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Everything posted by GinBoy2

  1. The problem with all of this is the travel time. Basically it's going to take 24 hours in the air. Even when there was a direct TG flight from LAX to BKK which I used to take it was 18 hours. So 2 days of your vacation from North America is spent in a damn airplane So you need to be pretty motivated to travel that far when a similar or better beach vacation in Mexico, Hawaii or the Caribbean is less than 10 hours away, and in timezone at the worst 5 hours
  2. I totally get that. I really don't need anything more than I have, I've travelled the world seen a lot. Now I'm pretty happy just being at home. Terribly boring for some I know, but having probably spent more nights in in a hotel bed than my own, now just being in my own bed at night is more than enough
  3. Colds are the same wherever you live, never noticed any difference wherever I've lived, Thailand, US, China, Taiwan, Singapore all the same snotty and disgusting Of course I'm a man so I do suffer from man flu, ie a cold, but I think I've had real flu twice in my life and that was not fun
  4. Sorry that's tough at your age. Hope 2024 is a little kinder to you
  5. On a hopefully cheery note When you get through all the BS paperwork it'll be done. No 90 day reports, no annual renewals, for all intents and purposes she will look just like you, without the vote of course We did this several years ago for the US, and it's pretty standard for all Western countries to have you jump through flaming hoops of paperwork. But once it's done it done and you just lead a normal life Good Luck
  6. As obnoxious as this is, it's hardly a new thing. From the countless pyramid schemes, and probably more like for like Andrew Tate programs for getting laid, just add this to the list!
  7. I don't think it's weird, and I also think it might be a lot more common than reading this forum might suggest. I also think there is a sizable quiet population who aren't the 60 something with the 20 something and look like a normal married couple in the West. Me and MrsG have discussed what happens as we enter our twilight years, none of us know when we will depart, but for all of us it's an inevitability. Our kids, both American and Thai are now in their 20/30's and would never expect anything from us, but if I(we) can leave them something I'd say my work is done
  8. No is the simple answer. The kids will inherit a condo each, which generate my retirement income today. My wife, if she outlives me (we're only a few years apart so who knows) will get our house, plus whatever is in the bank and my survivor social security benefits. We live pretty comfortably, don't see any need to liquidate assets for a total end of it all blow out!
  9. Actually I'm going to agree and disagree about United's US lounges. They appear to have woke up and smelt the roses. They have been abysmal in the past. But we just flew back home from San Diego through Denver, and both almost rivaled the best. The Denver one in the B concourse just gutted and rebuilt. It actually has a kitchen, and gone are the rather sad stack of instant noodles and stale sandwiches, the hot food was actually good. The rebuild was, so the blurb goes was to give it a Colorado log cabin feel, and it actually does look and feel pretty good. To compare it to the TG lounge in BKK, way better. Still not Emirates but hey, one step at a time
  10. Well obviously one size doesn't fit all. But, my wife feels that out of all her siblings, she was the one that got the break and went to live in the US with her aunt & uncle, which unlocked education and job opportunities that her siblings didn't get with the other relatives in Thailand and she does owe a debt. This is nothing to do with me, she was supporting family long before she met me. She earns good money working for the DoD, and you could almost think of it as a tithe that she sends home every month. She's now in her 50's and has been doing this every month since she got her first job after graduating college in Chicago. You might find this corny but it's who she is, and I gotta admire her for it, damn helluva strong tough woman
  11. Only one for us, watch it every year.
  12. Dengue sucks, had it twice Both times I felt like my head was going to explode, and those bone aches thought i was gonna die. Is there any evolutionary reason mosquito's even exist other than to cause havoc
  13. This must be a new thing I've never flown on a business or first class ticket that didn't give you lounge access. But things change and the airlines gotta make a buck somehow And I should add, when I said you always get lounge access with a biz or first ticket thats International. In the the US even if I have a first class ticket I need to be a club member to get access to the lounge. I can can happily recoup my annual United Club membership in free drinks! lol
  14. Well of course you will be able to use the Business lounge of the airline you ultimately chose in BKK. Not sure what you mean about when you get to Paris. You'll only be able to access the lounge if you have a business class connecting flight
  15. I'm assuming this kid isn't your's and you're the stepdad Can't believe that a Doc in the UK wouldn't prescribe medication for the symptoms you are describing, better than smuggling it in!
  16. It'a fools errand going down the 'how many people are gay' rathole. Nobody get's 'converted' it's just who we are, so 10% 20% it doesn't matter. Like I said in an earlier post, in my teenage years, my most formative my best friend was gay. Did he covert me, or equally importantly did I covert him? The answer of course was no, we both grew up to men happy in our individual sexuality, and shock horror we could still be best buddies
  17. Well we're with you on that. We're both working on Christmas day, but we talked about this and Mrs G is gonna cook my favorite Kai Po Lo (aka sweet eggs) and I'm going to make a Sopapilla (Mexican Cheesecake) for dessert
  18. All I would say is beds. The bigger the bed the better. We have stayed in hotels where the beds are so small, you can't get your space. In both our homes in the US and Thailand, we do King size. MrsG is a terrible sleeper, she writhes around causing chaos. I get into bed assume the position and don't move. If I had to sleep in a bed small enough that her writhing around would bother me, I'd be in a separate bedroom too!
  19. Good point, you don't find a lot of cranberry bogs outside of North America
  20. Well if they are, they better be pretty fertile. Out of all the foreigners resident in Thailand there is only something in the order of 200K from western countries. So boyz to achieve Bob's theory, you all better be fathering a couple of hundred kids!
  21. Well back in the day very few of us had real sex ed, thats why Dad's porn was sex ed. Thats why kids free access to today's porn is dangerous. I have two daughters and one son, and I think me and their Mom's had pretty frank discussions about sex at the appropriate age. But they are all old enough to be before the internet porn revolution, so they never had access to any of what todays kids can be exposed to at a really young age, and I say young not appropriate age! Thats why I say, I'd never want restrictions on what adults can see, but I have evolved to say restrictions on what children can see is needed, and parents can then have those conversations
  22. Parsnips are odd in the US, really depends on ethnic family background. I'm hispanic, I'd never eaten a parsnip in my life, maybe seen them in a grocery store, but my ex wife, full bloodied white family were probably stowaways on the Mayflower, she cooked them. Can't say I'm a total fan, and probably wouldn't cook them for myself, and my Thai wife most certainly wouldn't eat them. But not bad as part of some roast meat dinner
  23. My thinking on this has evolved. I'd say not a male on here didn't as a youth rummage through Dad's sock drawer to find his secret stash of porn, it was for many of us sex ed But was different, it portrayed a stylized version of 'regular' sex'. Even the teenage male brain I 'think' got that. Compare that to todays online porn that any kid can access. Todays porn doesn't represent that stylized porn of regular sex, it's often more violent, more degrading and extreme and thats unfortunately what a lot of teenage boys now accept as 'regular' for their sex ed A mature adult brain can see the difference between reality and fantasy, not so sure a 14-15 year old boys mind can tell the difference
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