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Everything posted by GinBoy2

  1. Leave the dude alone. No man unless he's a total liar hasn't had an intimate relationship with his hand. Add a few toys, all good
  2. Its impossible to say, yet, whether this was a cyber attack to NOTAMS, and for us old un's it used to Notice To Air Men, not Missions. But unless you have worked in the airline industry you have no idea how many of the systems we use are old, and I mean really old, and support can be patchy. So I'm hoping this was just a run of the mill system failure and not an attack from Mad Vlad
  3. Well, nowadays my wife is the power part of our couple. My retirement gig is working for an airline, and remember next time you book a flight why it is so cheap, versus 30 years ago, it's because most of us are paid like cr*&*p Now Mrs G on the other hand is a Federal DoD contractor and gets the perks associated with that. So I guess after 20+ years with this feisty, infuriating as Hell, yet damn sexy woman I better stick with her for the money. LOL
  4. I think in the 70's is was becoming much easier for women to just call it quits and leave. However, I think Police attitudes took another decade to evolve to understand domestic violence
  5. Well thats it, you can eat healthy, but you really can't stop 'wear n tear' and it really kicks in at 60+ Pull a muscle at the gym, and 20 odd years ago you'd shake it off and be up and running in a day or two, now it's like f&^**&*k Doc gimme some pain pills. Knees another sh&^&tty thing. I've noticed those on the decline, but as immortal as we all once were, stuff just wears out sooner or later. I'm mid 60's and pretty fit for my age, but I certainly see the writing on the wall!
  6. Enjoy you 50's in Thailand, but get to your 60's then the dynamic can change and repatriation can kinda figure in your decision making process
  7. Well by your thinking we've defied the odds. 24 years, scary huh?
  8. Well as the saying goes, Opposites Attract
  9. Awful story, and so tragic especially for the small children left behind. Unfortunately violence against women isn't confined to Thailand, and through my life I've struggled to understand what drives it. Most of us here were born in a different age, probably the majority in the 1950/60's when attitudes to women were very different. But today attitudes have changed, women are more equal, yet still male violence to women remains, and you could argue might even be worse. I'm in the lover not the fighter camp, but is it that collectively we're just not raising our boys correctly? They are not damn cave men and need to act as such. Whatever jealousy you have, whatever slight to your ego doesn't entitle you to hit or worse kill a woman. Grow up and be a real man and deal with it
  10. A hairdresser of mine many many years ago told me "Men don't lose their hair as they age. It simply relocates"
  11. Well here am I a bleeding heart Liberal, and she likes Tucker Carlson! Got the picture?
  12. The best advantage of getting older, is comfortable you feel in your own skin. I have nothing left to prove, screw it if i don't eat a vegetable in a week, maybe I didn't turn out to be Jeff Besos, but I don't care. My kids are happy so I'm happy You also start to care less and less what other people think about you, and back to the comfortable skin thing
  13. YES, for me at least
  14. So what do you talk about? So we're talking about GF's/Partners, not bar girl hookups. How often can you talk about sex? Food? Well the most educated Thai can talk endlessly about that, as well as posting endless pictures of food. I work with a young Filipino guy who asked me if my wife posted pictures of food? I told him, don't be dumb, you're asian you already know the answer to that! If you're a similar age, you probably talk about the same TV shows, movies, music. Yeah politics can figure, me and Mrs G can have some serious disagreements there, but we kiss and make up. So yeah, I like having a woman my equal who can give as good as she gets, with a bunch in common
  15. I like the idea of an Only Fans account for the saddos with a 20 something GF with the brain and language skills of a fruit fly. My wife has often laughed about this. Now Mrs G ain't no spring chicken, she's in her 50's, but raised and educated in Chicago as a teenager, before she moved back to Asia. She acts and sounds like a Midwest gal. I've seen guys eyes light up when we've met them and suddenly they realize they can actually have an adult conversation with her, as opposed to the scantily clad maiden of Isaan they are sat with!
  16. Well I'm going to diverge here. But not only is Keanu Reeves a good looking guy, he is an incredible human being. Rich, yet modest. Lives in a regular apartment, rides the subway, incredibly generous with charity. A lot of us should try to emulate him, the world might be an awfully better place if there were more Keanu Reeves. https://www.dontpayfull.com/blog/the-modest-life-of-keanu-reeves
  17. I feel a bit boring. Met my wife the old fashioned way as an office romance while we were both working in Singapore. Furtive kisses and a little groping here and there, and 20+ years later here we are Both a bit grayer than we were back then, but we still keep that spark alive
  18. Not quite sure thats exactly true. I just looked up the numbers for the US and it's 41,000 hospitalizations, 4700 ICU cases as of Jan 4th, which is pretty much where is been bouncing along for the past six months. Now I'm too lazy to look up the numbers for Europe but I can't believe it's much different on a per 100K population You can't look up numbers for China the CCP wouldn't like those numbers floating around, but from all the anecdotal evidence it's pretty brutal. So why is Thailand going to require vaccination proof from all? Well you don't need to be a rocket scientist to understand that they don't want to be seen to be singling out China. I'm sure the idea of not pis*&*&ing off Xi is the #1 priority
  19. Bet you don't really remember dreams. For us sleep freaks, you basically enter and exit REM sleep for all of your sleep experience, we never go into deep sleep. Dreams become very real and vivid. I can wake up and it'll take me a few minutes to adjust to reality from my dream state. Hard to explain to normal folks, but we express all sorts of thoughts in our dream state. Most of you forget dreams folks like me don't
  20. For those of us insomniacs this is an impossible question to answer. I kinda switched from the usual teenager able to sleep like a cat to a 3-5 hour a night guy when I was at college. Never been able to break that. I can go to sleep at 7pm or Midnight but I'll wake up ~4 hours later regardless. I figure I'll die after I run out of daylight waking hours!
  21. We have had countless threads on folks injured in Thailand without travel insurance, and few of us have much sympathy This poor guy I'm sure thought he had done all the right stuff, but as the saying goes, the Devil is in the Details. Insurance companies are sharks in suits! https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-wales-64187351
  22. So to add a twist to this thread. How many of you completely checked out? I (we) left for a multitude of reasons but still have ties through a home, family and spending part of our lives there every year.
  23. So I can't comment on your future employment stuff. But so long as your wife has no criminal past and you can pass the financial requirements, the IR-1 is a slam dunk. Make sure you apply for the SSN on the 260 and her SS card and the Green card will arrive in the mail 2 weeks after you land. After that the 'interview' at the embassy is a formality, the decision has already been decided, so unless she fesses up to being a mass murderer it's done. My wife says her interview lasted less then a minute, just confirming her details
  24. For a lot of us, we have complicated lives. Thankfully all my family gets along. Wife, ex wife, all the kids we're one of those modern day families. Back in the day when couples stayed together for the kids BS, total cr@@@p My thai son lived with my US daughter, now works for her as his Boss All of us, me wife, ex her BF, and the kids go an vacation together It can can work out rather well
  25. To IM poster, I'not going to respond to that. But. I was an unusual Hispanic boy in the 60's as an only child, but every summer since both my parents were farm workers in California I was shipped off to relatives in Guadalajara. I generally spent 12 weeks goofing off with distant cousins while my parents worked their asses off. When my wife couldn't get a US tourist visa we all went to Mexico to meet my Grandson. So yeah I have some interests in different countries not just one, and you really need to get a real life, and you know who you are!
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