'm in Thailand right now, and the local gym, I think they say it has AC, but Jeez sweatier as Hell. Every other day is the plan, and nothing outrageous
  2. Well thats the other thing, 'recovery time' I found probably from my mid 50's stuff that I would have shaken off in my 30's just doesn't fix anymore like it did. Then add in dumb sh**t male ego, you go back before you are ready and just make it worse
  3. Shanghai, Pudong to be specific
  4. I'm trying, I'm trying lol
  5. I totally agree. You don't stop, but maybe dial it down a notch or two
  6. So I was a gym rat for a lot of my adult life. Ate all the 'right stuff', went to the gym every day, you know the drill But now as I'm in my mid 60's, it's kinda come to a 'Ah fu**k' it moment. Not overweight, fairly healthy, happy with my life in general, my middle aged wife is OK with how I look, so yeah time to let go I think
  7. I work for United, and I can't count the number of times I've had passengers rail on me after something goes wrong. If the ticket was purchased through a third party there is nothing we can do. The person who actually booked the ticket wasn't the passenger but that third party, be it an online website or one of those nowadays rather rare travel agents. I can't count the number of times I've told passengers, you may well have saved $20, but if things go wrong, that $20 might well have been a price worth paying. With the online booking websites, good luck with trying to get someone on the phone to help you when you're actually at the airport trying to resolve a problem with your flight!
  8. A rather small inconsequential scar on my already ugly mug was a small price to pay. My only regret was not taking it more seriously sooner. After this thread I posted on my work fb about this. I work for an airline and I tried to impress on the young pups the importance of sunscreen outside. This is one of those things you never think or worry about when you are young, but Oh Boy does it have a long time bite you in the ass about it!
  9. Me after 8 years of cancer removal
  10. Well thats quite noble of her, although... She may well not want to go back to Kalasin, since as soon as the folks she owes money to see you they will assume it's payday, thats a classic! You probably need to also understand what 'debt' is for a lot of Thai's. We're not talking bank loans, credit cards, for most of them it's loan sharks. These people aren't afraid of some violence to extract payment Tread carefully my friend!
  11. Maybe a further cautionary note. Even though I was stupidly self diagnosing, I had right at the start gone to a Doc in Khon Kaen who 'confirmed' my self diagnosis which led me down the road of stronger and stronger meds. The reason I went to Bumrungrad in the first place was I thought they could/would prescribe stronger cortisone that I was buying. I remember very well the dermatologist looking at me and telling me, "I don't think so, this needs a biopsy as soon as possible" Within two weeks I'd had the biopsy, confirmed what it was, and a plastic surgeon was taking care of it
  12. One of the downsides of living in Thailand I was, after tons of google searches convinced that this eruption on my face was some kind of eczema since my family had a history of it So off i trotted to the local pharmacy and self treated myself with stronger and stronger cortisone creams until the dumb <deleted> that I am figured out this ain't working. Now if I had living in the West I wouldn't have had access to the meds which I was treating my self diagnosis, and a real doc would have sent me off for a biopsy long before I actually did it
  13. Thats easy. I never could stomach lasagne because I hate ricotta cheese. Then I discovered Italian lasagne where the ricotta layer is a béchamel sauce. Thats the key difference
  14. As for the scar, the plastic surgeon did a good job, especially when you look at the location. It's still visible but not bad. One of the girls at work a few weeks ago when we were talking saw it asked what it was. To enhance my bad boy image I told her it was from 'cage fighting' ......she didn't believe me lol But on a serious note, what the surgeon was concerned about was making sure that my lower eyelid wasn't stretched out of position, which he did a great job at
  15. I don't think MOHS is a regular procedure in Thailand. At Brumungrad, which I still think is the best facility in Thailand, we can argue about cost, but the surgeon did a traditional deep removal of the legion and afterwards took samples of the margins for analysis. My Doc here in the US says MOHS would have been the preferred method had I had it done here
  16. If you get facial skin cancer, what you see is the reality of what you're facing. Maybe tough to see but thats what it is! I'm just happy that it got caught in time, they tested the margins and I was clear. A scar on my face is a small price to pay IMHO
  17. I had bowens disease, which is skin cancer under my left eye, had it removed at Brumringrad back in 2018. Scar today, you can see it, but it's not much. Biggest thing you need to be careful about is that the surgeon doesn't stretch the skin, certainly if it's by the eye as mine was that it doesn't impair eye movement
  18. For a real scam. One of my idiot boys got a text message, You have a delivery with incorrect address you need to pay $0.30 to update delivery address, please enter your CC details Idiot young boy fell for the classic scam. Between the time me and and his co-workers telling him this was frikkin scam the scammers had emptied his bank account
  19. Well if you've ever read my posts you'd know my wife is a bit of an odd Thai duck. After her parents died she and her siblings were farmed out to relatives, and she ended up in Chicago with her aunt and uncle. Went to High School and university in Chicago before going to Singapore to work, where we met. So our life experiences are pretty similar, we laugh at the same movies, comedians, argue constantly about politics, the list goes on and on
  20. I'm not sure sure what I would choose if I had to do it all again. I've always liked my women a little dark and dusky First wife was half Jamaican, and my current wife from Isaan, so my tastes I think are pretty obvious. I'm hispanic my family from Guadalajara, and every time we go visit my wife cant stop saying how sexy my female relatives are, so maybe next time it would be return to my roots!
  21. Well this a forum favorite. 15 pages pretty sure lots of bickering and stab wounds along the way! But on the original question. Me and MrsG are 5 years apart, and should anything happen and I was 'back in the game' so to speak I'd be looking for something similar, if indeed I could even be bothered frankly. I would have no desire to be an ATM to some woman old enough to be my daughter, and who probably couldn't hold a conversation with me, since we would be worlds apart. So, I'd be looking for a woman of my own generation who I could feel comfortable with, share similar life experiences, had our kids and grandkids, and not have some pressure to 'perform' so to speak. Those days are over thank God, and I just want to be myself
  22. @andych don't get any of us wrong. I've been happily married together with my wife for over 20+ years, kids the works. But I met my wife at work, a very typical workplace relationship which ultimately developed, well it was a workplace affair since I was still married at the time! So anything is possible. But the situation you describe is for all us that have lived in Thailand, it's a classic minefield Don't underestimate a Thai woman, who has, or is in the trade to concoct a very plausible story, I think they trade scenarios. You wouldn't be the first to fall for it, God knows the streets are paved with guys have fell for it. So you do what you gotta do but for God's sake go into it with your eyes open cos you're gonna need it with everything you've described
  23. I did have to admire the embassy's humorous response, maybe the Government does have a sense of humor.... The embassy added that it “will continue to make tea in the proper way — by microwaving it.”
  24. To kinda wrap up this thread. The OP is looking for some kind of validation for his situation. For most of the seasoned guys, it just wreaks of disaster Maybe not now a bar girl, and maybe works in a restaurant now, but Dear Lord, how many 'cashiers' are out there! So he's gonna do what he's gonna do, maybe it'll work out but I hope he understands the odds are stacked against it. Trouble is as a newbie, he has no clue how many times we have all heard this tale, and it feels like lambs to the slaughter. Good Luck, but you aren't got to get the response you want from this group, you're on your own!
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