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Everything posted by GinBoy2

  1. Mostly all of Abba will cheer me up, a couple however can delve me into total depression. But Waterloo always will make me smile
  2. When we're in the US lucky enough to have a few good Indian restaurants that deliver courtesy of Doordash. In Thailand I kinda like Pataks sauces which i get in Tops Not as good as a restaurant, but pretty darn close
  3. Maybe it's just about getting to a point in your life where it's just 'Fu##k It' I used to be gym rat in my younger days, always ate right etc. But i think when I crossed the 60 barrier it was, who cares! I'm still pretty fit, but I eat what I want in moderation, not a coach potato and am just comfortable in my own aging skin It's the male version of women and hair dye. I read an article about the mega business of women's hair dye, but it concluded exactly the same, around 60 women go, "ahh fu##k it'
  4. My uncle is in his mid 80's and moved to Florida several years ago. He tells me the older you get men are increasingly in short supply, and he's getting more sex than he's ever had. Little too much info than I wanted from a close family member, but also good to know....Boys don't die young! The Women Need You
  5. I'm not going to delve into GG, or should I say Marcus Aurelius, pretty sure based on style the same person's posts. But I do have some comments on HK. When I lived in Shanghai, it was the early 2000's, direct flights to TPE still weren't possible, so when I travelled to our office in Taiwan, it was always a flight to HKG on a Friday night, spend the weekend then on to TPE Monday morning. At that time it was impossible to tell the difference from the previous colonial rule to Beijing. South China Morning Post was still a real newspaper, freedom of speech was there, I could access everything on the internet, which I couldn't do back at home in Shanghai, and all in all it was an idyllic place, and I still have many friends there from those days. Back then it was just as China was joining the WTO and the thought was, mine included that China would end up looking like Hong Kong. Well fast forward 25 years, and I and most others were wrong. It turns out Hong Kong is turning out to look like any other mainline Chinese city. Several of my friends have already left. Some had BNO's and left for the UK. Others to Taiwan, Canada or the US. I haven't been there for probably 10 years at this point, but I'm told I wouldn't even recognize the place. As for return to colonial rule, thats just nonsense, what Hong Konger's want is independence and become a city State like Singapore. But thats not gonna happen, so it's a rapid slide to being part of Guangdong
  6. I think the title is somewhat wrong. I don't think it spells death for the Red Shirt Movement, but I do think it does spell death for Pheu Thai. Lust for power at whatever price comes with consequences!
  7. We always used Thonglor Dental Hospital, which seemed to do decent work at decent prices, and I never had a complaint That being said, the two crowns I had done there both failed within 5 years. Crowns I had done 20+ years ago in California are still going strong. Had both the failed crowns replaced in the US, 3 years on they are still solid So make of that what you will. Maybe I was just unlucky?
  8. Thats the unknown's of life. For better or worse we make choices. Whether or not different choices would ultimately make our lives better or worse in the end is the subject of multiverse movies!
  9. Aren't there always things in our life, which with hindsight you wouldn't have done? But the universe has a way of kinda righting itself. May not be as rich as I thought I would be, through some bad financial decisions, but it all ended up OK Now have my wife, ex wife, my kids and a decent life in my final chapter. It's a little like one of those SciFi time travel movies. What 'if' I could change some of my past mistakes, who's to say that change in the timeline would have made my 'now' life better or worse
  10. I wondered why Putin hadn't resorted to his usual poisoning or falling out of tall building playbook. I'd be highly skeptical that that the video filmed by some local peasant wasn't staged. You never see video of a poisoning or falling from a high building. The video was almost too good to be true. Putin likes to terrorize and what better than to show a plane falling from the sky? For those in his circle watching that, they know aircraft don't fall from the sky like that, unless it's an inflight explosion, caused by what, bomb, missile, we'll never know
  11. I'd suggest just have her drop into the local AT&T store and let them figure it out for her
  12. I watched a very similar documentary, must be 10-15 years ago. Old Brit women going to Gambia to find 'love' It focused on one woman, who actually uttered the eternal phrase "once you go black you never go back" Anyhow she got her 20 something into the UK. Of course immigration were all over it as a sham, then one day he just disappeared into the African diaspora black economy, leaving Momma with a nice hole in her bank account
  13. Totally cheesy but a kiddie pop bubblegum song Steps, The way you make me feel. I was in the process of divorcing my first wife. Still loved her, but it had run it's course. . My girls were teenagers at the time and this was always playing As bubble gum it was/is, it somehow struck a nerve, and to this day can bring a tear
  14. Well to get back to the OP. 'Hot' is always in the eye of the beholder. What I may see as a super sexy woman, may not be to another guy's version of 'hot' I have always liked and been attracted to asian or hispanic women (I'm Hispanic) so I like a little color in my life. Never attracted to asian women with no shape. That no ass, no figure thing never has worked for me, although I recognize it's a thing for many guys who love Thai women. I pretty happy MrsG has a good figure, curves and all. Is she hot? Well again, she's hot for me and thats all that counts
  15. Well thats harsh. My wife is from Isaan, don't think she was indoctrinated from birth to marry a Westerner mainly since both her parents died when she was 12 and moved to the US to live with her uncle I guess that early programming must have worked in your view, when we met in Singapore at work! We're pretty much the same age, not fat, and never paid for sex in my life. Stereotyping folks is so simple and so shallow
  16. My current binge is Only Murders in the Building
  17. Nothing racist about pointing out the obvious. Of course there are cases of animal abuse in other countries, but I'd suggest they are the exception Thai's view of 'pets' is on the whole totally different to most western views
  18. It back to fact that they don't see them as pets. When we first moved to Thailand we had our first cat. Super loving and affectionate. When he died I think my wife cried for days. The reaction from friends neighbors and family was telling. None of them could quite fathom why she was so upset about a cat, after all it was just a cat, couldn't be part of our family! I'll admit, I cried too, as I have done at the death of every pet I've ever owned
  19. Well thats really the issue. Thai's have in general, not always, a different definition of pets. As I write this our three cats are happily all playing rough n tumble with each other which never fails to make me smile. I love them almost like children. Especially rural Thai's see their animals somewhat differently. They feed them, but I never see much real affection for them, and will discard them without a second thought
  20. We live in South Dakota, we got winter cold weather clothing down lol
  21. Well you could well be right there. But Bob should also take a hard look at himself in the mirror! He better hope his wallet can make up for his own aging, once again pretty shallow
  22. I think you kinda missed the point there. I just trying to say Pad Kaphrao is just as mundane as meat n potatoes, fish n chips(for the Brits) all are great in context, but nothing special or world beating
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