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Posts posted by bramds

  1. All academic institutions closed?? Does that mean all schools are open?!bah.gif

    My daughter's school holidays were from 5 Mar to 19th May! Just what she needs, more time off! No wonder all the kids here are lobotomized numbskulls!

    who is the lobotomized numbskulls!

    I teach my daughter English, Mathamatics, Spelling how to play the guitar and piano

    thats called responsibility

    the world does not owe you a living

    Now spell this word 20 times till you understand what responsibility means

    Did you do that on purpose?

    • Like 1
  2. what's the going rate in Bangkok now-a-days. I was stopped and opted for a cited ticket, going to see if there is any "logic" at the station.


    I was at the left lane then a car drove out of a street, I couldn't brake in time so I changed lanes to avoid being hit. Just up ahead, the cops saw me and stopped me. I told them of the story and they laughed. They said it is illegal to drive on the middle and outer lanes.

    so.. what's the going rate?

    The official fine at the station is 400 baht.

    • Like 1
  3. The green book becomes invalid if the tax hasn't been paid for 5 years in a row.

    I bought a bike with a green book where the taxes hadn't been paid for 16 years.

    No problem, go to the DMV and get a new green book and plate.

    Costs 5000 baht, if the last registered owner in the green book is still alive.

    7500 baht if the last registered owner has deceased.

    How many years back was that?

    It is happening as we speak.

  4. The green book becomes invalid if the tax hasn't been paid for 5 years in a row.

    I bought a bike with a green book where the taxes hadn't been paid for 16 years.

    No problem, go to the DMV and get a new green book and plate.

    Costs 5000 baht, if the last registered owner in the green book is still alive.

    7500 baht if the last registered owner has deceased.

    • Like 1
  5. Nice Bike!!! Too bad it's overpriced in Thailand.

    I know it's no comparison but I guess I'll buy a honda CB650F.

    Just seems better priced.

    Hopefully in the future we'll get more bikes for the actual price in Thailand.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    Overpriced? I think that 435,000 baht is a good price for this bike.

    The CB650 is 285,000 !!


    I don't follow your logic/astonishment.

    CB650 -> 650 cc bike made in Thailand is 285K

    FZ-09 -> 850 cc bike imported from Japan is 435K

    Am I missing something? This looks quite normal to me.

  6. Honda Big Wing is actually a dealer for YSS.

    You could go to their factory, they also sell and install there, it is on Teparak road in Bang Pli, not "too far" from the airport.

    Price at the factory or at Big Wing is exactly the same. Don't know about other dealers.

  7. Because the people in power seem to be the same sensitive people as you.

    I drive my car, I don't want to hear a loud motorbike when I listen to my very silent engine.

    I find noise of my exhaust deafening too after I've been riding a few hours I can't hear properly sometimes until the next day. That's why I use earplugs.

    I have actually always wondered if the noise did not bother the driver, who is afterall the one most exposed to the noise. I guess you just answered that, thanks :-)

    I guess if everyone just uses earplugs, then there would be no problem. No wait ...

    If you spend the money for a decent helmet, the "noise" isn't much of an issue. Can hardly hear mine, and that is without earplugs.

  8. Your guessing sucks on pretty much all points - actually all points, but I see no reason to start a pissing contest :-)

    Oh, and thanks for the pix, nice ride. Which upgrades have you given it - besides the exhaust of course?

    Yep, major sucking. First post of yours that I could find was from 5 Nov 12 (of course I had been in Thailand for 2 years before posting on TV). So my assumption that you haven't been in Thailand that long isn't that far off. There there was the lack of knowledge about a widely used farm vehicle that anyone that has been out and about (rather than those preoccupied with the bar scene) has seen...even if they didn't know the name. Your oh so cute attempt at deflection of not knowing it doesn't negate my apparently correct assumption that you live in the city (reading though your old posts confirms that). After all the time one spend in bars renting a femme du soir it is unsurprising that hearing loss would affect the perception of every day noises...but does be the question as to why a 'loud' motorcycle would cause concern.

    I will say that the speculation as to your means was a bit uncalled for; but considering the troll needs to be trolled perhaps not totally out of line.

    There is nothing wrong with living in the city. And yes, I have been out and about.

    Apart from that, loud pipes save lives.

    And if you can't stand noise, you are in the wrong city, because there is noise everywhere, from a lot more sources than motorbikes.

    I just wonder why they are illegal in several western countries, if they are such life savers?

    Because the people in power seem to be the same sensitive people as you.

    I drive my car, I don't want to hear a loud motorbike when I listen to my very silent engine.

  9. Your guessing sucks on pretty much all points - actually all points, but I see no reason to start a pissing contest :-)

    Oh, and thanks for the pix, nice ride. Which upgrades have you given it - besides the exhaust of course?

    Yep, major sucking. First post of yours that I could find was from 5 Nov 12 (of course I had been in Thailand for 2 years before posting on TV). So my assumption that you haven't been in Thailand that long isn't that far off. There there was the lack of knowledge about a widely used farm vehicle that anyone that has been out and about (rather than those preoccupied with the bar scene) has seen...even if they didn't know the name. Your oh so cute attempt at deflection of not knowing it doesn't negate my apparently correct assumption that you live in the city (reading though your old posts confirms that). After all the time one spend in bars renting a femme du soir it is unsurprising that hearing loss would affect the perception of every day noises...but does be the question as to why a 'loud' motorcycle would cause concern.

    I will say that the speculation as to your means was a bit uncalled for; but considering the troll needs to be trolled perhaps not totally out of line.

    There is nothing wrong with living in the city. And yes, I have been out and about.

    Apart from that, loud pipes save lives.

    And if you can't stand noise, you are in the wrong city, because there is noise everywhere, from a lot more sources than motorbikes.

  10. I see a lot of 650 series around bangkok too mania.

    Of course good value/perfromance and being a honda and inline four, people buy them.

    Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    To be honest, I haven't seen one.

  11. sometimes It is a pain in the ass leaving a big bike or a nice car parked on common places.

    At my office I was getting really pissed because the valet guys were sitting on my bike, reading newspaper on it, and even sleeping on it with the side-stand.!

    they leave it full of grease and dirty, with mirrors all messed up.

    because the big bike parking is just next the boot where they work. unfortunately, and only another ER6N is there, but so dirty they dont wanna touch it.

    I had to complain the the management about it in person and make sure each day get not close to it anymore.

    Not to mention all the times I've seen them sleeping at lunch time inside the mercedes owned by the people who work at the office, with the aircon on.

    There are full of morons everywhere who do not value others properties... and just take advantage of it.

    so, a dont blame those who park their expensive cars at special places or big bike and get pissed when idiots who care none the less for other properties are taking the place.

    Get one of those bike covers.

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