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Everything posted by GinBoy2

  1. I wasn't offended, I was simply responding to your ignorance. My skin is a lot thicker than that!
  2. My Brother in Law does it. When asking my wife why, her answer "Because he's an idiot"
  3. Thankfully, wearing what I want has never ever included a Chang Wife Beater!
  4. I loved that. Getting older to me means you really don't give a rats a*&$s what people think about you. I'll wear what I like, eat what i like and screw healthy, the days ahead are shortening anyway, so if a few strips of bacon shorten it by a few months, I'm good with that
  5. Well clearly I don't meet your definition of an American, and I can probably say I have visited more countries and identify more Capital cities than you can. Small mindedness can take many forms my friend, and I think you fit one of them!
  6. I took my son to the US as a minor twice. He's a dual citizen. First time it was a real hassle at immigration. He checked in as a US passport holder then we were quizzed for an hour at immigration. Multiple calls, video messaging with Mom before we were allowed to board. Second time I got the letter from Mom at the Amphur, of course that time nobody even bothered to ask for it! Get the letter just in case, our local Amphur had the form letter which my wife signed
  7. Well like any of us we have accents, don't get me going on the Texans they are out on their own. As an Hispanic I speak Spanish, but I can't help when in Mexico being identified as an American because of my accent. It's the same way in Spain none of us North or South Americans Spanish speakers have that damn annoying Spanish lisp! LOL
  8. My aunt is the only one in my family who seems to even keep track of these things. Weddings, Deaths, Anniversaries, Birthdays she seems to remember them all. I'll get a random email from her about some life event or other. The only card I ever get from her is a Christmas card, and i do feel bad since I never reciprocate. As for anniversaries, I rely on her to tell me when I got married so I get Mrs G some flowers, although I'm not sure Mrs G remembers either!
  9. Well attitudes have changed widely from when I suspect most of our parents were in their 'prime', My youngest daughter, mother of my Grandkids isn't married to her very long term bf, and I wouldn't even question why they don't get married. My Thai son, same thing living with his gf for years. My God I wouldn't have been bothered marrying Mrs G if it hadn't been we had to so she could get a Green card! All of this in the 50's and even into the late 60's would have been 'living in sin' and children out of wedlock, well that was beyond the pale. Thankfully we have moved on
  10. Now I am but a crazy American, but.... My time in the UK introduced me to crisp sandwiches, chip butties and much more importantly curry sauce and chips from the local chippy. That stuff should on a world heritage list!
  11. Actually they do, it might make them feel better about themselves. Tolkien once said he wrote Lord of the Rings to provide the English with the closest they could get to a national mythology. They don't have a national dress the closest they come are Morris Dancers, which I've seen enough to know it's pretty weird!
  12. Sleep is a difficult one for me. I'm a 3-4 hour a night kinda guy, I can even go a couple of days without any sleep at all. So the whole concept of when I go to sleep gets kinda murky. I've all my life tried to creep around the house at the dead of night trying not to wake the rest of the family up at some unGodly hour. Back in the day I used to watch middle of the night infomercials, I bought a lot of knives! The internet was a Godsend to my nocturnal activities
  13. I wasn't talking about how most Americans react to Brits, more about how the English, and I make that distinction from generic Brits react to themselves in the US. You get lots of Scottish festivals in the US, a little Welsh, but never seen anything essentially English I'm a total Anglophile, fell in love as a nerdy teenager listening to warbling Shortwave BBC World Service in my bedroom in the 70's. Allowed a poor Hispanic kid see a wide world from that bedroom, I'll always be grateful
  14. Well most Americans move to US 'enclaves' in Mexico, basically a US retirement community, which just happens to be in Mexico. When I go to Mexico I stay in real Mexico. As much as a love my family, real Mexico just ain't for me!
  15. Well pretty much all Americans at least in the 20th century came to the US to escape either persecution or grinding poverty. The English are the oddballs. Most of us maintain at least some affection for where our parents, or grandparents came from. I like going to Mexico, would I want to go back to live there; Hell No! I think that is probably a similar sentiment for a lot of first second generation immigrant children. The English almost try to hide it, and a lot actively work at losing their accent to hide it
  16. We both loved living and working in Singapore, but it's just a giant shopping mall and eventually we both got island fever. That trip over the strait to go to KL at the weekend just to get away kinda got tiring. But still have very fond memories of our time there
  17. I forgot credit cards lol
  18. My wife is Thai, but we were both working for the same company in Singapore when we hooked up Isn't the rule of thumb for Singapore girls the 4 C's; Condo Car Cash Career
  19. So, if we exclude the bar girl stuff Don't most of us still hook up the old fashioned way at work, or has it really turned to online stuff?
  20. I very rarely identify myself as hispanic in public. Folks can generally tell by my surname but I don't advertise it. Now I'm a very white Hispanic, so without my name I need to say nothing. My eldest daughter however looks very mayan, and she leans into her heritage very much. She's absolutely American but much more than me she embraces her DNA heritage
  21. To add to this, my two American daughters DNA is a weird thing. My eldest daughter looks mayan which is a way distant throwback. My youngest daughter is a blondie and who knows how that works out, we'll see how my Grandson works out with that one. My Thai son has turned out to be one Handsome Lekung boy and quite the thing with the ladies Weird thing DNA
  22. This whole thing is nonsense. I am an American of Mexican heritage Am I Mexican No. Could I hold a Mexican passport Yes. I'm proud to label myself as Hispanic, but again I'm not Mexican My parents were first generation Americans, my Grandparents were from Guadalajara and I visit family often. We are products of were we were brought up, not some distant ancestry. Obviously I speak Spanish, but to the fam back in Mexico I'm still a gringo
  23. You are spot on that using electrolyzers are the way to go for storage of wind and solar. Thats always been the downside, if the wind doesn't blow and the sun don't shine. The ability to store that energy as H2 is a total game changer. That allows you to fill the base load on demand
  24. All good stuff. What this probably points to is a future of mixed options. In the same way we have gasoline and diesel today, the future may well be a hybrid Hydrogen and Battery world. And all of this basically kneecaps the Russian economy, and that is not a bad thing at all
  25. I know we are diverging from the OP, but I have long argued that Hydrogen fuel cells are the long term solution. EV cars being Lithium based batteries again tie us to suppliers which like Russia will hold us hostage. The issues regarding storage are I believe solvable, and unlike EV you can refill H2 in pretty much the same time as it takes to fill a tank of gas, unlike the 40 minutes for an EV
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